static void Main(string[] args) { SimpleType st = new SimpleType(); st.Dispose(); IDisposable d = st; d.Dispose(); }
protected override void RunCore() { SimpleType st = new SimpleType(); // This calls the public Dispose method implementation st.Dispose(); // This calls IDisposable's Dispose method implementation IDisposable d = st; d.Dispose(); }
public static void Go() { SimpleType st = new SimpleType(); // This calls the public Dispose method implementation st.Dispose(); // This calls IDisposable's Dispose method implementation IDisposable d = st; d.Dispose(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { ////装饰模式 //ConcreteComponent c = new ConcreteComponent(); //ConcreteDecoratorA d1 = new ConcreteDecoratorA(); //ConcreteDecoratorB d2 = new ConcreteDecoratorB(); //d1.SetComponent(c); //d2.SetComponent(d1); //d2.Operation(); ////代理模式 //SchollGirl mm = new SchollGirl(); //mm.Name = "敏敏"; //Proxy p = new Proxy(mm); //p.GiveDolls(); //p.GiveChocolate(); //p.GiveFlowers(); ////工厂方法模式 //IFactory factory = new UndergraduateFactory(); //LeiFeng student = factory.CreateLeiFeng(); //student.BuyRice(); //student.Sweep(); //student.Wash(); ////原型模式 //Resume a = new Resume("张三"); //a.SetPersonalInfo("男", "19"); //a.SetWorkExperience("2001-1-2", "aa公司"); //Resume b = (Resume)a.Clone(); //b.SetWorkExperience("2001-1-3", "bb公司"); //Resume c = (Resume)a.Clone(); //c.SetPersonalInfo("男", "20"); //c.SetWorkExperience("2001-1-4", "cc公司"); //a.Display(); //b.Display(); //c.Display(); ////模板方法模式 //AbstractClass c; //c = new ConcreteClassA(); //c.TemplateMethod(); //c = new ConcreteClassB(); //c.TemplateMethod(); ////c.F1(); ////c.F2(); ////外观类 //Facade facade = new Facade(); //facade.MethodA(); //facade.MethodB(); ////建造者模式 //Director director = new Director(); //Builder b1 = new ConcreteBuilder1(); //Builder b2 = new ConcreteBuilder2(); //director.Construct(b1); //Product p1 = b1.GetResult(); //p1.Show(); //director.Construct(b2); //Product p2 = b2.GetResult(); //p2.Show(); ////观察者模式 //ConcreteSubject s = new ConcreteSubject(); //s.Attach(new ConcreteObserver(s, "X")); //s.Attach(new ConcreteObserver(s, "Y")); //s.Attach(new ConcreteObserver(s, "Z")); //s.SubjectState = "abc"; //s.Notify(); ////抽象工厂模式 //User user = new User(); //IUser iu = DataAccess.CreateUser(); //iu.Insert(user); //iu.GetUser(1); ////委托、事件 //Cat c = new Cat("Tom"); //Mouse m1 = new Mouse("Jerry"); //Mouse m2 = new Mouse("Jack"); //c.CatShout += new Cat.CatShoutEventHandler(m1.Run); //c.CatShout += new Cat.CatShoutEventHandler(m2.Run); //c.Shout(); ////状态模式 //Context c = new Context(new ConcreteStateA()); //c.Request(); //c.Request(); //c.Request(); //c.Request(); new BLL.B().Method(); System.Console.Read(); return; var d = new DataTaimeList(); d.Add(DateTime.Now); d.Add(DateTime.Now); d.Add(DateTime.Now); d.Add(DateTime.Now); //Func<Object, ArgumentException> fn1 = null; //Func<string, Exception> fn2 = fn1; //Exception e = fn2("3"); SimpleType st = new SimpleType(); st.Dispose(); IDisposable dd = st; dd.Dispose(); System.Console.WriteLine("{0}:\t 所占字节数: {1}\t 最小值:{2}\t 最大值:{3}\n", typeof(char).Name, sizeof(char), char.MinValue, char.MaxValue); Char a = 'a'; ((IConvertible)65).ToChar(null); string str = "Hi" + Environment.NewLine + "there"; CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("de-DE"); String.Compare("A", "B", false, ci); StringInfo si = new StringInfo(); decimal dec = 123456.789m; var t = dec.ToString("G"); //Color[] colors = (Color[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Color)); Color[] colors = GetEnumVlues <Color>(); foreach (var item in colors) { System.Console.WriteLine("{0:D}\t{0:G}", item); } string file = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location; FileAttributes fa = File.GetAttributes(file); string[] names = new[] { "a", "b" }; var names2 = new[] { "a", "b" }; string[] sdf = new string[100]; object[] oa = sdf; oa[5] = "jeff"; int[] arr1 = new int[100]; for (int i = 0; i < arr1.Length; i++) { arr1[i] = i; } int[] arr2 = new int[100]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(arr1, 10, arr2, 10, arr1.Length - 10); Func <string> f = () => "aa"; Func <int, string> f2 = (int n) => n.ToString(); var abc = f2.Invoke(3); StaticDelegateDemo(); System.Console.WriteLine(Enum.Format(typeof(Color), 1, "G")); System.Console.Read(); }