コード例 #1
        public SamplingWithReplacement(CompositionCategory cat, PatchNames instrument)
            this.MaxIterations = 200;
            this.MaxLength = 100;
            this.instrument = instrument;
            this.category = cat;
            random = new SimpleRNG();
            model = new MarkovChain<Note>(1);
            foreach(var comp in cat.Compositions)
                foreach(var track in comp.Tracks)
                    if (!IsValidTrack(track))

                    var mel = (track.GetMainSequence() as MelodySequence).Clone() as MelodySequence;

                    break;//only first track

コード例 #2
        public void InitializeWeightsAndBiases()

            for (int layer = 0; layer < neuralNetAccessor.NumberOfLayers; layer++)
                for (int node = 0; node < neuralNetAccessor.NodesInLayer(layer); node++)
                    var sigmoid = neuralNetAccessor.GetSigmoid(layer, node);
                    sigmoid.Bias = (float)SimpleRNG.GetNormal(0, 1);
                    float standardDeviation = 1.0f / Mathf.Sqrt(sigmoid.Weights.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < sigmoid.Weights.Length; i++)
                        sigmoid.Weights[i] = (float)SimpleRNG.GetNormal(0, standardDeviation);
コード例 #3
ファイル: RandomW.cs プロジェクト: MeisterDerMagie/_Wichtel
        public void Initialize()
            simpleRng             = new SimpleRNG();
            animationCurveSampler = new AnimationCurveSampler(probabilityCurve);

            //Clear LowDiscrepancyList

            switch (seedType)
            case SeedType.GenerateSeed: //generate random seed

            case SeedType.CustomSeed: //use custom seed
コード例 #4
    protected override void OnDoWork(System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
        int    matrixHorizontalSize = 0;
        double currentHorizontalPos = 0;
        int    counter = 0;

        // Get Circle/Square fractions needed for round laser beam
        double[,] fractions = CalcCircleSquareAreaFractions();

        while (currentHorizontalPos < SampleSizeHor)
            currentHorizontalPos = LaserBeamSize + (counter * ScanSpeed) / LaserFrequency;

        int[,] SampleOriginal = new int[SampleMatrix.GetLength(0), SampleMatrix.GetLength(1)];
        SampleOriginal        = SampleMatrix;

        matrixHorizontalSize = counter;

        double[,] ablatedSampleMatrix = new double
                                        [(int)Math.Ceiling((double)SampleSizeVer / LineSpacing), // the vertical sample size divided by the LaserBeamSize
                                         matrixHorizontalSize                                    // the horizontal sample size divided by ScanSpeed and multiplied by LaserFrequency, to get the number of pulses in a line
                                        ];                                                       // ** removed, i can calculate time if i need it; 1 for the resulting sum, and 1 for time

        double horLocation      = 0;                                                             // the horizontal, x, location of the laser beam (within a line)
        int    verLocation      = 0;                                                             // the vertical, y, location of the laser beam (lines)
        int    laserPulseNumber = 0;                                                             // will be used to show which the current pulse is, within a single line scen
        int    lineNumber       = 0;                                                             // will be used to show which the current line is
        double localSum         = 0;                                                             // initiation and declaration

        // GasFlow * 0.01 is there because of 10 ms time precision
        double ratio = (double)GasFlow * 0.01 / (double)ChamberVolume;
        // now to sum up these exponential fall-out values in time, so we get a representation
        // of how the concentration of ablated material/element changes in the gas with time
        int maxTime = 0;
        //Determine the approxiate washout time of the model, so we don't waste calculations
        int washoutTime = (int)Math.Round(6.746 * Math.Pow(ratio * 100, -1.0661) * 100);

        // If ratio is for example 1, (meaning 1 ml chamber, 100 ml/s gas flow), to keep the AUC for
        // integrate A*e^((-t)*1) from 0 to (6.746*((1*100)^(-1.0661))*100)
        // A, ergo peak, should be the ablated matrix value.
        // If the ratio is 0.5, the peak should be twice the ablated matrix value.

        double peakHeightFactor = ratio * 100;

        double exp = Math.Exp(1);

        int timeInCentiseconds = (int)Math.Floor((double)SampleSizeHor * 100 / ScanSpeed);      // how much time it takes for one line to complete

        double[,] finalBackmixedMatrix = new double[ablatedSampleMatrix.GetLength(0),

        // Calculate the number of required calculations, so we can display the percent done in the
        // progress bar.

        for (int i = 0; i < (ablatedSampleMatrix.GetLength(0)); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < (ablatedSampleMatrix.GetLength(1)); j++)
                int offsetTime = (int)Math.Floor(((double)j / (double)LaserFrequency) * 100);
                if ((offsetTime + washoutTime) < timeInCentiseconds)
                    maxTime = offsetTime + washoutTime;
                    maxTime = timeInCentiseconds;

                HowManyCalculations += maxTime - offsetTime;

        HowManyCalculations += ablatedSampleMatrix.GetLength(1) * ablatedSampleMatrix.GetLength(0);

        // Simulate ablation (without backmixing)

        //// Noise
        Random random = new Random();


        RNGCryptoServiceProvider secureRandom = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();

        byte[] randBytes = new byte[4];
        double RSD       = 3.009 * Math.Exp(-0.2293 * LaserBeamSize) + 0.0568;

        /* Derived from MATLAB function fitting
         * a =       3.009  (0.9428, 5.076)
         * b =      0.2293  (0.1363, 0.3223)
         * c =      0.0568  (0.00159, 0.112)
        while ((verLocation + LaserBeamSize) <= SampleSizeVer)     // whole sample
            if (CancellationPending)
                e.Cancel = true;
                while ((horLocation + LaserBeamSize) <= SampleSizeHor)     // one line
                    localSum = 0;

                    // this double for loop sums up the values within LaserBeamSize (down and right) of horLocation and verLocation
                    int LBS = LaserBeamSize;
                    for (int i = 0; i < LBS; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < LBS; j++)
                            // Square beam
                            if (BeamShape == false)
                                // Summation of values in the area of the matrix, that the laser ablates
                                localSum = localSum + SampleMatrix[i + verLocation, j + (int)Math.Floor(horLocation)];

                                // Ablate the thin sample, so that nothing remains in the impact site
                                if (ThinSample)
                                    SampleMatrix[i + verLocation, j + (int)Math.Floor(horLocation)] = 0;
                                // Ablate a certain fraction
                                else if (!ThinSample && !ThickSample)
                                    SampleMatrix[i + verLocation, j + (int)Math.Floor(horLocation)] -= (int)Math.Round(SampleOriginal[i + verLocation, j + (int)Math.Floor(horLocation)] * (1 / (double)NumberOfShots));
                            // Round beam. Multiply border areas with calculated fractions.
                            else if (BeamShape == true)
                                // Summation of values in the area of the matrix, that the laser ablates
                                localSum = localSum + SampleMatrix[i + verLocation, j + (int)Math.Floor(horLocation)] * fractions[i, j];

                                // Ablate the thin sample, so that nothing remains in the impact site
                                if (ThinSample)
                                    SampleMatrix[i + verLocation, j + (int)Math.Floor(horLocation)] -= (int)Math.Round(SampleMatrix[i + verLocation, j + (int)Math.Floor(horLocation)] * fractions[i, j]);
                                else if (!ThinSample && !ThickSample)
                                    SampleMatrix[i + verLocation, j + (int)Math.Floor(horLocation)] -= (int)Math.Round(SampleOriginal[i + verLocation, j + (int)Math.Floor(horLocation)] * fractions[i, j] * (1 / (double)NumberOfShots));
                    // Introduce ablation noise

                    double currentRandom = Math.Abs((double)BitConverter.ToInt32(randBytes, 0));

                    double noise2 = 0;
                    double noise  = 0;
                    // noise = AblationNoise * localSum * ((random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 2);
                    if (AblationNoise != 0)
                        noise  = localSum * SimpleRNG.GetNormal(0, AblationNoise);
                        noise2 = SimpleRNG.GetNormal(0, AblationNoise);
                    ablatedSampleMatrix[lineNumber, laserPulseNumber] = Math.Abs(noise2 + localSum);

                    // resultingMatrix[lineNumber, laserPulseNumber, 1] = (int)Math.Floor((double)laserPulseNumber * 100/ LaserFrequency); // time at which the laser beam pulse had happened (in 1/100 seconds)


                    horLocation = ScanSpeed * laserPulseNumber * (1 / (double)LaserFrequency);
                    // the next horizontal location equals the current one + how much the laser moves in one pulse
            // the next vertical location is the current one + the width of the laser (LaserBeamSize); moves down one width to the next line
            ReportProgress((int)(CurrentCalc * 100 / HowManyCalculations), "Simulating ... (1/3 - Sample ablation)");

            laserPulseNumber = 0;
            horLocation      = 0;
            verLocation      = verLocation + LineSpacing;
            //  progressBar.Value = (int)(100 * ((double)verLocation / (double)SampleSizeVer));
            //  progressBar.Update();

        // commented because we are putting everything in a single function
        // return ablatedSampleMatrix;
        // }

        // this is an inherent physical property of the LA (and ICP-MS?) machine, not its technical function

        //   public double[,] SampleBackmix(ref double[,] ablatedSampleMatrix, ref System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar progressBar, ref System.Windows.Forms.Label timeRemaining)
        //   {

        //Report second step - sample backmixing
        // progressReport.Text = "Simulating ... (2/3 - Sample backmixing)";
        // form.Refresh();

        for (int i = 0; i < (ablatedSampleMatrix.GetLength(0)); i++)
            if (CancellationPending)
                e.Cancel = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < (ablatedSampleMatrix.GetLength(1)); j++)
                    int offsetTime = (int)Math.Ceiling(((double)j / (double)LaserFrequency) * 100);
                    if ((offsetTime + washoutTime) < timeInCentiseconds)
                        maxTime = offsetTime + washoutTime;
                        maxTime = timeInCentiseconds;

                    for (int k = offsetTime; k < maxTime; k++)
                        // so it starts the curve at the right point,*100 time precision
                        double noise = 0;
                        noise = TransferNoise * ((random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 2);
                        finalBackmixedMatrix[i, k] += Math.Abs(noise + (ablatedSampleMatrix[i, j] * peakHeightFactor * Math.Pow(exp, (-(k - offsetTime)) * ratio)));
                    CurrentCalc += maxTime - offsetTime;
            ReportProgress((int)(CurrentCalc * 100 / HowManyCalculations), "Simulating ... (2/3 - Sample backmixing)");

        double[,] ICPMSMatrix = new double[finalBackmixedMatrix.GetLength(0),
                                           (int)Math.Ceiling(finalBackmixedMatrix.GetLength(1) / (AcqTime * 100))];   // time precision ( the * 100 part)

        // Detector Noise generation
        //          Random detectorNoise = new Random();
        //          double strength = AmountNoise * 1 / (AdvancedNoiseSettings[10] * AdvancedNoiseSettings[11]);

        // Complete noise generation
        Random holisticNoise = new Random();

        // ICP-MS Acquisition
        for (int i = 0; i < ICPMSMatrix.GetLength(0); i++)
            int    j         = 0; // raw data counter
            int    k         = 0; // final data counter
            double localSum1 = 0;

            while (j < finalBackmixedMatrix.GetLength(1))
                // adds up all the raw data within an acquisition time
                //  localSum1 += finalBackmixedMatrix[i, j] + strength*detectorNoise.NextDouble();

                // Trapezoidal rule of approximating integration
                if ((j + 1 < finalBackmixedMatrix.GetLength(1)) && ((j + 1) % (AcqTime * 100) != 0))
                    localSum1 += ((finalBackmixedMatrix[i, j] + finalBackmixedMatrix[i, j + 1]) / 2) * 0.01;
                    localSum1 += finalBackmixedMatrix[i, j] * 0.01;

                // writes the data to the final array
                if ((j % (AcqTime * 100) == 0) || j == finalBackmixedMatrix.GetLength(1))     // time precision (the * 100 part)
                    double noise = DetectorNoise * ((random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 2);
                    //ICPMSMatrix[i, k] = localSum1 + holisticNoise.NextDouble()*AmountNoise ;
                    //ICPMSMatrix[i, k] = localSum1;
                    ICPMSMatrix[i, k] = Math.Abs(noise + localSum1);
                    localSum1         = 0;

        ReportProgress((int)(CurrentCalc * 100 / HowManyCalculations), "Simulating ... (3/3 - ICPMS acquisition)");

        e.Result = ICPMSMatrix;
コード例 #5
 public void Setup()
コード例 #6
ファイル: CellGen.cs プロジェクト: kamal01k/CellGen
    void GenWalls()
        if (useRandomSeed)

        foreach (Cell c in cells)

        Cell startRoom = null;
        int  curRoom   = 1;

        while (unassignedRooms.Count > 0)
            // add room of random size
            int nextRoomSize = (int)(SimpleRNG.GetUniform() * (maxRoomSize - minRoomSize)) + minRoomSize;

            Cell centreCell = unassignedRooms[(int)(SimpleRNG.GetUniform() * (unassignedRooms.Count - 1))];
            if (startRoom == null)
                startRoom = centreCell;

            // work out ideal bounds of new room
            int startX = centreCell.x - Mathf.CeilToInt(nextRoomSize / 2f) + 1;
            int endX   = Mathf.Min(startX + nextRoomSize, cellsPerSide);
            startX = Mathf.Max(0, startX);

            int startY = centreCell.y - Mathf.CeilToInt(nextRoomSize / 2f) + 1;
            int endY   = Mathf.Min(startY + nextRoomSize, cellsPerSide);
            startY = Mathf.Max(0, startY);

            var roomCells  = new List <Cell>();
            var lastInRoom = new List <int>();                  // which rows in the last column had a room on it? If no rows match, column won't be inited and room will stop. Avoids split rooms

            for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
                var cellsThisColumn = new List <int>();
                if (lastInRoom.Count == 0)
                    // no cells in room yet, add first block
                    bool started = false;
                    for (int y = startY; y < endY; y++)
                        if (cells[x, y].room == 0)
                            started = true;
                        else if (started)
                    // add last column's rooms to this column if valid, then spread up and down until hits another room
                    foreach (int roomRow in lastInRoom)
                        if (!cellsThisColumn.Contains(roomRow) && cells[x, roomRow].room == 0)
                            for (int south = roomRow - 1; south >= startY; south--)
                                if (cells[x, south].room == 0)
                            for (int north = roomRow + 1; north < endY; north++)
                                if (cells[x, north].room == 0)

                    // if no valid connection after room has started, stop making room
                    if (cellsThisColumn.Count == 0)

                // actually make rooms
                foreach (int row in cellsThisColumn)
                    // for each cell within room edges, add walls between neighbouring rooms (if not in another room already)
                    // add each valid room to list, and if can't path to first room after all rooms done, make holes
                    Cell roomCell = cells[x, row];
                    if (AddCellToRoom(roomCell, curRoom))
                lastInRoom = cellsThisColumn;

            Debug.Log("Room made");

            // try to path to start room
            if (roomCells.Count > 0 && CellPath.PathTo(startRoom.centrePosition, roomCells[0].centrePosition) == null)
                // no path, make corridor to first cell
                Cell pathEnd    = null;
                int  distToTarg = int.MaxValue;
                foreach (Cell edgeCell in roomCells)
                    int newDist = Mathf.Abs(edgeCell.x - startRoom.x) + Mathf.Abs(edgeCell.y - startRoom.y);
                    if (newDist < distToTarg)
                        distToTarg = newDist;
                        pathEnd    = edgeCell;

                while (pathEnd.room == curRoom)
                    Debug.Log("Opening path from " + pathEnd);
                    int xDist = startRoom.x - pathEnd.x;
                    int yDist = startRoom.y - pathEnd.y;
                    if (xDist >= Mathf.Abs(yDist))
                        pathEnd = OpenCellInDirection(pathEnd, Direction.East);
                    else if (xDist <= -Mathf.Abs(yDist))
                        pathEnd = OpenCellInDirection(pathEnd, Direction.West);
                    else if (yDist > Mathf.Abs(xDist))
                        pathEnd = OpenCellInDirection(pathEnd, Direction.North);
                    else if (yDist < -Mathf.Abs(xDist))
                        pathEnd = OpenCellInDirection(pathEnd, Direction.South);

                // check if can path. JUST IN CASE
                if (CellPath.PathTo(startRoom.centrePosition, roomCells[0].centrePosition) == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Still no path from room " + curRoom);


        Debug.Log("Layout complete...");

        // Instantiate walls?
        var verticalWalls = new Cell[cellsPerSide, cellsPerSide];

        for (int x = 0; x < cellsPerSide - 1; x++)
            int wallType = Random.Range(0, wallPrefabs.Length);
            for (int y = 0; y < cellsPerSide; y++)
                if (!cells[x, y].canGoEast)
                    CreateWall(cells[x, y], Direction.East, wallType);
                    verticalWalls[x, y] = cells[x, y];

                    if (y > 0 && verticalWalls[x, y - 1] == null)
                        CreateWallCap(cells[x, y], true);
                    wallType = Random.Range(0, wallPrefabs.Length);
                    if (y > 0 && verticalWalls[x, y - 1] != null)
                        CreateWallCap(cells[x, y], true);

        var horizontalWalls = new Cell[cellsPerSide, cellsPerSide];

        for (int y = 0; y < cellsPerSide - 1; y++)
            int wallType = Random.Range(0, wallPrefabs.Length);
            for (int x = 0; x < cellsPerSide; x++)
                if (!cells[x, y].canGoNorth)
                    CreateWall(cells[x, y], Direction.North, wallType);
                    horizontalWalls[x, y] = cells[x, y];

                    if (x > 0 && horizontalWalls[x - 1, y] == null)
                        CreateWallCap(cells[x, y], false);
                    wallType = Random.Range(0, wallPrefabs.Length);
                    if (x > 0 && horizontalWalls[x - 1, y] != null)
                        CreateWallCap(cells[x, y], false);