protected void Button_CheckTime_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string s = TextBox1.Text; string ErrorMsg = ""; TextFileType ftype1 = TextFileType.Unknown; try { ftype1 = (TextFileType)ViewState["TextFileType"]; } catch { Label_Text.Text = "File Type not recognised"; return; } char[] ct1 = new char[1]; ct1[0] = (char)0x09; string[] fields = new string[20]; ExamsUtility u = new ExamsUtility(); PupilGroupList pgl = new PupilGroupList(); ExamConversions Ec = new ExamConversions(); SimplePupil pupil1 = new SimplePupil(); Guid g1 = new Guid(); g1 = Guid.Empty; DateTime t1 = new DateTime(); t1 = DateTime.Now; using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(s)) { string firstline = sr.ReadLine(); string line = sr.ReadLine(); fields = line.Split(ct1); Exam_Board exbde1 = Ec.GetExamBoard(fields[1]); switch (ftype1) { case TextFileType.Unknown: Label_Text.Text = "File Type not recognised"; break; case TextFileType.Students: //Admission Number,Surname, GivenName,Board,Syllabus,Option..."; try { pupil1.Load_StudentIdOnly(System.Convert.ToInt32(fields[0])); ///loads lft students aswell if (!u.AddEntry(pupil1.m_StudentId, exbde1, Year, YearCode, SeasonCode, fields[3], 3, true, ref ErrorMsg, ref g1)) { Label_Text.Text = ErrorMsg; return; } else { Exam_Entry en1 = new Exam_Entry(); en1.m_ExamEntryID = g1; en1.Delete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Label_Text.Text = ex.ToString(); return; } break; case TextFileType.Sets: pgl.m_pupilllist.Clear(); pgl.AddToList(fields[0], DateTime.Now); foreach (SimplePupil p in pgl.m_pupilllist) { try { if (!u.AddEntry(p.m_StudentId, exbde1, Year, YearCode, SeasonCode, fields[3], 3, true, ref ErrorMsg, ref g1)) { Label_Text.Text = ErrorMsg; return; } else { Exam_Entry en1 = new Exam_Entry(); en1.m_ExamEntryID = g1; en1.Delete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Label_Text.Text = ex.ToString(); return; } } break; default: break; } //done one set or one student...scale up.... TimeSpan ts1 = DateTime.Now - t1; TimeSpan ts2 = new TimeSpan(); ts2 = ts1; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { ts2 += ts1; } TextBox_Warning.Text = "WARNING: This operation is likely to take about " + ts2.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Press Process Button to continue..."; TextBox_Warning.Visible = true; Button_CheckTime.Visible = false; Button_Process.Visible = true; } }
protected void Button_Process_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string s = TextBox1.Text; TextFileType ftype1 = TextFileType.Unknown; try { ftype1 = (TextFileType)ViewState["TextFileType"]; } catch { Label_Text.Text = "File Type not recognised"; return; } if (ftype1 == TextFileType.Unknown) { Label_Text.Text = "Board Not Set!!!"; return; } char[] ct1 = new char[1]; ct1[0] = (char)0x09; string[] fields = new string[20]; ExamsUtility u = new ExamsUtility(); PupilGroupList pgl = new PupilGroupList(); ExamConversions Ec = new ExamConversions(); SimplePupil pupil1 = new SimplePupil(); Guid g1 = new Guid(); g1 = Guid.Empty; Exam_Board eb1 = new Exam_Board(); SimplePupil p1 = new SimplePupil(); ExamComponent ec1 = new ExamComponent(); ExamOption exo1 = new ExamOption(); ExamComponentResultList ecrl1 = new ExamComponentResultList(); string component_code = ""; int adno1 = 0; string Option_Code = ""; string ScaledMark = ""; string ComponentUMS = ""; string ComponentStatus = ""; string TQM_value = ""; int n_Year = (int)ViewState["n_Year"]; int n_Season = (int)ViewState["n_Season"]; int n_OptionCode = (int)ViewState["n_OptionCode"]; int n_TQM = (int)ViewState["n_TQM"]; int n_ComponentCode = (int)ViewState["n_ComponentCode"]; int n_ComponentUMS = (int)ViewState["n_ComponentUMS"]; int n_ScaledMark = (int)ViewState["n_ScaledMark"]; int n_Status = (int)ViewState["n_Status"]; int n_CandNo = (int)ViewState["n_CandNo"]; int number_entered = 0; //get exam board.... switch (ftype1) { case TextFileType.Unknown: return; case TextFileType.AQA_GCE: eb1 = new Exam_Board("70"); break; case TextFileType.OCR_GCE: eb1 = new Exam_Board("01"); break; case TextFileType.EDEXCEL_GCE: eb1 = new Exam_Board("11"); break; case TextFileType.AQA_GCSE: eb1 = new Exam_Board("70"); break; case TextFileType.OCR_GCSE: break; case TextFileType.EDEXCEL_GCSE: eb1 = new Exam_Board("10"); break; case TextFileType.CIE: eb1 = new Exam_Board("02"); break; case TextFileType.WJEC_GCSE: eb1 = new Exam_Board("40"); break; case TextFileType.WJEC_GCE: eb1 = new Exam_Board("41"); break; default: break; } using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(s)) { string firstline = sr.ReadLine(); string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { fields = line.Split(ct1); adno1 = 0; component_code = ""; Option_Code = ""; ScaledMark = ""; ComponentUMS = ""; ComponentStatus = ""; adno1 = Convert.ToInt32(fields[n_CandNo]); if (Year.ToString() != fields[n_Year]) { Label_Text.Text = "Year code mismatch in file, line" + number_entered.ToString(); return; } if (SeasonCode.ToString() != fields[n_Season].Substring(0, 1)) { Label_Text.Text = "Series code mismatch in file, line" + number_entered.ToString(); return; } component_code = fields[n_ComponentCode]; Option_Code = fields[n_OptionCode]; ScaledMark = fields[n_ScaledMark]; ComponentUMS = fields[n_ComponentUMS]; ComponentStatus = fields[n_Status]; TQM_value = fields[n_TQM]; ExamComponentResult r = new ExamComponentResult(); try { p1.Load_StudentIdOnly(adno1); ec1.Load(component_code, SeasonCode.ToString(), YearCode.ToString()); exo1.Load(Option_Code, SeasonCode.ToString(), YearCode.ToString(), eb1.m_ExamBoardId); r.OptionId = exo1.m_OptionID; r.ComponentId = ec1.m_ComponentID; r.StudentId = p1.m_StudentId; try { r.ComponentScaledMark = System.Convert.ToInt32(ScaledMark); } catch { //assume it is non integer.... double d = Convert.ToDouble(ScaledMark); r.ComponentScaledMark = Convert.ToInt32(d); } try { r.ComponentUMS = System.Convert.ToInt32(ComponentUMS); } catch { } r.ComponentStatus = ComponentStatus; switch (ecrl1.Load_OptionStudent(r.OptionId, r.StudentId, r.ComponentId)) { case 0: //so can write in r.Save(); break; case 1: //so update r.ComponentResultId = ecrl1.m_list[0].ComponentResultId; r.Save(); break; case 2: //so problem break; default: break; } //now find the result.... ResultsList rl1 = new ResultsList(); rl1.m_parameters = 0; rl1.m_where = "WHERE (dbo.tbl_Core_Students.StudentId='" + r.StudentId.ToString() + "')AND(dbo.tbl_Core_Results.ExamsOptionId='" + r.OptionId.ToString() + "') "; rl1.LoadList("", ""); Result r1 = new Result(); r1 = (Result)rl1._results[0]; r1.Text = "TQM=" + TQM_value; r1.UpdateResultTextOnly(); number_entered++; } catch (Exception ex) { Label_Text.Text = ex.ToString(); } } } Label_Text.Text = "Correctly processed... " + number_entered.ToString() + " entries"; }
protected void Button_Process_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string s = TextBox1.Text; string ErrorMsg = ""; TextFileType ftype1 = TextFileType.Unknown; try { ftype1 = (TextFileType)ViewState["TextFileType"]; } catch { Label_Text.Text = "File Type not recognised"; return; } char[] ct1 = new char[1]; ct1[0] = (char)0x09; string[] fields = new string[20]; ExamsUtility u = new ExamsUtility(); PupilGroupList pgl = new PupilGroupList(); ExamConversions Ec = new ExamConversions(); SimplePupil pupil1 = new SimplePupil(); Guid g1 = new Guid(); g1 = Guid.Empty; int number_entered = 0; using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(s)) { string firstline = sr.ReadLine(); string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { fields = line.Split(ct1); switch (ftype1) { case TextFileType.Unknown: Label_Text.Text = "File Type not recognised"; break; case TextFileType.Students: //Admission Number,Surname, GivenName,Board,Syllabus,Option..."; try { Exam_Board exbde1 = Ec.GetExamBoard(fields[3]); pupil1.Load_StudentIdOnly(System.Convert.ToInt32(fields[0])); ///loads lft students aswell if (!u.AddEntry(pupil1.m_StudentId, exbde1, Year, YearCode, SeasonCode, fields[5], 3, true, ref ErrorMsg, ref g1)) { Label_Text.Text = ErrorMsg; return; } else { number_entered++; } } catch (Exception ex) { Label_Text.Text = ex.ToString(); return; } break; case TextFileType.Sets: //Set, Board, Syllabus, Option. pgl.m_pupilllist.Clear(); pgl.AddToList(fields[0], DateTime.Now); foreach (SimplePupil p in pgl.m_pupilllist) { try { Exam_Board exbde1 = Ec.GetExamBoard(fields[1]); if (!u.AddEntry(p.m_StudentId, exbde1, Year, YearCode, SeasonCode, fields[3], 3, true, ref ErrorMsg, ref g1)) { Label_Text.Text = ErrorMsg; return; } else { number_entered++; } } catch (Exception ex) { Label_Text.Text = ex.ToString(); return; } } break; default: break; } } } Label_Text.Text = "Correctly processed... " + number_entered.ToString() + " entries"; }