コード例 #1
    public AStarSearch(WeightedGraph<Position> graph, Position start, Position goal)
        var frontier = new SimplePriorityQueue<Position>();
        frontier.Enqueue(start, 0);

        cameFrom[start] = start;
        costSoFar[start] = 0;

        while (frontier.Count > 0)
            var current = frontier.Dequeue();


            foreach (var next in graph.Neighbors(current))
                int newCost = costSoFar[current] + graph.Cost(current, next);
                if (!costSoFar.ContainsKey(next) || newCost < costSoFar[next])
                    costSoFar[next] = newCost;
                    int priority = newCost + Heuristic(next, goal);
                    frontier.Enqueue(next, priority);
                    cameFrom[next] = current;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Dijkstra.cs プロジェクト: viksama/ProyectoMPLS
        /// <summary>
        /// Generar el árbol SPF de la topología en un proyecto, tomando el parámetro como punto de origen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idRouterOrigen"></param>
        /// <param name="idProyecto"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SimplePriorityQueue<NodoDijkstra> GenerarRutas(NodoDijkstra idRouterOrigen, int idProyecto)
            idRouterOrigen.nMinDistancia = 0.0;
            SimplePriorityQueue<NodoDijkstra> routerQueue = new SimplePriorityQueue<NodoDijkstra>();
            routerQueue.Enqueue(idRouterOrigen, 1);

            while (routerQueue.Count > 0)
                NodoDijkstra currentRouter = routerQueue.Dequeue();
                //Visita cada enlace adyacente al router u
                foreach (var enlace in currentRouter.listaEnlaces)
                    NodoDijkstra vecino = new NodoDijkstra(enlace.idRouterB, idProyecto);
                    double nPesoBandwidth = enlace.nBandwidth;
                    double nDistanciaTotal = currentRouter.nMinDistancia + nPesoBandwidth;
                    if (nDistanciaTotal < vecino.nMinDistancia)
                        vecino.nMinDistancia = nDistanciaTotal;
                        vecino.idRouterPrevio = currentRouter;
                        routerQueue.Enqueue(vecino, 1);
            return routerQueue;
        public static void RunExample()
            //First, we create the priority queue.
            SimplePriorityQueue<string> priorityQueue = new SimplePriorityQueue<string>();

            //Now, let's add them all to the queue (in some arbitrary order)!
            priorityQueue.Enqueue("4 - Joseph", 4);
            priorityQueue.Enqueue("2 - Tyler", 0); //Note: Priority = 0 right now!
            priorityQueue.Enqueue("1 - Jason", 1);
            priorityQueue.Enqueue("4 - Ryan", 4);
            priorityQueue.Enqueue("3 - Valerie", 3);

            //Change one of the string's priority to 2.  Since this string is already in the priority queue, we call UpdatePriority() to do this
            priorityQueue.UpdatePriority("2 - Tyler", 2);

            //Finally, we'll dequeue all the strings and print them out
            while(priorityQueue.Count != 0)
                string nextUser = priorityQueue.Dequeue();

            //1 - Jason
            //2 - Tyler
            //3 - Valerie
            //4 - Joseph
            //4 - Ryan

            //Notice that when two strings with the same priority were enqueued, they were dequeued in the same order that they were enqueued.
コード例 #4
ファイル: AStar.cs プロジェクト: kosstbarz/Scripts
	public Queue<Vector2> GetPath(Node start, Node goal)
        List<Node> closedSet = new List<Node>();  // The set of nodes already evaluated
        SimplePriorityQueue<Node> openSet = new SimplePriorityQueue<Node>(); // The set of tentative nodes to be evaluated
        openSet.Enqueue(start, 0);
        Dictionary<Node, Node> came_from = new Dictionary<Node, Node>();

        Dictionary<Node, float> g_score = new Dictionary<Node, float>();
        Dictionary<Node, float> f_score = new Dictionary<Node, float>();

        foreach (Node node in graph.nodes.Values)
            g_score[node] = Mathf.Infinity;
            f_score[node] = Mathf.Infinity;
        g_score[start] = 0f;
        f_score[start] = heuristic_cost_estimate(start, goal);

        while(openSet.Count > 0)
            Node current = openSet.Dequeue();
            if(current == goal )
                return reconstruct_path(came_from, current);

            foreach(Node neighbour in current.edges.Keys)
                if (closedSet.Contains(neighbour))
                float tentative_g_score = g_score[current] + dist_between(current, neighbour); // length of this path.
                if (openSet.Contains(neighbour) && tentative_g_score >= g_score[neighbour])
                came_from[neighbour] = current;
                g_score[neighbour] = tentative_g_score;
                f_score[neighbour] = g_score[neighbour] + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbour, goal);
                openSet.Enqueue(neighbour, f_score[neighbour]);
        // Failed to find a path.
        return null;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Graph.cs プロジェクト: sebassud/EasyTrainTicket_3
        private int Dijkstry(int from, int to)
            int[] distance = new int[count];
            int[] prev     = new int[count];
            SimplePriorityQueue <int> queue = new SimplePriorityQueue <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                distance[i] = int.MaxValue;
                queue.Enqueue(i, float.MaxValue);
            distance[from] = 0;
            queue.UpdatePriority(from, 0);

            while (queue.Count > 0)
                int v = queue.Dequeue();
                foreach (var e in matrix[v])
                    if (distance[e.To] > distance[v] + e.Weight)
                        distance[e.To] = distance[v] + e.Weight;
                        prev[e.To]     = v;
                        queue.UpdatePriority(e.To, distance[e.To]);
                if (v == target)

コード例 #6
        private void AddToQueue(MethodData methodData)
            lock (workingSet)
                if (!workingSet.Contains(methodData))

                    Interlocked.Increment(ref totalMethods);

            lock (queue)
                if (queue.Contains(methodData))
                    //Debug.WriteLine($"Already in Queue: {method}");

                    return;                     // already queued

                //Debug.WriteLine($"Queued: {method}");
                var priority = GetCompilePriorityLevel(methodData);

                queue.Enqueue(methodData, priority);

                Interlocked.Increment(ref totalQueued);
コード例 #7
        private void ProcessNeighbours(Id <TNode> nodeId, AStarNode <TNode> node)
            var connections = _map.GetConnections(nodeId);

            foreach (var connection in connections)
                var gCost     = node.G + connection.Cost;
                var neighbour = connection.Target;
                if (_nodeLookup.NodeIsVisited(neighbour))
                    var targetAStarNode = _nodeLookup.GetNodeValue(neighbour);
                    // If we already processed the neighbour in the past or we already found in the past
                    // a better path to reach this node that the current one, just skip it, else create
                    // and replace a new PathNode
                    if (targetAStarNode.Status == CellStatus.Closed || gCost >= targetAStarNode.G)

                    targetAStarNode = new AStarNode <TNode>(nodeId, gCost, targetAStarNode.H, CellStatus.Open);
                    _openQueue.UpdatePriority(neighbour, targetAStarNode.F);
                    _nodeLookup.SetNodeValue(neighbour, targetAStarNode);
                    var newHeuristic = _calculateHeuristic(neighbour);
                    var newAStarNode = new AStarNode <TNode>(nodeId, gCost, newHeuristic, CellStatus.Open);
                    _openQueue.Enqueue(neighbour, newAStarNode.F);
                    _nodeLookup.SetNodeValue(neighbour, newAStarNode);
コード例 #8
 static void VisitCell(HexCell cell, HexCell from, float priority,
                       ref SimplePriorityQueue <HexCell> frontier,
                       ref Dictionary <HexCell, HexCell> visited)
     frontier.Enqueue(cell, priority);
     visited[cell] = from;
コード例 #9
 // Determine what to with the given cell in terms of adding it to the open list
 private void ProcessCell(GridCell currentSquare, GridCell cell, SimplePriorityQueue <GridCell> openList, List <GridCell> closedList)
     if (cell != null)
         if (cell.walkable && !closedList.Contains(cell))
             if (!openList.Contains(cell))
                 cell.g = currentSquare.g + 1;
                 cell.f = cell.g + cell.CalculateH(destRow, destCol);
                 openList.Enqueue(cell, cell.f);
                 // If this path would be shorter
                 if (cell.g > (currentSquare.g + 1))
                     cell.g = currentSquare.g + 1;
                     cell.f = cell.g + cell.CalculateH(destRow, destCol);
                     openList.UpdatePriority(cell, cell.f);
コード例 #10
    private int FindPath()
        openList   = new SimplePriorityQueue <GridCell>();
        closedList = new List <GridCell>();

        // Add the starting cell to the open list
        GridCell startingCell = maze[startRow, startCol];

        openList.Enqueue(startingCell, startingCell.f);

        while (openList.Count != 0)
            GridCell currentSquare = openList.Dequeue();

            if (currentSquare.row == destRow && currentSquare.col == destCol)

            // Check the four possible neighbour squares
            GridCell top    = (currentSquare.row != 0) ? maze[currentSquare.row - 1, currentSquare.col] : null;
            GridCell bottom = (currentSquare.row != totalRows - 1) ? maze[currentSquare.row + 1, currentSquare.col] : null;
            GridCell left   = (currentSquare.col != 0) ? maze[currentSquare.row, currentSquare.col - 1] : null;
            GridCell right  = (currentSquare.col != totalCols - 1) ? maze[currentSquare.row, currentSquare.col + 1] : null;

            // Process each of the potential neighbour cells
            ProcessCell(currentSquare, top, openList, closedList);
            ProcessCell(currentSquare, bottom, openList, closedList);
            ProcessCell(currentSquare, left, openList, closedList);
            ProcessCell(currentSquare, right, openList, closedList);

コード例 #11
ファイル: IDAStar.cs プロジェクト: gabriellaY/AI
        public static void IDAS(State initialState, int size)
            SimplePriorityQueue <State> priorityQueue = new SimplePriorityQueue <State>();

            priorityQueue.Enqueue(initialState, initialState.Weight);

            while (priorityQueue.Count != 0)
                priorityQueue.TryDequeue(out State currentState);

                int h = currentState.CalculateHeuristic();

                if (h == 0)

                    Console.WriteLine($"\nDistance from the goal state -> {currentState.Distance}");

                    foreach (var movement in currentState.PathDirections)

                    Console.WriteLine($"Steps count -> {currentState.PathDirections.Count}");

                    GetChildStates(currentState, priorityQueue);
コード例 #12
        public double Prim(long pointCount, long[][] points)
            double path = 0;

            double[] cost = new double[pointCount];
            SimplePriorityQueue <long, double> priorityQ = new SimplePriorityQueue <long, double>();

            for (int I = 0; I < pointCount; I++)
                cost[I] = int.MaxValue;
                priorityQ.Enqueue(I, int.MaxValue);
            cost[0] = 0;
            priorityQ.UpdatePriority(0, 0);
            while (priorityQ.Count != 0)
                long v = priorityQ.Dequeue();
                path += cost[v];
                for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                    if (i == v || !priorityQ.Contains(i))
                    double dist = RealDist(points[v][0], points[v][1], points[i][0], points[i][1]);
                    if (cost[i] > dist)
                        priorityQ.UpdatePriority(i, dist);
                        cost[i] = dist;

コード例 #13
        //So slow, bfs
        public T GetClosestTile(Vector2 pos, T nullValue)
            Vector2 currentIndex = GetTileIndex(pos);

            Vector2[] dirs = NevPointMap.Dirs;
            SimplePriorityQueue <Vector2> searchQueue = new SimplePriorityQueue <Vector2>();
            HashSet <Vector2>             searchedSet = new HashSet <Vector2>();
            Action <Vector2> insertIndex = (index) => {
                searchQueue.Enqueue(index, (GetTileIndexCenter(index) - originPos).magnitude);

            while (searchQueue.Count != 0)
                Vector2 index = searchQueue.Dequeue();
                T       tile  = GetTileByIndex(index);
                if (!tile.Equals(nullValue))
                foreach (var dir in dirs)
                    Vector2 tar = index + dir;
                    if (!searchedSet.Contains(tar))
コード例 #14
ファイル: Timer.cs プロジェクト: californiawz/War3Net
        public void Start(float timeout, bool periodic, Action?handlerFunc)
            _elapsedTime = 0f;
            _timeout     = timeout < MinimumTimeout ? MinimumTimeout : timeout;
            _periodic    = periodic;
            _handlerFunc = handlerFunc;

            if (_queue.Contains(this))
                _queue.UpdatePriority(this, _time + timeout);
                _queue.Enqueue(this, _time + timeout);
コード例 #15
ファイル: BlockWorld.cs プロジェクト: jczajka/SurviveCore
        private void UpdateChunkQueues()
            for (int x = -LoadDistance; x <= LoadDistance; x++)
                for (int z = -LoadDistance; z <= LoadDistance; z++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                        ChunkLocation l = new ChunkLocation(centerX + x, y, centerZ + z);
                        if (GetDistanceSquared(l) <= LoadDistance * LoadDistance && !currentlyLoading.Contains(l) && !chunkMap.ContainsKey(l))
                            if (chunkLoadQueue.Contains(l))
                                chunkLoadQueue.TryUpdatePriority(l, GetDistanceSquared(l, true));
                                chunkLoadQueue.Enqueue(l, GetDistanceSquared(l, true));

            foreach (Chunk chunk in chunkMap.Values.Where(c => GetDistanceSquared(c.Location) > UnloadDistance * UnloadDistance))
コード例 #16
 public bool AStarSearchEx()
     sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
     while (openSet.Count > 0)
         var current = openSet.Dequeue();
         Debug.WriteLine("dequeu" + current.ToString());
         if (current.Equals(goal))
         foreach (var next in graph.Neighbors(current))
             float newG = g[current]
                          + graph.Cost(current, next);
             if (!g.ContainsKey(next) ||
                 newG < g[next])
                 g[next] = newG;
                 float h = Heuristic(next, goal);
                 gh[next] = new float[] { newG, h }; //I want to store g and h.
                 float f = newG + h;
                 openSet.Enqueue(next, f);
                 cameFrom[next] = current;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: omidmirzajani/Coursera
        public long Dijkstra(long startNode, long endNode)
            SimplePriorityQueue <long, long> H = new SimplePriorityQueue <long, long>();

            long[] dist = new long[V];
            for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
                dist[i] = long.MaxValue;
            dist[startNode] = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
                H.Enqueue(i, dist[i]);
            while (H.Count > 0)
                var u = H.Dequeue();
                foreach (var edge in adj[u])
                    if (dist[u] != long.MaxValue)
                        if (dist[edge.Item1] > dist[u] + edge.Item2)
                            dist[edge.Item1] = dist[u] + edge.Item2;
                            H.UpdatePriority(edge.Item1, dist[edge.Item1]);
            if (dist[endNode] != long.MaxValue)
コード例 #18
 public void RegisterEntity(ITimeNode node)
     if (!turnQueue.Contains(node))
         turnQueue.Enqueue(node, node.Tick);
コード例 #19
    public static bool Search(GraphNode source, GraphNode destination, ref List <GraphNode> path, int maxSteps)
        bool found = false;

        path = new List <GraphNode>();

        //A* algorithm
        SimplePriorityQueue <GraphNode> nodes = new SimplePriorityQueue <GraphNode>();

        source.Cost      = 0;
        source.Heuristic = Vector3.Distance(source.transform.position, destination.transform.position);
        nodes.Enqueue(source, source.Cost + source.Heuristic);

        int steps = 0;

        while (!found && nodes.Count > 0 && steps++ < maxSteps)
            GraphNode node = nodes.Dequeue();

            if (node == destination)
                found = true;

            foreach (GraphNode.Edge edge in node.Edges)
                float cost = node.Cost + Vector3.Distance(edge.nodeA.transform.position, edge.nodeB.transform.position);

                if (cost < edge.nodeB.Cost)
                    edge.nodeB.Cost      = cost;
                    edge.nodeB.Parent    = node;
                    edge.nodeB.Heuristic = Vector3.Distance(edge.nodeB.transform.position, destination.transform.position);
                    nodes.EnqueueWithoutDuplicates(edge.nodeB, edge.nodeB.Cost + edge.nodeB.Heuristic);

        if (found)
            GraphNode node = destination;

            while (node != null)
                node = node.Parent;
            while (nodes.Count > 0)

コード例 #20
        public void Search(IGraph graph)
            Path.RemoveRange(_posIndex, Path.Count - _posIndex);

            var cameFrom = new Dictionary <AbstractTile, AbstractTile>();
            var gScore   = new Dictionary <AbstractTile, double>();
            var closed   = new HashSet <AbstractTile>();
            var open     = new SimplePriorityQueue <AbstractTile, double>();

            gScore[Position] = 0;
            open.Enqueue(Position, Helpers.Metrics.Octile(Position, Target)); // TODO add agitation noise (see Silver)

            AbstractTile current;

            while (open.Count > 0)
                current = open.Dequeue();

                if (current == Target)
                    Path.AddRange(ReconstructPath(cameFrom, current));

                foreach (var neighbor in graph.AdjacentVertices(current))
                    if (closed.Contains(neighbor))

                    var tentative_gScore = gScore.GetValueOrDefault(current, double.PositiveInfinity) + Helpers.Metrics.Octile(current, neighbor); // TODO add agitation noise (see Silver)
                    if (tentative_gScore < gScore.GetValueOrDefault(neighbor, double.PositiveInfinity))
                        cameFrom[neighbor] = current;
                        gScore[neighbor]   = tentative_gScore;

                        var fScore = tentative_gScore + Helpers.Metrics.Octile(neighbor, Target);
                        if (!open.TryUpdatePriority(neighbor, fScore))
                            open.Enqueue(neighbor, fScore);
コード例 #21
        public static HashSet <Point> FindUnwrappedCellsWithin(Point start, Map map, int maxDistance, bool unwrappedBlocks)
            var dist = new Dictionary <Point, int>();
            var prev = new Dictionary <Point, Point>();
            var Q    = new SimplePriorityQueue <Point, int>();

            var found = new HashSet <Point>();

            dist[start] = 0;
            Q.Enqueue(start, 0);

            while (Q.Count > 0)
                var u = Q.Dequeue();
                if (map.CellAt(u) == Map.CellType.Empty)

                var alt = dist[u] + 1;

                if (alt > maxDistance)

                foreach (var v in map.Neighbors(u, unwrappedBlocks))
                    if (!dist.ContainsKey(v) || alt < dist[v])
                        dist[v] = alt;
                        prev[v] = u;
                        if (Q.Contains(v))
                            Q.UpdatePriority(v, alt);
                            Q.Enqueue(v, alt);

コード例 #22
        public static Stack <TileNode> Astar(TileGraph tg, TileNode start, TileNode end)
            frontier = new SimplePriorityQueue <TileNode, float>();
            frontier.Enqueue(start, 0f);
            //node_dict = new Dictionary<TileNode, NodeInfo>();
            node_dict = DijkstraInitialDictLoad(start, tg);
            List <TileNode> Expanded = new List <TileNode>();

            TileNode v;
            TileNode other;
            float    cost_so_far;
            float    edge_weight;
            float    dist_to_node;
            float    manhattanDistance;

            while (frontier.Count > 0)
                v           = frontier.Dequeue();
                cost_so_far = node_dict[v].dist;

                List <Edge> experiment = tg.getAdjacentEdges(v) as List <Edge>;
                foreach (Edge adj_edge in tg.getAdjacentEdges(v))
                    other             = adj_edge.getNeighbor(v);
                    edge_weight       = adj_edge.weight;
                    dist_to_node      = node_dict[other].dist;
                    manhattanDistance = Mathf.Abs(end.transform.position.z - other.transform.position.z) + Mathf.Abs(end.transform.position.x - other.transform.position.x);

                    if (cost_so_far + edge_weight < dist_to_node)
                        node_dict[other].dist      = cost_so_far + edge_weight;
                        node_dict[other].heuristic = node_dict[other].dist + manhattanDistance;
                        node_dict[other].parent    = v;

                    if (!Expanded.Any(node => node.isEqual(other)) && !frontier.Any(node => node.isEqual(other)))
                        frontier.Enqueue(other, node_dict[other].heuristic);

            Path = NodeDictToPath(node_dict, start, end);

コード例 #23
        //HashSet<Edge> Edges = new HashSet<Edge>();

        public ArtistsConnectionsForm()
            var config = SpotifyClientConfig.CreateDefault().WithAuthenticator(new ClientCredentialsAuthenticator("e6bf2e305d98443190c472ee318fd511", "96bad35ecf9c41f581a761eb3a85348b"));

            Spotify = new SpotifyClient(config);
            ArtistsToCheck.Enqueue("4JxdBEK730fH7tgcyG3vuv", 0);
            int n = 0;

            while (ArtistsToCheck.Count > 0 && ArtistsToCheck.GetPriority(ArtistsToCheck.First) <= 2)
                string first    = ArtistsToCheck.First;
                float  priority = ArtistsToCheck.GetPriority(first);
                Task <List <string> > artistsTask = FindAllConnectedArtists(first, priority);
            List <string> edges = new List <string>();

            foreach (Edge edge in ArtistsGraph.Edges)
                string sourceName;
                string targetName;
                ArtistIdToName.TryGetValue(edge.Source, out sourceName);
                ArtistIdToName.TryGetValue(edge.Source, out targetName);
                edges.Add(sourceName + " - " + edge.LabelText + " - " + targetName);
            ListBox1.DataSource = edges;
            while (ArtistsToCheck.Count > 0)
                string name;
                ArtistIdToName.TryGetValue(ArtistsToCheck.First, out name);
                float priority = ArtistsToCheck.GetPriority(ArtistsToCheck.First);
                ListBox3.Items.Add(name + " - " + priority);
            foreach (string id in CheckedArtists)
                string name;
                ArtistIdToName.TryGetValue(id, out name);
            label1.Text = ListBox1.Items.Count.ToString();
            label2.Text = ListBox2.Items.Count.ToString();
            label3.Text = ListBox3.Items.Count.ToString();
コード例 #24
        public static int FindShortestPathLength(Board board, int player)
            SimplePriorityQueue <QueueNode> open = new SimplePriorityQueue <QueueNode>();

            bool[,] visited = new bool[Board.BOARD_SIZE, Board.BOARD_SIZE];
            int GOAL;

            if (player > 1) //4 players
                GOAL = board.playerStatus[player].goalY;
                GOAL = board.playerStatus[player].goalX;
            QueueNode root = new QueueNode(board.playerStatus[player].x, board.playerStatus[player].y, 0);

            open.Enqueue(root, F(root));

            while (open.Count != 0)
                QueueNode current = open.Dequeue();
                if ((player > 1 && current.Pos.Y == GOAL) ||
                    (player <= 1 && current.Pos.X == GOAL))
                int x = current.Pos.X;
                int y = current.Pos.Y;
                visited[x, y] = true;
                foreach (Position pos in new List <Position> {
                    new Position(x + 1, y), new Position(x - 1, y), new Position(x, y + 1), new Position(x, y - 1)
                    QueueNode temp = new QueueNode(pos, current.PathCost + 1);
                    if ((pos.X >= 0 && pos.X < Board.BOARD_SIZE) &&
                        (pos.Y >= 0 && pos.Y < Board.BOARD_SIZE) &&
                        visited[pos.X, pos.Y] == false &&
                        !open.Contains(temp) &&
                        board.IsPawnMoveLegalSimplified(x, y, pos.X, pos.Y))
                        open.Enqueue(temp, F(temp));
コード例 #25
        public List <NetworkLane> CalculateRoute(string startID, string endID)
            var q         = new SimplePriorityQueue <NetworkLaneConnection> ();
            var distances = new Dictionary <string, double> ();
            var previous  = new Dictionary <string, NetworkLaneConnection> ();

            NetworkLaneConnection start;

            if (!connectivityGraph.TryGetValue(startID, out start))
                Debug.Log("Start node was not found!");

            distances [startID] = 0;
            q.Enqueue(start, distances [startID]);

            while (q.Count > 0)
                var current = q.Dequeue();
                if (current.id == endID)
                    return(BacktrackRoute(current, previous));

                foreach (string id in current.adjacentLanes)
                    double newDist = distances [current.id] + current.Weight(id);

                    if (!distances.ContainsKey(id) || newDist < distances [id])
                        previous [id] = current;
                        if (!distances.ContainsKey(id))
                            q.Enqueue(connectivityGraph [id], newDist);
                            q.TryUpdatePriority(connectivityGraph [id], newDist);
                        distances [id] = newDist;

コード例 #26
ファイル: Structure.cs プロジェクト: chaojikugua/CapitalCity
    public SimplePriorityQueue <Generator> FindGeneratorToAccept(ItemOrder io)
        int    num  = io.amount;
        string item = io.GetItemName();

        GameObject[] objs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Generator");
        SimplePriorityQueue <Generator> queue = new SimplePriorityQueue <Generator>();

        if (objs.Length == 0)

        foreach (GameObject go in objs)
            Generator gen = go.GetComponent <Generator>();

            //if null, continue
            if (gen == null)

            if (!gen.Operational)

            int index = gen.IngredientIndex(item);

            //only add to list if it needs this ingredient
            if (index == -1)

            //only add to list if it has an entrance
            List <Node> entrancesHere  = GetAdjRoadTiles();
            List <Node> entrancesThere = gen.GetAdjRoadTiles();
            if (entrancesHere.Count == 0 || entrancesThere.Count == 0)

            //only add to list if it has none of this item
            if (gen.IngredientNeeded(index) <= 0)

            float distance = entrancesHere[0].DistanceTo(entrancesThere[0]);

            queue.Enqueue(gen, distance);

コード例 #27
  * A node gets added to the priority queue, and the 'contains' list for the priority
  * queue
 private void addNode(State <T> node)
     openList.Enqueue(node, Convert.ToSingle(node.cost));
     if (!openListContains.ContainsKey(node))
         openListContains.Add(node, node.cost);
コード例 #28
    public void StartSearch()
        reachedGoal = false;
        isReplaying = false;
        isSearching = true;

        simRenderer.enabled = isGhostVisualized;

        simPlayer.transform.position = playerMovement.transform.position;
        priorityQueue.Enqueue(new Node(GetSimPlayerState(new Action(ActionType.WalkR, 0)), null, GetHeuristic(), 0),

        startTime = Time.unscaledTime;

        mainPlayerRB.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints2D.FreezeRotation;
        simPlayerRB.constraints  = RigidbodyConstraints2D.FreezeRotation;
コード例 #29
    public static List <Node> Search(GridGraph graph, Node start, Node goal)
        Dictionary <Node, Node>  came_from   = new Dictionary <Node, Node>();
        Dictionary <Node, float> cost_so_far = new Dictionary <Node, float>();

        List <Node> path = new List <Node>();

        SimplePriorityQueue <Node> frontier = new SimplePriorityQueue <Node>();

        frontier.Enqueue(start, 0);

        came_from.Add(start, start);
        cost_so_far.Add(start, 0);

        Node current = new Node(0, 0);

        while (frontier.Count > 0)
            current = frontier.Dequeue();
            if (current == goal)
                break;                  // Early exit
            foreach (Node next in graph.Neighbours(current))
                float new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + graph.Cost(next);
                if (!cost_so_far.ContainsKey(next) || new_cost < cost_so_far[next])
                    cost_so_far[next] = new_cost;
                    came_from[next]   = current;
                    float priority = new_cost + Heuristic(next, goal);
                    frontier.Enqueue(next, priority);
                    next.Priority = new_cost;

        while (current != start)
            current = came_from[current];

コード例 #30
ファイル: Navigator.cs プロジェクト: 1jonathan123/Server
        void Enqueue(Vector v, Vector father)
            Tuple <Vector, double, double> t = new Tuple <Vector, double, double>
                                                   (father, values[father].Item2 + 1, Heuristic(v));

            queue.Enqueue(v, (float)(t.Item2 + t.Item3));
            values[v] = t;
コード例 #31
    private NevPoint[] aStarSearch(NevPoint from, NevPoint to)
        SimplePriorityQueue <NevPoint>            searchQueue = new SimplePriorityQueue <NevPoint>();
        Dictionary <NevPoint, NevPoint>           last        = new Dictionary <NevPoint, NevPoint>();
        Dictionary <NevPoint, float>              dis         = new Dictionary <NevPoint, float>();
        Action <NevPoint, NevPoint, float, float> insertPoint = (point, lastPoint, _dis, priority) => {
            searchQueue.Enqueue(point, priority);
            last.Add(point, lastPoint);
            dis.Add(point, _dis);

        insertPoint(from, from, 0, 0);
        while (searchQueue.Count != 0)
            NevPoint point = searchQueue.Dequeue();
            if (point == to)
            foreach (var dir in Dirs)
                if (point.GetAroundFlag(dir))
                    NevPoint tar      = GetClosestNevPoint(point.pos + dir * step);
                    float    nowDis   = dis[point] + step;
                    float    priority = nowDis + (to.pos - tar.pos).magnitude;
                    bool     contain  = last.ContainsKey(tar);
                    if (!contain)
                        insertPoint(tar, point, nowDis, priority);
                    else if (searchQueue.Contains(tar) && searchQueue.GetPriority(tar) > priority)
                        searchQueue.UpdatePriority(tar, priority);
                        last[tar] = point;
                        dis[tar]  = nowDis;
        Action <Action <NevPoint> > doeachPathNode = (a) => {
            var node = to;
            while (last[node] != from)
                node = last[node];
        int pathSize = 0;

        doeachPathNode((p) => pathSize++);
        NevPoint[] result = new NevPoint[pathSize];         //Not contain from and to
        doeachPathNode((p) => {
            result[pathSize] = p;
コード例 #32
    public List <Action> GetShortestPath(State fromState, State toState)
        SimplePriorityQueue <SearchNode <State, Action>, float> frontier = new SimplePriorityQueue <SearchNode <State, Action>, float>();
        HashSet <State> exploredSet = new HashSet <State>();
        Dictionary <State, SearchNode <State, Action> > frontierMap = new Dictionary <State, SearchNode <State, Action> >();
        SearchNode <State, Action> startNode = new SearchNode <State, Action>(null, 0, 0, fromState, default(Action));

        frontier.Enqueue(startNode, 0);
        frontierMap.Add(fromState, startNode);
        while (true)
            if (frontier.Count == 0)
            SearchNode <State, Action> node = frontier.Dequeue();
            if (node.state.Equals(toState))
            // expand node and add to frontier
            foreach (Action action in info.Expand(node.state))
                State child = info.ApplyAction(node.state, action);
                SearchNode <State, Action> frontierNode = null;
                bool isNodeInFrontier = frontierMap.TryGetValue(child, out frontierNode);
                if (!exploredSet.Contains(child) && !isNodeInFrontier)
                    SearchNode <State, Action> searchNode = CreateSearchNode(node, action, child, toState);
                    frontier.Enqueue(searchNode, searchNode.f);
                else if (isNodeInFrontier)
                    SearchNode <State, Action> searchNode = CreateSearchNode(node, action, child, toState);
                    if (frontierNode.f > searchNode.f)
                        //frontier.Replace(frontierNode, frontierNode.f, searchNode.f);
                        frontier.UpdatePriority(frontierNode, searchNode.f);
コード例 #33
        public AstarResult Astar(int start, int end)
            if (start >= this.NodesCount() || end >= this.NodesCount())
                throw new ArgumentException("Nodes not in graph");
            var gScore = new Dictionary <int, (double distance, int prev)>
                { start, (0, -1) }

            HashSet <int> closedset = new HashSet <int>();
            var           openset   = new SimplePriorityQueue <int, double>();

            openset.Enqueue(start, 0 + this.HeuristicDistance(this.Nodes[start], this.Nodes[end]));

            while (openset.Count > 0)
                int u = openset.Dequeue();
                if (u == end)
                    return(GenAstarResult(end, start, gScore));
                foreach (Edge e in this.OutEdges(u))
                    if (closedset.Contains(e.To))
                    if (!openset.Contains(e.To))
                        gScore.Add(e.To, (double.MaxValue, -1));
                        openset.Enqueue(e.To, double.MaxValue);
                    double ndist = gScore[u].distance + e.Value * this.HeuristicDistance(this.Nodes[u], this.Nodes[e.To]);
                    if (gScore[e.To].distance > ndist)
                        gScore[e.To] = (ndist, u);
                        openset.UpdatePriority(e.To, ndist + this.HeuristicDistance(this.Nodes[e.To], this.Nodes[end]));
            throw new Exception("Not Connected Nodes");
        public static Queue <Point> GetPath(Point start, Point destination)
            var openSet = new SimplePriorityQueue <Point>();

            openSet.Enqueue(start, 0);

            var closedSet = new HashSet <Point>();

            var cameFrom = new Dictionary <Point, Point>();

            var costSoFar = new Dictionary <Point, float>();

            costSoFar[start] = 0;

            while (openSet.Count > 0)
                var current = openSet.Dequeue();

                if (current == destination)
                    return(ConstructPath(cameFrom, current));


                foreach (var neighbour in GetNeighbours(current))
                    if (closedSet.Contains(neighbour))

                    float cost = costSoFar[current] + Distance(current, neighbour);

                    if (!costSoFar.ContainsKey(neighbour) || cost < costSoFar[neighbour])
                        costSoFar[neighbour] = cost;
                        openSet.Enqueue(neighbour, cost);
                        cameFrom[neighbour] = current;

コード例 #35
ファイル: AStar.cs プロジェクト: Rydra/HierarchicalPathfinder
		/// <summary>
		/// Performs an A* search following the Node Array A* implementation
		/// </summary>
		public Path FindPath(IMap map, int start, int target)
			this.isGoal = nodeId => nodeId == target;
			this.calculateHeuristic = nodeId => map.GetHeuristic(nodeId, target);
			this.map = map;

			var heuristic = calculateHeuristic(start);

            var startNode = new AStarNode(start, 0, heuristic, CellStatus.Open);
			var openQueue = new SimplePriorityQueue<int>();
			openQueue.Enqueue(start, startNode.F);

			// The open list lookup is indexed by the number of nodes in the graph/map,
			// and it is useful to check quickly the status of any node that has been processed
			var nodeLookup = new AStarNode?[map.NrNodes];
			nodeLookup[start] = startNode;

            while (openQueue.Count != 0)
                var nodeId = openQueue.Dequeue();
                var node = nodeLookup[nodeId].Value;
                if (isGoal(nodeId))
                    return ReconstructPath(nodeId, nodeLookup);

                ProcessNeighbours(nodeId, node, nodeLookup, openQueue);

				// Close the node. I hope some day the will implement something
				// like the records in F# with the "with" keyword
				nodeLookup[nodeId] = new AStarNode(node.Parent, node.G, node.H, CellStatus.Closed);

			// No path found. We could return a null, but since I read the book "Code Complete" I decided
			// its best to return an empty path, and I'll return a -1 as PathCost
			// TODO: Additionally, all those magic numbers like this -1 should be converted to explicit,
			// clearer constants
	        return new Path(new List<int>(), -1);
コード例 #36
ファイル: AStar.cs プロジェクト: Rydra/HierarchicalPathfinder
		/// <summary>
		/// Processes every open or unexplored successor of nodeId
		/// </summary>
		private void ProcessNeighbours(int nodeId, AStarNode node, AStarNode?[] nodeLookup, SimplePriorityQueue<int> openQueue)
			var successors = map.GetNeighbours(nodeId);
			foreach (var successor in successors)
				var newg = node.G + successor.Cost;
				var successorTarget = successor.Target;
				var targetAStarNode = nodeLookup[successorTarget];
				if (targetAStarNode.HasValue)
					// If we already processed the neighbour in the past or we already found in the past
					// a better path to reach this node that the current one, just skip it, else create
					// and replace a new PathNode
					if (targetAStarNode.Value.Status == CellStatus.Closed || newg >= targetAStarNode.Value.G)

					targetAStarNode = new AStarNode(nodeId, newg, targetAStarNode.Value.H, CellStatus.Open);
					nodeLookup[successorTarget] = targetAStarNode;
					openQueue.UpdatePriority(successorTarget, targetAStarNode.Value.F);
					var newHeuristic = calculateHeuristic(successorTarget);
					var newAStarNode = new AStarNode(nodeId, newg, newHeuristic, CellStatus.Open);
					openQueue.Enqueue(successorTarget, newAStarNode.F);
					nodeLookup[successorTarget] = newAStarNode;
コード例 #37
    public Path_AStar(World world, Tile tileStart, Tile tileEnd)
        // Check to see if we have a valid tile graph
        if(world.tileGraph == null) {
            world.tileGraph = new Path_TileGraph(world);

        // A dictionary of all valid, walkable nodes.
        Dictionary<Tile, Path_Node<Tile>> nodes = world.tileGraph.nodes;

        // Make sure our start/end tiles are in the list of nodes!
        if(nodes.ContainsKey(tileStart) == false) {
            Debug.LogError("Path_AStar: The starting tile isn't in the list of nodes!");

        if(nodes.ContainsKey(tileEnd) == false) {
            Debug.LogError("Path_AStar: The ending tile isn't in the list of nodes!");

        Path_Node<Tile> start = nodes[tileStart];
        Path_Node<Tile> goal = nodes[tileEnd];

        // Mostly following this pseusocode:
        // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm

        List<Path_Node<Tile>> ClosedSet = new List<Path_Node<Tile>>();

        /*		List<Path_Node<Tile>> OpenSet = new List<Path_Node<Tile>>();
        OpenSet.Add( start );

        SimplePriorityQueue<Path_Node<Tile>> OpenSet = new SimplePriorityQueue<Path_Node<Tile>>();
        OpenSet.Enqueue( start, 0);

        Dictionary<Path_Node<Tile>, Path_Node<Tile>> Came_From = new Dictionary<Path_Node<Tile>, Path_Node<Tile>>();

        Dictionary<Path_Node<Tile>, float> g_score = new Dictionary<Path_Node<Tile>, float>();
        foreach(Path_Node<Tile> n in nodes.Values) {
            g_score[n] = Mathf.Infinity;
        g_score[ start ] = 0;

        Dictionary<Path_Node<Tile>, float> f_score = new Dictionary<Path_Node<Tile>, float>();
        foreach(Path_Node<Tile> n in nodes.Values) {
            f_score[n] = Mathf.Infinity;
        f_score[ start ] = heuristic_cost_estimate( start, goal );

        while( OpenSet.Count > 0 ) {
            Path_Node<Tile> current = OpenSet.Dequeue();

            if(current == goal) {
                // We have reached our goal!
                // Let's convert this into an actual sequene of
                // tiles to walk on, then end this constructor function!
                reconstruct_path(Came_From, current);


            foreach(Path_Edge<Tile> edge_neighbor in current.edges) {
                Path_Node<Tile> neighbor = edge_neighbor.node;

                if( ClosedSet.Contains(neighbor) == true )
                    continue; // ignore this already completed neighbor

                float movement_cost_to_neighbor = neighbor.data.movementCost * dist_between(current, neighbor);

                float tentative_g_score = g_score[current] + movement_cost_to_neighbor;

                if(OpenSet.Contains(neighbor) && tentative_g_score >= g_score[neighbor])

                Came_From[neighbor] = current;
                g_score[neighbor] = tentative_g_score;
                f_score[neighbor] = g_score[neighbor] + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbor, goal);

                if(OpenSet.Contains(neighbor) == false) {
                    OpenSet.Enqueue(neighbor, f_score[neighbor]);

            } // foreach neighbour
        } // while

        // If we reached here, it means that we've burned through the entire
        // OpenSet without ever reaching a point where current == goal.
        // This happens when there is no path from start to goal
        // (so there's a wall or missing floor or something).

        // We don't have a failure state, maybe? It's just that the
        // path list will be null.
コード例 #38
ファイル: Dijkstra.cs プロジェクト: diodax/ProyectoMPLS
        /// <summary>
        /// Generar y retornar el árbol SPF de la topología en un proyecto, tomando el parámetro como punto de origen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idRouterOrigen"></param>
        /// <param name="idProyecto"></param>
        /// <param name="minBW"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<NodoDijkstra> GenerarRutas(NodoDijkstra idRouterOrigen, int idProyecto, double minBW, int nTipoMetrica = 2, int idAfinidad = 0)
            idRouterOrigen.nMinDistancia = 0.0;
            SimplePriorityQueue<NodoDijkstra> routerQueue = new SimplePriorityQueue<NodoDijkstra>();
            routerQueue.Enqueue(idRouterOrigen, 1);

            //mantiene el registro de todos los nodos de la topologia por el que se pasa
            List<NodoDijkstra> routerList = new List<NodoDijkstra>();

            while (routerQueue.Count > 0)
                NodoDijkstra currentRouter = routerQueue.Dequeue();
                //Visita cada enlace adyacente al router u
                foreach (var enlace in currentRouter.listaEnlacesDijkstra)
                    int idRouterVecino = 0;
                    //Fix: Asegurandose de que se use el id del router adyacente en el enlace
                    if (enlace.idRouterB != currentRouter.idRouter)
                        idRouterVecino = enlace.idRouterB;
                        //enlace.target = enlace.targetB;
                        idRouterVecino = enlace.idRouterA;
                        //enlace.target = enlace.targetA;
                    //NodoDijkstra vecino = new NodoDijkstra(idRouterVecino, idProyecto);

                    NodoDijkstra vecino = enlace.target;

                    double nPesoBandwidth = 0;
                    switch(nTipoMetrica)        //ignore var name, aqui va lo del tipo de peso
                        case 1: //Pesos Administrativos
                            nPesoBandwidth = enlace.nPesoAdministrativo;
                        case 2: //Minima Cantidad de Saltos
                            nPesoBandwidth = 1;
                        case 3: // 1/BW Reservado
                            nPesoBandwidth = 1.00 / (enlace.nBandwidth - enlace.nBandwidthDisponible);
                        case 4: // 1/BW Disponible
                            nPesoBandwidth = 1.00 / enlace.nBandwidthDisponible;
                            nPesoBandwidth = 1;

                    double nDistanciaTotal = currentRouter.nMinDistancia + nPesoBandwidth;

                    //Aqui ocurre el filtro por afinidad
                    if (idAfinidad == 0)    //No afinidad definida
                        //En este if ocurre el filtro por BW disponible
                        if (nDistanciaTotal < vecino.nMinDistancia && minBW < enlace.nBandwidth) //Constraint check
                            if (routerQueue.Contains(vecino))
                            vecino.nMinDistancia = nDistanciaTotal;
                            vecino.idRouterPrevio = currentRouter;
                            enlace.nBandwidthDisponible -= minBW; //reservar el BW en el enlace

                            routerQueue.Enqueue(vecino, 1);
                    else  //Afinidad definida
                        if (idAfinidad == enlace.idAfinidad)    //Afinidad check
                            //En este if ocurre el filtro por BW disponible
                            if (nDistanciaTotal < vecino.nMinDistancia && minBW < enlace.nBandwidth) //Constraint check
                                if (routerQueue.Contains(vecino))
                                vecino.nMinDistancia = nDistanciaTotal;
                                vecino.idRouterPrevio = currentRouter;
                                enlace.nBandwidthDisponible -= minBW; //reservar el BW en el enlace

                                routerQueue.Enqueue(vecino, 1);

                    //Agrega el router (bueno, los 2) al registro
                    int indexTarget = routerList.FindIndex(n => n.idRouter == vecino.idRouter);
                    if (indexTarget != -1)
                        routerList[indexTarget] = vecino;
                    int indexSource = routerList.FindIndex(n => n.idRouter == currentRouter.idRouter);
                    if (indexSource != -1)
                        routerList[indexSource] = currentRouter;

            return routerList;
コード例 #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a path through the puzzle originating from startNode and ending at endNode, going across from left to right.
        /// Based on A* pathfinding algorithm, it theoretically is supposed to find the shortest possible path, but this is thus far untested/unproven.
        /// First uses buildGraph to determine all possible and relevant edges between each tile/node, then uses a mostly standard A* algorithm, until
        /// an orange tile is encountered and the rules change (because of "scents"). Every time an orange tile is encountered, a nested A*-based loop (referred to as the "orange loop")
        /// is ran (but with orange-scented rules) which essentially starts at the orange tile and seeks any tile that will remove the orange scent, or the endNode.
        /// Every tile encountered that exits the orange loop is added to the main open set (the open set of the normal A* loop) with their cost to get there through the orange loop.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of all possible paths to the endNode, and the shortest one, or the one with the least tree height, is to be considered the answer</returns>
        public List<PathTreeNode> solve()

            //A*-based pathfinding algorithm
            List<Node> closedSet = new List<Node>();
            SimplePriorityQueue<Node> openSet = new SimplePriorityQueue<Node>();
            List<Node> closedOrangeSet = new List<Node>();
            SimplePriorityQueue<Node> openOrangeSet;
            List<PathTreeNode> Leaves = new List<PathTreeNode>();

            if(startNode.edges.Count == 0)
                return Leaves;

            startNode.g = 0;
            openSet.Enqueue(startNode, 0);
            PathTreeNode root = new PathTreeNode(startNode.row, -1);

            while (openSet.Count > 0)
                Node current = openSet.Dequeue();
                PathTreeNode currentStep = null;

                Predicate<PathTreeNode> matchingCurrentPos = aStep => aStep.row == currentStep.row && aStep.col == currentStep.col;

                if (current == endNode)
                    return Leaves;

                if(current.edges.Count == 0)

                foreach (PathTreeNode leaf in Leaves)
                    if(leaf.row == current.row && leaf.col == current.col)
                        if(currentStep == null || currentStep.height > leaf.height)
                            currentStep = leaf;
                if (currentStep != null)

                if(current.color == 1)
                    openOrangeSet = new SimplePriorityQueue<Node>();
                    openOrangeSet.Enqueue(current, current.f);
                    currentStep.isOrangeStep = true;

                    while(openOrangeSet.Count > 0)
                        Node currentOrange = openOrangeSet.Dequeue();
                        PathTreeNode currentOrangeStep = null;
                        Predicate<PathTreeNode> matchingCurrentOrangePos = aStep => aStep.isOrangeStep && aStep.row == currentOrangeStep.row && aStep.col == currentOrangeStep.col;

                        if (currentOrange.edges.Count == 0)

                        foreach (PathTreeNode leaf in Leaves)
                            if (leaf.isOrangeStep && leaf.row == currentOrange.row && leaf.col == currentOrange.col)
                                if (currentOrangeStep == null || currentOrangeStep.height > leaf.height)
                                    currentOrangeStep = leaf;
                        if (currentOrangeStep != null)

                        foreach (Edge toOrangeNeighbor in currentOrange.edges)
                            if (closedSet.Contains(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode) || closedOrangeSet.Contains(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode))
                            if (toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.col == cols)
                                toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.row = currentOrange.row;

                            int currentOrangeG = currentOrange.g + Math.Abs((toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.row - currentOrange.row) + (toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.col - currentOrange.col)) + toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.weight;

                            if (openSet.Contains(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode) && toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.g < currentOrangeG)

                            PathTreeNode aNextStep;

                            if ((toOrangeNeighbor.isScented && !toOrangeNeighbor.isOrangeScented) || toOrangeNeighbor.childNode == endNode)
                                toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.f = currentOrangeG + heuristic(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.col);
                                toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.g = currentOrangeG;
                                openSet.Enqueue(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode, toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.f);
                                aNextStep = new PathTreeNode(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.row, toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.col, currentOrangeStep);
                            if(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.color == 4)
                            if (!openOrangeSet.Contains(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode))
                                toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.f = currentOrangeG + heuristic(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.col);
                                openOrangeSet.Enqueue(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode, toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.f);
                            else if (currentOrangeG >= toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.g)

                            toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.g = currentOrangeG;
                            toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.f = currentOrangeG + heuristic(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.col);
                            openOrangeSet.UpdatePriority(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode, toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.f);
                            aNextStep = new PathTreeNode(toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.row, toOrangeNeighbor.childNode.col, currentOrangeStep, true);
                    Predicate<PathTreeNode> isOrangeStepLeaf = aStep => aStep.isOrangeStep;

                    foreach (Edge toNeighbor in current.edges)
                        if (closedSet.Contains(toNeighbor.childNode))
                        if(current.col == -1)
                            current.row = toNeighbor.childNode.row;
                        else if(toNeighbor.childNode.col == cols)
                            toNeighbor.childNode.row = current.row;

                        int currentG = current.g + Math.Abs((toNeighbor.childNode.row - current.row) + (toNeighbor.childNode.col - current.col)) + toNeighbor.childNode.weight;
                        PathTreeNode aNextStep;

                        if (!openSet.Contains(toNeighbor.childNode))
                            toNeighbor.childNode.f = currentG + heuristic(toNeighbor.childNode.col);
                            openSet.Enqueue(toNeighbor.childNode, toNeighbor.childNode.f);
                        else if (currentG >= toNeighbor.childNode.g)

                        toNeighbor.childNode.g = currentG;
                        toNeighbor.childNode.f = currentG + heuristic(toNeighbor.childNode.col);
                        openSet.UpdatePriority(toNeighbor.childNode, toNeighbor.childNode.f);
                        aNextStep = new PathTreeNode(toNeighbor.childNode.row, toNeighbor.childNode.col, currentStep);

            return Leaves;