protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BusAllInfo info = null; ArrayList infos = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <BusAllInfo>(" where c_idcard='" + this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim() + "' and i_state=0"); if (infos.Count != 0) { info = infos[0] as BusAllInfo; this.btnQuitBus.Enabled = true; this.hidLsh.Value = info.Lsh; } else { info = DriverInterface.GetFromUser(this.cbIdCardType.SelectedValue.ToString(), this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(), this.txtDabh1.Text + this.txtDabh2); hidLsh.Value = info.Lsh; } this.lbBrithday.Text = info.Birthday; this.lbDabh.Text = info.Dabh; this.lbIdCard.Text = info.IdCard; this.lbIDCardType.Text = info.IdCardType; this.lbNation.Text = info.Nation; this.lbSex.Text = info.Sex; this.lbXm.Text = info.Xm; this.lbLearnCar.Text = info.CarType; this.lbCheckDay.Text = info.CheckDate; //this.lbDescription.Text this.imgPerson.ImageUrl = "../../ShowImage.aspx?idcard=" + this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.lbIdCard.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { BusAllInfo info = null; ArrayList infos = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <BusAllInfo>(" where c_idcard='" + this.lbIdCard.Text + "' and i_state=0"); if (infos.Count != 0) { info = infos[0] as BusAllInfo; info.RegAreaCode = this.cbRegArea.SelectedValue.ToString(); info.RegArea = this.txtRegArea.Text.Trim(); info.PostCode = this.txtPostCode.Text.Trim(); info.Phone = this.txtPhone.Text.Trim(); info.Height = this.txtHeight.Text.Trim(); info.Zsl = this.txtZsl.Text.Trim(); info.Ysl = this.txtYsl.Text.Trim(); info.Bsl = this.cbBsl.Text; info.Tl = this.cbTl.Text; info.Sz = this.cbSz.Text; info.Zxz = this.cbZxz.Text; info.Yxz = this.cbYxz.Text; info.Qgjb = this.cbQgjb.Text; info.CheckDate = this.txtCheckDate.Value; info.Hospital = this.txtHospital.Text; SimpleOrmOperator.Update(info); this.LogBus("进行体检信息录入", "进行" + this.lbIdCard.Text.Trim() + "的体检信息录入!"); this.btnPrintReturn.Enabled = true; this.btnQuitBus.Enabled = false; //this.btnPrintReturn.Enabled = true; } } }
public static Dictionary <string, List <FpStudentObject> > QueryGroupbySchool(IDataAccess dataAccess, string busType, string startDate, string endDate) { SimpleOrmOperator.InitDataAccess(dataAccess); string sqlCondition = ""; sqlCondition = "where create_time between to_date('{0}','YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date('{1}','YYYY-MM-DD') order by create_time desc"; ArrayList students = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpStudentObject>(string.Format(sqlCondition, startDate, endDate)); Dictionary <string, List <FpStudentObject> > dictStudents = new Dictionary <string, List <FpStudentObject> >(); foreach (FpStudentObject student in students) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(student.SCHOOL_CODE)) { continue; } if (!dictStudents.ContainsKey(student.SCHOOL_CODE)) { dictStudents.Add(student.SCHOOL_CODE, new List <FpStudentObject>()); } dictStudents[student.SCHOOL_CODE].Add(student); } SimpleOrmOperator.InitDataAccess(null); return(dictStudents); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string learncar = this.cbLearnCar.Text.Trim().ToUpper(); if (learncar.Length == 0) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("对不起,必须输入申请的驾照型号!"); return; } ArrayList list = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <ExamUser>(" where c_idcard='" + DALSecurityTool.TransferInsertField(this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim()) + "'"); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("对不起,不存在该学员,请咨询管理员!"); return; } else { ExamUser user = list[0] as ExamUser; ExamPolicy policy = StaticCacheManager.GetConfig <ExamPolicy>(); if (this.checkExam.Checked && policy.IsLimit && user.PassCount >= policy.SuccessTimes) { MessageBoxHelper.Show("对不起,您已经合格了" + user.PassCount.ToString() + "次,无法再次进行考试!"); return; } // 判断是否考试合格次数超过了配置的考试合格次数限制 ArrayList topics = this.GetRandomTopic(learncar); //this.Hide(); ExamWorkStation form = new ExamWorkStation(topics, user, this.checkTrain.Checked); form.ShowDialog(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this._FP = new FpBase(this, new EventHandler(TrustLink_OperDlgPostEvent)); if (!IsPostBack) { ArrayList listLoacaltype = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpLocalType>(""); ddlLocaltype.DataSource = listLoacaltype; ddlLocaltype.DataTextField = "NAME"; ddlLocaltype.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlLocaltype.DataBind(); DepartMentOperator.Bind2(ddlSchool); ddlSchool.SelectedValue = "440400"; DictOperator.BindDropDownList("车辆类型", ddlCarType); string strTmp = Request.Params["strTmp"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTmp)) { int result = wsFingerM.wsFPEnroll(strTmp); this.fnUINewEnrollStudentSucess(result == FpBase.SUCCESSED); } } ///WebTools.PlaySound("../../sound/test1.wav"); //WebTools.PlayBackGroupSound("孙燕姿-02.追.是时候.mp3", 1); //Response.Write("<bgsound loop=1 src='孙燕姿-02.追.是时候.mp3' />"); //WebTools.WriteScript("alert('hhlin');"); //WebTools.PlaySound("孙燕姿-02.追.是时候.mp3"); // BeepHelper.Beep(800,8000); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { DepartMentOperator.Bind2(ddlSchoolCode); ddlSchoolCode.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("全部", "all")); DictOperator.BindDropDownList("车辆类型", ddlCarType); ddlCarType.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("全部", "all")); ArrayList localtypes = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpLocalType>("where km3_verify_ind='Y'"); string localtypeArray = ""; foreach (FpLocalType localtype in localtypes) { localtypeArray += localtype.ID; localtypeArray += ","; } string condition = " statue<={0} and localtype in ({1}) "; condition = string.Format(condition, FpStudentObject.STATUE_TRAIN_END, localtypeArray.TrimEnd(',')); condition += " and km3_verify !='Y' "; this.ProcedurePager1.TableName = "fp_student"; this.ProcedurePager1.FieldString = @" lsh,idcard ,name ,school_name,car_type ".Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("\t", ""); this.ProcedurePager1.SortString = " order by lsh asc"; this.ProcedurePager1.RowFilter = condition; //WebTools.Alert(condition); this.txtQueryValue.Focus(); } }
protected void btnQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string queryText = ddlQueryType.SelectedItem.Text; string queryType = ddlQueryType.SelectedValue; string quserValue = txtQueryValue.Text; string condition = string.Format("where {0} like '%{1}'", queryType, quserValue); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(quserValue)) { WebTools.Alert("查询条件不能为空"); return; } ArrayList fsos = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpStudentObject>(condition); if (fsos.Count == 1) { FpStudentObject fso = fsos[0] as FpStudentObject; fnUILoadStudentRecord(fso, 0); ucStudentInfo.fnUILoadStudentRecord(fso); } else if (fsos.Count == 0) { WebTools.Alert(string.Format("{0}为\"{1}\" 的学员不存在", queryText, quserValue)); } else if (fsos.Count > 1) { WebTools.Alert(string.Format("{0}为\"{1}\" 的学员存在多个,请使用证件号码查询", queryText, quserValue)); } this.txtQueryValue.Text = string.Empty; this.txtQueryValue.Focus(); }
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string queryValue = txtQueryValue.Text; string queryText = ddlQueryType.SelectedItem.Text; string queryType = ddlQueryType.SelectedValue; ArrayList localtypes = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpLocalType>("where km3_verify_ind='Y'"); string localtypeArray = ""; foreach (FpLocalType localtype in localtypes) { localtypeArray += localtype.ID; localtypeArray += ","; } string condition = " statue<={0} and localtype in ({1}) "; condition = string.Format(condition, FpStudentObject.STATUE_TRAIN_END, localtypeArray.TrimEnd(',')); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryValue)) { string feeStatue = ddlFeeStatue.SelectedValue; string schoolId = ddlSchoolCode.SelectedValue; string carType = ddlCarType.SelectedValue; if (feeStatue == "Y") { condition += " and km3_verify = 'Y' "; } else { condition += " and km3_verify != 'Y' "; } if (schoolId != "all") { //DepartMent depart = SimpleOrmOperator.Query<DepartMent>(schoolId); //string schoolCode = depart.DepCode; condition += string.Format(" and school_code='{0}' ", schoolId); } if (carType != "all") { condition += string.Format(" and car_type='{0}' ", carType); } } else { condition += string.Format(" and {0} like '%{1}'", queryType, queryValue); } //ArrayList students = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList<FpStudentObject>(condition); this.ProcedurePager1.RowFilter = condition; //else //this.ProcedurePager1.RowFilter = ""; this.ProcedurePager1.Changed = true; btnBatchVerify.Focus(); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BusAllInfo info = null; ArrayList infos = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <BusAllInfo>(" where c_idcard='" + this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim() + "' and i_state=0"); if (infos.Count != 0) { info = infos[0] as BusAllInfo; this.btnPrintReturn.Enabled = true; this.cbRegArea.SelectedValue = info.RegAreaCode; this.txtRegArea.Text = info.RegArea; this.txtPostCode.Text = info.PostCode; this.txtPhone.Text = info.Phone; this.txtHeight.Text = info.Height; this.txtZsl.Text = info.Zsl; this.txtYsl.Text = info.Ysl; this.cbBsl.Text = info.Bsl; this.cbTl.Text = info.Tl; this.cbSz.Text = info.Sz; this.cbZxz.Text = info.Zxz; this.cbYxz.Text = info.Yxz; this.cbQgjb.Text = info.Qgjb; this.txtCheckDate.Value = info.CheckDate; this.txtHospital.Text = info.Hospital; this.hidLsh.Value = info.Lsh; if (this.txtRegArea.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { this.btnPrintReturn.Enabled = false; this.btnQuitBus.Enabled = true; } else { this.btnPrintReturn.Enabled = true; this.btnQuitBus.Enabled = false; } } else { WebTools.Alert(this, "请先受理该体检人!"); return; // info = DriverInterface.GetFromUser(this.cbIdCardType.SelectedValue.ToString(), this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(), this.txtDabh1.Text + this.txtDabh2); //this.hidLsh.Value = info.Lsh; } this.lbBrithday.Text = info.Birthday; this.lbDabh.Text = info.Dabh; this.lbIdCard.Text = info.IdCard; this.lbIDCardType.Text = info.IdCardType; this.lbNation.Text = info.Nation; this.lbSex.Text = info.Sex; this.lbXm.Text = info.Xm; this.lbLearnCar.Text = info.CarType; this.lbCheckDay.Text = info.CheckDate; this.imgPerson.ImageUrl = "../../ShowImage.aspx?idcard=" + this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string bustype = StringHelper.fnFormatNullOrBlankString(Request.Params["bustype"], ""); if (bustype == null) { return; } string condition = string.Format("where bustype='{0}'", bustype); ArrayList listSite = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpSite>(condition); rpSite.DataSource = listSite; rpSite.DataBind(); }
protected void btnQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // string idcard = StringHelper.fnFormatNullOrBlankString(txtIDCard.Text, ""); // if (idcard == "") // { // WebTools.Alert("请输入要查询的身份证号码"); // return; // } // FpStudentObject fso = SimpleOrmOperator.Query<FpStudentObject>(idcard); // if (fso ==null) { // WebTools.Alert("查询的身份证号码不存在"); // } // if (fso != null) // { // ViewState[typeof(FpStudentObject).Name] = fso; // fnUILoadStudentRecord(fso, 0); // ucStudentInfo.fnUILoadStudentRecord(fso); // } string queryText = ddlQueryType.SelectedItem.Text; string queryType = ddlQueryType.SelectedValue; string quserValue = txtIDCard.Text; string condition = string.Format("where {0} like '%{1}'", queryType, quserValue); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(quserValue)) { WebTools.Alert("查询条件不能为空"); return; } ArrayList fsos = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpStudentObject>(condition); if (fsos.Count == 1) { ViewState[typeof(FpStudentObject).Name] = fsos[0]; FpStudentObject fso = fsos[0] as FpStudentObject; fnUILoadStudentRecord(fso, 0); ucStudentInfo.fnUILoadStudentRecord(fso); txtIDCard.Text = string.Empty; } else if (fsos.Count == 0) { WebTools.Alert(string.Format("{0}为\"{1}\" 的学员不存在", queryText, quserValue)); } else if (fsos.Count > 1) { WebTools.Alert(string.Format("{0}为\"{1}\" 的学员存在多个,请使用证件号码查询", queryText, quserValue)); } }
public static WeekRecord GetByWeekNum(int num, string shortdate) { WeekRecord week = new WeekRecord(); ArrayList lists = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <WeekRecord>(" where i_week_num=" + num + " and c_week_range like '" + shortdate + "%'"); if (lists.Count == 1) { week = lists[0] as WeekRecord; } else { week.WeekNum = num; } return(week); // SimpleOrmOperator.Delete<WeekRecord>(id); }
public static Hashtable GetWeekLimits(WeekRecord week) { int weekNum = week.WeekNum; //String weekRang = week.WeekRange; //String year = weekRang.Substring(0,4); Hashtable dictWeekLimits = new Hashtable(); ArrayList listWeekLimits = new ArrayList(); string querySql = string.Format("where I_WEEK_NUM={0}", weekNum); listWeekLimits = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <YuyueLimit>(querySql); foreach (YuyueLimit limit in listWeekLimits) { String key = genLimitKey(limit); dictWeekLimits.Add(key, limit); } return(dictWeekLimits); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ArrayList dllData = new ArrayList(); FpSite newStie = new FpSite(); newStie.ID = 0; newStie.NAME = "全部"; dllData.Add(newStie); ArrayList listSite = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpSite>(""); dllData.AddRange(listSite); dllSite.DataSource = dllData; dllSite.DataTextField = "NAME"; dllSite.DataValueField = "ID"; dllSite.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { // ViewState DictOperator.BindDropDownList("考试地点", this.cbKsdd); DictOperator.BindDropDownList("考试场次", this.cbKscc); DepartMentOperator.BindNick(this.cbSchool, "驾校"); this.InitTableControls(); if (Request.Params["id"] != null) { WeekRecord entity = WeekRecordOperator.Get(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["id"])); //weekRocord = WeekRecordOperator.Get(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["id"])); this.InitWeekRecord(entity); string querySql = string.Format("where I_WEEK_NUM={0}", entity.WeekNum); ArrayList listLimits = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <YuyueLimit>(querySql); ViewState[VIEWSTATUE_LIMITS] = listLimits; ViewState[VIEWSTATUE_WEEKRECORD] = entity; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["bustype"] == null || Session[typeof(FpSite).Name] == null) { return; } FpSite site = Session[typeof(FpSite).Name] as FpSite; string bustype = Session["bustype"].ToString(); string lStrToday = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string condition = string.Format(" where SITE_ID={0} and BUSTYPE='{1}' and to_char(CHECKIN_DATE,'YYYY-MM-DD') = '{2}' order by CHECKIN_DATE ASC " , site.ID , bustype , lStrToday ); ArrayList listLogs = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpCheckinLog>(condition); ViewState[typeof(FpCheckinLog).Name] = listLogs; // rpLogs.DataSource = listLogs; // rpLogs.DataBind(); }
private ArrayList QueryStudent(string busType, string startDate, string endDate) { string sqlCondition = ""; if (busType == "0") { sqlCondition = "where LESSON_LEAVE_2 between to_date('{0}','YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date('{1}','YYYY-MM-DD')"; //fileName = string.Format(fileNamePattern, startDate, endDate, "已完成上课"); } else if (busType == "1") { sqlCondition = "where TRAIN_END_DATE between to_date('{0}','YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date('{1}','YYYY-MM-DD')"; //fileName = string.Format(fileNamePattern, startDate, endDate, "已完成入场训练"); } else { return(new ArrayList()); } ArrayList students = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpStudentObject>(string.Format(sqlCondition, startDate, endDate)); return(students); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ArrayList list = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <ExamUser>(" where c_idcard='" + DALSecurityTool.TransferInsertField(this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim()) + "'"); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("对不起,不存在该学员,请咨询管理员!"); } else { ExamLogSearch ctr = new ExamLogSearch(); Form tmp = new Form(); tmp.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; tmp.ShowIcon = false; tmp.Text = "模拟考试记录列表"; tmp.ShowInTaskbar = true; tmp.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; ctr.SetUserIdCard(this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim()); ctr.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tmp.Controls.Add(ctr); tmp.ShowDialog(); } }
private void QueryStudent(string startDate, string endDate) { string schoolId = ddlSchoolCode.SelectedValue; string carType = ddlCarType.SelectedValue; string sqlConditionFinishLesson = "where LESSON_LEAVE_2 between to_date('{0}','YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date('{1}','YYYY-MM-DD')"; //fileName = string.Format(fileNamePattern, startDate, endDate, "已完成上课"); string sqlConditionFinishTrain = "where TRAIN_END_DATE between to_date('{0}','YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date('{1}','YYYY-MM-DD')"; //fileName = string.Format(fileNamePattern, startDate, endDate, "已完成入场训练"); if (schoolId != "all") { //DepartMent depart = SimpleOrmOperator.Query<DepartMent>(schoolId); //string schoolCode = depart.DepCode; sqlConditionFinishLesson += string.Format(" and school_code='{0}' ", schoolId); sqlConditionFinishTrain += string.Format(" and school_code='{0}' ", schoolId); } if (carType != "all") { sqlConditionFinishLesson += string.Format(" and car_type='{0}' ", carType); sqlConditionFinishTrain += string.Format(" and car_type='{0}' ", carType); } int countFinishLesson = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpStudentObject>(string.Format(sqlConditionFinishLesson, startDate, endDate)).Count; int countFinishTrain = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpStudentObject>(string.Format(sqlConditionFinishTrain, startDate, endDate)).Count; lbCountFinishLesson.Text = countFinishLesson.ToString(); lbCountFinishTrain.Text = countFinishTrain.ToString(); lbStartDate.Text = startDate; lbEndDate.Text = endDate; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this._FP = new FpBase(this, new EventHandler(TrustLink_OperDlgPostEvent)); _FP.isSa = true; if (!IsPostBack) { ArrayList listLoacaltype = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpLocalType>(""); ddlLocaltype.DataSource = listLoacaltype; ddlLocaltype.DataTextField = "NAME"; ddlLocaltype.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlLocaltype.DataBind(); DepartMentOperator.Bind2(ddlSchool); ddlSchool.SelectedValue = "440400"; DictOperator.BindDropDownList("车辆类型", ddlCarType); } ///WebTools.PlaySound("../../sound/test1.wav"); //WebTools.PlayBackGroupSound("孙燕姿-02.追.是时候.mp3", 1); //Response.Write("<bgsound loop=1 src='孙燕姿-02.追.是时候.mp3' />"); //WebTools.WriteScript("alert('hhlin');"); //WebTools.PlaySound("孙燕姿-02.追.是时候.mp3"); // BeepHelper.Beep(800,8000); }
private void exportExcel2() { Excel.Application xlApp = new Excel.ApplicationClass(); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp.Workbooks); if (xlApp == null) { WebTools.Alert("Excel无法启动"); return; } // 创建Excel工作薄 Dictionary <string, List <FpStudentObject> > schoolStudents = QueryStudentGroupbySchool(null, qDateStart.Value, qDateEnd.Value); String[] sheetTitles = { "缺受理号", "未收费", "已收费" }; String[] sheetColumns = { "受理号", "姓名", "身份证号码", "准驾车型", "导入时间" }; String dir = MapPath(string.Format("~/temp/{0}/", Session.SessionID)); Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); String excelName = string.Format("指纹记录[{0}][{1}].xls", this.qDateStart.Value, this.qDateEnd.Value); String excelPath = dir + excelName; if (File.Exists(excelPath)) { File.Delete(excelPath); } xlApp.SheetsInNewWorkbook = schoolStudents.Keys.Count; xlApp.Workbooks.Add(Missing.Value); Excel.Workbook xlBook = xlApp.ActiveWorkbook; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlBook.Worksheets); int sheetIndex = 0; // try // { //xlBook.Worksheets.Add(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, schoolStudents.Keys.Count - 1, Missing.Value); //} // catch (Exception ex) { // WebTools.Alert(ex.Message); // return; // } foreach (string schoolCode in schoolStudents.Keys) { WebTools.Alert(schoolCode); sheetIndex++; List <FpStudentObject> students = schoolStudents[schoolCode]; string schoolName = schoolCode; ArrayList deps = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <DepartMent>(string.Format("where c_depcode='{0}'", schoolCode)); if (deps.Count > 0) { schoolName = (deps[0] as DepartMent).DepNickName; } int rowIndex = 1; foreach (FpStudentObject student in students) { int color = 0; string result = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(student.LSH)) { color = 3; result = "缺流水号"; } else if (student.FEE_STATUE != "Y") { color = 6; result = "收费审核未通过"; } else { result = "考勤进行中"; } Excel.Worksheet xlSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlBook.Worksheets[sheetIndex]; xlSheet.Name = string.Format("{0}({1})", schoolName, schoolStudents[schoolCode].Count); int colIndex = 1; Excel.Range rang = (Excel.Range)xlSheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++]; //rang.Select(); rang.NumberFormatLocal = "@"; rang.ColumnWidth = 20; rang.Interior.ColorIndex = color; rang.Formula = student.LSH; rang = (Excel.Range)xlSheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++]; //rang.Select(); rang.NumberFormatLocal = "@"; rang.ColumnWidth = 15; rang.Formula = student.NAME; rang = (Excel.Range)xlSheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++]; //rang.Select(); rang.NumberFormatLocal = "@"; rang.ColumnWidth = 25; rang.Formula = student.IDCARD; rang = (Excel.Range)xlSheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++]; rang.Formula = student.CAR_TYPE; rang = (Excel.Range)xlSheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++]; //rang.Select(); rang.ColumnWidth = 15; rang.Value2 = student.CREATE_TIME.ToLongDateString(); rang = (Excel.Range)xlSheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++]; //rang.Select(); rang.ColumnWidth = 30; rang.Value2 = result; rowIndex++; } } try{ xlBook.Save(); xlBook.Saved = true; xlBook.SaveCopyAs(excelPath); WebTools.Alert("保存成功"); } finally { xlBook.Close(true, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); //System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlBook.Worksheets); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlBook); } xlApp.Workbooks.Close(); xlApp.Quit(); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp.Workbooks); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp); Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(excelName, Encoding.UTF8)); Response.WriteFile(excelPath); Response.End(); Response.Close(); }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.txtDate.Value.Trim().Length == 0) { WebTools.Alert(this, "必须输入培训审核日期!"); return; } string idcard = this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(); if (idcard.Length == 15) { idcard = FT.Commons.Tools.IDCardHelper.IdCard15To18(idcard); } else if (idcard.Length == 18) { string tmpstr = FT.Commons.Tools.IDCardHelper.Validate(idcard); if (tmpstr.Length > 0) { WebTools.Alert(this, tmpstr); return; } } int km = int.Parse(this.cbKm.SelectedValue); string glbm = this.Operator.Desp2; DateTime yyrq = Convert.ToDateTime(this.txtDate.Value); DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now; // if (dt != null) // { string tmpid = ""; tmpid = this.DataGrid1.Items[this.DataGrid1.Items.Count - 1].Cells[2].Text; if (tmpid != null && tmpid.Replace(" ", "").Length > 0) { WebTools.Alert(this, tmpid + "本期允许约考人员已经约考完毕!"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < this.DataGrid1.Items.Count; i++) { tmpid = this.DataGrid1.Items[i].Cells[2].Text; if (tmpid != null && tmpid == idcard) { ///TODO: WebTools.Alert(this, "身份证明号码" + idcard + "该学员已经在本期约考过!"); return; } } //} int bkjg = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DrvHelperSystem_bkjg"].ToString()); bool boolAfterDay = bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Drv_Yuyue_After_Days_Boolean"].ToString()); int afterDay = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Drv_Yuyue_After_Days"].ToString()); if (boolAfterDay) { if (now.AddDays(afterDay).CompareTo(yyrq) < 0) { WebTools.Alert(this, "只能预约" + afterDay + "天之后的排班!"); return; } } ArrayList list = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <YuyueInfo>(" where i_checked<>2 and i_km=" + km + " and c_idcard='" + idcard + "'"); if (list != null && list.Count > 0 && km == 1) { WebTools.Alert(this, "科目一预约只能在本系统预约一次,补考预约请到业务大厅!"); return; } if (km > 1 && list != null) { if (list.Count == 2) { WebTools.Alert(this, "科目二、三预约只能在本系统预约二次,补考预约请到业务大厅!"); return; } if (list.Count == 1) { YuyueInfo yytmp = list[0] as YuyueInfo; if (yytmp.Checked == 0) { WebTools.Alert(this, "科目二、三预约身份证明号码" + idcard + "已经预约过考试日期为:" + yytmp.Ksrq + ",处于待审核中!"); return; } } } // ArrayList cars = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList<SchoolCarInfo>(" where hmhp='"+this.cbCarNo.SelectedItem.Text+"'"); string jly = this.cbCarNo.SelectedItem.Value == null?"":this.cbCarNo.SelectedItem.Value.ToString(); string sql1 = "update table_yuyue_limit t set t.i_used_num=(select count(*) from table_yuyue_info m where m.i_checked<>2 and m.i_paibanid=" + this.hidPaiBanId.Value + ") where" + this.hidPaiBanId.Value; DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().ExecuteSql(sql1); string sql = "update table_yuyue_limit set i_used_num=i_used_num+1 where i_used_num<i_total and id=" + this.hidPaiBanId.Value; bool result = DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().ExecuteSql(sql); YuyueInfo info; if (result) { info = new YuyueInfo(); info.Checked = 0; info.Dlr = this.Operator.Desp4; info.DlrCode = this.Operator.Desp3; info.Hmhp = this.txtHphm.Text.Trim().Length == 0?this.cbCarNo.SelectedItem.Text:this.txtHphm.Text.Trim(); info.IdCard = this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(); info.JlyIdCard = jly; info.Km = km; info.Kscc = this.cbKscc.SelectedItem.Text; info.KsccCode = this.cbKscc.SelectedItem.Value; info.Ksdd = this.cbKsdd.SelectedItem.Text; info.KsddCode = this.cbKsdd.SelectedItem.Value; info.Ksrq = this.lbYkrq.Text.Trim(); info.PaibanId = int.Parse(this.hidPaiBanId.Value); info.Pxshrq = this.txtDate.Value; SimpleOrmOperator.Create(info); WebTools.Alert(this, "预约成功!"); this.ReBind(); return; } else { sql = "update table_yuyue_limit set i_tpused_num=i_tpused_num+1 where i_tpused_num<i_tptotal and id=" + this.hidPaiBanId.Value; result = DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().ExecuteSql(sql); if (result) { info = new YuyueInfo(); info.Checked = 0; info.Dlr = this.Operator.Desp4; info.DlrCode = this.Operator.Desp3; info.Hmhp = this.txtHphm.Text.Trim().Length == 0 ? this.cbCarNo.SelectedItem.Text : this.txtHphm.Text.Trim(); info.IdCard = this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(); info.JlyIdCard = jly; info.Km = km; info.Kscc = this.cbKscc.SelectedItem.Text; info.KsccCode = this.cbKscc.SelectedItem.Value; info.Ksdd = this.cbKsdd.SelectedItem.Text; info.KsddCode = this.cbKsdd.SelectedItem.Value; info.Ksrq = this.lbYkrq.Text.Trim(); info.PaibanId = int.Parse(this.hidPaiBanId.Value); info.Pxshrq = this.txtDate.Value; SimpleOrmOperator.Create(info); WebTools.Alert(this, "预约成功!"); this.ReBind(); return; } } WebTools.Alert(this, "预约已满人!"); return; }
public static void Check(int id, string name) { try { // throw new Exception("测试异常"); YuyueInfo info = SimpleOrmOperator.Query <YuyueInfo>(id); string glbm = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DrvHelperSystem_glbm"]; int bkjg = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DrvHelperSystem_bkjg"].ToString()); string idcard = info.IdCard; DateTime yyrq = Convert.ToDateTime(info.Ksrq); int km = info.Km; /* * TempStudentInfo student = DrvQueryHelper.QueryStudent(glbm, info.IdCard); * if (student == null) * { * SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, "该学员不是本地车管所报名的!"); * return; * } * info.Dlr = student.jxmc; * info.DlrCode = student.jxdm; * info.JlyIdCard = student.jly; * info.Km = km; * info.Lsh = student.lsh; * info.Xm =; * info.Zjcx = student.zkcx; * /* * try * { * if (DateTime.Parse(student.yxqz).CompareTo(yyrq) < 0) * { * SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, "身份证明号码" + idcard + "的准考证明有效期到" + student.yxqz + "截止!"); * return; * * } * } * catch (System.Exception e) * { * * } * * * if (student.jxdm != null && student.jxdm != info.DlrCode) * { * SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, "驾校学员只能通过相关驾校帮您预约!"); * return; * * } * */ //ArrayList daylimits = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList<YuyueDayLimit>(" where c_cartype like '%" + student.zkcx + "%' and i_km=" + km); ArrayList daylimits = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <YuyueDayLimit>(" where c_cartype like '%" + "C1" + "%' and i_km=" + km); TempKscjInfo kscj = DrvQueryHelper.QueryKscj(glbm, idcard); YuyueDayLimit daylimit = null; if (daylimits != null && daylimits.Count > 0) { daylimit = daylimits[0] as YuyueDayLimit; } if (kscj != null) { if (km == 1) { if (kscj.km1 == 1) { SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, "身份证明号码" + idcard + "的科目一已经合格!"); return; } } else if (km == 2) { if (kscj.km2yyrq != null) { if (kscj.km2 == 1) { SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, "身份证明号码" + idcard + "的科目二已经合格!"); return; } if (kscj.km2 == 2) { if (yyrq.CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(kscj.km2yyrq).AddDays(bkjg)) < 0) { SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, "身份证明号码" + idcard + "上次考试时间为:" + kscj.km2yyrq + ",科目二补考必须在上一次考试" + bkjg + "天之后!"); return; } } } else if (kscj.km1 == 1 && daylimit != null) { if (yyrq.CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(kscj.km1yyrq).AddDays(daylimit.Days)) < 0) { SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, "身份证明号码" + idcard + "科目一考试时间为:" + kscj.km1yyrq + ",申请" + daylimit.CarType + "牌照的科目二考试必须在" + daylimit.Days + "天之后!"); return; } } else { SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, "身份证明号码" + idcard + "科目一还没有合格!"); return; } } else if (km == 3) { if (kscj.km3yyrq != null) { if (kscj.km3 == 1) { SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, "身份证明号码" + idcard + "的科目三已经合格!"); return; } if (kscj.km3 == 2) { if (yyrq.CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(kscj.km3yyrq).AddDays(bkjg)) < 0) { SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, "身份证明号码" + idcard + "上次考试时间为:" + kscj.km2yyrq + ",科目三补考必须在上一次考试" + bkjg + "天之后!"); return; } } } else if (kscj.km2 == 1 && daylimit != null) { if (yyrq.CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(kscj.km1yyrq).AddDays(daylimit.Days)) < 0) { SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, "身份证明号码" + idcard + "科目一考试时间为:" + kscj.km1yyrq + ",申请" + daylimit.CarType + "牌照的科目三考试必须在" + daylimit.Days + "天之后!"); return; } } else { SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, "身份证明号码" + idcard + "科目二还没有合格!"); return; } } } //&& info.Checked == 0 if (info != null) { info.CheckOperator = name; info.Jbr = name; TmriResponse resp = null; try { string useold = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Drv_Yuyue_Use_Old"]; if (useold == "true") { resp = new TmriResponse(); bool resultold = DriverInterface.WritePreasignOld(ConvertInfoToRequest(info)); // resultold ? 0 : 2; if (resultold) { resp.Code = 0; resp.Message = "更新成功"; } else { resp.Code = 2; resp.Message = "更新不成功"; } } else { resp = DriverInterface.WriteDrvBaseTmriRequest(ConvertInfoToRequest(info)); } //resp= DriverInterface.yuyueInfo(info); } catch (Exception exe) { SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, exe.Message); //info.CheckResult = exe.Message; // SimpleOrmOperator.Update(info); return; } if (resp.Code == 0 || resp.Code == 1) { info.Checked = 1; info.CheckResult = resp.Message; SimpleOrmOperator.Update(info); if (!DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().ExecuteSql("update table_yuyue_limit set i_checked_num=i_checked_num+1 where i_checked_num<i_used_num and id=" + info.PaibanId)) { DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().ExecuteSql("update table_yuyue_limit set i_tpchecked_num=i_tpchecked_num+1 where i_tpchecked_num<i_tpused_num and id=" + info.PaibanId); } } else { SaveInfoCheckFail(info, name, resp.Message); //info.Checked = 2; //info.CheckResult = resp.Message; // SimpleOrmOperator.Update(info); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ArrayList sites = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <FpSite>(""); ViewState[typeof(FpSite).Name] = sites; }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string idcard = this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(); if (idcard.Length == 15) { idcard = FT.Commons.Tools.IDCardHelper.IdCard15To18(idcard); } else if (idcard.Length == 18) { string tmpstr = FT.Commons.Tools.IDCardHelper.Validate(idcard); if (tmpstr.Length > 0) { WebTools.Alert(this, tmpstr); return; } } int km = int.Parse(this.cbKm.SelectedValue); string glbm = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DrvHelperSystem_glbm"]; DateTime yyrq = Convert.ToDateTime(lbYkrq.Text); DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now; int bkjg = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DrvHelperSystem_bkjg"].ToString()); bool boolAfterDay = bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Drv_Yuyue_After_Days_Boolean"].ToString()); int afterDay = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Drv_Yuyue_After_Days"].ToString()); if (boolAfterDay) { if (now.AddDays(afterDay).CompareTo(yyrq) < 0) { WebTools.Alert(this, "只能预约" + afterDay + "天之后的排班!"); return; } } ArrayList list = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <YuyueInfo>(" where i_km=" + km + " and c_idcard='" + idcard + "'"); if (list != null && list.Count > 0 && km == 1) { WebTools.Alert(this, "科目一预约只能在本系统预约一次,补考预约请到业务大厅!"); return; } if (km > 1 && list != null) { if (list.Count == 2) { WebTools.Alert(this, "科目二、三预约只能在本系统预约二次,补考预约请到业务大厅!"); return; } if (list.Count == 1) { YuyueInfo yytmp = list[0] as YuyueInfo; if (yytmp.Checked == 0) { WebTools.Alert(this, "科目二、三预约身份证明号码" + idcard + "已经预约过考试日期为:" + yytmp.Ksrq + ",处于待审核中!"); return; } } } // ArrayList cars = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList<SchoolCarInfo>(" where hmhp='"+this.cbCarNo.SelectedItem.Text+"'"); string jly = ""; string sql = "update table_yuyue_limit set i_used_num=i_used_num+1 where i_used_num<i_total and id=" + this.hidPaiBanId.Value; bool result = DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().ExecuteSql(sql); YuyueInfo info; if (result) { info = new YuyueInfo(); info.Checked = 0; info.Hmhp = this.txtCarNo.Text.Trim(); info.IdCard = this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(); info.Km = km; info.Kscc = this.cbKscc.SelectedItem.Text; info.KsccCode = this.cbKscc.SelectedItem.Value; info.Ksdd = this.cbKsdd.SelectedItem.Text; info.KsddCode = this.cbKsdd.SelectedItem.Value; info.Ksrq = this.lbYkrq.Text.Trim(); info.PaibanId = int.Parse(this.hidPaiBanId.Value); info.Pxshrq = ""; SimpleOrmOperator.Create(info); WebTools.Alert(this, "预约成功!"); return; } else { sql = "update table_yuyue_limit set i_tpused_num=i_tpused_num+1 where i_tpused_num<i_tptotal and id=" + this.hidPaiBanId.Value; result = DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().ExecuteSql(sql); if (result) { info = new YuyueInfo(); info.Checked = 0; info.Hmhp = this.txtCarNo.Text.Trim(); info.IdCard = this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(); info.DlrCode = "social"; info.Km = km; info.Kscc = this.cbKscc.SelectedItem.Text; info.KsccCode = this.cbKscc.SelectedItem.Value; info.Ksdd = this.cbKsdd.SelectedItem.Text; info.KsddCode = this.cbKsdd.SelectedItem.Value; info.Ksrq = this.lbYkrq.Text.Trim(); info.PaibanId = int.Parse(this.hidPaiBanId.Value); info.Pxshrq = ""; SimpleOrmOperator.Create(info); WebTools.Alert(this, "预约成功!"); return; } } WebTools.Alert(this, "预约已满人!"); return; }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* * * info = new YuyueInfo(); * info.Checked = 0; * info.Dlr = this.Operator.Desp4; * info.DlrCode = this.Operator.Desp3; * info.Hmhp = this.cbCarNo.SelectedItem.Text; * info.IdCard = this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(); * info.JlyIdCard = jly; * * info.Km = km; * info.Kscc = this.cbKscc.SelectedItem.Text; * info.KsccCode = this.cbKscc.SelectedItem.Value; * info.Ksdd = this.cbKsdd.SelectedItem.Text; * info.KsddCode = this.cbKsdd.SelectedItem.Value; * info.Ksrq = this.lbYkrq.Text.Trim(); * * info.PaibanId = int.Parse(this.hidPaiBanId.Value); * info.Pxshrq = this.txtDate.Value; * * SimpleOrmOperator.Create(info); * WebTools.Alert(this, "预约成功!"); * * YuyueInfoOperator.Check(id,this.Operator.OperatorName); * */ YuyueInfo info = new YuyueInfo(); info.Checked = 0; info.Dlr = this.cbSchool.SelectedItem.Text; info.DlrCode = this.cbSchool.SelectedItem.Value; info.Hmhp = this.cbCarNo.SelectedItem.Text; info.IdCard = this.txtIdCard.Text.Trim(); info.JlyIdCard = this.cbCarNo.SelectedItem.Value; info.Km = int.Parse(this.cbKm.SelectedItem.Value); info.Kscc = this.cbKscc.SelectedItem.Text; info.KsccCode = this.cbKscc.SelectedItem.Value; info.Ksdd = this.cbKsdd.SelectedItem.Text; info.KsddCode = this.cbKsdd.SelectedItem.Value; info.Ksrq = this.txtYkrq.Value.Trim(); info.PaibanId = int.Parse(this.hidPaiBanId.Value); info.Pxshrq = this.txtDate.Value; DataTable dttmp = FT.WebServiceInterface.DrvQuery.ZhZwQueryHelper.GetDataTable(info.IdCard); if (info.Km == 1) { if (dttmp == null || dttmp.Rows.Count == 0 || dttmp.Rows[0]["lesson_result"].ToString() == "未完成") { WebTools.Alert(this, "该用户没有完成足够的学时,无法进行科目一预约!"); return; } } else if (info.Km == 3) { if (dttmp == null || dttmp.Rows.Count == 0 || dttmp.Rows[0]["train_result"].ToString() == "未完成") { WebTools.Alert(this, "该用户没有完成足够的入场训练,无法进行科目三预约!"); return; } } SimpleOrmOperator.Create(info); ArrayList list = SimpleOrmOperator.QueryConditionList <YuyueInfo>(" where c_idcard='" + info.IdCard + "' order by id desc"); if (list.Count != 0) { YuyueInfo tmp = list[0] as YuyueInfo; YuyueInfoOperator.Check(tmp.Id, this.Operator.OperatorName); this.btnSearch_Click(null, null); } }