コード例 #1
        // Creates Rndf from an input FileStream
        public IRndf createRndf(FileStream fileStream)
            numWps = 0;

            // File in Read Only mode, convert to stream
            StreamReader r = new StreamReader(fileStream, Encoding.UTF8);

            // Create new queue for input buffer
            Queue q = new Queue();
            string word = "";

            // Create the Rndf (with only segments for now, no zones)
            IRndf rndf = new IRndf();
            rndf.Segments = new List<SimpleSegment>();
            rndf.Zones = new List<SimpleZone>();

            // Loop until reach end of file marker
            while ((word.Length < 8) || (word.Substring(0, 8) != "end_file"))
                // get the next word
                word = parseWord(r, q);

                if (word == "RNDF_name")
                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                    rndf.Name = word;
                else if (word == "num_segments")
                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                    rndf.NumSegs = int.Parse(word);
                else if (word == "num_zones")
                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                    rndf.NumZones = int.Parse(word);
                else if (word == "format_version")
                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                    rndf.FormatVersion = word;
                else if (word == "creation_date")
                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                    rndf.CreationDate = word;
                else if (word == "segment")
                    // create new segment
                    SimpleSegment seg = new SimpleSegment();
                    seg.Lanes = new List<SimpleLane>();

                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                    seg.Id = word;

                    // run until reach end of segment marker
                    while (word != "end_segment")
                        // get next word
                        word = parseWord(r, q);

                        if (word == "segment_name")
                            word = parseWord(r, q);
                            seg.Name = word;
                        else if (word == "num_lanes")
                            word = parseWord(r, q);
                            seg.NumLanes = int.Parse(word);
                        else if (word == "end_segment")
                            // do nothing if at the end
                        else if (word == "lane")
                            // Create new lane
                            SimpleLane ln = new SimpleLane();
                            ln.Checkpoints = new List<SimpleCheckpoint>();
                            ln.Waypoints = new List<SimpleWaypoint>();
                            ln.Stops = new List<string>();
                            ln.ExitEntries = new List<SimpleExitEntry>();

                            word = parseWord(r, q);
                            ln.Id = word;

                            // run until reach end of lane
                            while (word != "end_lane")
                                // get next word
                                word = parseWord(r, q);

                                if (word == "num_waypoints")
                                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                                    ln.NumWaypoints = int.Parse(word);
                                else if (word == "checkpoint")
                                    // create checkpoint
                                    SimpleCheckpoint cp = new SimpleCheckpoint();

                                    // get waypoint id
                                    string wp = parseWord(r, q);
                                    cp.WaypointId = wp;

                                    // get checkpoint id
                                    string id = parseWord(r, q);
                                    cp.CheckpointId = id;

                                    // add to collection of checkpoints within lane
                                else if (word == "lane_width")
                                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                                    ln.LaneWidth = double.Parse(word);
                                else if (word == "stop")
                                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                                else if (word == "left_boundary")
                                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                                    ln.LeftBound = word;
                                else if (word == "right_boundary")
                                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                                    ln.RightBound = word;
                                else if (word == "exit")
                                    // create exit-entry pair
                                    SimpleExitEntry exitEntry = new SimpleExitEntry();

                                    // get the exit id
                                    string exit = parseWord(r, q);
                                    exitEntry.ExitId = exit;

                                    // get the entry id
                                    string entry = parseWord(r, q);
                                    exitEntry.EntryId = entry;

                                    // add to collection of exit-entry pairs within lane
                                else if (word == "end_lane")
                                    // do nothing
                                // Otherwise we probably have a waypoint
                                    // check to make sure a wp by matching lane id to lane identifier of waypoint
                                    int laneIdLength = ln.Id.Length;

                                    // if waypoint matches then create the waypoint
                                    if (word.Length >= laneIdLength + 2 && (word.Substring(0, laneIdLength)).CompareTo(ln.Id) == 0)
                                        // create a new waypoint
                                        SimpleWaypoint wp = new SimpleWaypoint();
                                        wp.Position = new UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates();

                                        // set its id
                                        wp.ID = word;

                                        // get latitude or X
                                        string lat = parseWord(r, q);
                                        wp.Position.X = double.Parse(lat);

                                        // get longitude or y
                                        string lon = parseWord(r, q);
                                        wp.Position.Y = double.Parse(lon);

                                        // add to lane's collection of waypoints

                                        numWps += 1;
                                        Console.WriteLine("Unknown identifier: " + word);
                            Console.WriteLine("Unknown identifier: " + word);
                else if (word == "zone")
                    // create new zone
                    SimpleZone zone = new SimpleZone();
                    zone.ParkingSpots = new List<ParkingSpot>();

                    // get ID
                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                    zone.ZoneID = word;

                    // run until reach end of segment marker
                    while (word != "end_zone")
                        // get next word
                        word = parseWord(r, q);

                        if (word == "num_spots")
                            // get next word
                            word = parseWord(r, q);

                            // set num of parking spots
                            zone.NumParkingSpots = int.Parse(word);
                        else if (word == "zone_name")
                            // get next word
                            word = parseWord(r, q);

                            // set zone name
                            zone.Name = word;
                        else if (word == "perimeter")
                            // create perimeter
                            zone.Perimeter = new ZonePerimeter();
                            zone.Perimeter.ExitEntries = new List<SimpleExitEntry>();
                            zone.Perimeter.PerimeterPoints = new List<PerimeterPoint>();

                            // set perimeter id
                            zone.Perimeter.PerimeterID = parseWord(r, q);

                            while (word != "end_perimeter")
                                // get next word
                                word = parseWord(r, q);

                                if (word == "num_perimeterpoints")
                                    // set num of perimeter points
                                    zone.Perimeter.NumPerimeterPoints = int.Parse(parseWord(r, q));
                                else if (word == "exit")
                                    // create new exit,entry
                                    SimpleExitEntry ee = new SimpleExitEntry();

                                    // set exit
                                    ee.ExitId = parseWord(r, q);

                                    // set entry
                                    ee.EntryId = parseWord(r, q);

                                    // add to perimeter exit entries
                                else if (word == "end_perimeter")
                                    // Do Nothing
                                    // create new perimeter point
                                    PerimeterPoint p = new PerimeterPoint();

                                    // set id
                                    p.ID = word;

                                    // create new coordinate
                                    p.position = new UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates();

                                    // setX
                                    p.position.X = Double.Parse(parseWord(r, q));

                                    // setY
                                    p.position.Y = Double.Parse(parseWord(r, q));

                                    // add to perimeter points
                        else if (word == "spot")
                            // create a new spot
                            ParkingSpot ps = new ParkingSpot();

                            // set spot id
                            ps.SpotID = parseWord(r, q);

                            while (word != "end_spot")
                                // get next word
                                word = parseWord(r, q);

                                if (word == "spot_width")
                                    // set spot width
                                    ps.SpotWidth = parseWord(r, q);
                                else if (word == "checkpoint")
                                    // get waypoint id that corresponds with checkpoint
                                    ps.CheckpointWaypointID = parseWord(r, q);

                                    // get checkpoint id
                                    ps.CheckpointID = parseWord(r, q);
                                else if (word == "end_spot")
                                    // add spot to zone
                                    // SimpleWaypoint 1

                                    // create new waypoint for waypoint1
                                    ps.Waypoint1 = new SimpleWaypoint();
                                    ps.Waypoint1.Position = new UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates();

                                    // set id
                                    ps.Waypoint1.ID = word;

                                    // check if id is checkpointWaypointID
                                    if (ps.Waypoint1.ID == ps.CheckpointWaypointID)
                                        ps.Waypoint1.IsCheckpoint = true;
                                        ps.Waypoint1.CheckpointID = ps.CheckpointID;

                                    // setX
                                    ps.Waypoint1.Position.X = Double.Parse(parseWord(r, q));

                                    // setY
                                    ps.Waypoint1.Position.Y = Double.Parse(parseWord(r, q));


                                    // SimpleWaypoint 2

                                    // create new waypoint for waypoint2
                                    ps.Waypoint2 = new SimpleWaypoint();
                                    ps.Waypoint2.Position = new UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates();

                                    // set id
                                    ps.Waypoint2.ID = parseWord(r, q);

                                    // check if id is checkpointWaypointID
                                    if (ps.Waypoint2.ID == ps.CheckpointWaypointID)
                                        ps.Waypoint2.IsCheckpoint = true;
                                        ps.Waypoint2.CheckpointID = ps.CheckpointID;

                                    // setX
                                    ps.Waypoint2.Position.X = Double.Parse(parseWord(r, q));

                                    // setY
                                    ps.Waypoint2.Position.Y = Double.Parse(parseWord(r, q));

                        else if (word == "end_zone")
                            // Do Nothing
                            Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized: " + word);

                    // Add zones to zone
                    if (word == "end_file")
                        Console.WriteLine("Rndf Parse :: Successful");
                        Console.WriteLine("Unknown identifier: " + word);
            return rndf;
コード例 #2
        // Creates Rndf from an input FileStream
        public IRndf createRndf(FileStream fileStream)
            numWps = 0;

            // File in Read Only mode, convert to stream
            StreamReader r = new StreamReader(fileStream, Encoding.UTF8);

            // Create new queue for input buffer
            Queue  q    = new Queue();
            string word = "";

            // Create the Rndf (with only segments for now, no zones)
            IRndf rndf = new IRndf();

            rndf.Segments = new List <SimpleSegment>();
            rndf.Zones    = new List <SimpleZone>();

            // Loop until reach end of file marker
            while ((word.Length < 8) || (word.Substring(0, 8) != "end_file"))
                // get the next word
                word = parseWord(r, q);

                if (word == "RNDF_name")
                    word      = parseWord(r, q);
                    rndf.Name = word;
                else if (word == "num_segments")
                    word         = parseWord(r, q);
                    rndf.NumSegs = int.Parse(word);
                else if (word == "num_zones")
                    word          = parseWord(r, q);
                    rndf.NumZones = int.Parse(word);
                else if (word == "format_version")
                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                    rndf.FormatVersion = word;
                else if (word == "creation_date")
                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                    rndf.CreationDate = word;
                else if (word == "segment")
                    // create new segment
                    SimpleSegment seg = new SimpleSegment();
                    seg.Lanes = new List <SimpleLane>();

                    word   = parseWord(r, q);
                    seg.Id = word;

                    // run until reach end of segment marker
                    while (word != "end_segment")
                        // get next word
                        word = parseWord(r, q);

                        if (word == "segment_name")
                            word     = parseWord(r, q);
                            seg.Name = word;
                        else if (word == "num_lanes")
                            word         = parseWord(r, q);
                            seg.NumLanes = int.Parse(word);
                        else if (word == "end_segment")
                            // do nothing if at the end
                        else if (word == "lane")
                            // Create new lane
                            SimpleLane ln = new SimpleLane();
                            ln.Checkpoints = new List <SimpleCheckpoint>();
                            ln.Waypoints   = new List <SimpleWaypoint>();
                            ln.Stops       = new List <string>();
                            ln.ExitEntries = new List <SimpleExitEntry>();

                            word  = parseWord(r, q);
                            ln.Id = word;

                            // run until reach end of lane
                            while (word != "end_lane")
                                // get next word
                                word = parseWord(r, q);

                                if (word == "num_waypoints")
                                    word            = parseWord(r, q);
                                    ln.NumWaypoints = int.Parse(word);
                                else if (word == "checkpoint")
                                    // create checkpoint
                                    SimpleCheckpoint cp = new SimpleCheckpoint();

                                    // get waypoint id
                                    string wp = parseWord(r, q);
                                    cp.WaypointId = wp;

                                    // get checkpoint id
                                    string id = parseWord(r, q);
                                    cp.CheckpointId = id;

                                    // add to collection of checkpoints within lane
                                else if (word == "lane_width")
                                    word         = parseWord(r, q);
                                    ln.LaneWidth = double.Parse(word);
                                else if (word == "stop")
                                    word = parseWord(r, q);
                                else if (word == "left_boundary")
                                    word         = parseWord(r, q);
                                    ln.LeftBound = word;
                                else if (word == "right_boundary")
                                    word          = parseWord(r, q);
                                    ln.RightBound = word;
                                else if (word == "exit")
                                    // create exit-entry pair
                                    SimpleExitEntry exitEntry = new SimpleExitEntry();

                                    // get the exit id
                                    string exit = parseWord(r, q);
                                    exitEntry.ExitId = exit;

                                    // get the entry id
                                    string entry = parseWord(r, q);
                                    exitEntry.EntryId = entry;

                                    // add to collection of exit-entry pairs within lane
                                else if (word == "end_lane")
                                    // do nothing
                                // Otherwise we probably have a waypoint
                                    // check to make sure a wp by matching lane id to lane identifier of waypoint
                                    int laneIdLength = ln.Id.Length;

                                    // if waypoint matches then create the waypoint
                                    if (word.Length >= laneIdLength + 2 && (word.Substring(0, laneIdLength)).CompareTo(ln.Id) == 0)
                                        // create a new waypoint
                                        SimpleWaypoint wp = new SimpleWaypoint();
                                        wp.Position = new UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates();

                                        // set its id
                                        wp.ID = word;

                                        // get latitude or X
                                        string lat = parseWord(r, q);
                                        wp.Position.X = double.Parse(lat);

                                        // get longitude or y
                                        string lon = parseWord(r, q);
                                        wp.Position.Y = double.Parse(lon);

                                        // add to lane's collection of waypoints

                                        numWps += 1;
                                        Console.WriteLine("Unknown identifier: " + word);
                            Console.WriteLine("Unknown identifier: " + word);
                else if (word == "zone")
                    // create new zone
                    SimpleZone zone = new SimpleZone();
                    zone.ParkingSpots = new List <ParkingSpot>();

                    // get ID
                    word        = parseWord(r, q);
                    zone.ZoneID = word;

                    // run until reach end of segment marker
                    while (word != "end_zone")
                        // get next word
                        word = parseWord(r, q);

                        if (word == "num_spots")
                            // get next word
                            word = parseWord(r, q);

                            // set num of parking spots
                            zone.NumParkingSpots = int.Parse(word);
                        else if (word == "zone_name")
                            // get next word
                            word = parseWord(r, q);

                            // set zone name
                            zone.Name = word;
                        else if (word == "perimeter")
                            // create perimeter
                            zone.Perimeter                 = new ZonePerimeter();
                            zone.Perimeter.ExitEntries     = new List <SimpleExitEntry>();
                            zone.Perimeter.PerimeterPoints = new List <PerimeterPoint>();

                            // set perimeter id
                            zone.Perimeter.PerimeterID = parseWord(r, q);

                            while (word != "end_perimeter")
                                // get next word
                                word = parseWord(r, q);

                                if (word == "num_perimeterpoints")
                                    // set num of perimeter points
                                    zone.Perimeter.NumPerimeterPoints = int.Parse(parseWord(r, q));
                                else if (word == "exit")
                                    // create new exit,entry
                                    SimpleExitEntry ee = new SimpleExitEntry();

                                    // set exit
                                    ee.ExitId = parseWord(r, q);

                                    // set entry
                                    ee.EntryId = parseWord(r, q);

                                    // add to perimeter exit entries
                                else if (word == "end_perimeter")
                                    // Do Nothing
                                    // create new perimeter point
                                    PerimeterPoint p = new PerimeterPoint();

                                    // set id
                                    p.ID = word;

                                    // create new coordinate
                                    p.position = new UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates();

                                    // setX
                                    p.position.X = Double.Parse(parseWord(r, q));

                                    // setY
                                    p.position.Y = Double.Parse(parseWord(r, q));

                                    // add to perimeter points
                        else if (word == "spot")
                            // create a new spot
                            ParkingSpot ps = new ParkingSpot();

                            // set spot id
                            ps.SpotID = parseWord(r, q);

                            while (word != "end_spot")
                                // get next word
                                word = parseWord(r, q);

                                if (word == "spot_width")
                                    // set spot width
                                    ps.SpotWidth = parseWord(r, q);
                                else if (word == "checkpoint")
                                    // get waypoint id that corresponds with checkpoint
                                    ps.CheckpointWaypointID = parseWord(r, q);

                                    // get checkpoint id
                                    ps.CheckpointID = parseWord(r, q);
                                else if (word == "end_spot")
                                    // add spot to zone
                                    // SimpleWaypoint 1

                                    // create new waypoint for waypoint1
                                    ps.Waypoint1          = new SimpleWaypoint();
                                    ps.Waypoint1.Position = new UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates();

                                    // set id
                                    ps.Waypoint1.ID = word;

                                    // check if id is checkpointWaypointID
                                    if (ps.Waypoint1.ID == ps.CheckpointWaypointID)
                                        ps.Waypoint1.IsCheckpoint = true;
                                        ps.Waypoint1.CheckpointID = ps.CheckpointID;

                                    // setX
                                    ps.Waypoint1.Position.X = Double.Parse(parseWord(r, q));

                                    // setY
                                    ps.Waypoint1.Position.Y = Double.Parse(parseWord(r, q));


                                    // SimpleWaypoint 2

                                    // create new waypoint for waypoint2
                                    ps.Waypoint2          = new SimpleWaypoint();
                                    ps.Waypoint2.Position = new UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates();

                                    // set id
                                    ps.Waypoint2.ID = parseWord(r, q);

                                    // check if id is checkpointWaypointID
                                    if (ps.Waypoint2.ID == ps.CheckpointWaypointID)
                                        ps.Waypoint2.IsCheckpoint = true;
                                        ps.Waypoint2.CheckpointID = ps.CheckpointID;

                                    // setX
                                    ps.Waypoint2.Position.X = Double.Parse(parseWord(r, q));

                                    // setY
                                    ps.Waypoint2.Position.Y = Double.Parse(parseWord(r, q));

                        else if (word == "end_zone")
                            // Do Nothing
                            Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized: " + word);

                    // Add zones to zone
                    if (word == "end_file")
                        Console.WriteLine("Rndf Parse :: Successful");
                        Console.WriteLine("Unknown identifier: " + word);