public void SimpleFileSystemProvider_OpenRead_WithNoFile_ShouldSwallowExceptionAndReturnNullStream() { if (SkipTests) { Assert.Inconclusive("Problems with one-time setup prevented the test from running."); } else { SimpleFileSystemProvider sfs = new SimpleFileSystemProvider(); Stream fileStream = null; fileStream = sfs.OpenRead(string.Empty); Assert.IsNull(fileStream, "No stream should have been returned for a file that doesn't exist."); } } // end test
public void SimpleFileSystemProvider_OpenRead_WithValidFile_ShouldReturnFileContentsAsStream() { if (SkipTests) { Assert.Inconclusive("Problems with one-time setup prevented the test from running."); } else { SimpleFileSystemProvider sfs = new SimpleFileSystemProvider(); Stream fileStream = null; string expectedContents = string.Concat("Line 1", Environment.NewLine, "Line 2", Environment.NewLine, "Line 3", Environment.NewLine); string actualContents = string.Empty; using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileStream = sfs.OpenRead(this._targetFileName))) { actualContents = reader.ReadToEnd(); } Assert.AreEqual(expectedContents, actualContents, "The method did not open or read the file correctly."); } } // end test