コード例 #1
ファイル: Interaction.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
        // Determines which triangles of the surface are facing towards the light origin.
        // The facing array should be allocated with one extra index than the number of surface triangles, which will be used to handle dangling edge silhouettes.
        static void R_CalcInteractionFacing(IRenderEntity ent, SrfTriangles tri, IRenderLight light, ref SrfCullInfo cullInfo)
            if (cullInfo.facing != null)

            Vector3 localLightOrigin;

            R_GlobalPointToLocal(ent.modelMatrix, light.globalLightOrigin, out localLightOrigin);

            var numFaces = tri.numIndexes / 3;

            if (tri.facePlanes == null || !tri.facePlanesCalculated)

            cullInfo.facing = (byte *)R_StaticAlloc((numFaces + 1) * sizeof(byte));

            // calculate back face culling
            var planeSide = stackalloc float[numFaces + floatX.ALLOC16]; planeSide = (float *)_alloca16(planeSide);

            // exact geometric cull against face
            fixed(Plane *facePlanesP = tri.facePlanes) Simd.Dotcp(planeSide, localLightOrigin, facePlanesP, numFaces);

            Simd.CmpGE(cullInfo.facing, planeSide, 0f, numFaces);

            cullInfo.facing[numFaces] = 1;  // for dangling edges to reference
コード例 #2
ファイル: Sound_Decoder.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
        public unsafe int DecodePCM(SoundSample sample, int sampleOffset44k, int sampleCount44k, float *dest)
            lastFormat = WAVE_FORMAT_TAG.PCM;
            lastSample = sample;

            var shift        = 22050 / sample.objectInfo.nSamplesPerSec;
            var sampleOffset = sampleOffset44k >> shift;
            var sampleCount  = sampleCount44k >> shift;

            if (sample.nonCacheData == null)
                Debug.Assert(false); failed = true; return(0);
            }                                                                                   // this should never happen ( note: I've seen that happen with the main thread down in idGameLocal::MapClear clearing entities - TTimo )
            if (!sample.FetchFromCache(sampleOffset * sizeof(short), out var first, out var pos, out var size, false))
                failed = true; return(0);

            var readSamples = size - pos < sampleCount * sizeof(short) ? (size - pos) / sizeof(short) : sampleCount;

            // duplicate samples for 44kHz output
            fixed(byte *_ = &first.v[first.o + pos]) Simd.UpSamplePCMTo44kHz(dest, (short *)_, readSamples, sample.objectInfo.nSamplesPerSec, sample.objectInfo.nChannels);

            return(readSamples << shift);
コード例 #3
        void IDumpableAsText.DumpAsText(TextWriter writer)
            var pbag = new List <KeyValuePair <String, String> >();
            Func <KeyValuePair <String, String>, String> fmt = kvp =>
                var maxKey = pbag.Max(kvp1 => kvp1.Key.Length);
                return(String.Format("    {0} : {1}", kvp.Key.PadRight(maxKey), kvp.Value));

            Action <String> fillPbag = s =>
                foreach (var line in s.SplitLines().Skip(1).SkipLast(1))
                    var m     = Regex.Match(line, "^(?<key>.*?):(?<value>.*)$");
                    var key   = m.Result("${key}").Trim();
                    var value = m.Result("${value}").Trim();
                    pbag.Add(new KeyValuePair <String, String>(key, value));

            writer.WriteLine("Device #{0} \"{1}\" (/pci:{2}/dev:{3})", Index, Name, PciBusId, PciDeviceId);
            pbag.ForEach(kvp => writer.WriteLine(fmt(kvp)));
コード例 #4
ファイル: AesArm64.cs プロジェクト: PeterG75/aes-armv8
        public void Encrypt(byte[] input, byte[] output)
            int position = 0;
            int left     = input.Length;

            var key0  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <byte> >(ref enc[0 * BlockSize]);
            var key1  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <byte> >(ref enc[1 * BlockSize]);
            var key2  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <byte> >(ref enc[2 * BlockSize]);
            var key3  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <byte> >(ref enc[3 * BlockSize]);
            var key4  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <byte> >(ref enc[4 * BlockSize]);
            var key5  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <byte> >(ref enc[5 * BlockSize]);
            var key6  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <byte> >(ref enc[6 * BlockSize]);
            var key7  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <byte> >(ref enc[7 * BlockSize]);
            var key8  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <byte> >(ref enc[8 * BlockSize]);
            var key9  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <byte> >(ref enc[9 * BlockSize]);
            var key10 = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <byte> >(ref enc[10 * BlockSize]);

            while (left >= BlockSize)
                var block = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <byte> >(ref input[position]);

                block = Aes.Encrypt(block, key0);
                block = Aes.MixColumns(block);

                block = Aes.Encrypt(block, key1);
                block = Aes.MixColumns(block);

                block = Aes.Encrypt(block, key2);
                block = Aes.MixColumns(block);

                block = Aes.Encrypt(block, key3);
                block = Aes.MixColumns(block);

                block = Aes.Encrypt(block, key4);
                block = Aes.MixColumns(block);

                block = Aes.Encrypt(block, key5);
                block = Aes.MixColumns(block);

                block = Aes.Encrypt(block, key6);
                block = Aes.MixColumns(block);

                block = Aes.Encrypt(block, key7);
                block = Aes.MixColumns(block);

                block = Aes.Encrypt(block, key8);
                block = Aes.MixColumns(block);

                block = Aes.Encrypt(block, key9);
                block = Simd.Xor(block, key10);

                Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref output[position], block);

                position += BlockSize;
                left     -= BlockSize;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Model_md5.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
        // Special transform to make the mesh seem fat or skinny.  May be used for zombie deaths
        void TransformScaledVerts(DrawVert *verts, JointMat *joints, float scale)
            var scaledWeights = stackalloc Vector4[numWeights + Vector4.ALLOC16]; scaledWeights = _alloca16(scaledWeights);

            Simd.Mul(&scaledWeights[0].x, scale, &scaledWeights[0].x, numWeights * 4);

            fixed(int *weightIndexI = weightIndex)
            Simd.TransformVerts(verts, texCoords.Length, joints, scaledWeights, weightIndexI, numWeights);
コード例 #6
        public void Vector256Sum <T>(T value, T expected)
            where T : unmanaged
            var v = Simd <T> .CreateVector256(value);

            var result = v.Sum();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
コード例 #7
        public void Add <T>(T value, T expected)
            where T : unmanaged
            var vector = Simd <T> .CreateVector128(value);

            var expectedVector = Simd <T> .CreateVector128(expected);

            var result = Sse2 <T> .Add(vector, vector);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedVector, result);
コード例 #8
        public void Subtract <T>(T value, T expected)
            where T : unmanaged
            var vector = Simd <T> .CreateVector256(value);

            var expectedVector = Simd <T> .CreateVector256(expected);

            var result = Avx2 <T> .Subtract(vector, vector);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedVector, result);
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets array of sum rows.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">the matrix.</param>
        /// <typeparam name="T">unmanaged type.</typeparam>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="NullReferenceException"></exception>
        public static T[] SumByRows <T>(this Matrix <T> matrix)
            where T : unmanaged
            var array = new T[matrix.Rows];

            for (var i = 0; i < matrix.Rows; i++)
                array[i] = Simd.Sum(matrix[i]);

コード例 #10
        public void Add <T>(T a, T b, T expected)
            where T : unmanaged
            var vectorA = Simd <T> .CreateVector128(a);

            var vectorB = Simd <T> .CreateVector128(b);

            var expectedVector = Simd <T> .CreateVector128(expected);

            var result = Sse2 <T> .Add(vectorA, vectorB);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedVector, result);
コード例 #11
        public void Subtract <T>(T a, T b, T expected)
            where T : unmanaged
            var vectorA = Simd <T> .CreateVector256(a);

            var vectorB = Simd <T> .CreateVector256(b);

            var expectedVector = Simd <T> .CreateVector256(expected);

            var result = Avx2 <T> .Subtract(vectorA, vectorB);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedVector, result);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Interaction.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
        // We want to cull a little on the sloppy side, because the pre-clipping of geometry to the lights in dmap will give many cases that are right
        // at the border we throw things out on the border, because if any one vertex is clearly inside, the entire triangle will be accepted.
        static void R_CalcInteractionCullBits(IRenderEntity ent, SrfTriangles tri, IRenderLight light, ref SrfCullInfo cullInfo)
            int i, frontBits;

            if (cullInfo.cullBits != null)

            frontBits = 0;

            // cull the triangle surface bounding box
            for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                R_GlobalPlaneToLocal(ent.modelMatrix, -light.frustum[i], out cullInfo.localClipPlanes[i]);

                // get front bits for the whole surface
                if (tri.bounds.PlaneDistance(cullInfo.localClipPlanes[i]) >= IInteraction.LIGHT_CLIP_EPSILON)
                    frontBits |= 1 << i;

            // if the surface is completely inside the light frustum
            if (frontBits == ((1 << 6) - 1))
                cullInfo.cullBits = IInteraction.LIGHT_CULL_ALL_FRONT; return;

            cullInfo.cullBits = (byte *)R_StaticAlloc(tri.numVerts * sizeof(byte));
            Simd.Memset(cullInfo.cullBits, 0, tri.numVerts * sizeof(byte));

            var planeSide = stackalloc float[tri.numVerts + floatX.ALLOC16]; planeSide = (float *)_alloca16(planeSide);

            for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                // if completely infront of this clipping plane
                if ((frontBits & (1 << i)) != 0)
                    fixed(DrawVert *vertsD = tri.verts) Simd.Dotpd(planeSide, cullInfo.localClipPlanes[i], vertsD, tri.numVerts);

                    Simd.CmpLTb(cullInfo.cullBits, (byte)i, planeSide, IInteraction.LIGHT_CLIP_EPSILON, tri.numVerts);
コード例 #13
ファイル: Model_md5.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
        public Bounds CalcBounds(JointMat[] joints)
            Bounds bounds = new();

            var verts = texCoords.Length * sizeof(DrawVert) < 600000
                ? stackalloc DrawVert[texCoords.Length + DrawVert.ALLOC16]
                : new DrawVert[texCoords.Length + DrawVert.ALLOC16];

            verts = _alloca16T(verts);

            fixed(DrawVert *vertsD = verts)
            fixed(JointMat * jointsJ = joints)
                TransformVerts(vertsD, jointsJ);

                Simd.MinMaxd(out bounds[0], out bounds[1], vertsD, texCoords.Length);

コード例 #14
ファイル: Sound_Wavefile.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
        // Reads section of data from a wave file into pBuffer and returns how much read in pdwSizeRead, reading not more than dwSizeToRead.
        // This uses mck to determine where to start reading from.  So subsequent calls will be continue where the last left off unless
        // Reset() is called.
        public unsafe int Read(byte *pBuffer, int dwSizeToRead, Action <int> pdwSizeRead)
            if (ogg != null)
                return(ReadOGG(pBuffer, dwSizeToRead, pdwSizeRead));
            else if (mbIsReadingFromMemory)
                if (mpbDataCur == 0)
                if (mpbDataCur + dwSizeToRead > mulDataSize)
                    dwSizeToRead = mulDataSize - mpbDataCur;
                    fixed(void *mpbDataCur_ = &mpbData[mpbDataCur]) Simd.Memcpy(pBuffer, mpbDataCur_, dwSizeToRead);

                    mpbDataCur += dwSizeToRead;

                if (mhmmio == null || pBuffer == null)

                dwSizeToRead = mhmmio.Read(pBuffer, dwSizeToRead);
                // this is hit by ogg code, which does it's own byte swapping internally
                if (!isOgg)
                    LittleRevBytes(pBuffer, 2, dwSizeToRead / 2);

コード例 #15
 public double MinDoubleAvx()
コード例 #16
 public float MinFloatAvx()
コード例 #17
ファイル: Sound_Decoder.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
        public unsafe int DecodeOGG(SoundSample sample, int sampleOffset44k, int sampleCount44k, float *dest)
            int readSamples, totalSamples;

            var shift        = 22050 / sample.objectInfo.nSamplesPerSec;
            var sampleOffset = sampleOffset44k >> shift;
            var sampleCount  = sampleCount44k >> shift;

            // open OGG file if not yet opened
            if (lastSample == null)
                // make sure there is enough space for another decoder
                if (ISampleDecoder.decoderMemoryAllocator.FreeBlockMemory < ISampleDecoder.MIN_OGGVORBIS_MEMORY)

                if (sample.nonCacheData == null)
                    Debug.Assert(false); failed = true; return(0);
                }                                                                                  // this should never happen
                file.SetData(sample.nonCacheData, sample.objectMemSize);
                if (OggVorbis.ov_openFile(file, ogg) < 0)
                    failed = true; return(0);
                lastFormat = WAVE_FORMAT_TAG.OGG;
                lastSample = sample;

            // seek to the right offset if necessary
            if (sampleOffset != lastSampleOffset && ov_pcm_seek(ogg, sampleOffset / sample.objectInfo.nChannels) != 0)
                failed = true; return(0);

            lastSampleOffset = sampleOffset;

            // decode OGG samples
            totalSamples = sampleCount;
            readSamples  = 0;
                float **samples;
                var     ret = (int)ov_read_float(ogg, &samples, totalSamples / sample.objectInfo.nChannels, null);
                if (ret == 0)
                    failed = true; break;
                if (ret < 0)
                    failed = true; return(0);
                ret *= sample.objectInfo.nChannels;

                Simd.UpSampleOGGTo44kHz(dest + (readSamples << shift), samples, ret, sample.objectInfo.nSamplesPerSec, sample.objectInfo.nChannels);

                readSamples  += ret;
                totalSamples -= ret;
            } while (totalSamples > 0);

            lastSampleOffset += readSamples;

            return(readSamples << shift);
コード例 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets sum by row of matrix.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="matrix">the matrix.</param>
 /// <param name="dimension">row index.</param>
 /// <typeparam name="T">unmanaged type.</typeparam>
 /// <returns>Sum row by index</returns>
 /// <exception cref="NullReferenceException"></exception>
 public static T SumByRow <T>(this Matrix <T> matrix, int dimension)
     where T : unmanaged
コード例 #19
ファイル: VectorBasic.cs プロジェクト: toor1245/MatrixDotNet
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets sum of vector.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vector">vector</param>
 public static short Sum(this Vector <short> vector)
コード例 #20
ファイル: TR_TurboShadow.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
        // are dangling edges that are outside the light frustum still making planes?
        public static SrfTriangles R_CreateVertexProgramTurboShadowVolume(RenderEntityLocal ent, SrfTriangles tri, RenderLightLocal light, SrfCullInfo cullInfo)
            int          i, j;
            SrfTriangles newTri;
            SilEdge      sil;

            GlIndex[] indexes;
            byte[]    facing;

            R_CalcInteractionFacing(ent, tri, light, cullInfo);

            if (r_useShadowProjectedCull.Bool)
                R_CalcInteractionCullBits(ent, tri, light, cullInfo);

            var numFaces          = tri.numIndexes / 3;
            var numShadowingFaces = 0;

            facing = cullInfo.facing;

            // if all the triangles are inside the light frustum
            if (cullInfo.cullBits == LIGHT_CULL_ALL_FRONT || !r_useShadowProjectedCull.Bool)
                // count the number of shadowing faces
                for (i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
                    numShadowingFaces += facing[i];
                numShadowingFaces = numFaces - numShadowingFaces;
                // make all triangles that are outside the light frustum "facing", so they won't cast shadows
                indexes = tri.indexes;
                byte *modifyFacing = cullInfo.facing;
                byte *cullBits     = cullInfo.cullBits;

                for (j = i = 0; i < tri.numIndexes; i += 3, j++)
                    if (modifyFacing[j] == 0)
                        var i1 = indexes[i + 0];
                        var i2 = indexes[i + 1];
                        var i3 = indexes[i + 2];

                        if ((cullBits[i1] & cullBits[i2] & cullBits[i3]) != 0)
                            modifyFacing[j] = 1;

            // no faces are inside the light frustum and still facing the right way
            if (numShadowingFaces == 0)

            // shadowVerts will be NULL on these surfaces, so the shadowVerts will be taken from the ambient surface
            newTri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();

            newTri.numVerts = tri.numVerts * 2;

            // alloc the max possible size
            R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes(newTri, (numShadowingFaces + tri.numSilEdges) * 6);
            GlIndex tempIndexes   = newTri.indexes;
            GlIndex shadowIndexes = newTri.indexes;
            GlIndex tempIndexes   = new GlIndex[tri.numSilEdges * 6];
            GlIndex shadowIndexes = tempIndexes;

            // create new triangles along sil planes
            for (sil = tri.silEdges, i = tri.numSilEdges; i > 0; i--, sil++)
                int f1 = facing[sil.p1], f2 = facing[sil.p2];

                if ((f1 ^ f2) == 0)

                int v1 = sil.v1 << 1, v2 = sil.v2 << 1;

                // set the two triangle winding orders based on facing without using a poorly-predictable branch

                shadowIndexes[0] = v1;
                shadowIndexes[1] = v2 ^ f1;
                shadowIndexes[2] = v2 ^ f2;
                shadowIndexes[3] = v1 ^ f2;
                shadowIndexes[4] = v1 ^ f1;
                shadowIndexes[5] = v2 ^ 1;

                shadowIndexes += 6;

            int numShadowIndexes = shadowIndexes - tempIndexes;

            // we aren't bothering to separate front and back caps on these
            newTri.numIndexes             = newTri.numShadowIndexesNoFrontCaps = numShadowIndexes + numShadowingFaces * 6;
            newTri.numShadowIndexesNoCaps = numShadowIndexes;
            newTri.shadowCapPlaneBits     = SHADOW_CAP_INFINITE;

            // decrease the size of the memory block to only store the used indexes
            R_ResizeStaticTriSurfIndexes(newTri, newTri.numIndexes);
            // allocate memory for the indexes
            R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes(newTri, newTri.numIndexes);
            // copy the indexes we created for the sil planes
            Simd.Memcpy(newTri.indexes, tempIndexes, numShadowIndexes * sizeof(tempIndexes[0]));

            // these have no effect, because they extend to infinity

            // put some faces on the model and some on the distant projection
            indexes       = tri.indexes;
            shadowIndexes = newTri.indexes + numShadowIndexes;

            for (i = 0, j = 0; i < tri.numIndexes; i += 3, j++)
                if (facing[j] != 0)

                var i0 = indexes[i + 0] << 1; shadowIndexes[2] = i0; shadowIndexes[3] = i0 ^ 1;
                var i1 = indexes[i + 1] << 1; shadowIndexes[1] = i1; shadowIndexes[4] = i1 ^ 1;
                var i2 = indexes[i + 2] << 1; shadowIndexes[0] = i2; shadowIndexes[5] = i2 ^ 1;
                shadowIndexes += 6;

コード例 #21
ファイル: Sha256Arm64.cs プロジェクト: Metalnem/sha256-armv8
        private static void Block(uint[] state, ReadOnlySpan <byte> data)
            var msg = new byte[64];

            // Load state
            var hash_abcd = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref state[0]));
            var hash_efgh = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref state[4]));

            var k0  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x00]));
            var k1  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x04]));
            var k2  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x08]));
            var k3  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x0c]));
            var k4  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x10]));
            var k5  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x14]));
            var k6  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x18]));
            var k7  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x1c]));
            var k8  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x20]));
            var k9  = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x24]));
            var k10 = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x28]));
            var k11 = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x2c]));
            var k12 = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x30]));
            var k13 = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x34]));
            var k14 = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x38]));
            var k15 = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref k[0x3c]));

            while (data.Length >= 64)
                // Save state
                var save_abcd = hash_abcd;
                var save_efgh = hash_efgh;

                var from = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, uint>(data);
                var to   = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, uint>(msg);

                // Reverse for little endian
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                    to[i] = BinaryPrimitives.ReverseEndianness(from[i]);

                // Load message
                var msg0 = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref msg[0]);
                var msg1 = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref msg[16]);
                var msg2 = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref msg[32]);
                var msg3 = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector128 <uint> >(ref msg[48]);

                Vector128 <uint> wk, temp_abcd;

                // Rounds 0-3
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg0, k0);
                msg0      = Sha256.SchedulePart1(msg0, msg1);
                msg0      = Sha256.SchedulePart2(msg0, msg2, msg3);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 4-7
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg1, k1);
                msg1      = Sha256.SchedulePart1(msg1, msg2);
                msg1      = Sha256.SchedulePart2(msg1, msg3, msg0);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 8-11
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg2, k2);
                msg2      = Sha256.SchedulePart1(msg2, msg3);
                msg2      = Sha256.SchedulePart2(msg2, msg0, msg1);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 12-15
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg3, k3);
                msg3      = Sha256.SchedulePart1(msg3, msg0);
                msg3      = Sha256.SchedulePart2(msg3, msg1, msg2);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 16-19
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg0, k4);
                msg0      = Sha256.SchedulePart1(msg0, msg1);
                msg0      = Sha256.SchedulePart2(msg0, msg2, msg3);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 20-23
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg1, k5);
                msg1      = Sha256.SchedulePart1(msg1, msg2);
                msg1      = Sha256.SchedulePart2(msg1, msg3, msg0);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 24-27
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg2, k6);
                msg2      = Sha256.SchedulePart1(msg2, msg3);
                msg2      = Sha256.SchedulePart2(msg2, msg0, msg1);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 28-31
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg3, k7);
                msg3      = Sha256.SchedulePart1(msg3, msg0);
                msg3      = Sha256.SchedulePart2(msg3, msg1, msg2);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 32-35
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg0, k8);
                msg0      = Sha256.SchedulePart1(msg0, msg1);
                msg0      = Sha256.SchedulePart2(msg0, msg2, msg3);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 36-39
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg1, k9);
                msg1      = Sha256.SchedulePart1(msg1, msg2);
                msg1      = Sha256.SchedulePart2(msg1, msg3, msg0);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 40-43
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg2, k10);
                msg2      = Sha256.SchedulePart1(msg2, msg3);
                msg2      = Sha256.SchedulePart2(msg2, msg0, msg1);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 44-47
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg3, k11);
                msg3      = Sha256.SchedulePart1(msg3, msg0);
                msg3      = Sha256.SchedulePart2(msg3, msg1, msg2);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 48-51
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg0, k12);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 52-55
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg1, k13);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 56-59
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg2, k14);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Rounds 60-63
                wk        = Simd.Add(msg3, k15);
                temp_abcd = hash_abcd;
                hash_abcd = Sha256.HashLower(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk);
                hash_efgh = Sha256.HashUpper(hash_efgh, temp_abcd, wk);

                // Combine state
                hash_abcd = Simd.Add(hash_abcd, save_abcd);
                hash_efgh = Simd.Add(hash_efgh, save_efgh);

                data = data.Slice(64);

            Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref state[0]), hash_abcd);
            Unsafe.WriteUnaligned(ref Unsafe.As <uint, byte>(ref state[4]), hash_efgh);
コード例 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Summation matrix.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="matrix">the matrix.</param>
 /// <typeparam name="T">unmanaged type.</typeparam>
 /// <returns>Sum whole of matrix.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="NullReferenceException"></exception>
 public static T Sum <T>(this Matrix <T> matrix)
     where T : unmanaged
コード例 #23
ファイル: VectorBasic.cs プロジェクト: toor1245/MatrixDotNet
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets sum of vector.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vector">vector</param>
 public static T Sum <T>(this Vector <T> vector)
     where T : unmanaged
     return(Simd.Sum(vector.Array, vector.Length));
コード例 #24
ファイル: VectorBasic.cs プロジェクト: toor1245/MatrixDotNet
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets sum of vector.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vector">vector</param>
 public static double Sum(this Vector <double> vector)
コード例 #25
ファイル: VectorBasic.cs プロジェクト: toor1245/MatrixDotNet
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets sum of vector.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vector">vector</param>
 public static float Sum(this Vector <float> vector)
コード例 #26
 public double MinIntAvx()
コード例 #27
 public bool EqualsAvx()
     return(Simd.Equals(_matrix1, _matrix2));
コード例 #28
ファイル: TR_Trace.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
        // If we resort the vertexes so all silverts come first, we can save some work here.
        public unsafe static LocalTrace R_LocalTrace(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float radius, SrfTriangles tri)
            int i, j;

            Plane[]    planes = new Plane[4];
            LocalTrace hit = new();
            int        c_testEdges, c_testPlanes, c_intersect;
            Vector3    startDir;
            byte       totalOr;
            float      radiusSqr;

            Timer trace_timer = new();

            hit.fraction = 1f;

            // create two planes orthogonal to each other that intersect along the trace
            startDir = end - start;
            startDir.NormalVectors(out planes[0].Normal, out planes[1].Normal);
            planes[0].d = -start * planes[0].Normal;
            planes[1].d = -start * planes[1].Normal;

            // create front and end planes so the trace is on the positive sides of both
            planes[2] = startDir; planes[2].d = -start * planes[2].Normal;
            planes[3] = -startDir; planes[3].d = -end * planes[3].Normal;

            // catagorize each point against the four planes
            var cullBits = stackalloc byte[tri.numVerts];
            Simd.TracePointCull(cullBits, totalOr, radius, planes, tri.verts, tri.numVerts);

            // if we don't have points on both sides of both the ray planes, no intersection
            if (((totalOr ^ (totalOr >> 4)) & 3) != 0) /*common.Printf("nothing crossed the trace planes\n");*/ return {

            // if we don't have any points between front and end, no intersection
            if (((totalOr ^ (totalOr >> 1)) & 4) != 0) /*common.Printf("trace didn't reach any triangles\n");*/ return {

            // scan for triangles that cross both planes
            c_testPlanes = c_testEdges = c_intersect = 0;

            radiusSqr = Square(radius);
            startDir  = end - start;

            if (tri.facePlanes == null || !tri.facePlanesCalculated)

            for (i = 0, j = 0; i < tri.numIndexes; i += 3, j++)
                float   d1, d2, f, d, edgeLengthSqr; byte triOr;
                Vector3 cross, edge; Vector3[] dir = new Vector3[3];

                // get sidedness info for the triangle
                triOr  = cullBits[tri.indexes[i + 0]];
                triOr |= cullBits[tri.indexes[i + 1]];
                triOr |= cullBits[tri.indexes[i + 2]];

                // if we don't have points on both sides of both the ray planes, no intersection
                if (((triOr ^ (triOr >> 4)) & 3) != 0)

                // if we don't have any points between front and end, no intersection
                if (((triOr ^ (triOr >> 1)) & 4) != 0)


                ref Plane plane = ref tri.facePlanes[j];
                d1 = plane.Distance(start);
                d2 = plane.Distance(end);

                if (d1 <= d2)
                    continue;                 // comning at it from behind or parallel
                if (d1 < 0f)
                    continue;                // starts past it
                if (d2 > 0f)
                    continue;                // finishes in front of it
                f = d1 / (d1 - d2);
                if (f < 0f)
                    continue;               // shouldn't happen
                if (f >= hit.fraction)
                    continue;                          // have already hit something closer

                // find the exact point of impact with the plane
                var point = start + f * startDir;

                // see if the point is within the three edges if radius > 0 the triangle is expanded with a circle in the triangle plane

                dir[0] = tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 0]].xyz - point;
                dir[1] = tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 1]].xyz - point;

                cross = dir[0].Cross(dir[1]);
                d     = plane.Normal * cross;
                if (d > 0f)
                    if (radiusSqr <= 0f)
                    edge          = tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 0]].xyz - tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 1]].xyz;
                    edgeLengthSqr = edge.LengthSqr;
                    if (cross.LengthSqr > edgeLengthSqr * radiusSqr)
                    d = edge * dir[0];
                    if (d < 0f)
                        edge = tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 0]].xyz - tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 2]].xyz;
                        d    = edge * dir[0];
                        if (d < 0f && dir[0].LengthSqr > radiusSqr)
                    else if (d > edgeLengthSqr)
                        edge = tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 1]].xyz - tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 2]].xyz;
                        d    = edge * dir[1];
                        if (d < 0f && dir[1].LengthSqr > radiusSqr)

                dir[2] = tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 2]].xyz - point;

                cross = dir[1].Cross(dir[2]);
                d     = plane.Normal * cross;
                if (d > 0f)
                    if (radiusSqr <= 0f)
                    edge          = tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 1]].xyz - tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 2]].xyz;
                    edgeLengthSqr = edge.LengthSqr;
                    if (cross.LengthSqr > edgeLengthSqr * radiusSqr)
                    d = edge * dir[1];
                    if (d < 0f)
                        edge = tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 1]].xyz - tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 0]].xyz;
                        d    = edge * dir[1];
                        if (d < 0f && dir[1].LengthSqr > radiusSqr)
                    else if (d > edgeLengthSqr)
                        edge = tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 2]].xyz - tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 0]].xyz;
                        d    = edge * dir[2];
                        if (d < 0f && dir[2].LengthSqr > radiusSqr)

                cross = dir[2].Cross(dir[0]);
                d     = plane.Normal * cross;
                if (d > 0f)
                    if (radiusSqr <= 0f)
                    edge          = tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 2]].xyz - tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 0]].xyz;
                    edgeLengthSqr = edge.LengthSqr;
                    if (cross.LengthSqr > edgeLengthSqr * radiusSqr)
                    d = edge * dir[2];
                    if (d < 0f)
                        edge = tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 2]].xyz - tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 1]].xyz;
                        d    = edge * dir[2];
                        if (d < 0f && dir[2].LengthSqr > radiusSqr)
                    else if (d > edgeLengthSqr)
                        edge = tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 0]].xyz - tri.verts[tri.indexes[i + 1]].xyz;
                        d    = edge * dir[0];
                        if (d < 0f && dir[0].LengthSqr > radiusSqr)

                // we hit it

                hit.fraction   = f;
                hit.normal     = plane.Normal;
                hit.point      = point;
                hit.indexes[0] = tri.indexes[i];
                hit.indexes[1] = tri.indexes[i + 1];
                hit.indexes[2] = tri.indexes[i + 2];
コード例 #29
ファイル: Model_md5.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
 void TransformVerts(DrawVert *verts, JointMat *joints)
     fixed(Vector4 *scaledWeightsV = scaledWeights)
     fixed(int *weightIndexI = weightIndex)
     Simd.TransformVerts(verts, texCoords.Length, joints, scaledWeightsV, weightIndexI, numWeights);
コード例 #30
ファイル: VectorBasic.cs プロジェクト: toor1245/MatrixDotNet
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets sum of vector.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vector">vector</param>
 public static int Sum(this Vector <int> vector)