コード例 #1
            public override void Render()
                if (!state.CanAdvance())
                    GenericPopupBuilder.Create("Skip Time?", "Currently impossible!\nYou have to be in a stable orbit and nothing to work on.").AddButton("Cancel", NewClose, true, null)
                    .AddFader(new UIColorRef?(LazySingletonBehavior <UIManager> .Instance.UILookAndColorConstants.PopupBackfill), 0f, true).Render();
                GenericPopupBuilder pop = GenericPopupBuilder.Create("Skip Time?", "Skip To a predefined year, skip By an amount of years, or skip to a Custom date?");

                pop.AddButton("Cancel", NewClose, true, null);
                pop.AddButton("Skip To", RenderTo, true, null);
                pop.AddButton("Skip By", RenderBy, true, null);
                pop.AddButton("Skip Custom", RenderCustom, true, null);
                pop.AddFader(new UIColorRef?(LazySingletonBehavior <UIManager> .Instance.UILookAndColorConstants.PopupBackfill), 0f, true);