private void CreateUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SignUpController suc = new SignUpController(); if (textBox1.Text.Length < 3 && textBox2.Text.Length < 3 && textBox3.Text.Length < 3) { MessageBox.Show("First Name,Last Name,Father Name Should be at least 3 characters"); } else if (textBox5.Text.Length < 18) { MessageBox.Show("NIC should be at least 18 characters"); } else if (textBox7.Text.Length < 13 && textBox9.Text.Length < 13) { MessageBox.Show("Permenant and Temporary Email should contain minimum 13 characters and containing @ and .com in it"); } else if (textBox8.Text.Length < 5 && textBox4.Text.Length < 5 && textBox6.Text.Length < 5 && textBox11.Text.Length < 5) { MessageBox.Show("Permanant and Temporary Address,Country and City should be at least 5 characters"); } else if (textBox12.Text.Length < 5) { MessageBox.Show("Postal Code Should at least 5 characters"); } else if (textBox13.Text.Length < 11) { MessageBox.Show("Cell no Should Be min and max 11 characters"); } else if (textBox14.Text.Length < 6 && textBox15.Text.Length < 6) { MessageBox.Show("Password Should be atleast 6 characters"); } else if (textBox14.Text != textBox15.Text) { MessageBox.Show("The Password and Confirm Password do not match"); } else if (textBox14.Text == textBox15.Text) { suc.NewUser(comboBox2.Text, textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text, textBox3.Text, comboBox1.Text, textBox5.Text, DateTime.Parse(dateTimePicker1.Text), textBox7.Text, textBox9.Text, textBox8.Text, textBox4.Text, textBox6.Text, textBox11.Text, int.Parse(textBox12.Text), textBox13.Text, textBox15.Text); MessageBox.Show("User Created"); //textBox10.Clear(); comboBox2.Text = ""; textBox1.Clear(); textBox2.Clear(); textBox3.Clear(); comboBox1.Text = ""; textBox5.Clear(); dateTimePicker1.ResetText(); textBox7.Clear(); textBox9.Clear(); textBox8.Clear(); textBox4.Clear(); textBox6.Clear(); textBox11.Clear(); textBox12.Clear(); textBox13.Clear(); textBox14.Clear(); } }
private void Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SignUpController suc = new SignUpController(); if (textBox14.Text == textBox15.Text) { suc.NewUser(textBox10.Text, textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text, textBox3.Text, comboBox1.Text, textBox5.Text, DateTime.Parse(dateTimePicker1.Text), textBox7.Text, textBox9.Text, textBox8.Text, textBox4.Text, textBox6.Text, textBox11.Text, int.Parse(textBox12.Text), textBox13.Text, textBox15.Text); MessageBox.Show("User Created"); } }