コード例 #1
 public List <TicketDetalleList> GetTicketDetails(ref OperationResult _pobjOperationResult, string _tickId)
         SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
         var objEntity = (from A in dbContext.hospitalizacion
                          join C in dbContext.hospitalizacionservice on A.v_HopitalizacionId equals C.v_HopitalizacionId
                          join D in dbContext.service on C.v_ServiceId equals D.v_ServiceId
                          join E in dbContext.ticket on D.v_ServiceId equals E.v_ServiceId
                          join F in dbContext.ticketdetalle on E.v_TicketId equals F.v_TicketId
                          where E.v_TicketId == _tickId &&
                          A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && F.i_IsDeleted == 0
                          select new TicketDetalleList
             v_TicketDetalleId = F.v_TicketDetalleId,
             v_TicketId = F.v_TicketId,
             d_Cantidad = F.d_Cantidad.Value,
             v_NombreProducto = F.v_Descripcion,
             v_CodInterno = F.v_CodInterno,
             v_IdProductoDetalle = F.v_IdProductoDetalle,
             d_PrecioVenta = F.d_PrecioVenta.Value,
             i_RecordStatus = (int)RecordStatus.Grabado,
             i_RecordType = (int)RecordType.NoTemporal,
             d_SaldoAseguradora = F.d_SaldoAseguradora,
             d_SaldoPaciente = F.d_SaldoPaciente
         _pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
     catch (Exception ex)
         _pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
         _pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #2
        public SystemParameterList GetParentNameSystemParameterFamilyMedicAntecedent(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int pintParameterId)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();

                var query = (from A in dbContext.systemparameter
                             where A.i_ParameterId == pintParameterId && A.i_GroupId == 149 && A.i_ParentParameterId != -1
                             select new SystemParameterList
                    i_ParentParameterId = A.i_ParentParameterId.Value,

                var query2 = (from A in dbContext.systemparameter
                              where A.i_ParameterId == query.i_ParentParameterId && A.i_GroupId == 149
                              select new SystemParameterList
                    v_Value1 = A.v_Value1,
                    i_ParentParameterId = A.i_ParentParameterId.Value,
                    v_DiseasesName = A.v_Value1

                SystemParameterList objData = query2;
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message;
コード例 #3
        public void AddProduct(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, productDto pobjDtoEntity, List <string> ClientSession)
            //mon.IsActive = true;
            string NewId = "(No generado)";

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                product objEntity = productAssembler.ToEntity(pobjDtoEntity);

                objEntity.d_InsertDate   = DateTime.Now;
                objEntity.i_InsertUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                objEntity.i_IsDeleted    = 0;

                // Autogeneramos el Pk de la tabla
                int intNodeId = int.Parse(ClientSession[0]);
                NewId = Common.Utils.GetNewId(intNodeId, Utils.GetNextSecuentialId(intNodeId, 6), "PI");;
                objEntity.v_ProductId = NewId;


                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.CREACION, "PRODUCTO", "v_ProductId=" + NewId.ToString(), Success.Ok, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.CREACION, "PRODUCTO", "v_ProductId=" + NewId.ToString(), Success.Failed, pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage);
コード例 #4
        public void DeleteAuthorizedPerson(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, string pintAuthorizedPersonId)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();

                // Obtener la entidad fuente
                var objEntitySource = (from a in dbContext.authorizedperson
                                       where a.v_AuthorizedPersonId == pintAuthorizedPersonId
                                       select a).FirstOrDefault();

                //var registro = (from c in linq.Tabla
                //                where c.id == id
                //                select c).Single();



                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
                // Llenar entidad Log

            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message;
                // Llenar entidad Log
コード例 #5
        public masterrecommendationrestricctionDto GetMasterRecommendationRestricctionByName(string pstrMasterRecommendationRestricctionName)
            //mon.IsActive = true;
                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                masterrecommendationrestricctionDto objDtoEntity = null;

                var objEntity = (from a in dbContext.masterrecommendationrestricction
                                 where a.v_Name == pstrMasterRecommendationRestricctionName
                                 select a).FirstOrDefault();

                if (objEntity != null)
                    objDtoEntity = masterrecommendationrestricctionAssembler.ToDTO(objEntity);

            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #6
        public List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.DxFrecuenteList> GetDxFrecuentes(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression)
                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.dxfrecuente
                            join B in dbContext.dxfrecuentedetalle on A.v_DxFrecuenteId equals B.v_DxFrecuenteId
                            join C in dbContext.diseases on A.v_DiseasesId equals C.v_DiseasesId
                            join D in dbContext.masterrecommendationrestricction on B.v_MasterRecommendationRestricctionId equals D.v_MasterRecommendationRestricctionId
                            where A.i_IsDeleted == 0
                            select new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.DxFrecuenteList
                    v_DxFrecuenteId        = A.v_DxFrecuenteId,
                    v_DiseasesId           = A.v_DiseasesId,
                    v_DiseasesName         = C.v_Name,
                    v_CIE10Id              = A.v_CIE10Id,
                    v_DxFrecuenteDetalleId = B.v_DxFrecuenteDetalleId,
                    v_MasterRecommendationRestricctionId   = B.v_MasterRecommendationRestricctionId,
                    v_MasterRecommendationRestricctionName = D.v_Name,
                    i_Tipo = D.i_TypifyingId.Value

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);

                List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.DxFrecuenteList> objData = query.ToList();

                List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.DxFrecuenteList> QueryFinal = new List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.DxFrecuenteList>();

                //Transformar Data
                //Agrupar Data para DXS
                var DxFrecunetes = (objData.GroupBy(g => new { g.v_DiseasesId })
                                    .Select(s => s.First()).ToList()).FindAll(p => p.v_DiseasesName != null);

                Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.DxFrecuenteList oDxFrecuente;
                List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.DxFrecuenteDetalleList> ListaDxFrecuenteDetalleList;

                foreach (var Dx in DxFrecunetes)
                    oDxFrecuente = new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.DxFrecuenteList();
                    oDxFrecuente.v_DxFrecuenteId = Dx.v_DxFrecuenteId;
                    oDxFrecuente.v_DiseasesId    = Dx.v_DiseasesId;
                    oDxFrecuente.v_DiseasesName  = Dx.v_DiseasesName;
                    oDxFrecuente.v_CIE10Id       = Dx.v_CIE10Id;

                    var ListaRecomendacionesRestricciones = objData.FindAll(p => p.v_DxFrecuenteId == Dx.v_DxFrecuenteId);
                    ListaDxFrecuenteDetalleList = new List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.DxFrecuenteDetalleList>();
                    Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.DxFrecuenteDetalleList oDxFrecuenteDetalleList;
                    foreach (var item in ListaRecomendacionesRestricciones)
                        oDxFrecuenteDetalleList = new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.DxFrecuenteDetalleList();
                        oDxFrecuenteDetalleList.v_DxFrecuenteDetalleId = item.v_DxFrecuenteDetalleId;
                        oDxFrecuenteDetalleList.v_DxFrecuenteId        = item.v_DxFrecuenteId;
                        oDxFrecuenteDetalleList.v_MasterRecommendationRestricctionId = item.v_MasterRecommendationRestricctionId;
                        oDxFrecuenteDetalleList.i_Tipo = item.i_Tipo;
                        if (item.i_Tipo == 1)
                            oDxFrecuenteDetalleList.v_RecomendacionName = item.v_MasterRecommendationRestricctionName;
                            oDxFrecuenteDetalleList.v_RestriccionName = item.v_MasterRecommendationRestricctionName;

                    oDxFrecuente.DxFrecuenteDetalle = ListaDxFrecuenteDetalleList;


                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #7
        public List <OrganizationList> GetOrganizationsPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.organization
                            join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_OrganizationTypeId.Value, b = 103 } equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId }
                //join C in dbContext.datahierarchy on new { a = A.i_SectorTypeId.Value, b = 104 } equals new { a = C.i_ItemId, b = C.i_GroupId }
                join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join
                from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join
                from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where A.i_IsDeleted == 0
                select new OrganizationList
                    b_Seleccionar            = false,
                    v_OrganizationId         = A.v_OrganizationId,
                    i_OrganizationTypeId     = (int)A.i_OrganizationTypeId,
                    v_OrganizationTypeIdName = B.v_Value1,
                    i_SectorTypeId           = (int)A.i_SectorTypeId,
                    v_EmailContacto          = A.v_EmailContacto,
                    v_IdentificationNumber   = A.v_IdentificationNumber,
                    v_Name           = A.v_Name,
                    v_CreationUser   = J1.v_UserName,
                    v_UpdateUser     = J2.v_UserName,
                    d_CreationDate   = A.d_InsertDate,
                    d_UpdateDate     = A.d_UpdateDate,
                    i_IsDeleted      = A.i_IsDeleted,
                    v_SectorName     = A.v_SectorName,
                    v_SectorCodigo   = A.v_SectorCodigo,
                    v_ContacName     = A.v_ContacName + " / " + A.v_Mail,
                    v_Contacto       = A.v_Contacto + " / " + A.v_EmailContacto,
                    v_ContactoMedico = A.v_ContactoMedico + " / " + A.v_EmailMedico,
                    v_Address        = A.v_Address,
                    v_Observation    = A.v_Observation,
                    v_PhoneNumber    = A.v_PhoneNumber

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <OrganizationList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #8
        public List <MedicalExamList> GetMedicalExamPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.component

                            join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join
                from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join
                from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_CategoryId.Value, b = 116 }            // CATEGORIA DEL EXAMEN
                equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join
                from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join E in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_DiagnosableId.Value, b = 111 } equals new { a = E.i_ParameterId, b = E.i_GroupId }
                join F in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_ComponentTypeId.Value, b = 126 } equals new { a = F.i_ParameterId, b = F.i_GroupId }

                where A.i_IsDeleted == 0
                select new MedicalExamList
                    v_MedicalExamId      = A.v_ComponentId,
                    v_Name               = A.v_Name,
                    i_CategoryId         = A.i_CategoryId.Value,
                    v_CategoryName       = B.v_Value1,
                    v_DiagnosableName    = E.v_Value1,
                    v_ComponentTypeName  = F.v_Value1,
                    v_CreationUser       = J1.v_UserName,
                    v_UpdateUser         = J2.v_UserName,
                    d_CreationDate       = A.d_InsertDate,
                    d_UpdateDate         = A.d_UpdateDate,
                    i_IsDeleted          = A.i_IsDeleted.Value,
                    r_BasePrice          = A.r_BasePrice,
                    i_ComponentTypeId    = A.i_ComponentTypeId,
                    i_UIIndex            = A.i_UIIndex.Value,
                    v_IdUnidadProductiva = A.v_IdUnidadProductiva

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <MedicalExamList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #9
        //Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlMonitor mon = new Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlMonitor();

        public List <MedicalExamFieldValuesList> GetMedicalExamFieldValuesPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.componentfieldvalues
                            join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_OperatorId.Value, b = 129 } equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId }
                join C in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_IsAnormal.Value, b = 111 } equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId }
                //join D in dbContext.diseases on new { A.v_Diseases equals D.v_DiseasesId }

                join D in dbContext.diseases on new { a = A.v_Diseases }
                equals new { a = D.v_DiseasesId } into D_join
                from D in D_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join
                from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join
                from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                where A.i_IsDeleted == 0
                select new MedicalExamFieldValuesList
                    v_MedicalExamFieldValuesId = A.v_ComponentFieldValuesId,
                    v_MedicalExamFieldsId      = A.v_ComponentFieldId,
                    v_AnalyzingValue1          = A.v_AnalyzingValue1,
                    v_AnalyzingValue2          = A.v_AnalyzingValue2,
                    i_OperatorId    = A.i_OperatorId.Value,
                    v_OperatorName  = B.v_Value1,
                    v_IsAnormal     = C.v_Value1,
                    v_Cie10Name     = D.v_Name + " / " + D.v_CIE10Id,
                    v_LegalStandard = A.v_LegalStandard,
                    v_CreationUser  = J1.v_UserName,
                    v_UpdateUser    = J2.v_UserName,
                    d_CreationDate  = A.d_InsertDate,
                    d_UpdateDate    = A.d_UpdateDate,
                    i_IsDeleted     = A.i_IsDeleted.Value

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <MedicalExamFieldValuesList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #10
ファイル: SupplierBL.cs プロジェクト: LOBOSMARSA122/SLLaboral
        public List <SupplierList> GetSuppliersPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.supplier
                            join C in dbContext.datahierarchy on A.i_SectorTypeId equals C.i_ItemId
                            join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join
                from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join
                from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where C.i_GroupId == 104
                select new SupplierList
                    v_SupplierId           = A.v_SupplierId,
                    i_SectorTypeId         = (int)A.i_SectorTypeId,
                    v_SectorTypeIdName     = C.v_Value1,
                    v_IdentificationNumber = A.v_IdentificationNumber,
                    v_Name         = A.v_Name,
                    v_Address      = A.v_Address,
                    v_PhoneNumber  = A.v_PhoneNumber,
                    v_Mail         = A.v_Mail,
                    v_CreationUser = J1.v_UserName,
                    v_UpdateUser   = J2.v_UserName,
                    d_CreationDate = A.d_InsertDate,
                    d_UpdateDate   = A.d_UpdateDate,
                    i_IsDeleted    = A.i_IsDeleted

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <SupplierList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #11
        public List <GroupOccupationList> GetGroupOccupationPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression, string pstrOrganizationId)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.groupoccupation
                            join B in dbContext.location on A.v_LocationId equals B.v_LocationId
                            join C in dbContext.organization on B.v_OrganizationId equals C.v_OrganizationId

                            join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join
                from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join
                from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && C.v_OrganizationId == pstrOrganizationId

                    select new GroupOccupationList
                    v_GroupOccupationId = A.v_GroupOccupationId,
                    v_LocationId        = A.v_LocationId,
                    v_LocationName      = B.v_Name,
                    v_Name         = A.v_Name,
                    v_CreationUser = J1.v_UserName,
                    v_UpdateUser   = J2.v_UserName,
                    d_CreationDate = A.d_InsertDate,
                    d_UpdateDate   = A.d_UpdateDate

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <GroupOccupationList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #12
        public List <ComponentFieldsList> GetComponentFieldsagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression)
            //mon.IsActive = true;
                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.componentfields
                            join B in dbContext.componentfield on A.v_ComponentFieldId equals B.v_ComponentFieldId
                            join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join
                from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join
                from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                where A.i_IsDeleted == 0

                select new ComponentFieldsList
                    v_ComponentFieldId = A.v_ComponentFieldId,
                    v_ComponentId      = A.v_ComponentId,
                    v_Group            = A.v_Group,
                    v_TextLabel        = B.v_TextLabel,
                    i_RecordStatus     = (int)RecordStatus.Grabado,
                    i_RecordType       = (int)RecordType.NoTemporal,
                    v_CreationUser     = J1.v_UserName,
                    v_UpdateUser       = J2.v_UserName,
                    d_CreationDate     = A.d_InsertDate,
                    d_UpdateDate       = A.d_UpdateDate

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <ComponentFieldsList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #13
        public void DeleteMedicalExamFields(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, string pstrComponentId, string pstrMedicalExamFieldId, List <string> ClientSession)
            //mon.IsActive = true;
                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();

                var query1 = (from a in dbContext.componentfields
                              where a.v_ComponentFieldId == pstrMedicalExamFieldId && a.i_IsDeleted == 0
                              select a).ToList();

                if (query1.Count() > 1)
                    // Obtener la entidad fuente
                    var objEntitySource = (from a in dbContext.componentfields
                                           where a.v_ComponentFieldId == pstrMedicalExamFieldId && a.v_ComponentId == pstrComponentId
                                           select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Crear la entidad con los datos actualizados
                    objEntitySource.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    objEntitySource.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                    objEntitySource.i_IsDeleted    = 1;
                    // Obtener la entidad fuente
                    var objEntitySource = (from a in dbContext.componentfields
                                           where a.v_ComponentFieldId == pstrMedicalExamFieldId && a.v_ComponentId == pstrComponentId
                                           select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Crear la entidad con los datos actualizados
                    objEntitySource.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    objEntitySource.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                    objEntitySource.i_IsDeleted    = 1;

                    // Obtener la entidad fuente
                    var objEntitySource1 = (from a in dbContext.componentfield
                                            where a.v_ComponentFieldId == pstrMedicalExamFieldId
                                            select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Crear la entidad con los datos actualizados
                    objEntitySource.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    objEntitySource.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                    objEntitySource.i_IsDeleted    = 1;

                // Guardar los cambios

                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.ELIMINACION, "EXAMEN MÉDICO CAMPO", "", Success.Ok, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.ELIMINACION, "EXAMEN MÉDICO CAMPO", "", Success.Failed, pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage);
コード例 #14
        public List <MedicalExamFieldsList> GetMedicalExamFieldsPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression)
            //mon.IsActive = true;
                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.componentfields
                            join B in dbContext.componentfield on A.v_ComponentFieldId equals B.v_ComponentFieldId
                            join C in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = B.i_IsRequired.Value, b = 111 } equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId }
                join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join
                from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join
                from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                where A.i_IsDeleted == 0
                select new MedicalExamFieldsList
                    v_MedicalExamFieldId = B.v_ComponentFieldId,
                    v_ComponentId        = A.v_ComponentId,
                    v_TextLabel          = B.v_TextLabel,
                    i_LabelWidth         = B.i_LabelWidth.Value,
                    v_DefaultText        = B.v_DefaultText,
                    i_ControlId          = B.i_ControlId.Value,
                    i_GroupId            = B.i_GroupId.Value,
                    i_ItemId             = B.i_ItemId.Value,
                    i_ControlWidth       = B.i_WidthControl.Value,
                    i_HeightControl      = B.i_HeightControl.Value,
                    i_MaxLenght          = B.i_MaxLenght.Value,
                    i_IsRequired         = B.i_IsRequired.Value,
                    v_IsRequired         = C.v_Value1,
                    i_IsCalculate        = B.i_IsCalculate.Value,
                    i_Order             = B.i_Order.Value,
                    i_MeasurementUnitId = B.i_MeasurementUnitId.Value,
                    r_ValidateValue1    = B.r_ValidateValue1.Value,
                    r_ValidateValue2    = B.r_ValidateValue2.Value,
                    v_Group             = A.v_Group,

                    v_CreationUser     = J1.v_UserName,
                    v_UpdateUser       = J2.v_UserName,
                    d_CreationDate     = A.d_InsertDate,
                    d_UpdateDate       = A.d_UpdateDate,
                    i_IsDeleted        = A.i_IsDeleted.Value,
                    v_ComponentFieldId = B.v_ComponentFieldId

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <MedicalExamFieldsList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #15
        public List <RolCuotaDetalleList> GetRolCuotaDetallePagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.rolcuotadetalle
                            join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join
                from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join
                from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                where A.i_IsDeleted == 0

                select new RolCuotaDetalleList
                    v_RolCuotaDetalleId = A.v_RolCuotaDetalleId,
                    v_RolCuotaId        = A.v_RolCuotaId,
                    v_IdProducto        = A.v_IdProducto,
                    v_ProductoNombre    = A.v_ProductoNombre,
                    i_Cuota             = A.i_Cuota,

                    v_CreationUser = J1.v_UserName,
                    v_UpdateUser   = J2.v_UserName,
                    d_CreationDate = A.d_InsertDate,
                    d_UpdateDate   = A.d_UpdateDate

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <RolCuotaDetalleList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #16
        public List <recetadespachoDto> GetRecetaToReport(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, string serviceId)
                using (var dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel())
                    pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
                    var medicamentos        = MedicamentoDao.ObtenerContasolMedicamentos();
                    var FirmaMedicoMedicina = new ServiceBL().ObtenerFirmaMedicoExamen(serviceId, Constants.ATENCION_INTEGRAL_ID, Constants.EXAMEN_FISICO_7C_ID);

                    var consulta = (from r in dbContext.receta
                                    join d in dbContext.diagnosticrepository on r.v_DiagnosticRepositoryId equals d.v_DiagnosticRepositoryId into dJoin
                                    from d in dJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    join s in dbContext.service on d.v_ServiceId equals s.v_ServiceId into sJoin
                                    from s in sJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    join C in dbContext.organization on new { id = "N009-OO000000052" } equals new { id = C.v_OrganizationId } into C_join
                                    from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    join p in dbContext.person on s.v_PersonId equals p.v_PersonId into pJoin
                                    from p in pJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    where s.v_ServiceId.Equals(serviceId)
                                    select new recetadespachoDto
                        RecetaId = r.i_IdReceta,
                        CantidadRecetada = r.d_Cantidad ?? 0,
                        //Medicamento = m.NombreCompleto,
                        //Presentacion = m.Presentacion,
                        //Ubicacion = m.Ubicacion,
                        NombrePaciente = p.v_FirstLastName + " " + p.v_SecondLastName + " " + p.v_FirstName,
                        FechaFin = r.t_FechaFin ?? DateTime.Now,
                        Duracion = r.v_Duracion,
                        Dosis = r.v_Posologia,
                        NombreMedico = FirmaMedicoMedicina.Value2,
                        RubricaMedico = FirmaMedicoMedicina.Value5,
                        MedicoNroCmp = FirmaMedicoMedicina.Value3,
                        NombreClinica = C.v_Name,
                        DireccionClinica = C.v_Address,
                        LogoClinica = C.b_Image,
                        Despacho = (r.i_Lleva ?? 0) == 1,
                        MedicinaId = r.v_IdProductoDetalle

                    //consulta = consulta.GroupBy(p => p.RecetaId).Select(p => p.FirstOrDefault()).ToList();
                    foreach (var item in consulta)
                        var prod = medicamentos.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IdProductoDetalle.Equals(item.MedicinaId));
                        if (prod == null)
                        item.Medicamento  = prod.NombreCompleto;
                        item.Presentacion = prod.Presentacion;
                        item.Ubicacion    = prod.Ubicacion;

            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ErrorMessage     = ex.Message;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.InnerException != null
                    ? ex.InnerException.Message
                    : string.Empty;
                pobjOperationResult.AdditionalInformation = "RecetaDespachoBl.GetDespacho()";
コード例 #17
        public List <DataHierarchyList> GetDataHierarchiesPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression, int pintGroupId)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();

                var query = from A in dbContext.datahierarchy

                            join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join
                from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join
                from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J4 in dbContext.datahierarchy on new { ItemId = A.i_ParentItemId.Value, groupId = A.i_GroupId }
                equals new { ItemId = J4.i_ItemId, groupId = J4.i_GroupId } into J4_join
                from J4 in J4_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                where A.i_GroupId == pintGroupId &&
                (A.i_IsDeleted == 0 || A.i_IsDeleted == null)

                select new DataHierarchyList
                    i_GroupId        = A.i_GroupId,
                    i_ItemId         = A.i_ItemId,
                    v_Value1         = A.v_Value1,
                    i_ParentItemId   = A.i_ParentItemId.Value,
                    v_ParentItemName = J4.v_Value1,
                    v_CreationUser   = J1.v_UserName,
                    v_UpdateUser     = J2.v_UserName,
                    d_CreationDate   = A.d_InsertDate,
                    d_UpdateDate     = A.d_UpdateDate,
                    i_IsDeleted      = A.i_IsDeleted

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <DataHierarchyList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message;
コード例 #18
        public void AddComponentFields(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, List <componentfieldsDto> pobjcomponentfieldsAdd, List <componentfieldsDto> pobjcomponentfieldsUpdate, List <componentfieldsDto> pobjcomponentfieldsDelete, List <string> ClientSession)
                OperationResult       objOperationResult = new OperationResult();
                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext          = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                int intNodeId = int.Parse(ClientSession[0]);
                #region Add Component Fields
                foreach (var item in pobjcomponentfieldsAdd)
                    componentfields objEntity1 = new componentfields();
                    objEntity1.d_InsertDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    objEntity1.i_InsertUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                    objEntity1.i_IsDeleted    = 0;

                    objEntity1.v_ComponentFieldId = item.v_ComponentFieldId;
                    objEntity1.v_ComponentId      = item.v_ComponentId;
                    objEntity1.v_Group            = item.v_Group;

                    //Verificar si se encuentra en la BD eliminado
                    var objEntitySource1 = (from a in dbContext.componentfields
                                            where a.v_ComponentFieldId == item.v_ComponentFieldId && a.v_ComponentId == item.v_ComponentId
                                            select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (objEntitySource1 == null)
                        objEntitySource1.i_IsDeleted = 0;

                        objEntitySource1.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        objEntitySource1.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                // Guardar los cambios

                #region Update Component Fields
                if (pobjcomponentfieldsUpdate != null)
                    // Actualizar Componentes del protocolo
                    foreach (var item in pobjcomponentfieldsUpdate)
                        // Obtener la entidad fuente
                        var objEntitySource1 = (from a in dbContext.componentfields
                                                where a.v_ComponentFieldId == item.v_ComponentFieldId && a.v_ComponentId == item.v_ComponentId
                                                select a).FirstOrDefault();

                        // Crear la entidad con los datos actualizados

                        objEntitySource1.v_Group     = item.v_Group;
                        objEntitySource1.i_IsDeleted = 0;

                        objEntitySource1.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        objEntitySource1.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                // Guardar los cambios

                #region Delete Component Fields
                if (pobjcomponentfieldsDelete != null)
                    foreach (var item in pobjcomponentfieldsDelete)
                        // Obtener la entidad fuente
                        var objEntitySource1 = (from a in dbContext.componentfields
                                                where a.v_ComponentFieldId == item.v_ComponentFieldId && a.v_ComponentId == item.v_ComponentId
                                                select a).FirstOrDefault();

                        // Crear la entidad con los datos actualizados
                        objEntitySource1.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        objEntitySource1.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                        objEntitySource1.i_IsDeleted    = 1;
                // Guardar los cambios

                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
                // Llenar entidad Log
                //LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.CREACION, "CAMPOS DEL COMPONENTE", "v_ComponentId=" + objEntity1.v_ComponentId + "v_ComponentFieldId= " + objEntity1.v_ComponentFieldId, Success.Ok, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.CREACION, "CAMPOS DEL COMPONENTE", "v_ComponentId= No generado ,v_ComponentFieldId= No generado ", Success.Failed, pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage);
コード例 #19
        public List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.PersonMedicalHistoryList> GetPersonMedicalHistoryReport(string pstrPersonId)
            //mon.IsActive = true;
                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = (from A in dbContext.personmedicalhistory

                             join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.v_DiseasesId, b = 147 }
                             equals new { a = B.v_Value1, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join
                             from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                             join C in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = B.i_ParentParameterId.Value, b = 147 }
                             equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId } into C_join
                             from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                             join D in dbContext.diseases on A.v_DiseasesId equals D.v_DiseasesId

                             join E in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_TypeDiagnosticId.Value, b = 139 }
                             equals new { a = E.i_ParameterId, b = E.i_GroupId } into E_join
                             from E in E_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                             where (A.i_IsDeleted == 0) && (A.v_PersonId == pstrPersonId)

                             select new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.PersonMedicalHistoryList
                    v_PersonMedicalHistoryId = A.v_PersonMedicalHistoryId,
                    v_PersonId = A.v_PersonId,
                    v_DiseasesId = A.v_DiseasesId,
                    v_DiseasesName = D.v_Name,
                    i_TypeDiagnosticId = A.i_TypeDiagnosticId,
                    d_StartDate = A.d_StartDate.Value,
                    v_TreatmentSite = A.v_TreatmentSite,
                    v_GroupName = C.v_Value1,
                    v_TypeDiagnosticName = E.v_Value1,
                    v_DiagnosticDetail = A.v_DiagnosticDetail,
                    i_Answer = A.i_AnswerId.Value,

                // add the sequence number on the fly
                var query1 = new List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.PersonMedicalHistoryList>();

                query1 = query.Select((x, index) => new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.PersonMedicalHistoryList
                    i_Item = index + 1,
                    v_PersonMedicalHistoryId = x.v_PersonMedicalHistoryId,
                    v_PersonId           = x.v_PersonId,
                    v_DiseasesId         = x.v_DiseasesId,
                    v_DiseasesName       = x.v_DiseasesName,
                    i_TypeDiagnosticId   = x.i_TypeDiagnosticId,
                    d_StartDate          = x.d_StartDate,
                    v_TreatmentSite      = x.v_TreatmentSite,
                    v_GroupName          = x.v_GroupName,
                    v_TypeDiagnosticName = x.v_TypeDiagnosticName,
                    v_DiagnosticDetail   = x.v_DiagnosticDetail,
                    i_Answer             = x.i_Answer,

                //List<PersonMedicalHistoryList> objData = query.ToList();

            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #20
        public string AddMedicalExamFields(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, componentfieldDto pobjDtoEntity, componentfieldsDto pobjDtoEntitys, string pstrComponentId, List <string> ClientSession)
            //mon.IsActive = true;
            string NewId = "(No generado)";

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query1 = (from a in dbContext.componentfield
                              join b in dbContext.componentfields on a.v_ComponentFieldId equals b.v_ComponentFieldId
                              where a.v_TextLabel.ToUpper() == pobjDtoEntity.v_TextLabel.ToUpper() && b.v_ComponentId == pobjDtoEntitys.v_ComponentId && b.v_Group == pobjDtoEntitys.v_Group
                              select a).ToList();
                if (query1.Count > 0)
                    pobjOperationResult.ErrorMessage = "Nombre del componente duplicado";
                #region ComponentField
                componentfield objEntity = componentfieldAssembler.ToEntity(pobjDtoEntity);

                objEntity.d_InsertDate   = DateTime.Now;
                objEntity.i_InsertUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                objEntity.i_IsDeleted    = 0;
                // Autogeneramos el Pk de la tabla
                int intNodeId = int.Parse(ClientSession[0]);
                NewId = Common.Utils.GetNewId(intNodeId, Utils.GetNextSecuentialId(intNodeId, 18), "MF");

                objEntity.v_ComponentFieldId = NewId;


                #region ComponentFields
                componentfields objEntitys = componentfieldsAssembler.ToEntity(pobjDtoEntitys);
                objEntitys.v_ComponentFieldId = NewId;
                objEntitys.v_ComponentId      = pstrComponentId;
                objEntitys.d_InsertDate       = DateTime.Now;
                objEntitys.i_InsertUserId     = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                objEntitys.i_IsDeleted        = 0;



                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.CREACION, "EXAMEN MÉDICO CAMPO", "v_MedicalExamFieldsId=" + NewId.ToString(), Success.Ok, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.CREACION, "EXAMEN MÉDICO CAMPO", "v_MedicalExamFieldsId=" + NewId.ToString(), Success.Failed, pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage);
コード例 #21
ファイル: Natclar.cs プロジェクト: LOBOSMARSA122/SLSanLorenzo
        public XmlNatclar DatosXmlNatclar(string serviceId)
            var groupUbigeo = 113;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.service
                            join B in dbContext.person on A.v_PersonId equals B.v_PersonId
                            // Ubigeo de la persona *******************************************************
                            join dep in dbContext.datahierarchy on new { a = B.i_DepartmentId.Value, b = groupUbigeo }
                equals new { a = dep.i_ItemId, b = dep.i_GroupId } into dep_join
                from dep in dep_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join prov in dbContext.datahierarchy on new { a = B.i_ProvinceId.Value, b = groupUbigeo }
                equals new { a = prov.i_ItemId, b = prov.i_GroupId } into prov_join
                from prov in prov_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join distri in dbContext.datahierarchy on new { a = B.i_DistrictId.Value, b = groupUbigeo }
                equals new { a = distri.i_ItemId, b = distri.i_GroupId } into distri_join
                from distri in distri_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && A.v_ServiceId == serviceId
                    select new XmlNatclar
                    Hc                      = B.v_DocNumber,
                    TipoDocumento           = B.i_DocTypeId.Value,
                    Dni                     = B.v_DocNumber,
                    Sexo                    = B.i_SexTypeId.Value,
                    PrimerApellido          = B.v_FirstLastName,
                    SegundoApellido         = B.v_SecondLastName,
                    Nombre                  = B.v_FirstName,
                    EstadoCivil             = B.i_MaritalStatusId.Value,
                    FechaNacimientoSigesoft = B.d_Birthdate.Value,
                    ProvinciaNacimiento     = prov.v_Value1,
                    DistritoNacimiento      = distri.v_Value1,
                    DepartamentoNacimiento  = dep.v_Value1,
                    Email                   = B.v_Mail,
                    ResidenciaActual        = B.v_AdressLocation,
                    Direccion               = B.v_AdressLocation,
                    IDEstructura            = "2",
                    IDCentro                = "CX35",
                    IDExamen                = serviceId,
                    IDActuacion             = "",
                    TipoExamen              = A.i_MasterServiceId.Value,
                    IDEstado                = B.i_IsDeleted,
                    FechaRegistro           = A.d_ServiceDate.Value,
                    FechaUltimaRegla        = A.v_FechaUltimoPAP

                var objData = query.FirstOrDefault();

                if (objData == null)
                objData.Examenes = ObtenerExamenesPorServicio(serviceId);
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #22
        public List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.ProtocolComponentList> GetProtocolComponents(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, string pstrProtocolId)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();

                var objEntity = (from a in dbContext.protocolcomponent
                                 join b in dbContext.component on a.v_ComponentId equals b.v_ComponentId
                                 join fff in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = b.i_CategoryId.Value, b = 116 } // CATEGORIA DEL EXAMEN
                                 equals new { a = fff.i_ParameterId, b = fff.i_GroupId } into J5_join
                                 from fff in J5_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                 join E in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = a.i_OperatorId.Value, b = 117 }
                                 equals new { a = E.i_ParameterId, b = E.i_GroupId } into J1_join
                                 from E in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                 join H in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = a.i_GenderId.Value, b = 130 }  // Genero condicional
                                 equals new { a = H.i_ParameterId, b = H.i_GroupId } into J2_join
                                 from H in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                 join I in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = b.i_ComponentTypeId.Value, b = 126 }  // Tipo componente
                                 equals new { a = I.i_ParameterId, b = I.i_GroupId } into J3_join
                                 from I in J3_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                 where a.v_ProtocolId == pstrProtocolId &&
                                 a.i_IsDeleted == 0

                                 select new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.ProtocolComponentList
                    v_ComponentId = a.v_ComponentId,
                    v_ComponentName = b.v_Name,
                    //v_ServiceComponentStatusName = K.v_Value1,
                    v_ProtocolComponentId = a.v_ProtocolComponentId,
                    r_Price = a.r_Price,
                    v_Operator = E.v_Value1,
                    i_Age = a.i_Age,
                    v_Gender = H.v_Value1,
                    i_IsConditionalIMC = a.i_IsConditionalIMC,
                    r_Imc = a.r_Imc,
                    v_IsConditional = a.i_IsConditionalId == 1 ? "Si" : "No",
                    i_isAdditional = a.i_IsAdditional,
                    v_ComponentTypeName = I.v_Value1,
                    i_RecordStatus = (int)RecordStatus.Grabado,
                    i_RecordType = (int)RecordType.NoTemporal,
                    i_GenderId = a.i_GenderId,
                    i_IsConditionalId = a.i_IsConditionalId,
                    i_OperatorId = a.i_OperatorId,
                    i_IsDeleted = a.i_IsDeleted,
                    d_CreationDate = a.d_InsertDate,
                    v_CategoryName = fff.v_Value1,
                    i_CategoryId = b.i_CategoryId

                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #23
        public void UpdateMedicalExamFieldValues(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, List <componentfieldvaluesrestrictionDto> pobjComponentFieldValuesRestrictionAdd, List <componentfieldvaluesrestrictionDto> pobjComponentFieldValuesRestrictionDelete, List <componentfieldvaluesrecommendationDto> pobjComponentFieldValuesRecommendationAdd, List <componentfieldvaluesrecommendationDto> pobjComponentFieldValuesRecommendationDelete, componentfieldvaluesDto pobjDtoEntity, List <string> ClientSession)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();

                #region Actualizar Valor

                componentfieldvaluesrestrictionDto objcomponentfieldvaluesrestrictionDto = new componentfieldvaluesrestrictionDto();
                // Obtener la entidad fuente
                var objEntitySource = (from a in dbContext.componentfieldvalues
                                       where a.v_ComponentFieldValuesId == pobjDtoEntity.v_ComponentFieldValuesId
                                       select a).FirstOrDefault();

                // Crear la entidad con los datos actualizados
                pobjDtoEntity.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                pobjDtoEntity.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                componentfieldvalues objEntity = componentfieldvaluesAssembler.ToEntity(pobjDtoEntity);

                // Copiar los valores desde la entidad actualizada a la Entidad Fuente

                // Guardar los cambios

                #region Crear Restriccion
                int intNodeId = int.Parse(ClientSession[0]);
                foreach (var item in pobjComponentFieldValuesRestrictionAdd)
                    componentfieldvaluesrestriction objEntity1 = componentfieldvaluesrestrictionAssembler.ToEntity(item);

                    objEntity1.d_InsertDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    objEntity1.i_InsertUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                    objEntity1.i_IsDeleted    = 0;

                    var NewId1 = Common.Utils.GetNewId(intNodeId, Utils.GetNextSecuentialId(intNodeId, 28), "VR");
                    objEntity1.v_ComponentFieldValuesRestrictionId = NewId1;
                    objEntity1.v_ComponentFieldValuesId            = pobjDtoEntity.v_ComponentFieldValuesId;

                // Guardar los cambios


                #region Eliminar Restriccion

                if (pobjComponentFieldValuesRestrictionDelete != null)
                    // Eliminar Componentes del protocolo
                    foreach (var item in pobjComponentFieldValuesRestrictionDelete)
                        // Obtener la entidad fuente
                        var objEntitySource1 = (from a in dbContext.componentfieldvaluesrestriction
                                                where a.v_ComponentFieldValuesRestrictionId == item.v_ComponentFieldValuesRestrictionId
                                                select a).FirstOrDefault();

                        // Crear la entidad con los datos actualizados
                        objEntitySource1.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        objEntitySource1.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                        objEntitySource1.i_IsDeleted    = 1;

                // Guardar los cambios

                #region Crear Recommendation
                foreach (var item in pobjComponentFieldValuesRecommendationAdd)
                    componentfieldvaluesrecommendation objEntity1 = componentfieldvaluesrecommendationAssembler.ToEntity(item);

                    objEntity1.d_InsertDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    objEntity1.i_InsertUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                    objEntity1.i_IsDeleted    = 0;

                    var NewId1 = Common.Utils.GetNewId(intNodeId, Utils.GetNextSecuentialId(intNodeId, 31), "VC");
                    objEntity1.v_ComponentFieldValuesRecommendationId = NewId1;
                    objEntity1.v_ComponentFieldValuesId = pobjDtoEntity.v_ComponentFieldValuesId;

                // Guardar los cambios


                #region Eliminar Recommendation

                if (pobjComponentFieldValuesRecommendationDelete != null)
                    // Eliminar Componentes del protocolo
                    foreach (var item in pobjComponentFieldValuesRecommendationDelete)
                        // Obtener la entidad fuente
                        var objEntitySource1 = (from a in dbContext.componentfieldvaluesrecommendation
                                                where a.v_ComponentFieldValuesRecommendationId == item.v_ComponentFieldValuesRecommendationId
                                                select a).FirstOrDefault();

                        // Crear la entidad con los datos actualizados
                        objEntitySource1.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        objEntitySource1.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                        objEntitySource1.i_IsDeleted    = 1;

                // Guardar los cambios

                //// Guardar los cambios

                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.ACTUALIZACION, "EXAMEN MÉDICO CAMPO VALOR", "v_MedicalExamId=" + objEntity.v_ComponentFieldValuesId.ToString(), Success.Ok, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.ACTUALIZACION, "EXAMEN MÉDICO CAMPO VALOR", "v_MedicalExamId=" + pobjDtoEntity.v_ComponentFieldValuesId.ToString(), Success.Failed, pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage);
コード例 #24
        public string AddProtocol(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, protocolDto pobjProtocol, List <protocolcomponentDto> pobjProtocolComponent, List <string> ClientSession)
            //mon.IsActive = true;
            string NewId0 = null;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                protocol objEntity = protocolAssembler.ToEntity(pobjProtocol);

                int intNodeId = 9;

                if (pobjProtocol.v_ProtocolId == null)
                    objEntity.d_InsertDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    objEntity.i_InsertUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                    objEntity.i_IsDeleted    = 0;
                    // Autogeneramos el Pk de la tabla

                    NewId0 = Common.Utils.GetNewId(intNodeId, Utils.GetNextSecuentialId(intNodeId, 20), "PR");
                    objEntity.v_ProtocolId = NewId0;

                    // Obtener la entidad fuente
                    var objEntitySource = (from a in dbContext.protocol
                                           where a.v_ProtocolId == pobjProtocol.v_ProtocolId
                                           select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Crear la entidad con los datos actualizados
                    pobjProtocol.i_IsDeleted    = 0;
                    pobjProtocol.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    pobjProtocol.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);

                    var objStrongEntity = protocolAssembler.ToEntity(pobjProtocol);

                    // Copiar los valores desde la entidad actualizada a la Entidad Fuente

                // Grabar detalle del protocolo
                foreach (var item in pobjProtocolComponent)
                    protocolcomponent objEntity1 = protocolcomponentAssembler.ToEntity(item);

                    objEntity1.d_InsertDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    objEntity1.i_InsertUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                    objEntity1.i_IsDeleted    = 0;

                    var NewId1 = Common.Utils.GetNewId(intNodeId, Utils.GetNextSecuentialId(intNodeId, 21), "PC");
                    objEntity1.v_ProtocolComponentId = NewId1;
                    objEntity1.v_ProtocolId          = pobjProtocol.v_ProtocolId == null ? NewId0 : pobjProtocol.v_ProtocolId;


                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
                // Llenar entidad Log

コード例 #25
        public void AddNodeOrganizationLoactionWarehouse(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, NodeOrganizationLoactionWarehouseList pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse, List <nodeorganizationlocationwarehouseprofileDto> pobjWarehouseList, List <string> ClientSession)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

            nodeorganizationprofile         objNodeorganizationprofile         = new nodeorganizationprofile();
            nodeorganizationlocationprofile objNodeorganizationlocationprofile = new nodeorganizationlocationprofile();

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();

                OperationResult objOperationResult5 = new OperationResult();

                if (pobjWarehouseList != null)
                    if (IsWarehouseAssignedToNode(ref objOperationResult5, pobjWarehouseList))
                        pobjOperationResult = objOperationResult5;

                var objEntitySource = (from a in dbContext.nodeorganizationlocationprofile
                                       join c in dbContext.nodeorganizationlocationprofile on a.i_NodeId equals c.i_NodeId
                                       where a.i_NodeId == pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.i_NodeId &&
                                       a.v_OrganizationId == pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.v_OrganizationId &&
                                       c.v_LocationId == pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.v_LocationId
                                       select a).FirstOrDefault();

                if (objEntitySource != null)
                    // Actualizar registro (dar de alta al registro ya existente "no volver a insertar")
                    OperationResult objOperationResult2 = new OperationResult();

                    UpdateNodeOrganizationChangeStatusAll(ref objOperationResult2,

                    pobjOperationResult = objOperationResult2;
                    var query = (from a in dbContext.nodeorganizationlocationprofile
                                 where a.i_NodeId == pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.i_NodeId &&
                                 a.v_OrganizationId == pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.v_OrganizationId
                                 select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Grabar nuevo

                    if (query == null)
                        #region Nodeorganization
                        // Grabar nodo / empresa
                        objNodeorganizationprofile.d_InsertDate     = DateTime.Now;
                        objNodeorganizationprofile.i_InsertUserId   = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                        objNodeorganizationprofile.i_IsDeleted      = 0;
                        objNodeorganizationprofile.i_NodeId         = pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.i_NodeId;
                        objNodeorganizationprofile.v_OrganizationId = pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.v_OrganizationId;


                        #region Nodeorganizationlocation
                        // Grabar nodo / empresa / sede

                        objNodeorganizationlocationprofile.d_InsertDate     = DateTime.Now;
                        objNodeorganizationlocationprofile.i_InsertUserId   = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                        objNodeorganizationlocationprofile.i_IsDeleted      = 0;
                        objNodeorganizationlocationprofile.i_NodeId         = pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.i_NodeId;
                        objNodeorganizationlocationprofile.v_OrganizationId = pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.v_OrganizationId;
                        objNodeorganizationlocationprofile.v_LocationId     = pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.v_LocationId;


                        #region Add Warehouse

                        // Graba almacenes
                        OperationResult objOperationResult1 = new OperationResult();

                        if (pobjWarehouseList != null)
                            AddWarehouse(ref objOperationResult1, pobjWarehouseList, ClientSession);

                        #region Nodeorganizationlocation
                        // Grabar nodo / empresa / sede

                        objNodeorganizationlocationprofile.d_InsertDate     = DateTime.Now;
                        objNodeorganizationlocationprofile.i_InsertUserId   = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                        objNodeorganizationlocationprofile.i_IsDeleted      = 0;
                        objNodeorganizationlocationprofile.i_NodeId         = pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.i_NodeId;
                        objNodeorganizationlocationprofile.v_OrganizationId = pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.v_OrganizationId;
                        objNodeorganizationlocationprofile.v_LocationId     = pobjNodeOrgLocationWarehouse.v_LocationId;


                        #region Add Warehouse

                        // Graba almacenes
                        OperationResult objOperationResult1 = new OperationResult();

                        if (pobjWarehouseList != null)
                            AddWarehouse(ref objOperationResult1, pobjWarehouseList, ClientSession);


                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;

                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.CREACION, "EMPRESA / SEDE / ALMACÉN", "v_OrganizationId=" + objNodeorganizationprofile.v_OrganizationId, Success.Ok, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.CREACION, "EMPRESA / SEDE / ALMACÉN", "v_OrganizationId=" + objNodeorganizationprofile.v_OrganizationId, Success.Failed, pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage);
コード例 #26
        public List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.ProtocolList> GetProtocolPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();

                var query = from A in dbContext.protocol
                            join B in dbContext.organization on A.v_EmployerOrganizationId equals B.v_OrganizationId
                            join C in dbContext.location on A.v_EmployerLocationId equals C.v_LocationId
                            join D in dbContext.groupoccupation on A.v_GroupOccupationId equals D.v_GroupOccupationId
                            join E in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_EsoTypeId.Value, b = 118 }
                equals new { a = E.i_ParameterId, b = E.i_GroupId } into J3_join
                from E in J3_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join F in dbContext.organization on A.v_CustomerOrganizationId equals F.v_OrganizationId

                join I in dbContext.location on A.v_CustomerLocationId equals I.v_LocationId

                join G in dbContext.organization on A.v_WorkingOrganizationId equals G.v_OrganizationId into J4_join
                from G in J4_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J in dbContext.location on A.v_WorkingLocationId equals J.v_LocationId into J6_join
                from J in J6_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join H in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_MasterServiceId.Value, b = 119 }
                equals new { a = H.i_ParameterId, b = H.i_GroupId } into J5_join
                from H in J5_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join
                from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join
                from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                where A.i_IsDeleted == 0
                select new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.ProtocolList
                    v_ProtocolId               = A.v_ProtocolId,
                    v_Protocol                 = A.v_Name,
                    v_Organization             = B.v_Name + " / " + C.v_Name,
                    v_Location                 = C.v_Name,
                    v_EsoType                  = E.v_Value1,
                    v_GroupOccupation          = D.v_Name,
                    v_OrganizationInvoice      = F.v_Name + " / " + I.v_Name,
                    v_CostCenter               = A.v_CostCenter,
                    v_IntermediaryOrganization = G.v_Name + " / " + J.v_Name,
                    i_ServiceTypeId            = A.i_MasterServiceTypeId.Value,
                    v_MasterServiceName        = H.v_Value1,
                    i_MasterServiceId          = A.i_MasterServiceId.Value,
                    v_OrganizationId           = F.v_OrganizationId + "|" + I.v_LocationId,
                    i_EsoTypeId                = A.i_EsoTypeId,
                    v_WorkingOrganizationId    = G.v_OrganizationId,
                    v_OrganizationInvoiceId    = F.v_OrganizationId,
                    v_GroupOccupationId        = D.v_GroupOccupationId,
                    v_CreationUser             = J1.v_UserName,
                    v_UpdateUser               = J2.v_UserName,
                    d_CreationDate             = A.d_InsertDate,
                    d_UpdateDate               = A.d_UpdateDate,
                    v_LocationId               = A.v_EmployerLocationId,
                    v_CustomerLocationId       = A.v_CustomerLocationId,
                    v_WorkingLocationId        = A.v_WorkingLocationId,
                    i_IsActive                 = A.i_IsActive

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.ProtocolList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #27
        public void UpdateNodeOrganizationChangeStatusAll(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int pintNodeId, string pstrOrganizationId, string pstrLocationId, int pintIsDeleted, List <string> ClientSession)
                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();

                #region nodeOrganization
                // Obtener la entidad fuente
                var objnodeOrganization = (from a in dbContext.nodeorganizationprofile
                                           where a.i_NodeId == pintNodeId &&
                                           a.v_OrganizationId == pstrOrganizationId
                                           select a).FirstOrDefault();

                // Crear la entidad con los datos actualizados
                objnodeOrganization.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                objnodeOrganization.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                objnodeOrganization.i_IsDeleted    = pintIsDeleted;

                // Guardar los cambios

                #region nodeOrganizationLocation
                // Obtener la entidad fuente
                var objnodeOrganizationLocation = (from a in dbContext.nodeorganizationlocationprofile
                                                   where a.i_NodeId == pintNodeId &&
                                                   a.v_OrganizationId == pstrOrganizationId &&
                                                   a.v_LocationId == pstrLocationId
                                                   select a).FirstOrDefault();

                // Crear la entidad con los datos actualizados
                objnodeOrganizationLocation.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                objnodeOrganizationLocation.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                objnodeOrganizationLocation.i_IsDeleted    = pintIsDeleted;

                // Guardar los cambios

                #region Warehouse

                // Obtener la entidad fuente
                var objWarehouse = (from a in dbContext.nodeorganizationlocationwarehouseprofile
                                    where a.i_NodeId == pintNodeId &&
                                    a.v_OrganizationId == pstrOrganizationId &&
                                    a.v_LocationId == pstrLocationId
                                    select a).ToList();
                if (objWarehouse != null)
                    foreach (var item in objWarehouse)
                        item.d_UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        item.i_UpdateUserId = Int32.Parse(ClientSession[2]);
                        item.i_IsDeleted    = pintIsDeleted;

                    // Guardar los cambios

                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.ACTUALIZACION, "EMPRESA / SEDE / ALMACÉN", "v_OrganizationId=" + pstrOrganizationId, Success.Ok, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
                // Llenar entidad Log
                LogBL.SaveLog(ClientSession[0], ClientSession[1], ClientSession[2], LogEventType.ACTUALIZACION, "EMPRESA / SEDE / ALMACÉN", "v_OrganizationId=" + pstrOrganizationId, Success.Failed, pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage);
コード例 #28
        public List <SystemParameterList> GetSystemParametersPagedAndFilteredNew(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression, int?pintGroupId)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.systemparameter
                            join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_ParentParameterId.Value, b = A.i_GroupId }
                equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = 147 } into B_join
                from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join
                from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join
                from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J3 in dbContext.diseases on new { a = A.v_Value1 }
                equals new { a = J3.v_DiseasesId } into J3_join
                from J3 in J3_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                where B.i_GroupId == pintGroupId && B.i_IsDeleted == 0
                select new SystemParameterList
                    i_GroupId           = A.i_GroupId,
                    i_ParameterId       = A.i_ParameterId,
                    i_ParentGroupId     = A.i_GroupId,
                    i_ParentParameterId = A.i_ParentParameterId.Value,
                    v_Value1            = A.v_Value1,
                    v_Value2            = A.v_Value2,
                    v_DiseasesName      = J3.v_Name,
                    v_CreationUser      = J1.v_UserName,
                    v_UpdateUser        = J2.v_UserName,
                    d_CreationDate      = A.d_InsertDate,
                    d_UpdateDate        = A.d_UpdateDate,
                    i_IsDeleted         = A.i_IsDeleted,
                    Enfermedad          = B.v_Value1,
                    v_DiseaseName       = J3.v_Name,
                    SI       = false,
                    NO       = true,
                    ND       = false,
                    i_Answer = 0

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <SystemParameterList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message;
コード例 #29
ファイル: CalendarBL.cs プロジェクト: LOBOSMARSA122/SLLaboral
        public List <CalendarList> GetCalendarsPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression, DateTime?pdatBeginDate, DateTime?pdatEndDate)
                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.calendar
                            join B in dbContext.person on A.v_PersonId equals B.v_PersonId
                            join C in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_LineStatusId.Value, b = 120 } equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId }
                join D in dbContext.service on A.v_ServiceId equals D.v_ServiceId
                join E in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_ServiceTypeId.Value, b = 119 } equals new { a = E.i_ParameterId, b = E.i_GroupId }
                join F in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_ServiceId.Value, b = 119 } equals new { a = F.i_ParameterId, b = F.i_GroupId }
                join G in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_NewContinuationId.Value, b = 121 } equals new { a = G.i_ParameterId, b = G.i_GroupId }
                join H in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_CalendarStatusId.Value, b = 122 } equals new { a = H.i_ParameterId, b = H.i_GroupId }
                join I in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_IsVipId.Value, b = 111 } equals new { a = I.i_ParameterId, b = I.i_GroupId }

                join J in dbContext.protocol on new { a = D.v_ProtocolId }
                equals new { a = J.v_ProtocolId } into J_join
                from J in J_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join K in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = J.i_EsoTypeId.Value, b = 118 }
                equals new { a = K.i_ParameterId, b = K.i_GroupId } into K_join
                from K in K_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                // Empresa / Sede Cliente **************
                join oc in dbContext.organization on new { a = J.v_CustomerOrganizationId }
                equals new { a = oc.v_OrganizationId } into oc_join
                from oc in oc_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join lc in dbContext.location on new { a = J.v_CustomerOrganizationId, b = J.v_CustomerLocationId }
                equals new { a = lc.v_OrganizationId, b = lc.v_LocationId } into lc_join
                from lc in lc_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                // Empresa / Sede Trabajo  ********************************************************
                join ow in dbContext.organization on new { a = J.v_WorkingOrganizationId }
                equals new { a = ow.v_OrganizationId } into ow_join
                from ow in ow_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join lw in dbContext.location on new { a = J.v_WorkingOrganizationId, b = J.v_WorkingLocationId }
                equals new { a = lw.v_OrganizationId, b = lw.v_LocationId } into lw_join
                from lw in lw_join.DefaultIfEmpty()


                join N in dbContext.organization on new { a = D.v_OrganizationId }
                equals new { a = N.v_OrganizationId } into N_join
                from N in N_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join O in dbContext.location on new { a = N.v_OrganizationId, b = D.v_LocationId }
                equals new { a = O.v_OrganizationId, b = O.v_LocationId } into O_join
                from O in O_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J3 in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = D.i_ServiceStatusId.Value, b = 125 }
                equals new { a = J3.i_ParameterId, b = J3.i_GroupId } into J3_join
                from J3 in J3_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J4 in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = D.i_AptitudeStatusId.Value, b = 124 }
                equals new { a = J4.i_ParameterId, b = J4.i_GroupId } into J4_join
                from J4 in J4_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J5 in dbContext.datahierarchy on new { a = B.i_DocTypeId.Value, b = 106 }
                equals new { a = J5.i_ItemId, b = J5.i_GroupId } into J5_join
                from J5 in J5_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join
                from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value }
                equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join
                from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                where A.i_IsDeleted == 0
                select new CalendarList
                    v_CalendarId          = A.v_CalendarId,
                    d_DateTimeCalendar    = A.d_DateTimeCalendar.Value,
                    v_Pacient             = B.v_FirstLastName + " " + B.v_SecondLastName + " " + B.v_FirstName,
                    v_NumberDocument      = B.v_DocNumber,
                    v_LineStatusName      = C.v_Value1,
                    v_ServiceId           = A.v_ServiceId,
                    v_ProtocolId          = A.v_ProtocolId,
                    v_ProtocolName        = J.v_Name,
                    v_ServiceStatusName   = J3.v_Value1,
                    v_AptitudeStatusName  = J4.v_Value1,
                    v_ServiceTypeName     = E.v_Value1,
                    v_ServiceName         = F.v_Value1,
                    v_NewContinuationName = G.v_Value1,

                    v_PersonId           = A.v_PersonId,
                    v_CalendarStatusName = H.v_Value1,
                    i_ServiceStatusId    = D.i_ServiceStatusId.Value,
                    v_IsVipName          = I.v_Value1,

                    i_ServiceId        = A.i_ServiceId.Value,
                    i_ServiceTypeId    = A.i_ServiceTypeId.Value,
                    i_CalendarStatusId = A.i_CalendarStatusId.Value,
                    i_MasterServiceId  = A.i_ServiceId.Value,

                    i_NewContinuationId = A.i_NewContinuationId.Value,
                    i_LineStatusId      = A.i_LineStatusId.Value,
                    i_IsVipId           = A.i_IsVipId.Value,

                    i_EsoTypeId   = J.i_EsoTypeId.Value,
                    v_EsoTypeName = K.v_Value1,

                    v_OrganizationLocationProtocol = oc.v_Name + " / " + lc.v_Name,
                    v_OrganizationLocationService  = N.v_Name + " / " + O.v_Name,
                    v_CreationUser = J1.v_UserName,
                    v_UpdateUser   = J2.v_UserName,
                    d_CreationDate = A.d_InsertDate,
                    d_UpdateDate   = A.d_UpdateDate,
                    i_IsDeleted    = A.i_IsDeleted,

                    v_CustomerOrganizationId = oc.v_OrganizationId,
                    v_CustomerLocationId     = lc.v_LocationId,

                    v_DocTypeName = J5.v_Value1,
                    v_DocNumber   = B.v_DocNumber,
                    i_DocTypeId   = B.i_DocTypeId.Value,
                    d_EntryTimeCM = A.d_EntryTimeCM.Value,

                    v_WorkingOrganizationName = ow.v_Name

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (pdatBeginDate.HasValue && pdatEndDate.HasValue)
                    query = query.Where("d_DateTimeCalendar >= @0 && d_DateTimeCalendar <= @1", pdatBeginDate.Value, pdatEndDate.Value);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                //if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                //    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                //    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <CalendarList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex);
コード例 #30
ファイル: LogBL.cs プロジェクト: LOBOSMARSA122/SLSanLorenzo
        //Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlMonitor mon = new Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlMonitor();

        public List <LogList> GetLogsPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression, DateTime?pdatBeginDate, DateTime?pdatEndDate)
            //mon.IsActive = true;

                SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel();
                var query = from A in dbContext.log
                            join B in dbContext.node on A.i_NodeLogId equals B.i_NodeId
                            join C in dbContext.organization on A.v_OrganizationId equals C.v_OrganizationId into C_join
                            from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                            join D in dbContext.systemuser on A.i_SystemUserId equals D.i_SystemUserId into D_join
                            from D in D_join.DefaultIfEmpty()

                            join J1 in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = 102, b = A.i_EventTypeId.Value }
                equals new { a = J1.i_GroupId, b = J1.i_ParameterId }
                join J2 in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = 111, b = A.i_Success.Value }
                equals new { a = J2.i_GroupId, b = J2.i_ParameterId }
                select new LogList
                    v_LogId            = A.v_LogId,
                    i_EventTypeId      = A.i_EventTypeId.Value,
                    v_EventTypeName    = J1.v_Value1,
                    i_NodeId           = A.i_NodeLogId.Value,
                    v_NodeName         = B.v_Description,
                    v_OrganizationId   = A.v_OrganizationId,
                    v_OrganizationName = C.v_Name,
                    i_SystemUserId     = A.i_SystemUserId.Value,
                    v_SystemUserName   = D.v_UserName,
                    d_Date             = A.d_Date.Value,
                    v_ProcessEntity    = A.v_ProcessEntity,
                    v_ElementItem      = A.v_ElementItem,
                    i_Success          = A.i_Success.Value,
                    v_SuccessName      = J2.v_Value1,
                    v_ErrorException   = A.v_ErrorException

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression))
                    query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression);
                if (pdatBeginDate.HasValue && pdatEndDate.HasValue)
                    query = query.Where("d_Date >= @0 && d_Date <= @1", pdatBeginDate.Value, pdatEndDate.Value);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression))
                    query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression);
                if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value;
                    query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex);
                if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue)
                    query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value);

                List <LogList> objData = query.ToList();
                pobjOperationResult.Success = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                pobjOperationResult.Success          = 0;
                pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message;