コード例 #1
        public async Task <ActionResult> SeatBooking(int phoneNumber, int showId, string reservedSeats)
            //BookingLogic bLogic = new BookingLogic();

            // Transaction

            //bool wasUpdated = await sLogic.UpdateShowingBookings(showId, reservedSeats, phoneNumber);

            //Booking aBooking = new Booking(phoneNumber, showId, 100.0m, reservedSeats);

            ShowingLogic sLogic = new ShowingLogic();

                //bool wasOk = await _bookingLogic.SaveBooking(aBooking);

                int insertedId = -1;
                //decimal price = 100.0m;
                //string seatsBooked = "Row: 666, Seat 1";

                insertedId = await _bookingLogic.CreateBooking(phoneNumber, showId, 100.0m, reservedSeats);

                Showing foundShowing = await sLogic.GetShowingById(showId, true);

                return(View("SeatBooking", foundShowing));
                 * if (wasUpdated)
                 * {
                 *  ViewBag.PrevResult = "Seats was reserved!";
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  ViewBag.PrevResult = "Sorry - not reserved - something went wrong";
                 * }

                // Transaction End
                Showing foundShowing = await sLogic.GetShowingById(1, true);

                return(View("SeatBooking", foundShowing));
コード例 #2
         * [HttpPost]
         * [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
         * public async Task<ActionResult> Create(Booking aBooking)
         * {
         *  try
         *  {
         *      //bool wasOk = await _bookingLogic.SaveBooking(aBooking);
         *      int insertedId = -1;
         *      //decimal price = 100.0m;
         *      //string seatsBooked = "Row: 666, Seat 1";
         *      insertedId = await _bookingLogic.CreateBooking(aBooking);
         *      return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));
         *  } catch
         *  {
         *      return View();
         *  }
         * }

        public async Task <ActionResult> SeatBooking(int?id)
            ShowingLogic sLogic           = new ShowingLogic();
            bool         withReservations = true;
            int          showingIdInt     = (id != null) ? ((int)id) : 0;
            Showing      foundShowing     = await sLogic.GetShowingById(showingIdInt, withReservations);

            string bookText = "Press green seat to reserve seat";

            if (TempData["bookResult"] != null)
                bookText = TempData["bookResult"].ToString();
            ViewBag.PrevResult = bookText;

            // Assigning showId here because the view file seatBooking.cshtml could not find showId