コード例 #1
        private void DrawTabButton(int index, Graphics g, ref Rectangle tabBounds, ref Rectangle textTabBounds, Color ButtonColour, Color SelectedButtonColour, int ButtonSelected, ShowButtonEnum Button)
            Pen buttonPen;

            // Get the bounds of the quit button based on the size of the tab
            Rectangle buttonBounds = GetButtonRect(tabBounds, Button);

            // If the user has his mouse over the button then set the foreground pen to...
            if (index == ButtonSelected)
                buttonPen = new Pen(SelectedButtonColour); //set it to red
                buttonPen = new Pen(Color.Black); //otherwise set it to standard black

            // If the user wants to draw the background and the box, do it
            if (DrawTabButtonBox)
                g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(ButtonColour), buttonBounds);
                g.DrawRectangle(buttonPen, buttonBounds);

            // Make the rectangle a little bit smaller for painting the crosshair
            buttonBounds = Rectangle.Inflate(buttonBounds, -2, -2);

            if (Button == ShowButtonEnum.Quit)
                // Draw the crosshair
                g.DrawLine(buttonPen, new Point(buttonBounds.Left, buttonBounds.Top), new Point(buttonBounds.Right, buttonBounds.Bottom));
                g.DrawLine(buttonPen, new Point(buttonBounds.Left, buttonBounds.Bottom), new Point(buttonBounds.Right, buttonBounds.Top));
                g.DrawLine(buttonPen, new Point(buttonBounds.Left, buttonBounds.Top), new Point(buttonBounds.X + buttonBounds.Width / 2, buttonBounds.Bottom));
                g.DrawLine(buttonPen, new Point(buttonBounds.Right, buttonBounds.Top), new Point(buttonBounds.X + buttonBounds.Width / 2, buttonBounds.Bottom));

            // Set the text boundary rectangle to
            if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Right || Alignment == TabAlignment.Left)
                textTabBounds = new Rectangle(new Point(textTabBounds.X, buttonBounds.Bottom + GetTabButtonVerticalMarginSeparation(ItemSize)), new Size(textTabBounds.Width, textTabBounds.Height - buttonBounds.Height));
                textTabBounds = new Rectangle(textTabBounds.Location, new Size(buttonBounds.X - textTabBounds.X, textTabBounds.Height));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the rectangle which will be used to draw the quit button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CurrentTabRect"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Rectangle GetButtonRect(Rectangle CurrentTabRect, ShowButtonEnum Button)
            int TabBoundsRightMargin = 0;
            Rectangle tabButtonRect;

            if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom || Alignment == TabAlignment.Top)
                TabBoundsRightMargin = CurrentTabRect.Right - GetTabButtonHorizontalMarginSeparation(ItemSize);
                TabBoundsRightMargin = (CurrentTabRect.X + (CurrentTabRect.Width / 2)) - (GetTabButtonWidth(ItemSize) / 2);

            tabButtonRect = new Rectangle(TabBoundsRightMargin, CurrentTabRect.Top + GetTabButtonVerticalMarginSeparation(ItemSize), GetTabButtonWidth(ItemSize), GetTabButtonHeight(ItemSize));

            if (Button == ShowButtonEnum.Quit)
                return tabButtonRect;

            if ((ShowButtons & ShowButtonEnum.Quit) == ShowButtonEnum.Quit)
                if (Alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom || Alignment == TabAlignment.Top) //if the quit button exists then we should move the options button out of the way
                    tabButtonRect.X -= GetTabButtonWidth(ItemSize) + GetTabButtonHorizontalSeparation(ItemSize);
                    tabButtonRect.Y += GetTabButtonHeight(ItemSize) + GetTabButtonHorizontalSeparation(ItemSize);

            return tabButtonRect;