コード例 #1
        private void btnVacatRoom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet dss        = Connection.GetDataSet("select hostelcode from tbl_hostel where hostelname='" + cmbHostelName.Text + "'");
            int     hostelcode = Convert.ToInt32(dss.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
            string  mysql      = "SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, affiliate_by, logoimage FROM tbl_school  SELECT  tbl_hostel.HostelName,convert(nvarchar(10),tbl_roomdet.allotmentdate,103) as  allotmentdate, tbl_roomdet.studentname, tbl_roomdet.bedno, tbl_roomdet.roomno FROM tbl_roomdet INNER JOIN tbl_hostel ON tbl_roomdet.hostelcode = tbl_hostel.Hostelcode WHERE tbl_roomdet.studentname IS NULL AND tbl_roomdet.hostelcode='" + hostelcode + "'";
            DataSet ds         = new DataSet();

            ds = Connection.GetDataSet(mysql);
            if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
                ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"\Barcodes\a\hostelVaccent.xsd");
                Hostal.ReportDesign.rptHostelVacat rh = new Hostal.ReportDesign.rptHostelVacat();
                rh.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
                rh.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
                ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();
                s.Text = "Room Vacated Report";
                s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rh;
                MessageBox.Show("Data not found.");
コード例 #2
        public void GetEmployeeDetails()
            SqlTransaction trn = null;

                //  trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = GetDatasetByTrn("GetEmployeeLadger ", valcmbbank.SelectedValue.ToString(), dtpfrom.Value, dtpto.Value, c.myconn, trn);
                //  trn.Commit();
                ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\EJBook.xsd");
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    LDEmployee cr = new LDEmployee();
                    cr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
                    cr.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA4;
                    ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();
                    s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;
                    MessageBox.Show("Racord not exist.", "Warnning:");
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #3
 private void btnAllottRoom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (cmbHostelName.Text.Trim() == string.Empty)
         MessageBox.Show("Please Select A Hostel");
         DataSet dss        = Connection.GetDataSet("select hostelcode from tbl_hostel where hostelname='" + cmbHostelName.Text + "'  ");
         int     hostelcode = Convert.ToInt32(dss.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
         string  mysql      = "SELECT     tbl_hostel.HostelName, tbl_school.schoolname, tbl_school.schooladdress, tbl_school.affiliate_by, tbl_school.logoimage FROM  tbl_hostel CROSS JOIN tbl_school WHERE tbl_hostel.Hostelcode = '" + hostelcode + "'  SELECT  convert(nvarchar(10),allotmentdate,103) as allotmentdate,studentname,bedno,roomno FROM tbl_roomdet where studentname IS NOT NULL AND hostelcode='" + hostelcode + "' ";
         DataSet ds         = new DataSet();
         ds = Connection.GetDataSet(mysql);
         if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
             ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"\Barcodes\a\hostelallot.xsd");
             Hostal.ReportDesign.rptHostelAllotPosition rh = new Hostal.ReportDesign.rptHostelAllotPosition();
             rh.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
             rh.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
             ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();
             s.Text = "Room Alloted Report";
             s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rh;
             MessageBox.Show("Data not found.");
コード例 #4
        private void btnEveryDayFee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cmbHostelName.Text.Trim() == string.Empty)
                MessageBox.Show("Please Select A Hostel");
                DataSet dss = Connection.GetDataSet("select hostelcode from tbl_hostel where HostelName='" + cmbHostelName.Text + "'");
                DataSet ds  = Connection.GetDataSet("SELECT     tbl_hostel.HostelName, tbl_school.schoolname, tbl_school.schooladdress, tbl_school.affiliate_by, tbl_school.logoimage FROM  tbl_hostel CROSS JOIN tbl_school WHERE tbl_hostel.Hostelcode = '" + dss.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]
                                                    + "'  SELECT tbl_hostel.HostelName, tbl_hostelfee.roomno, tbl_hostelfee.bedno, tbl_hostelfee.studentname,  DateName( month , DateAdd( month , tbl_hostelfee.monthno , 0 ) - 1 ) as monthno, tbl_hostelfee.yearno, convert(nvarchar(10),tbl_hostelfee.feedate,103) as feedate, tbl_hostelfee.rechostelfee, tbl_hostelfee.recmessfee FROM  tbl_hostelfee INNER JOIN tbl_hostel ON tbl_hostelfee.hostelcode = tbl_hostel.Hostelcode WHERE  tbl_hostelfee.feedate ='" + cmbDate.Value.Date + "'  and tbl_Hostelfee.hostelCode='" + dss.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "'");

                if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
                    ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"\Barcodes\a\DailyHostelfee.xsd");
                    Hostal.ReportDesign.rptDailyHostelFee r = new Hostal.ReportDesign.rptDailyHostelFee();
                    ShowAllReports f = new ShowAllReports();
                    r.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
                    r.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
                    f.Text = "Daily Hostel Fee Report";
                    f.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = r;
                    MessageBox.Show("Data not found.");
コード例 #5
        private void btnViewReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            ds = Connection.GetDataSet("SELECT tbl_session.sessioncode, tbl_session.sessionname, tbl_student.studentno, tbl_student.scholarno,'Mast/Miss '+ tbl_student.name as name , 'Mr. '+ tbl_student.father as father, " +
                                       "  'Mrs. '+ tbl_student.mother as mother, tbl_student.dob, tbl_student.C_address, tbl_student.m_tongue, tbl_student.casttype, tbl_student.bloodgroup,tbl_student.Height,tbl_student.Width,tbl_student.VisionL,tbl_student.VisionR,tbl_student.Teeth ,tbl_student.OHygiene,tbl_student.House,CASE WHEN tbl_student.CGPA IS NULL or tbl_student.CGPA='' THEN '..........' ELSE tbl_student.CGPA END as CGPA,CASE WHEN tbl_student.OGrade IS NULL or tbl_student.OGrade='' THEN '..........' ELSE tbl_student.OGrade END as OGrade, tbl_classstudent.stdtype,tbl_student.studentimage,  " +
                                       "  tbl_student.marr_status AS Gender, tbl_student.studentphoto, tbl_student.phone, tbl_student.bldgroup AS Medium, tbl_tehsil.tehsil, tbl_district.district,  " +
                                       "  tbl_district.statename, tbl_classmaster.classname, tbl_section.sectionname, tbl_classmaster.classname +' '+tbl_section.sectionname AS Class,  " +
                                       "  tbl_sankay.sankayname AS Stream, ISNULL(tbl_StudentAttendance.Lectures, 0) AS [Total Lecture], ISNULL(tbl_StudentAttendance.PresentDays, 0) AS [Total Present], ISNULL(tbl_StudentAttendance.Per , 0) AS [Per],tbl_StudentAttendance.RollNo ,tbl_student.SSMId,tbl_student.Wdob " +
                                       "  FROM tbl_section INNER JOIN  " +
                                       "  tbl_sankay INNER JOIN  " +
                                       "  tbl_classstudent ON tbl_sankay.sankaycode = tbl_classstudent.Stream INNER JOIN  " +
                                       "  tbl_classmaster ON tbl_classstudent.classno = tbl_classmaster.classcode INNER JOIN  " +
                                       "  tbl_student ON tbl_classstudent.studentno = tbl_student.studentno INNER JOIN  " +
                                       "  tbl_session ON tbl_classstudent.sessioncode = tbl_session.sessioncode ON tbl_section.sectioncode = tbl_classstudent.Section INNER JOIN  " +
                                       "  tbl_tehsil ON tbl_student.tehcode = tbl_tehsil.tehcode INNER JOIN  " +
                                       "  tbl_district ON tbl_student.distcode = tbl_district.distcode  Left join tbl_StudentAttendance on tbl_student .studentno = tbl_StudentAttendance .StudentNo " +
                                       "  WHERE (tbl_section.sectioncode = '" + cmbScetion.SelectedValue + "') AND (tbl_classstudent.ClassNo ='" + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "')  " +
                                       "  AND (tbl_session.sessioncode  = '" + cmbSession.SelectedValue + "') and  tbl_classstudent.stdtype<>'Ex-Student' Order By  tbl_student.name ;" +

                                       " SELECT schoolname,schooladdress,schoolcity,schoolphone,affiliate_by,principal,registrationno,logoimage FROM tbl_school ");

            ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\rptCBSEMarksFrontDetail.xsd");
            CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument s = null;
            ShowAllReports cr = new ShowAllReports();

            s = new MpBoardMarksheet.ReportDesign.rptMSCCEReportFormatFront();
            s.SetParameterValue("Class", Connection.GetNextClass(cmbClass.Text.Trim()));

            cr.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = s;
コード例 #6
 private void btnDueFee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (cmbMonth.Text.Trim() == string.Empty || cmbHostelName.Text.Trim() == string.Empty)
         MessageBox.Show("Please Select A Month");
         DataSet dss = Connection.GetDataSet("select Hostelcode from tbl_hostel where HostelName='" + cmbHostelName.Text + "'");
         int     i   = cmbMonth.SelectedIndex;
         i = i + 1;
         string  mysql = "SELECT tbl_school.schoolname, tbl_school.schooladdress, tbl_school.affiliate_by, tbl_school.logoimage, tbl_hostel.HostelName FROM tbl_hostel CROSS JOIN tbl_school  where tbl_hostel.hostelcode='" + dss.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "'  select hostelcode,roomno,bedno,sessioncode,studentno,studentname,DateName( month , DateAdd( month , tbl_hostelfee.monthno , 0 ) - 1 ) as monthno,yearno,hostelfee,messfee,feedate,feeno,rechostelfee,recmessfee,messdays from tbl_hostelfee where monthno='" + i + "' and rechostelfee!='" + 0.00 + "' and recmessfee!='" + 0.00 + "'  and Hostelcode='" + dss.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "' ";
         DataSet ds    = new DataSet();
         ds = Connection.GetDataSet(mysql);
         if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
             ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"\Barcodes\a\HostelfeeMothwise.xsd");
             Hostal.ReportDesign.rptMonthviseHostelFee r = new Hostal.ReportDesign.rptMonthviseHostelFee();
             r.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
             r.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
             ShowAllReports f = new ShowAllReports();
             f.Text = "Paid Hostel Fee By Month";
             f.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = r;
             MessageBox.Show("Data not found.");
コード例 #7
        private void BtnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SMS.Library.ReportDesign.BookDetail cr = new SMS.Library.ReportDesign.BookDetail();
            cr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
            cr.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
            ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();

            s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;
コード例 #8
        public override void btnprint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet("SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, schoolcity, schoolphone, affiliate_by, principal, registrationno, logoimage   From   tbl_school");

            ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\AbsentReport.xsd");
            Report.Student.ReportDesign.rptStudentAbsent sa = new Report.Student.ReportDesign.rptStudentAbsent();
            ShowAllReports s1 = new ShowAllReports();

            s1.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = sa;
コード例 #9
 private void tbnlblPerticularStudentFeeReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (txtScholarNo.Text.Trim() == string.Empty)
         MessageBox.Show("Field Required");
         string  mysql = "select studentno from tbl_student where scholarno='" + txtScholarNo.Text + "'";
         DataSet ds    = new DataSet();
         ds = Connection.GetDataSet(mysql);
         if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             int     studentno = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
             DataSet ds1       = Connection.GetDataSet("select StudentNo from tbl_roomdet where studentno='" + studentno + "'");
             if (ds1 != null && ds1.Tables.Count != 0 && ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
                 string  mysql1 = "SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, affiliate_by, logoimage FROM tbl_school  SELECT  tbl_hostel.HostelName, tbl_hostelfee.roomno, tbl_hostelfee.bedno, tbl_hostelfee.studentname,  DateName( month , DateAdd( month , tbl_hostelfee.monthno , 0 ) - 1 ) as monthno, tbl_hostelfee.yearno, convert(nvarchar(10),tbl_hostelfee.feedate,103) as feedate, tbl_hostelfee.rechostelfee, tbl_hostelfee.recmessfee FROM tbl_hostelfee INNER JOIN  tbl_hostel ON tbl_hostelfee.hostelcode = tbl_hostel.Hostelcode WHERE  tbl_hostelfee.studentno ='" + studentno + "' ";
                 DataSet dss    = new DataSet();
                 dss = Connection.GetDataSet(mysql1);
                 if (dss.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
                     dss.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"\Barcodes\a\Hostelfee.xsd");
                     Hostal.ReportDesign.rptHostelFee r = new Hostal.ReportDesign.rptHostelFee();
                     r.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
                     r.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
                     ShowAllReports f = new ShowAllReports();
                     f.Text = "Hostel Fee By Student";
                     f.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = r;
                     MessageBox.Show("Data not found.");
                 MessageBox.Show("Room Not Attoted To This Student");
             MessageBox.Show("Scholar No. NOt Available");
コード例 #10
ファイル: FrmBarcodeSticker.cs プロジェクト: dreamzedu/csms
        private void BtnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet(" SELECT     tbl_booktitle.booktitle, tbl_booktitle.BarcodeImage, tbl_booktitle.BarcodeNo, tbl_school.schoolname, tbl_school.schooladdress, tbl_school.affiliate_by,                      tbl_school.logoimage  FROM         tbl_booktitle CROSS JOIN      tbl_school   ");

            ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\PrinBookBarcode.xsd");
            Library.ReportDesign.printcard fr = new Library.ReportDesign.printcard();
            fr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
            fr.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
            ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();

            s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = fr;
コード例 #11
        private void BtnAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet("SELECT   schoolname, schooladdress, affiliate_by, logoimage FROM   tbl_school  Select  BusId,BusNo,RTONO,SeatsCapacity,BusMilej,ModelNo,ChechisNo,InitialReading,convert(nvarchar(20), PurchaseDate,103) as PurchaseDate,Company,convert(nvarchar(20), RegistrationIssueDate,103) as RegistrationIssueDate,convert(nvarchar(20), RegistrationExpiryDate,103) as RegistrationExpiryDate,Status from tbl_BusDetails ");

            ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\BusRegistrationInfo.xsd");
            Bus.ReportDesign.rptBusRegistrationInfo r = new Bus.ReportDesign.rptBusRegistrationInfo();
            r.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
            r.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
            ShowAllReports f = new ShowAllReports();

            f.Text = "All Buses Registration Information";
            f.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = r;
コード例 #12
        private void BtnAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet("SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, affiliate_by, logoimage  FROM  tbl_school  select  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY BusEntry) AS Serial,BusEntry,BusNo,DieselAvailable,convert(nvarchar(20), PuredDate,103) as PuredDate,PuredDiesel,BusReading,DieselRate,Amount,CurrentDate,Status from tbl_dieselDetails where PuredDate between '" + dtpStartDate.Value.Date + "' and '" + dtpLastDate.Value.Date + "'  select (max(busreading)-min(busreading)) from tbl_DieselDetails where PuredDate between '" + dtpStartDate.Value.Date + "' and '" + dtpLastDate.Value.Date + "'");

            ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\DieselConsumption.xsd");
            Bus.ReportDesign.rptDieselReportOfBus r = new Bus.ReportDesign.rptDieselReportOfBus();
            r.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
            r.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
            ShowAllReports f = new ShowAllReports();

            f.Text = "Diesel Report Of All Buses";
            f.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = r;
コード例 #13
        private void BtnAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            ds = Connection.GetDataSet("SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY tbl_BusDetails.BusNo) AS Serial,tbl_BusDetails.BusNo, tbl_DailyBusEntry.DriverName, tbl_DailyBusEntry.ConductorName, convert(nvarchar(20), tbl_DailyBusEntry.CurrentDate,103) as CurrentDate, tbl_DailyBusEntry.TeacherName,tbl_DailyBusEntry.RootName FROM tbl_BusDetails INNER JOIN tbl_DailyBusEntry ON tbl_BusDetails.BusNo = tbl_DailyBusEntry.BusNo order by  tbl_DailyBusEntry.BusNo   SELECT   schoolname, schooladdress, affiliate_by, logoimage FROM   tbl_school");
            ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\DailyBusInfo.xsd");
            Bus.ReportDesign.rptDailyBusEntryInfoAll r = new Bus.ReportDesign.rptDailyBusEntryInfoAll();
            r.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
            r.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
            ShowAllReports f = new ShowAllReports();

            f.Text = "Bus Detail Report";
            f.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = r;
コード例 #14
ファイル: FrmBankRec.cs プロジェクト: dreamzedu/csms
 public override void btnprint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         ds = Connection.GetDataSet("select (select top 1 logoimage from tbl_school ) as SLogo,(select top 1 schoolname from tbl_school ) as SName,(select top 1 schooladdress from tbl_school ) as SAddress,convert(nvarchar(20), v.vchdate,103) as vchdate,v.vchno,v.Remark,vd.vchamt,dbo.GetAccountName(vd.accode) as AcName,dbo.GetAccountName((select top 1 ivd.accode from tbl_voucherdet ivd where ivd.vchno=vd.vchno and ivd.amttype='Dr' and ivd.vchtype='BR')) as BName from tbl_voucher v inner join tbl_voucherdet vd on v.vchtype=vd.vchtype and v.vchno=vd.vchno where amttype='Cr' and vd.vchtype='BR' and vd.vchno='" + txtvoucherno.Text.Trim() + "'");
         ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\BankRec.xsd");
         Account.ReportDesign.BankReceipt cr = new Account.ReportDesign.BankReceipt();
         cr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
         cr.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA4;
         ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();
         s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
コード例 #15
ファイル: TrialBalance.cs プロジェクト: dreamzedu/csms
 private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //DateTime opdate = dtpfrom.Value.Date;
         string mysql;
         mysql = mysql + " select  L.accno,L.accname,(case when L.clbal<0 then -1*L.clbal else 0 end) payment,(case when L.clbal>=0 then L.clbal else 0 end) receipt FROM ";
         mysql = mysql + " ( SELECT m.accode as accno, m.acname as accname,m.acoptype as baltype, isnull(m.opbal,0) as opbal, isnull(n.receipt,0) as receipt,isnull(n.payment,0) as payment,(isnull(m.opbal,0)+isnull(n.receipt,0)-isnull(n.payment,0)) as clbal  FROM ";
         mysql = mysql + " ( SELECT p.accode,p.acname,p.acoptype, (case when p.acoptype='Cr' then  -1 else 1 end) *isnull(p.acopbal,0) +isnull(q.receipt,0)-isnull(q.payment,0) AS opbal, 0 AS receipt, 0 AS payment, 0 AS CLBAL FROM tbl_account AS p  LEFT JOIN  ( SELECT  b.accode,isnull(sum(b.receipt),0) AS receipt, isnull(sum(b.payment),0) AS payment FROM   ( SELECT a.accode, sum(a.vchamt) AS Receipt, 0 AS payment FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a, tbl_voucher AS b  WHERE a.vchno=b.vchno  and a.vchdate>= (select opdate  from tbl_account where accode=a.accode)  and a.vchdate<'" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "' and    a.vchtype=b.vchtype and  A.AMTtype='Dr' GROUP BY a.accode   UNION ALL   SELECT a.accode, 0 AS Receipt, sum(a.vchamt) AS payment FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a, tbl_voucher AS b  WHERE a.vchno=b.vchno  and a.vchdate>= (select opdate from tbl_account where accode=a.accode)   and a.vchdate<'" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "'  and a.vchtype=b.vchtype and A.AMTtype='Cr' GROUP BY a.accode  )  b GROUP BY b.accode  )  AS q  ON p.accode=q.accode  )    m   LEFT JOIN  ";
         mysql = mysql + " (SELECT b.accode, 0 AS opbal,sum(b.receipt) AS receipt, sum(b.payment)  AS payment, 0 AS clbal FROM (SELECT a.accode, 0 AS OPBAL, sum(a.vchamt) AS Receipt, 0 AS payment, 0 AS CLBAL FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a, tbl_voucher AS b  WHERE a.vchno=b.vchno and a.vchdate>=  (select  (case  when opdate<'" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "'  then opdate else '" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "' end) as mdate from tbl_account where accode=a.accode) and a.vchdate<='" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "' and   a.vchtype=b.vchtype and A.AMTtype='Dr' GROUP BY a.accode  UNION ALL SELECT a.accode, 0 AS Receipt, 0 AS OPBAL, sum(a.vchamt) AS payment, 0 AS CLBAL FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a, tbl_voucher AS b   WHERE a.vchno=b.vchno  and a.vchdate>=  (select (case  when opdate<'" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "' then opdate else '" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + " ' end) as mdate from tbl_account  where accode=a.accode)  and a.vchdate<='" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "'  and  a.vchtype=b.vchtype and A.AMTtype='Cr' group by a.accode) AS b GROUP BY b.accode )  n  ";
         mysql = mysql + " ON m.accode=n.accode ) L ";
         SqlTransaction trn;
         trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
         c.connectsql("delete from tbl_accledger", c.myconn, trn);
         //insert the opening balance
         c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn);
         mysql = "select ' Income/Expanse From " + dtpto.Text + " Upto " + dtpfrom.Text + "' as period,(select top 1 schoolname from tbl_school ) as SName,(select top 1 schooladdress from tbl_school ) as SAddress,accname,receipt,payment from(SELECT 'Fee' as accname,0 as receipt,SUM(isnull(  acl.payment,0)) as payment FROM TBL_ACCLEDGER acl INNER JOIN tbl_account tac on acl.accno=tac.accode where tac.actype=3 union all SELECT acl.accname, SUM(isnull(  acl.receipt,0)) as receipt,0 as payment FROM TBL_ACCLEDGER acl INNER JOIN tbl_account tac on acl.accno=tac.accode where  tac.actype not in (3,1) group by acl.accname)tbl_accledger where (receipt>0 or payment > 0) order by accname ";
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         ds = Connection.GetDataSet(mysql);
         ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\TrialBook.xsd");
         TrialBook cr = new TrialBook();
         cr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
         cr.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
         ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();
         s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;
     catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #16
ファイル: FrmJournalVoucher.cs プロジェクト: dreamzedu/csms
 public override void btnprint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         ds = Connection.GetDataSet("GetCurrentJVoucher '" + txtvoucherno.Text.Trim() + "'");
         ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\CJournal.xsd");
         Account.ReportDesign.IJournalBook cr = new Account.ReportDesign.IJournalBook();
         cr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
         cr.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA4;
         ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();
         s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
コード例 #17
 private void btnShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         if (dgvScholarDetails.RowCount > 0)
             DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet("SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, schoolcity, schoolphone, affiliate_by, principal, registrationno, logoimage   From   tbl_school");
             if (dgvScholarDetails.RowCount > 0)
                 ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\StudentScholarStatus.xsd");
                 Report.Student.ReportDesign.rptScholarshipStatus cr = new Report.Student.ReportDesign.rptScholarshipStatus();
                 ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();
                 s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;
     catch { }
コード例 #18
        private void Btn_Format1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int       Indexer = 0;
            DataTable dtTable = new DataTable("dtTable");
            //this.NonPrimaryFlage = Convert.ToBoolean(Connection.GetExecuteScalar("Select NonPrimary From tbl_ClassMaster Where ClassCode = '" + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "'"));

            DataTable dtStudentMarksDetail  = Connection.GetDataTable("[dbo].[GetViewMPCCEMarksDetail_Format1] " + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "," + cmbScetion.SelectedValue + "," + school.CurrentSessionCode + "");
            DataTable dtStudentSkillsDetail = Connection.GetDataTable("Select (Case When t1.ExamCode=0 Then 'TERMI_' When t1.ExamCode=1 Then 'TERMII_' End) AS ExamCode , " +
                                                                      " t2.studentno StudentNo,t2.scholarno ScholarNo,t2.Name ,t1.SkillId ,t1.SkillName ,t1.Description ,t1.Grade  From ( " +
                                                                      " Select s2.ExamCode,s1.SkillId ,s1.SkillName ,s2.StudentNo ,s2.Description ,s2.Grade ,s2.ClassNo ,s2.SectionCode  From tbl_CCESkills s1,tbl_MPCCEStudentSkills s2 Where s1.SkillId =s2.SkillId And " +
                                                                      " s2.SectionCode ='" + cmbScetion.SelectedValue + "' And s2.ClassNo='" + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "' And s2.SessionCode ='" + school.CurrentSessionCode + "') t1 ,( " +
                                                                      " Select s.studentno ,s.scholarno ,s.name,cs.classno ,cs.Section ,cs.Stream  From tbl_student s ,tbl_classstudent cs Where cs.studentno =s.studentno And cs.sessioncode ='" + school.CurrentSessionCode + "'" +
                                                                      " And cs.classno ='" + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "' And cs.Section ='" + cmbScetion.SelectedValue + "') t2 " +
                                                                      " Where t1.StudentNo =t2.studentno And t1.SectionCode =t2.Section And t1.ClassNo =t2.classno Order By t1.SkillId ,t1.SkillName");
            DataTable dt = dtStudentMarksDetail.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "SessionCode", "StudentNo", "ScholarNo");

            dtTable.Columns.Add("SessionCode", typeof(int)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("sessionname", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("scholarno", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("RollNo", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("father", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("mother", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("dob", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("SSMId", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("classname", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("studentimage", typeof(byte[])); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("Wdob", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                dtTable.Columns.Add("SubCode_" + i, typeof(string)); Indexer++;
                dtTable.Columns["SubCode_" + i].DefaultValue = "00";
                dtTable.Columns.Add("Sub_" + i, typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            for (int j = 18; j < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; j++)
                string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[j].ColumnName;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("Sub_" + i + "_" + Sub, typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            //Add Skills Details
            for (int r = 0; r < 2; r++)
                //string Exam = (r["ExamCode"].Equals("0"))?"FA1_":(r["ExamCode"].Equals("1"))?"FA2_":(r["ExamCode"].Equals("2"))?"SA1_":
                //    (r["ExamCode"].Equals("3"))?"FA3_":(r["ExamCode"].Equals("4"))?"FA4_":(r["ExamCode"].Equals("5"))?"SA2_":"";

                dataReader = Connection.GetDataReader("SELECT SkillId, SkillName, Status FROM tbl_CCESkills Order By SkillId");
                if (dataReader.HasRows)
                    string Exam = (r.Equals(0)) ? "TERMI_" : "TERMII_";
                    while (dataReader.Read())
                        dtTable.Columns.Add(Exam + dataReader["SkillName"].ToString(), typeof(string));
                        dtTable.Columns.Add(Exam + dataReader["SkillName"].ToString() + "_G", typeof(string));

            //dataReader = Connection.GetDataReader("SELECT SkillId, SkillName, Status FROM tbl_CCESkills Order By SkillId");
            //if (dataReader.HasRows)
            //    string Exam = "TERMI_" ;
            //    while (dataReader.Read())
            //    {
            //        dtTable.Columns.Add(Exam + dataReader["SkillName"].ToString(), typeof(string));
            //        dtTable.Columns.Add(Exam + dataReader["SkillName"].ToString() + "_G", typeof(string));
            //    }

            //End Skills Details

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                int       tmp1 = 0; int C = 0; int E = 0;
                DataRow[] Student_C = dtStudentMarksDetail.Select("StudentNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["StudentNo"] + "' And ScholarNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["ScholarNo"] + "' And subjecttype='Core Subject'");
                DataRow[] Student_E = dtStudentMarksDetail.Select("StudentNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["StudentNo"] + "' And ScholarNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["ScholarNo"] + "' And subjecttype='Elective Subject'");
                DataRow   NewRow    = dtTable.NewRow();
                NewRow["SessionCode"] = Student_C[0]["SessionCode"];
                NewRow["sessionname"] = Student_C[0]["sessionname"];
                NewRow["scholarno"]   = Student_C[0]["scholarno"];
                NewRow["name"]        = Student_C[0]["name"];
                NewRow["RollNo"]      = Student_C[0]["RollNo"];
                NewRow["father"]      = Student_C[0]["father"];
                NewRow["mother"]      = Student_C[0]["mother"];
                NewRow["dob"]         = Student_C[0]["dob"];
                NewRow["SSMId"]       = Student_C[0]["SSMId"];
                NewRow["classname"]   = Student_C[0]["classname"];

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(Student_C[0]["studentimage"])))
                    NewRow["studentimage"] = null;
                    byte[] ByteImage = (byte[])Student_C[0]["studentimage"];
                    Bitmap bmp       = Connection.GetImageFromByteArray(ByteImage);
                    //bmp = Connection.AdjustContrastOfImage(bmp, 80f);
                    NewRow["studentimage"] = Connection.GetByteArrayFromImage(bmp);
                NewRow["Wdob"] = Student_C[0]["Wdob"];
                for (int k = 1; k <= 10; k++)
                    if (k <= 6)
                        tmp1 = Student_C.Length;

                        if (tmp1 == 6)
                            NewRow["SubCode_" + k] = Student_C[C]["SubjectCode"];
                            NewRow["Sub_" + k]     = Student_C[C]["SubjectName"];

                            for (int GetGrade = 18; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                                string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                                NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = Student_C[C][Sub];
                        else if (C < 6 && tmp1 != 0)
                            if (C < tmp1)
                                NewRow["SubCode_" + k] = Student_C[C]["SubjectCode"];
                                NewRow["Sub_" + k]     = Student_C[C]["SubjectName"];

                                for (int GetGrade = 18; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                                    string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = Student_C[C][Sub];
                                for (int GetGrade = 18; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                                    string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";
                        else if (tmp1 == 0)
                            for (int GetGrade = 18; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                                string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                                NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";

                    else if (k > 6 && k <= 10)
                        tmp1 = Student_E.Length;

                        if (tmp1 == 4)
                            NewRow["SubCode_" + k] = Student_E[E]["SubjectCode"];
                            NewRow["Sub_" + k]     = Student_E[E]["SubjectName"];

                            for (int GetGrade = 18; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                                string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                                NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = Student_E[E][Sub];
                        else if (E < 4 && tmp1 != 0)
                            if (E < tmp1)
                                NewRow["SubCode_" + k] = Student_E[E]["SubjectCode"];
                                NewRow["Sub_" + k]     = Student_E[E]["SubjectName"];

                                for (int GetGrade = 18; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                                    string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = Student_E[E][Sub];
                                for (int GetGrade = 18; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                                    string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";
                        else if (tmp1 == 0)
                            for (int GetGrade = 18; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                                string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                                NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";

                if (dtStudentSkillsDetail != null)
                    DataTable dtExam  = dtStudentSkillsDetail.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "ExamCode");
                    DataTable dtSkill = dtStudentSkillsDetail.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "SkillId", "SkillName");

                    int      N  = Indexer;
                    DataView dv = dtExam.DefaultView;
                    dv.Sort = "ExamCode asc";
                    DataTable sortedDT = dv.ToTable();
                    //dtExam.DefaultView.Sort = "ExamCode asc";
                    for (int Exam = 0; Exam < sortedDT.Rows.Count; Exam++)
                        for (int skill = 0; skill < dtSkill.Rows.Count; skill++)
                            DataRow[] desc = dtStudentSkillsDetail.Select("ExamCode='" + sortedDT.Rows[Exam]["ExamCode"] + "' And SkillName='" + dtSkill.Rows[skill][1] + "' And StudentNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["StudentNo"] + "' And ScholarNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["ScholarNo"] + "'");
                            if (desc.Count() > 0)
                                NewRow[Indexer] = desc[0][5]; Indexer++;
                                NewRow[Indexer] = desc[0][7]; Indexer++;
                    Indexer = N;
            DataTable dtschool = Connection.GetDataTable("SELECT schoolname,schooladdress,schoolcity,schoolphone,affiliate_by,principal,registrationno,logoimage,HOESIGN,PRINSIGN FROM tbl_school");
            DataSet   ds       = new DataSet();

            ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\rptMPCBSEMarksBackDetailFormat_S.xsd");
            int a = dtTable.Columns.Count;

            CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument s = null;
            if (cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("IX") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("X"))
                s = new MpBoardMarksheet.ReportDesign.rptMPMarksheetFormat_D();
            else if (cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("I") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("II") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("III") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("IV") ||
                s = new MpBoardMarksheet.ReportDesign.rptMPMarksheetFormat_B();
            else if (cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("VI") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("VII") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("VIII") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("IX"))
                s = new MpBoardMarksheet.ReportDesign.rptMPMarksheetFormat_C();
                s = new MpBoardMarksheet.ReportDesign.rptMPMarksheetFormat_A();


            ShowAllReports cr = new ShowAllReports();

            cr.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = s;
            s.SetParameterValue("NCLASS", Connection.GetNextClass(cmbClass.Text.Trim()));

コード例 #19
ファイル: FrmCashBook.cs プロジェクト: dreamzedu/csms
        private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                DateTime cashopdate = dtpfrom.Value.Date;
                DateTime bankopdate = dtpfrom.Value.Date;
                decimal  cashopbal  = 0;
                decimal  bankopbal  = 0;
                string mysql;
                mysql = "select isnull(acopbal,0) acopbal ,opdate from tbl_account where accode=" + valcmbcash.SelectedValue;
                SqlCommand com;
                com = new SqlCommand(mysql, c.myconn);
                SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader();
                int           i      = 0;
                if (reader.HasRows)
                    cashopbal  = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["acopbal"]);
                    cashopdate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["opdate"]);
                mysql = "select isnull(acopbal,0) acopbal ,opdate from tbl_account where accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue;
                //SqlCommand com;
                com    = new SqlCommand(mysql, c.myconn);
                reader = com.ExecuteReader();
                i      = 0;
                if (reader.HasRows)
                    bankopbal  = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["acopbal"]);
                    bankopdate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["opdate"]);
                string str = " SELECT  isnull(sum(case a.amttype when 'Dr' then a.vchamt else 0 end),0) AS Receipt,  isnull(sum(case a.amttype when 'Cr' then a.vchamt else 0 end),0) AS Payment,";
                str    = str + "  0 as balance  FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a ";
                str    = str + " Where a.vchdate>='" + cashopdate.Date + "'";
                str    = str + " and  a.vchdate<'" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and a.accode=" + valcmbcash.SelectedValue + " and a.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " ";
                com    = new SqlCommand(str, c.myconn);
                reader = com.ExecuteReader();
                i      = 0;
                decimal mcashrec = 0;
                decimal mcashpay = 0;
                if (reader.HasRows)
                    mcashrec = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["receipt"]);
                    mcashpay = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["payment"]);
                cashopbal = cashopbal + mcashrec - mcashpay;
                str    = " SELECT  isnull(sum(case a.amttype when 'Dr' then a.vchamt else 0 end),0) AS Receipt,  isnull(sum(case a.amttype when 'Cr' then a.vchamt else 0 end),0) AS Payment,";
                str    = str + "  0 as balance  FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a ";
                str    = str + " Where a.vchdate>='" + bankopdate.Date + "'";
                str    = str + " and  a.vchdate<'" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and a.accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + " and a.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " ";
                com    = new SqlCommand(str, c.myconn);
                reader = com.ExecuteReader();
                i      = 0;
                decimal mbankrec = 0;
                decimal mbankpay = 0;
                if (reader.HasRows)
                    mbankrec = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["receipt"]);
                    mbankpay = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["payment"]);
                bankopbal = bankopbal + mbankrec - mbankpay;


                SqlTransaction trn;
                trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                c.connectsql("delete from tbl_cashbook", c.myconn, trn);
                DateTime mopdate = cashopdate.Date;
                if (dtpfrom.Value.Date < cashopdate.Date)
                    dtpfrom.Value = cashopdate.Date;
                //insert the opening balance
                str = " Insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_date,r_particulars,r_cash,r_bank,isbold)  ";
                str = str + "  values  (0,'" + dtpfrom.Text + "' ,'Open. Bal.'," + cashopbal + "," + bankopbal + ",'Y')";
                c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                //get all voucher of the day - fromdate
                //str =  " SELECT a.accode as accno,b.vchno, b.vchdate,b.vchtype, isnull(b.remarks,'') as narration,a.amttype , ";
                //str = str + " (case a.amttype when 'Cr' then a.vchamt else 0 end) AS Payment, (case a.amttype when 'Dr' then a.vchamt else 0 end) AS Receipt,c.acname,isnull(c.lf,'') as lf,c.actype,a.basicsal,isnull(a.vchnarr,'') as vchnarr,isnull(b.entrytype,'') as entrytype,isnull(a.salarytype,'') as salarytype  ";
                //str = str + " FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a, tbl_voucher AS b,tbl_account c  Where a.vchdate='"+ dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString()   +"'";
                //str = str + " and  a.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " and  a.vchno = b.vchno and a.VCHTYPE = b.VCHTYPE and a.accode=c.accode order by b.entrytype desc,a.vchtype,vchno,a.entryno";
                str = " SELECT a.accode as accno,b.vchno, b.vchdate,b.vchtype, isnull(b.remark,'') as narration,a.amttype , ";
                str = str + " (case a.amttype when 'Dr' then a.vchamt else 0 end) AS Payment, (case a.amttype when 'Cr' then a.vchamt else 0 end) AS Receipt,( select top 1 (select top 1 acname from tbl_account where accode=ia.accode ) from tbl_voucherdet ia where ia.accode<>dbo.GetAccountCode('CS') and  ia.vchno=b.vchno and ia.vchtype=a.vchtype ) as acname ,isnull(c.lf,'') as lf,c.actype,isnull(a.basicsal,0) as basicsal,isnull(a.vchnarr,'') as vchnarr,isnull(null,'') as entrytype,isnull(a.salarytype,'') as salarytype  ";
                str = str + " FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a, tbl_voucher AS b,tbl_account c  Where (a.vchtype='JV' ";
                str = str + " or (a.vchtype='CP' and a.amttype='Dr') or (a.vchtype='CR' and a.amttype='Cr'))  and  a.vchdate='" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'";
                str = str + " and  a.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " and  a.vchno = b.vchno and a.VCHTYPE = b.VCHTYPE and a.accode=c.accode and a.accode<>dbo.GetAccountCode('CS') order by a.vchtype,vchno,a.entryno";
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                c.filldataset(false, ref ds, str, c.myconn);
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    int     rwcnt      = 0;
                    int     linecnt    = 1;
                    decimal deduct     = 0;
                    decimal pcash      = 0;
                    decimal pbank      = 0;
                    decimal rcash      = 0;
                    decimal rbank      = 0;
                    bool    issubfound = false;
                    string  isline     = "N";
                    string  basicparticulars;
                    string  basicpay;
                    string  vchtype  = "";
                    bool    rnarr    = false;
                    bool    pnarr    = false;
                    int     cplineno = 0;
                    int     crlineno = 0;
                    int     bplineno = 0;
                    int     brlineno = 0;
                    int     subcnt   = 0;
                    int     pline    = 1;
                    int     rline    = 1;

                    basicparticulars = "";
                    basicpay         = "";
                    while (rwcnt < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                        issubfound = false;
                        isline     = "N";
                        vchtype    = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchtype"]);
                        if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchtype"]) == "JV")
                            if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["amttype"]) == "Cr")
                                if (rnarr == false)
                                    if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["Entrytype"]) == "S") //salary addition/deduction voucher
                                        trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                        //str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_date,r_particulars,r_details) values (" + linecnt  + ",'"+ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"]+"','" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["narration"] + " - Deductions " + "',' ' )";
                                        str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_date,r_particulars,r_details) values (" + linecnt + ",'','" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["narration"] + " - Deductions " + "',' ' )";
                                        c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                        rnarr = true; //means only only one time print
                                str = "select a.acname,b.subledgamt,isnull(a.lf,'') as lf from tbl_account a,tbl_subledger b where b.amttype='Cr' and a.accode=b.subledgercode and b.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " and b.vchno=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + " and vchtype='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchtype"] + "' and vchdate='" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "'";
                                DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                                c.filldataset(false, ref ds1, str, c.myconn);
                                subcnt = 0;
                                if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                    while (subcnt < ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                                        trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                        str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_lf,r_date,r_particulars,r_details) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["lf"] + "','','" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["acname"] + " - " + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["narration"] + "'," + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["subledgamt"] + ")";
                                        c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                        issubfound = true;
                                if (issubfound == true)
                                    isline = "Y";

                                if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["basicsal"]) == "Y")
                                    basicparticulars = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["acname"]);
                                    basicpay         = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"]);
                                    trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                    //str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_lf,r_date,r_particulars,r_details,isline) values (" + (linecnt + 1) + ",'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["lf"] + "','" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + "','" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["acname"] + " - " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchnarr"] + "'," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"] + ",'" + isline + "')";
                                    str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_lf,r_date,r_particulars,r_details,isline) values (" + (linecnt + 1) + ",'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["lf"] + "','','" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["acname"] + " - " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchnarr"] + "'," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"] + ",'" + isline + "')";
                                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);

                                if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["Salarytype"]) == "DE")
                                    deduct = deduct + Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"]);
                            if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["amttype"]) == "Dr")
                                //seach debit account in subledger
                                //trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                //str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_date,p_particulars,p_details) values (" + (rwcnt + 1) + ",'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + "','" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["narration"] + "'," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["payment"] + ")";
                                //c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                if (deduct > 0)
                                    trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                    str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_date,r_particulars,r_details,isline) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'','Less - Deductions ','" + deduct + "','Y')";
                                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);

                                if (pnarr == false)
                                    if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["Entrytype"]) == "S") //salary addition/deduction voucher
                                        trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                        str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_date,p_particulars,p_details) values (" + linecnt + ",'','" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["narration"] + "',' ' )";
                                        c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                        pnarr = true; //means only only one time print

                                str = "select a.acname,b.subledgamt,isnull(a.lf,'') as lf from tbl_account a,tbl_subledger b where  b.amttype='Dr' and a.accode=b.subledgercode and b.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " and b.vchno=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + " and vchtype='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchtype"] + "' and vchdate='" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "'";
                                DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                                c.filldataset(false, ref ds1, str, c.myconn);
                                subcnt = 0;
                                if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                    while (subcnt < ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                                        trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                        str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_lf,p_date,p_particulars,p_details) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["lf"] + "','','" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["acname"] + "'," + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["subledgamt"] + ")";
                                        c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_date,p_particulars,p_details,isline) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + "','" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["acname"] + "'," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["payment"] + ",'Y')";
                                c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);

                                if (deduct > 0)
                                    trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                    str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_date,p_particulars,p_details,isline) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'','Less - Deductions ','" + deduct + "','N')";
                                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                if (basicpay != "")
                                    trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                    str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_date,p_particulars,p_details,isline) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'','" + basicparticulars + "'," + basicpay + ",'Y')";
                                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                            pline = linecnt;
                            rline = linecnt;
                        // Journal Voucher Part Finished

                        if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchtype"]) == "CR")
                            if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["amttype"]) == "Cr")
                                crlineno = 0;
                                trn      = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                if (rline >= pline)
                                    str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_date,r_particulars,r_cash) values (" + (rline) + ",'" + vchtype + " - " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + "',' From : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["acname"] + "  -  " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["narration"] + "'," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"] + ")";
                                    str = " Update  tbl_cashbook set r_date='" + vchtype + " - " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + "' , r_particulars = ' From : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["acname"] + "  -  " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["narration"] + "',r_cash=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"] + " where recno = " + rline;
                                c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                rcash    = rcash + Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"]);
                                crlineno = linecnt;
                                //cashopbal = cashopbal + Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"]);
                                str = "select a.acname,b.subledgamt,isnull(a.lf,'') as lf from tbl_account a,tbl_subledger b where a.accode=b.subledgercode and b.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " and b.vchno=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + " and vchtype='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchtype"] + "' and vchdate='" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "'";
                                DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                                c.filldataset(false, ref ds1, str, c.myconn);
                                subcnt = 0;
                                if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                    while (subcnt < ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                                        trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                        if (rline >= pline)
                                            str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_lf,r_date,r_particulars,r_details) values (" + (rline) + ",'" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["lf"] + "','','To : " + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["acname"] + " -- " + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["narration"] + "'," + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["subledgamt"] + ")";
                                            str = "update tbl_cashbook set r_lf='" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["lf"] + "',r_date='' ,r_particulars = ' To : " + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["acname"] + " -- " + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["narration"] + "',r_details=" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["subledgamt"] + " where recno=" + rline;
                                        c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                if (subcnt > 0)
                                    trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                    if (rline >= pline)
                                        str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_details,isline) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"] + "','Y')";
                                        str = "update tbl_cashbook set r_details='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"] + "',isline='Y' where recno=" + rline;
                                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                    if (pline > rline)
                                        rline = pline;
                                        pline = rline;
                        //cashopbal = cashopbal - Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["payment"]);
                        if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchtype"]) == "CP")
                            if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["amttype"]) == "Dr")
                                cplineno = 0;
                                trn      = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                if (pline >= rline)
                                    str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_date,p_particulars,p_cash) values (" + (pline) + ",'" + vchtype + " - " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + "',' To : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["acname"] + "  -  " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["narration"] + "'," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["payment"] + ")";
                                    str = "update tbl_cashbook set p_date='" + vchtype + " - " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + "' ,p_particulars=' To : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["acname"] + "  -  " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["narration"] + "',p_cash=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["payment"] + " where recno=" + pline;
                                c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                bplineno = linecnt;
                                pcash    = pcash + Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["payment"]);
                                //cashopbal = cashopbal - Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["payment"]);
                                str = "select a.acname,b.subledgamt,isnull(a.lf,'') as lf from tbl_account a,tbl_subledger b where a.accode=b.subledgercode and b.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " and b.vchno=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + " and vchtype='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchtype"] + "' and vchdate='" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "'";
                                DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                                c.filldataset(false, ref ds1, str, c.myconn);
                                subcnt = 0;
                                if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                    while (subcnt < ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                                        trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                        if (pline >= rline)
                                            str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_lf,p_date,p_particulars,p_details) values (" + (pline) + ",'" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["lf"] + "','','" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["acname"] + "'," + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["subledgamt"] + ")";
                                            str = "update tbl_cashbook set recno=" + pline + ",p_lf='" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["lf"] + "',p_date='' , p_particulars='" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["acname"] + "',p_details='" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["subledgamt"] + " where recno=" + pline;
                                        c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                if (subcnt > 0)
                                    trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                    if (pline > rline)
                                        str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_details,isline) values (" + (pline) + ",'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["Payment"] + "','Y')";
                                        str = "update tbl_cashbook set p_details=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["Payment"] + ",isline='Y' where recno=" + pline;
                                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                    if (pline > rline)
                                        rline = pline;
                                        pline = rline;
                        //for bank receipt

                        if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchtype"]) == "BR")
                            if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["amttype"]) == "Cr")
                                brlineno = 0;
                                trn      = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                if (rline >= pline)
                                    str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_date,r_particulars,r_bank) values (" + (rline) + ",'" + vchtype + " - " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + "',' From : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["acname"] + "  -  " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["narration"] + "'," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"] + ")";
                                    str = " Update  tbl_cashbook set  r_date='" + vchtype + " - " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + "' , r_particulars = ' From : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["acname"] + "  -  " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["narration"] + "',r_bank=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"] + " where recno = " + rline;
                                c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                brlineno = linecnt;
                                rbank    = rbank + Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"]);
                                bankopbal = bankopbal + Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"]);
                                str       = "select a.acname,b.subledgamt,isnull(a.lf,'') as lf from tbl_account a,tbl_subledger b where a.accode=b.subledgercode and b.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " and b.vchno=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + " and vchtype='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchtype"] + "' and vchdate='" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "'";
                                DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                                c.filldataset(false, ref ds1, str, c.myconn);
                                subcnt = 0;
                                if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                    while (subcnt < ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                                        trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                        //str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_lf,r_date,r_particulars,r_details) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["lf"] + "','','" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["acname"] + " -- "+ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["narration"] +"'," + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["subledgamt"] + ")";
                                        if (rline >= pline)
                                            str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_lf,r_date,r_particulars,r_details) values (" + (rline) + ",'" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["lf"] + "','','To : " + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["acname"] + " -- " + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["narration"] + "'," + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["subledgamt"] + ")";
                                            str = "update tbl_cashbook set r_lf='" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["lf"] + "',r_date='' ,r_particulars = ' To : " + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["acname"] + " -- " + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["narration"] + "',r_details=" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["subledgamt"] + " where recno=" + rline;
                                        c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                if (subcnt > 0)
                                    trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                    if (rline >= pline)
                                        str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_details,isline) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"] + "','Y')";
                                        str = "update tbl_cashbook set r_details=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["receipt"] + ",isline='Y' where recno=" + rline;
                                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                    if (pline > rline)
                                        rline = pline;
                                        pline = rline;
                        /// for bank payment
                        if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchtype"]) == "BP")
                            if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["amttype"]) == "Dr")
                                bplineno = 0;
                                trn      = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                if (pline >= rline)
                                    str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_date,p_particulars,p_bank) values (" + (pline) + ",'" + vchtype + " - " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + "',' To : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["acname"] + "  -  " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["narration"] + "'," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["payment"] + ")";
                                    str = "update tbl_cashbook set p_date='" + vchtype + " - " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + "' ,p_particulars=' To : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["acname"] + "  -  " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["narration"] + "',p_bank=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["payment"] + " where recno=" + pline;
                                c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                bplineno = linecnt;
                                pbank    = pbank + Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["payment"]);
                                bankopbal = bankopbal - Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["payment"]);
                                str       = "select a.acname,b.subledgamt,isnull(a.lf,'') as lf from tbl_account a,tbl_subledger b where a.accode=b.subledgercode and b.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " and b.vchno=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchno"] + " and vchtype='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["vchtype"] + "' and vchdate='" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "'";
                                DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                                c.filldataset(false, ref ds1, str, c.myconn);
                                subcnt = 0;
                                if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                    while (subcnt < ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count)
                                        trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                        if (pline >= rline)
                                            str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_lf,p_date,p_particulars,p_details) values (" + (pline) + ",'" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["lf"] + "','','" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["acname"] + "'," + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["subledgamt"] + ")";
                                            str = "update tbl_cashbook set p_lf='" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["lf"] + "',p_date='' , p_particulars='" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["acname"] + "',p_details='" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["subledgamt"] + " where recno=" + pline;

                                        //str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_lf,p_date,p_particulars,p_details) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["lf"] + "','','" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["acname"] + "'," + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[subcnt]["subledgamt"] + ")";
                                        c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                if (subcnt > 0)
                                    trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                                    if (pline >= rline)
                                        str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_details,isline) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["Payment"] + "','Y')";
                                        str = "update tbl_cashbook set p_details='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rwcnt]["Payment"] + "',isline='Y' where recno=" + pline;
                                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                                    if (pline > rline)
                                        rline = pline;
                                        pline = rline;


                    str = " SELECT sum( (case a.amttype when 'Dr' then a.vchamt else 0 end)) AS Payment, sum((case a.amttype when 'Cr' then a.vchamt else 0 end)) AS Receipt ";
                    str = str + " FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a, tbl_voucher AS b,tbl_account c  Where (a.vchtype='JV'  ";
                    str = str + " or (a.vchtype='CP' and a.amttype='Dr') or (a.vchtype='CR' and a.amttype='Cr'))  and  a.vchdate='" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'";
                    str = str + " and  a.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " and  a.vchno = b.vchno and a.VCHTYPE = b.VCHTYPE and a.accode=c.accode and a.accode<>dbo.GetAccountCode('CS')";
                    ds  = new DataSet();
                    c.filldataset(false, ref ds, str, c.myconn);

                    decimal pamt = 0, ramt = 0, rsamt = 0;
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        pamt = Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Payment"].ToString());
                        ramt = Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Receipt"].ToString());
                    rsamt = (ramt + cashopbal) - pamt;
                    trn   = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                    str   = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno) values (" + (linecnt) + " )";
                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                    str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,p_date,p_particulars,p_cash,p_bank,isbold) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'" + "" + "','Closing Balance'," + rsamt + "," + bankopbal + ",'Y')";
                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                    str = "insert into tbl_cashbook (recno,r_particulars,r_details,r_cash,r_bank,p_particulars,p_details,p_cash,p_bank,isbold) values (" + (linecnt) + ",'Total '," + (ramt + cashopbal) + ",0," + rbank + ",'Total '," + (pamt + rsamt) + ",0," + pbank + ",'Y')";
                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);

                //mysql = "select '',' For  " + dtpfrom.Text + " to " + dtpto.Text + "' as period,accno,accname,accdate,convert(varchar(10),vchdate,105) as vchdate,vchtype,vchno,narration,amt,receipt,payment,balance,baltype,recno,amttype  from tbl_accledger order by vchdate ";
                string str1 = "select '',' For  " + dtpfrom.Text + " to " + dtpto.Text + "' as period,(select top 1 schoolname from tbl_school ) as SName,(select top 1 schooladdress from tbl_school ) as SAddress,*  from tbl_cashbook order by recno";
                ds = new DataSet();
                ds = Connection.GetDataSet(str1);
                ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\CashBook.xsd");
                Account.ReportDesign.CashBook cr = new Account.ReportDesign.CashBook();
                cr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Landscape;
                cr.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA4;
                ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();
                s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #20
        private void btnBackView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int       Indexer = 0;
            DataTable dtTable = new DataTable("dtTable");

            this.NonPrimaryFlage = Convert.ToBoolean(Connection.GetExecuteScalar("Select NonPrimary From tbl_ClassMaster Where ClassCode = '" + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "'"));

            DataTable dtStudentMarksDetail  = Connection.GetDataTable("[dbo].[GetViewMCCEMarksDetail] " + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "," + cmbScetion.SelectedValue + "," + school.CurrentSessionCode + "");
            DataTable dtStudentSkillsDetail = Connection.GetDataTable("Select (Case When t1.ExamCode=0 Then 'SA1_' When t1.ExamCode=1 Then 'SA2_' When t1.ExamCode=2 Then 'SA3_'  End) AS ExamCode , " +
                                                                      " t2.studentno StudentNo,t2.scholarno ScholarNo,t2.Name ,t1.SkillId ,t1.SkillName ,t1.Description ,t1.Grade  From ( " +
                                                                      " Select s2.ExamCode,s1.SkillId ,s1.SkillName ,s2.StudentNo ,s2.Description ,s2.Grade ,s2.ClassNo ,s2.SectionCode  From tbl_CCESkills s1,tbl_MCCEStudentSkills s2 Where s1.SkillId =s2.SkillId And " +
                                                                      " s2.SectionCode ='" + cmbScetion.SelectedValue + "' And s2.ClassNo='" + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "' And s2.SessionCode ='" + school.CurrentSessionCode + "') t1 ,( " +
                                                                      " Select s.studentno ,s.scholarno ,s.name,cs.classno ,cs.Section ,cs.Stream  From tbl_student s ,tbl_classstudent cs Where cs.studentno =s.studentno And cs.sessioncode ='" + school.CurrentSessionCode + "'" +
                                                                      " And cs.classno ='" + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "' And cs.Section ='" + cmbScetion.SelectedValue + "') t2 " +
                                                                      " Where t1.StudentNo =t2.studentno And t1.SectionCode =t2.Section And t1.ClassNo =t2.classno Order By t1.SkillId ,t1.SkillName");
            DataTable dt = dtStudentMarksDetail.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "SessionCode", "StudentNo", "ScholarNo");

            dtTable.Columns.Add("SessionCode", typeof(int)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("ScholarNo", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("Height", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("Width", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
                dtTable.Columns.Add("SubCode_" + i, typeof(string)); Indexer++;
                dtTable.Columns["SubCode_" + i].DefaultValue = "00";
                dtTable.Columns.Add("Sub_" + i, typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            for (int j = 9; j < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; j++)
                string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[j].ColumnName;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("Sub_" + i + "_" + Sub, typeof(string)); Indexer++;

            for (int r = 0; r < 1; r++)
                //string Exam = (r["ExamCode"].Equals("0"))?"FA1_":(r["ExamCode"].Equals("1"))?"FA2_":(r["ExamCode"].Equals("2"))?"SA1_":
                //    (r["ExamCode"].Equals("3"))?"FA3_":(r["ExamCode"].Equals("4"))?"FA4_":(r["ExamCode"].Equals("5"))?"SA2_":"";

                dataReader = Connection.GetDataReader("SELECT SkillId, SkillName, Status FROM tbl_CCESkills Order By SkillId");
                if (dataReader.HasRows)
                    string Exam = (r.Equals(0)) ? "SA1_" : "SA2_";
                    while (dataReader.Read())
                        dtTable.Columns.Add(Exam + dataReader["SkillName"].ToString(), typeof(string));
                        dtTable.Columns.Add(Exam + dataReader["SkillName"].ToString() + "_G", typeof(string));

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                DataRow[] Student = dtStudentMarksDetail.Select("StudentNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["StudentNo"] + "' And ScholarNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["ScholarNo"] + "'");
                DataRow   NewRow  = dtTable.NewRow();
                NewRow["SessionCode"] = Student[0]["SessionCode"]; NewRow["ScholarNo"] = Student[0]["ScholarNo"]; NewRow["Name"] = Student[0]["Name"];
                NewRow["Height"]      = Student[0]["Height"]; NewRow["Width"] = Student[0]["Width"];
                for (int subject = 1; subject <= Student.Length; subject++)
                    NewRow["SubCode_" + subject] = Student[subject - 1]["SubjectCode"];
                    NewRow["Sub_" + subject]     = Student[subject - 1]["SubjectName"];

                for (int subject = 1; subject <= Student.Length; subject++)
                    for (int GetGrade = 11; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                        string tstr = string.Empty;
                        string Sub  = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                        if (Student[subject - 1][Sub].ToString().Trim().Equals("-1"))
                            NewRow["Sub_" + subject + "_" + Sub] = "AB";
                            NewRow["Sub_" + subject + "_" + Sub] = Student[subject - 1][Sub];

                if (dtStudentSkillsDetail != null)
                    DataTable dtExam  = dtStudentSkillsDetail.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "ExamCode");
                    DataTable dtSkill = dtStudentSkillsDetail.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "SkillId", "SkillName");

                    if (this.NonPrimaryFlage)
                        for (int Exam = 0; Exam < dtExam.Rows.Count; Exam++)
                            for (int skill = 0; skill < dtSkill.Rows.Count; skill++)
                                string DI    = string.Empty;
                                string Grade = string.Empty;

                                DataRow[] desc = dtStudentSkillsDetail.Select("ExamCode='" + dtExam.Rows[Exam]["ExamCode"] + "' And SkillName='" + dtSkill.Rows[skill][1] + "' And StudentNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["StudentNo"] + "' And ScholarNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["ScholarNo"] + "'");
                                for (int des = 0; des < desc.Length; des++)
                                    DI    = DI + desc[des]["SkillName"].ToString();
                                    Grade = desc[0]["Grade"].ToString();
                                NewRow[dtExam.Rows[Exam]["ExamCode"].ToString() + dtSkill.Rows[skill][1].ToString()]        = DI.TrimEnd(',');
                                NewRow[dtExam.Rows[Exam]["ExamCode"].ToString() + dtSkill.Rows[skill][1].ToString() + "_G"] = Grade;
                        int      N  = Indexer;
                        DataView dv = dtExam.DefaultView;
                        dv.Sort = "ExamCode asc";
                        DataTable sortedDT = dv.ToTable();
                        //dtExam.DefaultView.Sort = "ExamCode asc";
                        for (int Exam = 0; Exam < sortedDT.Rows.Count; Exam++)
                            for (int skill = 0; skill < dtSkill.Rows.Count; skill++)
                                DataRow[] desc = dtStudentSkillsDetail.Select("ExamCode='" + sortedDT.Rows[Exam]["ExamCode"] + "' And SkillName='" + dtSkill.Rows[skill][1] + "' And StudentNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["StudentNo"] + "' And ScholarNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["ScholarNo"] + "'");
                                NewRow[Indexer] = desc[0][5]; Indexer++;
                                NewRow[Indexer] = desc[0][7]; Indexer++;
                        Indexer = N;
            DataTable dtschool = Connection.GetDataTable("SELECT schoolname,schooladdress,schoolcity,schoolphone,affiliate_by,principal,registrationno,logoimage,HOESIGN,PRINSIGN FROM tbl_school");
            DataSet   ds       = new DataSet();

            ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\rptCBSEMarksBackDetail.xsd");
            int a = dtTable.Columns.Count;

            CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument s = null;
            if (cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("VI") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("VII") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("VIII") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("IX") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("X"))
                s = new MpBoardMarksheet.ReportDesign.rptMCCEReportFormatBack();
                s = new MpBoardMarksheet.ReportDesign.rptMCCEReportFormatBack_A();

            s.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA4;
            s.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperOrientation.Landscape;
            ShowAllReports cr = new ShowAllReports();

            cr.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = s;
            s.SetParameterValue("Class", cmbClass.Text.Trim());
コード例 #21
ファイル: frmMPCCEMarkSheet.cs プロジェクト: dreamzedu/csms
        private void btnBackView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int       Indexer = 0;
            DataTable dtTable = new DataTable("dtTable");

            this.NonPrimaryFlage = Convert.ToBoolean(Connection.GetExecuteScalar("Select NonPrimary From tbl_ClassMaster Where ClassCode = '" + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "'"));

            DataTable dtStudentMarksDetail = Connection.GetDataTable("[dbo].[GetViewMPCCEMarksDetail] " + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "," + cmbScetion.SelectedValue + "," + school.CurrentSessionCode + "");
            DataTable dt = dtStudentMarksDetail.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "SessionCode", "StudentNo", "ScholarNo");

            dtTable.Columns.Add("SessionCode", typeof(int)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("ScholarNo", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            for (int i = 1; i <= 14; i++)
                dtTable.Columns.Add("SubCode_" + i, typeof(string)); Indexer++;
                dtTable.Columns["SubCode_" + i].DefaultValue = "00";
                dtTable.Columns.Add("Sub_" + i, typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            for (int j = 9; j < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; j++)
                string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[j].ColumnName;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 14; i++)
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("Sub_" + i + "_" + Sub, typeof(string)); Indexer++;

            int tk = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                PerT1 = 0; PerT2 = 0; PerT3 = 0;
                T1    = T2 = T3 = 0;
                DataRow[] Student = dtStudentMarksDetail.Select("StudentNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["StudentNo"] + "' And ScholarNo='" + dt.Rows[i]["ScholarNo"] + "'");
                DataRow   NewRow  = dtTable.NewRow();
                NewRow["SessionCode"] = Student[0]["SessionCode"];
                NewRow["ScholarNo"]   = Student[0]["ScholarNo"];
                NewRow["Name"]        = Student[0]["Name"];
                for (int k = 1; k <= 14; k++)
                    if (k <= Student.Length - 4)
                        NewRow["SubCode_" + k] = Student[k - 1]["SubjectCode"];
                        NewRow["Sub_" + k]     = Student[k - 1]["SubjectName"];

                        for (int GetGrade = 9; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                            string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                            NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = Student[k - 1][Sub];
                            if (Sub == "TERMI")
                                if (Student[k - 1][Sub].Equals(DBNull.Value) || Student[k - 1][Sub].Equals(string.Empty))
                                    //-----------do something
                                    PerT1 = PerT1 + Convert.ToDecimal(Student[k - 1][Sub]);
                                    if (Convert.ToDecimal(Student[k - 1][Sub]) < 34)
                                        T1 = 1;
                            if (Sub == "TERMII")
                                if (Student[k - 1][Sub].Equals(DBNull.Value) || Student[k - 1][Sub].Equals(string.Empty))
                                    //-----------do something
                                    PerT2 = PerT2 + Convert.ToDecimal(Student[k - 1][Sub]);
                                    if (Convert.ToDecimal(Student[k - 1][Sub]) < 34)
                                        T2 = 1;
                            if (Sub == "TERMIII")
                                if (Student[k - 1][Sub].Equals(DBNull.Value) || Student[k - 1][Sub].Equals(string.Empty))
                                    //-----------do something
                                    PerT3 = PerT3 + Convert.ToDecimal(Student[k - 1][Sub]);
                                    if (Convert.ToDecimal(Student[k - 1][Sub]) < 34)
                                        T3 = 1;
                    else if (k > Student.Length - 4 && k <= 6)
                        for (int GetGrade = 9; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                            string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                            NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";
                    else if (k > 6 && k <= 10)
                        if (tk == 0)
                            tk = Student.Length - 4;
                            tk = tk + 1;
                        NewRow["SubCode_" + k] = Student[tk - 1]["SubjectCode"];
                        NewRow["Sub_" + k]     = Student[tk - 1]["SubjectName"];

                        for (int GetGrade = 9; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                            string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                            NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = Student[tk - 1][Sub];
                    else if (k == 11)
                        tk = Student.Length - 4;
                        for (int GetGrade = 9; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                            string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;

                            if (Sub == "TERMI")
                                if (PerT1 > 0)
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = Math.Round(((PerT1 * 100) / (tk * 100)), 2);
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";

                            if (Sub == "TERMII")
                                if (PerT2 > 0)
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = Math.Round(((PerT2 * 100) / (tk * 100)), 2);
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";
                            if (Sub == "TERMIII")
                                if (PerT3 > 0)
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = Math.Round(((PerT3 * 100) / (tk * 100)), 2);
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";
                    else if (k == 12)
                        for (int GetGrade = 9; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                            string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                            if (Sub == "TERMI")
                                NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = Sub + " TEACHER REMARK";
                            if (Sub == "TERMII")
                                NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = Sub + " TEACHER REMARK";
                            if (Sub == "TERMIII")
                                NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = Sub + " TEACHER REMARK";
                    else if (k == 13)
                        for (int GetGrade = 9; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                            string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                            if (Sub == "TERMI")
                                if (PerT1 > 0)
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = PerT1;
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";

                            if (Sub == "TERMII")
                                if (PerT2 > 0)
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = PerT2;
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";
                            if (Sub == "TERMIII")
                                if (PerT3 > 0)
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = PerT3;
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";
                    else if (k == 14)
                        for (int GetGrade = 9; GetGrade < dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns.Count; GetGrade++)
                            string Sub = dtStudentMarksDetail.Columns[GetGrade].ColumnName;
                            if (Sub == "TERMI")
                                if (PerT1 > 0)
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = (PerT1 > 0 && T1 == 0) ? "Pass" : "Fail";
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";
                            if (Sub == "TERMII")
                                if (PerT2 > 0)
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = (PerT2 > 0 && T2 == 0) ? "Pass" : "Fail";
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";
                            if (Sub == "TERMIII")
                                if (PerT3 > 0)
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = (PerT3 > 0 && T3 == 0) ? "Pass" : "Fail";
                                    NewRow["Sub_" + k + "_" + Sub] = "";

            dtTable.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\rptMPCBSEMarksBackDetail.xsd");
            int a = dtTable.Columns.Count;

            CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument s = null;
            if (cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("IX") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("X"))
                s = new rptCCEReportBackFormat1();
                s.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Landscape;
                s.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLegal;
            else if (cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("I") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("II") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("III") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("IV") ||
                     cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("V") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("VI") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("VII") || cmbClass.Text.Trim().Equals("VIII"))
                s = new MpBoardMarksheet.ReportDesign.rptMPCCEReportBackFormat2();
                s.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Landscape;
                s.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
                s = new rptCCEReportBackFormat3();
                s.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Landscape;
                s.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA3;

            ShowAllReports cr = new ShowAllReports();

            s.SetParameterValue("class", cmbClass.Text.Trim());
            s.SetParameterValue("nclass", Connection.GetNextClass(cmbClass.Text.Trim()));
            s.SetParameterValue("nsession", Connection.GetNextSeesion());
            cr.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = s;
コード例 #22
        private void btnAYS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int       Indexer     = 0;
            DataTable dtTable     = new DataTable("dtTable");
            DataTable dt          = clsClassStudent.GetDataOfStudent();
            DataTable dtschstatus = clsClassStudent.GetDataOfClassStudent();

            dtTable.Columns.Add("studentno", typeof(int)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("scholarno", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("father", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("mother", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("phone", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("schappno_I", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("Status_I", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("DistriStatus_I", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("schappno_II", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("Status_II", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("DistriStatus_II", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("schappno_III", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("Status_III", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            dtTable.Columns.Add("DistriStatus_III", typeof(string)); Indexer++;
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                DataRow[] Student101 = dtschstatus.Select("studentno='" + dt.Rows[i]["studentno"] + "' And classno='101'");
                DataRow[] Student102 = dtschstatus.Select("studentno='" + dt.Rows[i]["studentno"] + "' And classno='102'");
                DataRow[] Student103 = dtschstatus.Select("studentno='" + dt.Rows[i]["studentno"] + "' And classno='103'");

                DataRow NewRow = dtTable.NewRow();
                NewRow["studentno"] = dt.Rows[i]["studentno"]; NewRow["name"] = dt.Rows[i]["name"];
                NewRow["scholarno"] = dt.Rows[i]["scholarno"]; NewRow["father"] = dt.Rows[i]["father"];
                NewRow["mother"]    = dt.Rows[i]["mother"]; NewRow["phone"] = dt.Rows[i]["phone"];
                if (Student101.Length > 0)
                    NewRow["schappno_I"] = Student101[0]["schappno"]; NewRow["Status_I"] = Student101[0]["Status"]; NewRow["DistriStatus_I"] = Student101[0]["DistriStatus"];
                    NewRow["schappno_I"] = ""; NewRow["Status_I"] = ""; NewRow["DistriStatus_I"] = "";
                if (Student102.Length > 0)
                    NewRow["schappno_II"] = Student102[0]["schappno"]; NewRow["Status_II"] = Student102[0]["Status"]; NewRow["DistriStatus_II"] = Student102[0]["DistriStatus"];
                    NewRow["schappno_II"] = ""; NewRow["Status_II"] = ""; NewRow["DistriStatus_II"] = "";
                if (Student103.Length > 0)
                    NewRow["schappno_III"] = Student103[0]["schappno"]; NewRow["Status_III"] = Student103[0]["Status"]; NewRow["DistriStatus_III"] = Student103[0]["DistriStatus"];
                    NewRow["schappno_III"] = ""; NewRow["Status_III"] = ""; NewRow["DistriStatus_III"] = "";

            DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet("SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, schoolcity, schoolphone, affiliate_by, principal, registrationno, logoimage   From   tbl_school");

            if (dgvScholarDetails.RowCount > 0)
                ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\StudentSchStsThreeYear.xsd");
                Report.Student.ReportDesign.rptScholarshipStatusComplete cr = new Report.Student.ReportDesign.rptScholarshipStatusComplete();
                ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();
                s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;
コード例 #23
ファイル: frmDueFee.cs プロジェクト: dreamzedu/csms
        public override void btnprint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (dgvMStudent.Visible == true)
                if (dgvMStudent.RowCount > 0)
                    if (ChkIdDueGreater.Checked)
                        if (chkClassWise.Checked == true && chkSection.Checked == false)
                            DataView dv = dtTotalFee.DefaultView;
                            dv.RowFilter           = "ClassNo='" + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "' And SessionCode='" + cmbSession.SelectedValue + "' and [Due Fee]>0";
                            dv.Sort                = "Name";
                            dgvMStudent.DataSource = dv;
                        else if (chkClassWise.Checked == true && chkSection.Checked == true)
                            DataView dv = dtTotalFee.DefaultView;
                            dv.RowFilter           = "ClassNo='" + cmbClass.SelectedValue + "' And SessionCode='" + cmbSession.SelectedValue + "' And SectionNo='" + cmbSection.SelectedValue + "' and [Due Fee]>0";
                            dv.Sort                = "Name";
                            dgvMStudent.DataSource = dv;
                            DataView dv = dtTotalFee.DefaultView;
                            dv.RowFilter           = "[Due Fee]>0";
                            dv.Sort                = "Name";
                            dgvMStudent.DataSource = dv;
                    DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet("SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, schoolcity, schoolphone, affiliate_by, principal, registrationno, logoimage   From   tbl_school");
                    ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\HDueFee.xsd");
                    rptHDueFee fr1 = new rptHDueFee();
                    ShowAllReports s1 = new ShowAllReports();
                    s1.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = fr1;
                    fr1.SetParameterValue("Session", cmbSession.Text);
                    if (chkClassWise.Checked && !chkClassWise.Checked)
                        fr1.SetParameterValue("ReportTitle", cmbStudentStatus.Text + " Due Fee Detail For Class - " + cmbClass.Text.Trim());
                    else if (chkClassWise.Checked && chkSection.Checked)
                        fr1.SetParameterValue("ReportTitle", cmbStudentStatus.Text + " Due Fee Detail For Class - " + cmbClass.Text.Trim() + " " + cmbSection.Text.Trim());
                        fr1.SetParameterValue("ReportTitle", cmbStudentStatus.Text + " Due Fee Detail");

            if (dgvSStudent.Visible == true)
                if (dgvSStudent.RowCount > 0)
                    DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet(" SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, schoolcity, schoolphone, affiliate_by, principal, registrationno, logoimage   From   tbl_school  SELECT  tbl_student.StudentNo,tbl_student.scholarno, tbl_student.name, tbl_student.father,tbl_student.phone,tbl_classmaster.ClassCode, tbl_classmaster.classname + ' ' + tbl_section.sectionname + ' ' + tbl_sankay.sankayname AS Classname,(Case When busfacility=1 Then ISNULL(tbl_StopDetails.BusStopNo, '-') Else  '-' End) AS BusStopNo,(Case When busfacility=1 Then ISNULL(tbl_StopDetails.StopName, '-') Else  '-' End) AS StopName,(Case When busfacility=1 Then ISNULL(tbl_StopDetails.StopFee, 0) Else 0 End) AS StopFee FROM tbl_classmaster INNER JOIN  " +
                                                       "  tbl_classstudent ON tbl_classmaster.classcode = tbl_classstudent.classno INNER JOIN tbl_section ON tbl_classstudent.Section = tbl_section.sectioncode INNER JOIN tbl_sankay ON tbl_classstudent.Stream = tbl_sankay.sankaycode INNER JOIN tbl_student ON tbl_classstudent.studentno = tbl_student.studentno LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_StopDetails ON tbl_student.BusStopNo = tbl_StopDetails.BusStopNo " +
                                                       "  WHERE     (tbl_student.StudentNo = '" + tstudentno + "') AND (tbl_classstudent.sessioncode = '" + school.CurrentSessionCode + "')");


                    dtPaidFee = Connection.GetDataTable("SELECT SUM(fr.consession) AS [ConsesFee],SUM(fr.latefee) AS [LateFee] FROM Tbl_Received fr   where fr.date<='" + Convert.ToDateTime(dtpDate.Value).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and fr.studentno='" + tstudentno + "' ");
                    ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\HSDueFee.xsd");
                    rptHSDueFee fr1 = new rptHSDueFee();
                    ShowAllReports s1 = new ShowAllReports();
                    s1.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = fr1;
                    fr1.SetParameterValue("Session", cmbSession.Text);
                    fr1.SetParameterValue("ReportTitle", " Due Fee Detail");
コード例 #24
        public void GetStudentDetailsOld()
                DateTime opdate = dtpfrom.Value.Date;
                string mysql;
                mysql = "select opdate from tbl_account where accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue;
                SqlCommand com;
                com = new SqlCommand(mysql, c.myconn);
                SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader();
                int           i      = 0;
                if (reader.HasRows)
                    opdate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["opdate"]);
                string str = " SELECT  isnull(sum(case a.amttype when 'Dr' then a.vchamt else 0 end),0) AS Payment,  isnull(sum(case a.amttype when 'Cr' then a.vchamt else 0 end),0) AS Receipt,";
                str    = str + "  0 as balance  FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a ";
                str    = str + " Where a.vchdate>='" + opdate.Date + "'";
                str    = str + " and  a.vchdate<'" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and a.accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + " and a.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " ";
                com    = new SqlCommand(str, c.myconn);
                reader = com.ExecuteReader();
                i      = 0;
                decimal mrec = 0;
                decimal mpay = 0;
                if (reader.HasRows)
                    mrec = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["receipt"]);
                    mpay = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["payment"]);

                string actypet = string.Empty;
                string actypep = string.Empty;

                actypet = Convert.ToString(Connection.GetExecuteScalar("select actype from tbl_account  where accode='" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + "'  "));
                actypep = Convert.ToString(Connection.GetExecuteScalar("select dbo.GetAccountCode('F')"));

                SqlTransaction trn;
                if (actypet == actypep)
                    trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                    c.connectsql("delete from tbl_accledger", c.myconn, trn);

                    DateTime mopdate = opdate.Date;

                    if (dtpfrom.Value.Date < opdate.Date)
                        dtpfrom.Value = opdate.Date;
                    //insert the opening balance
                    str = " Insert into tbl_accledger (accno,vchtype,vchdate,narration,receipt,payment,balance,baltype)  ";
                    str = str + "  select accode as accno,'Open. Bal.' as vchtype,'" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' as vchdate,'' as narration,0,0,isnull(acopbal,0) as  balance,(case acoptype when 'Cr' then 'Debit' else 'Credit' end) as baltype ";
                    str = str + " from tbl_account where accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue;
                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                    //update opening balance for gap period
                    if (mpay > 0)
                        c.connectsql("update tbl_accledger set balance = balance - " + mpay + " + " + mrec, c.myconn, trn);
                        c.connectsql("update tbl_accledger set balance = balance - dbo.GetAccountOpening('" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + "')", c.myconn, trn);
                        c.connectsql("update tbl_accledger set balance = balance - " + mpay + " + " + mrec, c.myconn, trn);
                    //insert the voucher details for each entry date wise for the account
                    str = " Insert into tbl_accledger (accno,vchno,vchdate,vchtype,amttype,narration,payment,receipt,balance) ";
                    str = str + " SELECT a.accode as accno,b.vchno, b.vchdate,b.vchtype, (case a.amttype when 'Cr'  then  'Receipt' else  'Payment' end ) AS amttype, isnull(b.remark,'') as narration, ";
                    str = str + " (case a.amttype when 'Dr' then a.vchamt else 0 end) AS Payment, (case a.amttype when 'Cr' then a.vchamt else 0 end) AS Receipt,0 as balance  ";
                    str = str + " FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a, tbl_voucher AS b Where a.vchdate>='" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'";
                    str = str + " and  a.vchdate<='" + dtpto.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and a.accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + " and a.sessioncode in (select distinct sessioncode from tbl_voucherdet where accode=a.accode) and  a.vchno = b.vchno and a.VCHTYPE = b.VCHTYPE and a.sessioncode=b.sessioncode ORDER BY b.vchdate ";
                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                    mysql = "select " + "' Ledger of : " + valcmbbank.Text + "  For  " + dtpfrom.Text + " to " + dtpto.Text + "' as period,(select top 1 schoolname from tbl_school ) as SName,(select top 1 schooladdress from tbl_school ) as SAddress,accno,tbl_account.acname as accname,accdate,convert(varchar(10),vchdate,105) as cvchdate,vchdate,vchtype,vchno,narration,amt,receipt,payment,balance,baltype,recno,amttype  from tbl_accledger ,tbl_account where tbl_accledger.accno=tbl_account.accode order by vchdate";
                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                    ds = Connection.GetDataSet(mysql);
                    ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\BankBook.xsd");
                    JournalBook cr = new JournalBook();
                    cr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
                    cr.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
                    ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();
                    s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;
                    trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction();
                    c.connectsql("delete from tbl_accledger", c.myconn, trn);

                    DateTime mopdate = opdate.Date;

                    if (dtpfrom.Value.Date < opdate.Date)
                        dtpfrom.Value = opdate.Date;
                    //insert the opening balance
                    str = " Insert into tbl_accledger (accno,vchtype,vchdate,narration,receipt,payment,balance,baltype)  ";
                    str = str + "  select accode as accno,'Open. Bal.' as vchtype,'" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' as vchdate,'' as narration,0,0,isnull(acopbal,0) as  balance,(case acoptype when 'Cr' then 'Credit' else 'Debit' end) as baltype ";
                    str = str + " from tbl_account where accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue;
                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);
                    //update opening balance for gap period
                    c.connectsql("update tbl_accledger set balance = balance - " + mpay + " + " + mrec, c.myconn, trn);
                    //insert the voucher details for each entry date wise for the account
                    str = " Insert into tbl_accledger (accno,vchno,vchdate,vchtype,amttype,narration,payment,receipt,balance) ";
                    str = str + " SELECT a.accode as accno,b.vchno, b.vchdate,b.vchtype, (case a.amttype when 'Cr'  then  'Receipt' else  'Payment' end ) AS amttype, isnull(b.remark,'') as narration, ";
                    str = str + " (case a.amttype when 'Dr' then a.vchamt else 0 end) AS Payment, (case a.amttype when 'Cr' then a.vchamt else 0 end) AS Receipt,0 as balance  ";
                    str = str + " FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a, tbl_voucher AS b Where a.vchdate>='" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'";
                    str = str + " and  a.vchdate<='" + dtpto.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and a.accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + " and a.sessioncode in (select distinct sessioncode from tbl_voucherdet where accode=a.accode) and  a.vchno = b.vchno and a.VCHTYPE = b.VCHTYPE and a.sessioncode=b.sessioncode ORDER BY b.vchdate ";
                    c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn);

                    mysql = "select " + "' Ledger of : " + valcmbbank.Text + "  For  " + dtpfrom.Text + " to " + dtpto.Text + "' as period,(select top 1 schoolname from tbl_school ) as SName,(select top 1 schooladdress from tbl_school ) as SAddress,accno,tbl_account.acname as accname,accdate,convert(varchar(10),vchdate,105) as cvchdate,vchdate,vchtype,vchno,narration,amt,receipt,payment,balance,baltype,recno,amttype  from tbl_accledger ,tbl_account where tbl_accledger.accno=tbl_account.accode order by vchdate";
                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                    ds = Connection.GetDataSet(mysql);
                    ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\OBankBook.xsd");
                    JournalBookO cr = new JournalBookO();
                    cr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait;
                    cr.PrintOptions.PaperSize        = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter;
                    ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports();
                    s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;
            catch (Exception ex)