コード例 #1
        public void EditItem(ShoppingItemViewModel editItem)
            _editItem = editItem;

            // find the edit and static text controls
            var container = _todoList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(editItem);

            _taskTextEdit = FindNamedDescendant <TextBox>(container, "taskTextEdit");
            _taskEditGrid = FindNamedDescendant <Grid>(container, "editGrid");
            _taskText     = FindNamedDescendant <TextBlock>(container, "taskText");

            // store the original text to allow undo
            _originalText = _taskTextEdit.Text;


            // set the caret position to the end of the text field
            _taskTextEdit.Select(_originalText.Length, 0);
            _taskEditGrid.LostFocus += _taskEditGrid_LostFocus;
            //_taskTextEdit.LostFocus += TaskTextEdit_LostFocus;

            // fade out all other items
            ((FrameworkElement)_todoList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(_editItem)).Opacity = 1;
            var elements = _todoItems.Where(i => i != _editItem)
                           .Select(i => _todoList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(i))
                           .Cast <FrameworkElement>();

            foreach (var el in elements)
                el.Animate(1.0, 0.7, FrameworkElement.OpacityProperty, 800, 0);
コード例 #2
        private void ScrollViewer_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

            if (!IsActive)

            // hide the pull down item by locating it off screen
            _pullDownItem.VerticalOffset = -ToDoItemHeight;

            // if the list was pulled down far enough, add a new item
            if (_distance > trackDistance)
                var newItem = new ShoppingItemViewModel("");
                _todoItems.Insert(0, newItem);

                // when the new item has been rendered, use the edit interaction to place the UI
                // into edit mode
                _todoList.InvokeOnNextLayoutUpdated(() => _editInteraction.EditItem(newItem));

            IsActive      = false;
            _effectPlayed = false;
コード例 #3
        private void ToDoItemDeletedAction(FrameworkElement deletedElement)

            var trans = deletedElement.GetHorizontalOffset().Transform;

            trans.Animate(trans.X, -(deletedElement.ActualWidth + 50),
                          TranslateTransform.XProperty, 300, 0, new SineEase()
                EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut
                          () =>
                // find the model object that was deleted
                ShoppingItemViewModel deletedItem = deletedElement.DataContext as ShoppingItemViewModel;

                // determine how much we have to 'shuffle' up by
                double elementOffset = -deletedElement.ActualHeight;

                // find the items in view, and the location of the deleted item in this list
                var itemsInView      = _todoList.GetItemsInView().ToList();
                var lastItem         = itemsInView.Last();
                int startTime        = 0;
                int deletedItemIndex = itemsInView.Select(i => i.DataContext)

                // iterate over each item
                foreach (FrameworkElement element in itemsInView.Skip(deletedItemIndex))
                    // for the last item, create an action that deletes the model object
                    // and re-renders the list
                    Action action = null;
                    if (element == lastItem)
                        action = () =>
                            // remove the item

                            // re-populate our ObservableCollection

                    // shuffle this item up
                    TranslateTransform elementTrans = new TranslateTransform();
                    element.RenderTransform         = elementTrans;
                    elementTrans.Animate(0, elementOffset, TranslateTransform.YProperty, 200, startTime, null,
                    startTime += 10;
コード例 #4
        private void ToDoItemCompletedAction(FrameworkElement fe)
            // set the mode object to complete
            ShoppingItemViewModel completedItem = fe.DataContext as ShoppingItemViewModel;

            completedItem.Completed = !completedItem.Completed;
            var color = completedItem.PrevColor;

            completedItem.PrevColor = completedItem.Color;
            completedItem.Color     = color;

            // bounce back into place

コード例 #5
        public ShoppingItemViewModel Put([FromBody] ShoppingItemViewModel shoppingItemViewModel)
            var shoppingItem = new ShoppingItem
                Id          = shoppingItemViewModel.Id,
                IsPurchased = shoppingItemViewModel.IsPurchased,
                Quantity    = shoppingItemViewModel.Quantity

            var updatedShoppingItem = new ShoppingItemTransitionHandler().AddUpdate(shoppingItem);

            var item = new Item()
                Id        = updatedShoppingItem.ItemId,
                Name      = shoppingItemViewModel.Name,
                PictureId = shoppingItemViewModel.PictureId

            var updatedItem = new ItemTransitionHandler().AddUpdate(item);

            return(new ShoppingItemViewModel(updatedShoppingItem));
コード例 #6
        private void Touch_FrameReported(object sender, TouchFrameEventArgs e)
            if (!IsEnabled)

            if (IsActive)
                var touchPoints = e.GetTouchPoints(_todoList);

                // if we still have two touch points continue the pinch gesture
                if (touchPoints.Count == 2)
                    double currentDelta = GetDelta(touchPoints[0], touchPoints[1]);

                    double itemsOffset = 0;

                    // is the delta bigger than the initial?
                    if (currentDelta > _initialDelta)
                        double delta = currentDelta - _initialDelta;
                        itemsOffset = delta / 2;

                        // play a sound effect if the users has pinched far enough to add a new item
                        if (delta > ToDoItemHeight && !_effectPlayed)
                            _effectPlayed = true;

                        _addNewThresholdReached = delta > ToDoItemHeight;

                        // stretch and fade in the new item
                        var cappedDelta = Math.Min(ToDoItemHeight, delta);
                        ((ScaleTransform)_pullDownItem.RenderTransform).ScaleY = cappedDelta / ToDoItemHeight;
                        _pullDownItem.Opacity = cappedDelta / ToDoItemHeight;

                        // set the text
                        _pullDownItem.Text = cappedDelta < ToDoItemHeight
                            ? "Чтобы добавить, тяните вниз"
                            : "Чтобы добавить, отпустите";

                    // offset all the items in the list so that they 'part'
                    for (int i = 0; i < _todoItems.Count; i++)
                        var container          = _todoList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(i) as FrameworkElement;
                        var translateTransform = (TranslateTransform)container.RenderTransform;
                        translateTransform.Y = i <= _itemOneIndex ? -itemsOffset : itemsOffset;
                    // if we no longer have two touch points, end the interactions
                    IsActive = false;


                    // hide the pull-down item
                    _pullDownItem.VerticalOffset = -ToDoItemHeight;

                    if (_addNewThresholdReached)
                        var newItem = new ShoppingItemViewModel("");
                        _todoItems.Insert(_itemOneIndex, newItem);

                        // when the new item has been rendered, use the edit interaction to place the UI
                        // into edit mode
                        _todoList.InvokeOnNextLayoutUpdated(() => _editInteraction.EditItem(newItem));
                TouchPointCollection touchPoints;
                    touchPoints = e.GetTouchPoints(_todoList);

                if (touchPoints.Count == 2)
                    _addNewThresholdReached = false;
                    _effectPlayed           = false;

                    // find the items that were touched ...
                    var itemOne = GetToDoItemAtLocation(touchPoints[0].Position);
                    var itemTwo = GetToDoItemAtLocation(touchPoints[1].Position);

                    if (itemOne != null && itemTwo != null)
                        // find their indices
                        _itemOneIndex = _todoItems.IndexOf(itemOne);
                        _itemTwoIndex = _todoItems.IndexOf(itemTwo);

                        // are the two items next to each other?
                        if (Math.Abs(_itemOneIndex - _itemTwoIndex) == 1)
                            if (_itemOneIndex > _itemTwoIndex)
                                // We need to swap the two
                                int tempIndex = _itemOneIndex;
                                _itemOneIndex = _itemTwoIndex;
                                _itemTwoIndex = tempIndex;

                                var tempItem = itemOne;
                                itemOne = itemTwo;
                                itemTwo = tempItem;
                            IsActive = true;

                            // determine where to locate the new item placeholder
                            var itemOneContainer =
                                _todoList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(itemOne) as FrameworkElement;
                            var itemOneContainerPos = itemOneContainer.GetRelativePosition(_todoList);
                            _newItemLocation = itemOneContainerPos.Y + ToDoItemHeight - (ToDoItemHeight / 2);

                            // position the placeholder and add a scale transform
                            _pullDownItem.VerticalOffset  = _newItemLocation;
                            _pullDownItem.Opacity         = 0;
                            _pullDownItem.RenderTransform = new ScaleTransform()
                                ScaleY  = 1,
                                CenterY = ToDoItemHeight / 2

                            // record the initial distance between touch point
                            _initialDelta = GetDelta(touchPoints[0], touchPoints[1]);


                            _pullDownItem.Opacity = 1;