コード例 #1
        public void Returns_Message_About_The_StatusCode()
            var res = new HttpResponseMessage()
                StatusCode   = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
                ReasonPhrase = "Internal Server Error",
                Content      = new StringContent("{}")

            res.Content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json");

            ShopifyException ex = null;

                ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(res, "{}");
            catch (ShopifyException e)
                ex = e;

            Assert.Equal(ex.HttpStatusCode, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
            Assert.Contains("Response did not indicate success. Status: 500", ex.Message);
コード例 #2
        public void Throws_On_OAuth_Code_Used()
            string rawBody  = "{\"error\":\"invalid_request\",\"error_description\":\"The authorization code was not found or was already used\"}";
            var    response = new HttpResponseMessage()
                StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable,
                ReasonPhrase = "Not Acceptable"
            ShopifyException ex = null;

                ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(response, rawBody);
            catch (ShopifyException e)
                ex = e;

            Assert.Contains("authorization code was not found or was already used", ex.Message);
            Assert.Equal(1, ex.Errors.Count);
            Assert.Equal("invalid_request", ex.Errors.First().Key);
            Assert.Equal(1, ex.Errors.First().Value.Count());
コード例 #3
        public async Task Catches_Rate_Limit_With_Base_Exception()
            int requestCount    = 60;
            var service         = new OrderService(Utils.MyShopifyUrl, Utils.AccessToken);
            ShopifyException ex = null;

                var tasks = Enumerable.Range(0, requestCount).Select(_ => service.ListAsync(new OrderListFilter()
                    Limit = 1

                await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
            catch (ShopifyException e)
                ex = e;

            Assert.IsType <ShopifyRateLimitException>(ex);
            Assert.Equal(429, (int)ex.HttpStatusCode);
            Assert.Equal("(429 Too Many Requests) Exceeded 2 calls per second for api client. Reduce request rates to resume uninterrupted service.", ex.Message);
            Assert.Equal("Exceeded 2 calls per second for api client. Reduce request rates to resume uninterrupted service.", ex.Errors.First());
コード例 #4
        public void Throws_On_OAuth_Code_Used()
            var rawBody = "{\"error\":\"invalid_request\",\"error_description\":\"The authorization code was not found or was already used\"}";
            var res     = new HttpResponseMessage()
                StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable,
                ReasonPhrase = "Not Acceptable",
                Content      = new StringContent(rawBody)

            res.Content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json");

            ShopifyException ex = null;

                ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(res, rawBody);
            catch (ShopifyException e)
                ex = e;

            Assert.Equal("(406 Not Acceptable) invalid_request: The authorization code was not found or was already used", ex.Message);
            Assert.Equal("invalid_request: The authorization code was not found or was already used", ex.Errors.First());
コード例 #5
        public async Task Throws_On_Error_Object()
            HttpResponseMessage response;
            string           rawBody;
            ShopifyException ex = null;

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                while (ex == null)
                    // This request will return a response which looks like { errors: { "order" : "some error message" } }
                    using (var msg = PrepareRequest(HttpMethod.Post, "orders.json", new JsonContent(new { })))
                        var req = client.SendAsync(msg);
                        response = await req;
                        rawBody  = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(response, rawBody);
                    catch (ShopifyRateLimitException)
                        // Ignore this exception and retry the request.
                        // RateLimitExceptions may happen when all Exception tests are running and
                        // execution policies are retrying.
                    catch (ShopifyException e)
                        ex = e;

            Assert.Equal("(400 Bad Request) order: Required parameter missing or invalid", ex.Message);

            var error = ex.Errors.First();

            Assert.Equal("order: Required parameter missing or invalid", error);
コード例 #6
        public void Returns_Message_Saying_Json_Could_Not_Be_Parsed()
            var json            = "{}";
            var res             = BadResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, json);
            ShopifyException ex = null;

                ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(res, json);
            catch (ShopifyException e)
                ex = e;

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.HttpStatusCode);
            Assert.Contains("(500 Internal Server Error) Shopify returned 500 Internal Server Error, but ShopifySharp was unable to parse the response JSON.", ex.Message);
コード例 #7
        private void ContainsError(string response, string request, string url)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))

            var errors = JObject.Parse(response);

            if (errors["errors"] != null)
                var errorsList = new List <string>();

                var t = errors["errors"];

                if (!t.Values().GetType().IsArray)
                else if (t.Values().GetType().IsArray)
                    errorsList.AddRange((from e in errors["errors"] let dynamic = e select((dynamic)dynamic).Name + " :  " + string.Join(", ", e.Values())).Cast <string>());

                var errorMessage = errors.Count > 1 ? "One or more errors occured" : errorsList.Count != 0 ? errorsList[0] : "error occured";

                var ex = new ShopifyException(errorMessage, errorsList, response, request, url);

                LogHelper.LogEvent(new LogEventRequest(_logger)
                    Exception = ex,
                    LogLevel  = LogLevel.Error,
                    Method    = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),
                    Values    = new List <object>()
                        url, Settings, request, response

                throw ex;
コード例 #8
        public void Exception_Contains_Message_From_Error_Type_One()
            var json            = "{\"errors\":\"foo error message\"}";
            var code            = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
            var res             = BadResponse(code, json);
            ShopifyException ex = null;

                ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(res, json);
            catch (ShopifyException e)
                ex = e;

            Assert.Equal(code, ex.HttpStatusCode);
            Assert.Equal("(400 Bad Request) foo error message", ex.Message);
コード例 #9
        public void Exception_Contains_Message_From_Error_Type_Five()
            var json            = "{\"error\":\"location_id must be specified when creating fulfillments.\"}";
            var code            = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
            var res             = BadResponse(code, json);
            ShopifyException ex = null;

                ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(res, json);
            catch (ShopifyException e)
                ex = e;

            Assert.Equal(code, ex.HttpStatusCode);
            Assert.Equal("(400 Bad Request) location_id must be specified when creating fulfillments.", ex.Message);
コード例 #10
        public async Task Throws_On_Error_String()
            HttpResponseMessage response;
            string           rawBody;
            ShopifyException ex = null;

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                while (ex == null)
                    // This request will return a response which looks like { errors: "some error message"}
                    using (var msg = PrepareRequest(HttpMethod.Get, "api_permissions/current.json"))
                        var req = client.SendAsync(msg);
                        response = await req;
                        rawBody  = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(response, rawBody);
                    catch (ShopifyRateLimitException)
                        // Ignore this exception and retry the request.
                        // RateLimitExceptions may happen when all Exception tests are running and
                        // execution policies are retrying.
                    catch (ShopifyException e)
                        ex = e;

            Assert.Equal(1, ex.Errors.Count);
            Assert.Equal("Error", ex.Errors.First().Key);
            Assert.Equal(1, ex.Errors.First().Value.Count());
コード例 #11
        public void Exception_Contains_Message_From_Error_Type_Three_With_Multiple_Messages()
            var json            = "{\"errors\":{\"order\":[\"foo error message\",\"bar error message\"]}}";
            var code            = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
            var res             = BadResponse(code, json);
            ShopifyException ex = null;

                ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(res, json);
            catch (ShopifyException e)
                ex = e;

            Assert.Equal(code, ex.HttpStatusCode);
            Assert.Equal("(400 Bad Request) order: foo error message (and one other error)", ex.Message);
            Assert.Equal("order: bar error message", ex.Errors.Last());
コード例 #12
        public void Returns_Message_Saying_There_Was_No_Json_To_Parse()
            var json = "<p>testing</p>";
            var res  = BadResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, json);

            res.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html");
            ShopifyException ex = null;

                ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(res, json);
            catch (ShopifyException e)
                ex = e;

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.HttpStatusCode);
            Assert.Contains("(500 Internal Server Error) Shopify returned 500 Internal Server Error, but there was no JSON to parse into an error message.", ex.Message);
コード例 #13
        public async Task Throws_On_Error_String()
            HttpResponseMessage response;
            string           rawBody;
            ShopifyException ex = null;

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                while (ex == null)
                    // This request will return a response which looks like { errors: "some error message"}
                    using (var msg = PrepareRequest(HttpMethod.Get, "api_permissions/current.json"))
                        var req = client.SendAsync(msg);
                        response = await req;
                        rawBody  = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(response, rawBody);
                    catch (ShopifyRateLimitException)
                        // Ignore this exception and retry the request.
                        // RateLimitExceptions may happen when all Exception tests are running and
                        // execution policies are retrying.
                    catch (ShopifyException e)
                        ex = e;

            Assert.Equal("(403 Forbidden) Scope undefined for API access: api_permissions. Valid scopes: admin_login_tokens, admin_notifications, admin_shop_settings, all_orders, analytics, analytics_overviews, apps, assigned_fulfillment_orders, billing, capital, cash_tracking, channels, checkout_settings, checkouts, checkouts_vault_tokens, content, customer_payment_methods, customer_tags, customers, delivery, discounts, disputes, domains, draft_orders, fulfillments, gdpr_data_request, gift_card_adjustments, gift_cards, home, images, inventory, kit_skills, legal_policies, locales, locations, marketing_events, media_processing, merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders, meta_tags, mobile_payments, mobile_platform_applications, notifications, online_store, online_store_bot_protection, online_store_navigation, online_store_pages, online_store_preferences, order_edits, orders, payment_gateways, payment_sessions, payment_settings, physical_receipts, point_of_sale_devices, price_rules, product_engagements, product_inventory, product_listings, product_tags, products, publications, reports, resource_feedbacks, retail_addon_subscriptions, retail_bbpos_merchant, retail_roles, script_tags, scripts, shipping, shopify_payments, shopify_payments_accounts, shopify_payments_balance_debits, shopify_payments_bank_accounts, shopify_payments_bank_accounts_sensitive, shopify_payments_disputes, shopify_payments_legal_entities, shopify_payments_payouts, shopify_payments_payouts_status, smart_grid, social_network_accounts, taxes, themes, third_party_fulfillment_orders, tracking_pixels, translations, user_private_data, and users", ex.Message);
            Assert.Equal("Scope undefined for API access: api_permissions. Valid scopes: admin_login_tokens, admin_notifications, admin_shop_settings, all_orders, analytics, analytics_overviews, apps, assigned_fulfillment_orders, billing, capital, cash_tracking, channels, checkout_settings, checkouts, checkouts_vault_tokens, content, customer_payment_methods, customer_tags, customers, delivery, discounts, disputes, domains, draft_orders, fulfillments, gdpr_data_request, gift_card_adjustments, gift_cards, home, images, inventory, kit_skills, legal_policies, locales, locations, marketing_events, media_processing, merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders, meta_tags, mobile_payments, mobile_platform_applications, notifications, online_store, online_store_bot_protection, online_store_navigation, online_store_pages, online_store_preferences, order_edits, orders, payment_gateways, payment_sessions, payment_settings, physical_receipts, point_of_sale_devices, price_rules, product_engagements, product_inventory, product_listings, product_tags, products, publications, reports, resource_feedbacks, retail_addon_subscriptions, retail_bbpos_merchant, retail_roles, script_tags, scripts, shipping, shopify_payments, shopify_payments_accounts, shopify_payments_balance_debits, shopify_payments_bank_accounts, shopify_payments_bank_accounts_sensitive, shopify_payments_disputes, shopify_payments_legal_entities, shopify_payments_payouts, shopify_payments_payouts_status, smart_grid, social_network_accounts, taxes, themes, third_party_fulfillment_orders, tracking_pixels, translations, user_private_data, and users", ex.Errors.First());
コード例 #14
        public async Task Throws_On_Error_Object()
            HttpResponseMessage response;
            string           rawBody;
            ShopifyException ex = null;

            while (ex == null)
                // This request will return a response which looks like { errors: { "order" : "some error message" } }
                using (var client = PrepareRequest("orders.json"))
                    var req = client.PostAsync(new JsonContent(new { }));;
                    response = await req;
                    rawBody  = await req.ReceiveString();

                    ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(response, rawBody);
                catch (ShopifyRateLimitException)
                    // Ignore this exception and retry the request.
                    // RateLimitExceptions may happen when all Exception tests are running and
                    // execution policies are retrying.
                catch (ShopifyException e)
                    ex = e;

            Assert.True(ex.Errors.Count > 0);
            Assert.True(ex.Errors.Any(error => error.Key.Equals("order")));
            Assert.NotNull(ex.Errors.First(err => err.Key.Equals("order")).Value.First());
            Assert.True(ex.Errors.First(err => err.Key.Equals("order")).Value.Count() > 0);
            Assert.True(ex.Errors.All(err => err.Value.Count() > 0));
コード例 #15
        public void Returns_Message_About_The_StatusCode()
            var req = new HttpResponseMessage();

            req.StatusCode   = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
            req.ReasonPhrase = "Internal Server Error";

            ShopifyException ex = null;

                ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(req, null);
            catch (ShopifyException e)
                ex = e;

            Assert.Equal(ex.HttpStatusCode, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
            Assert.Contains("Response did not indicate success. Status: 500", ex.Message);
コード例 #16
        public async Task Throws_On_Error_Arrays()
            //Creating an order with tax lines on both line items and the order will return an error
            var order = new Order()
                CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
                LineItems = new List <LineItem>()
                    new LineItem()
                        Title    = "Click Keyboard",
                        Price    = 99.99m,
                        Grams    = 600,
                        Quantity = 1,
                        TaxLines = new List <TaxLine>()
                            new TaxLine()
                                Price = 1.0m,
                                Rate  = 0.01m,
                                Title = "Keyboard tax"
                TaxLines = new List <TaxLine>()
                    new TaxLine()
                        Price = 6.0m,
                        Rate  = 0.06m,
                        Title = "State tax"
            HttpResponseMessage response;
            string           rawBody;
            ShopifyException ex = null;

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                while (ex == null)
                    // This request will return a response which looks like { errors: { "order" : [ "some error message" ] } }
                    using (var msg = PrepareRequest(HttpMethod.Post, "orders.json", new JsonContent(new { order })))
                        var req = client.SendAsync(msg);
                        response = await req;
                        rawBody  = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(response, rawBody);
                    catch (ShopifyRateLimitException)
                        // Ignore this exception and retry the request.
                        // RateLimitExceptions may happen when all Exception tests are running and
                        // execution policies are retrying.
                    catch (ShopifyException e)
                        ex = e;

            Assert.Equal("(422 Unprocessable Entity) order: Tax lines must be associated with either order or line item but not both", ex.Message);

            var error = ex.Errors.First();

            Assert.Equal("order: Tax lines must be associated with either order or line item but not both", error);
コード例 #17
        public async Task Throws_On_Error_Arrays()
            //Creating an order with tax lines on both line items and the order will return an error
            var order = new Order()
                CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
                LineItems = new List <LineItem>()
                    new LineItem()
                        Title    = "Click Keyboard",
                        Price    = 99.99m,
                        Grams    = 600,
                        Quantity = 1,
                        TaxLines = new List <TaxLine>()
                            new TaxLine()
                                Price = 1.0m,
                                Rate  = 0.01m,
                                Title = "Keyboard tax"
                TaxLines = new List <TaxLine>()
                    new TaxLine()
                        Price = 6.0m,
                        Rate  = 0.06m,
                        Title = "State tax"
            HttpResponseMessage response;
            string           rawBody;
            ShopifyException ex = null;

            while (ex == null)
                // This request will return a response which looks like { errors: { "order" : [ "some error message" ] } }
                using (var client = PrepareRequest("orders.json"))
                    var req = client.PostAsync(new JsonContent(new { order = order }));;
                    response = await req;
                    rawBody  = await req.ReceiveString();

                    ShopifyService.CheckResponseExceptions(response, rawBody);
                catch (ShopifyRateLimitException)
                    // Ignore this exception and retry the request.
                    // RateLimitExceptions may happen when all Exception tests are running and
                    // execution policies are retrying.
                catch (ShopifyException e)
                    ex = e;

            Assert.True(ex.Errors.Count > 0);
            Assert.True(ex.Errors.Any(error => error.Key.Equals("order")));
            Assert.NotNull(ex.Errors.First(err => err.Key.Equals("order")).Value.First());
            Assert.True(ex.Errors.First(err => err.Key.Equals("order")).Value.Count() > 0);
            Assert.True(ex.Errors.All(err => err.Value.Count() > 0));