コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 ///     Allows you to populate the current ShippableItem object using a ShippableItemDTO instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dto">An instance of the ShippableItem from the REST API</param>
 public void FromDto(ShippableItemDTO dto)
     ExtraShipFee     = dto.ExtraShipFee;
     Height           = dto.Height;
     IsNonShipping    = dto.IsNonShipping;
     Length           = dto.Length;
     ShippingSource   = (ShippingMode)(int)dto.ShippingSource;
     ShippingSourceId = dto.ShippingSourceId ?? string.Empty;
     ShipSeparately   = dto.ShipSeparately;
     Weight           = dto.Weight;
     Width            = dto.Width;
コード例 #2
 public void FromDto(ShippableItemDTO dto)
     this.ExtraShipFee       = dto.ExtraShipFee;
     this.Height             = dto.Height;
     this.IsNonShipping      = dto.IsNonShipping;
     this.Length             = dto.Length;
     this.ShippingScheduleId = dto.ShippingScheduleId;
     this.ShippingSource     = (ShippingMode)((int)dto.ShippingSource);
     this.ShippingSourceId   = dto.ShippingSourceId ?? string.Empty;
     this.ShipSeparately     = dto.ShipSeparately;
     this.Weight             = dto.Weight;
     this.Width = dto.Width;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Allows you to convert the current ShippableItem object to the DTO equivalent for use with the REST API
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A new instance of ShippableItemDTO</returns>
        public ShippableItemDTO ToDto()
            var dto = new ShippableItemDTO();

            dto.ExtraShipFee     = ExtraShipFee;
            dto.Height           = Height;
            dto.IsNonShipping    = IsNonShipping;
            dto.Length           = Length;
            dto.ShippingSource   = (ShippingModeDTO)(int)ShippingSource;
            dto.ShippingSourceId = ShippingSourceId;
            dto.ShipSeparately   = ShipSeparately;
            dto.Weight           = Weight;
            dto.Width            = Width;
コード例 #4
        public ShippableItemDTO ToDto()
            ShippableItemDTO dto = new ShippableItemDTO();

            dto.ExtraShipFee       = this.ExtraShipFee;
            dto.Height             = this.Height;
            dto.IsNonShipping      = this.IsNonShipping;
            dto.Length             = this.Length;
            dto.ShippingScheduleId = this.ShippingScheduleId;
            dto.ShippingSource     = (ShippingModeDTO)((int)this.ShippingSource);
            dto.ShippingSourceId   = this.ShippingSourceId;
            dto.ShipSeparately     = this.ShipSeparately;
            dto.Weight             = this.Weight;
            dto.Width = this.Width;
コード例 #5
 public ProductDTO()
     Bvin                         = string.Empty;
     Sku                          = string.Empty;
     ProductName                  = string.Empty;
     ProductTypeId                = string.Empty;
     CustomProperties             = new List <CustomPropertyDTO>();
     ListPrice                    = 0m;
     SitePrice                    = 0m;
     SitePriceOverrideText        = string.Empty;
     SiteCost                     = 0m;
     MetaKeywords                 = string.Empty;
     MetaDescription              = string.Empty;
     MetaTitle                    = string.Empty;
     TaxExempt                    = false;
     TaxSchedule                  = -1;
     Status                       = ProductStatusDTO.Active;
     ImageFileSmall               = string.Empty;
     ImageFileMedium              = string.Empty;
     ImageFileSmallAlternateText  = string.Empty;
     ImageFileMediumAlternateText = string.Empty;
     CreationDateUtc              = DateTime.UtcNow;
     MinimumQty                   = 1;
     ShortDescription             = string.Empty;
     LongDescription              = string.Empty;
     ManufacturerId               = string.Empty;
     VendorId                     = string.Empty;
     GiftWrapAllowed              = false;
     Keywords                     = string.Empty;
     PreContentColumnId           = string.Empty;
     PostContentColumnId          = string.Empty;
     UrlSlug                      = string.Empty;
     GiftWrapPrice                = 0m;
     ShippingDetails              = new ShippableItemDTO();
     Featured                     = false;
     AllowReviews                 = false;
     Tabs                         = new List <ProductDescriptionTabDTO>();
     StoreId                      = 0;
     IsAvailableForSale           = true;
     InventoryMode                = ProductInventoryModeDTO.AlwayInStock;
     IsSearchable                 = true;