コード例 #1
    static Event CreateEvent(System.Type eventType, GameVars gameVars, Ship ship, ShipSpeedModifiers shipSpeedModifiers, Transform shipTransform, float aggregateCloutScore)
        var result = System.Activator.CreateInstance(eventType) as Event;

        result.Init(gameVars, ship, shipSpeedModifiers, shipTransform, aggregateCloutScore);
コード例 #2
 public void Init(GameVars gameVars, Ship ship, ShipSpeedModifiers shipSpeedModifiers, Transform shipTransform, float aggregateCloutScore)
     this.gameVars            = gameVars;
     this.ship                = ship;
     this.shipSpeedModifiers  = shipSpeedModifiers;
     this.shipTransform       = shipTransform;
     this.aggregateCloutScore = aggregateCloutScore;
コード例 #3
    static void ExecuteEvent(IEnumerable <System.Type> options, GameVars gameVars, Ship ship, ShipSpeedModifiers shipSpeedModifiers, Transform shipTransform, float aggregateCloutScore)
        var eventObj = CreateEvent(options.RandomElement(), gameVars, ship, shipSpeedModifiers, shipTransform, aggregateCloutScore);

コード例 #4
    //		--This function determines whether or not a random event will happen to the ship. Regardless of
    //		--whether or not a random event occurs, it will trigger journal messages based on whether or not
    //		--the ship is in open sea or near a sphere of influence of a settlement/location of interest

    // it makes sense for this to have access to the ship, the ship's movement data and position, and the crew, as well as things like clout
    // doesn't need access to things like the GUI
    public static void WillARandomEventHappen(GameVars gameVars, Ship ship, ShipSpeedModifiers shipSpeedModifiers, Transform shipTransform)
        //Random Events have a chance to occur every half day of travel
        //These values help determine the half day of travel
        float tenthPlaceTemp = (ship.totalNumOfDaysTraveled - Mathf.FloorToInt(ship.totalNumOfDaysTraveled));

        tenthPlaceTemp *= 10;
        //Debug.Log (tenthPlaceTemp + "  " + hundredthPlaceTemp);
        //If we are at a half day's travel, then see if a random event occurs
        if ((Mathf.FloorToInt(tenthPlaceTemp) == 5 || Mathf.FloorToInt(tenthPlaceTemp) == 9) && !gameVars.isPerformingRandomEvent)
            gameVars.isPerformingRandomEvent = true;
            float chanceOfEvent = .95f;             //0 - 1 value representing chance of a random event occuring
            //We determine if the
            if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) <= chanceOfEvent)
                //Debug.Log ("Triggering Random Event");
                //When we trigger a random event, let's make the ship drop anchor!
                gameVars.playerShipVariables.rayCheck_stopShip = true;

                //We separate Random events into two possible categories: Positive, and Negative.
                //First we need to determine if the player has a positive or negative event occur
                //--The basic chance is a 50/50 chance of either or, but we need to figure out if the
                //--crew makeup has any augers, and if so, each auger decreases the chance of a negative (now controlled by PostiveEvent modifiers)
                //--event by 10%. We then roll an aggregate clout score to further reduce the chance by a maximum of 20%

                //Get the 0-1 aggregate clout score. Here we use the current zone of influence's network id to check
                int currentZoneID = 0;
                //TODO Right now this just uses the relevant city's ID to check--but in the aggregate score function--it should start using the networks--not the city.
                if (gameVars.activeSettlementInfluenceSphereList.Count > 0)
                    currentZoneID = gameVars.activeSettlementInfluenceSphereList[0];
                float aggregateCloutScore = gameVars.GetOverallCloutModifier(currentZoneID);
                //Now determine the final weighted chance score that will be .5f and under
                chanceOfEvent = .5f - ship.crewRoster.Sum(c => c.changeOnHire.PositiveEvent / 100f) - (.2f * aggregateCloutScore);

                //If we roll under our range, that means we hit a NEGATIVE random event
                if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) <= chanceOfEvent)
                    ExecuteEvent(GetSubclassesOfType <NegativeEvent>(), gameVars, ship, shipSpeedModifiers, shipTransform, aggregateCloutScore);
                    ExecuteEvent(GetSubclassesOfType <PositiveEvent>(), gameVars, ship, shipSpeedModifiers, shipTransform, aggregateCloutScore);
            //If we do or don't get a random event, we should always get a message from the crew--let's call them tales
            //here they describe things like any cities nearby if the crew is familiar or snippets of greek mythology, or they
            //may be from a list of messages concering any nearby zones of influence from passing settlements/locations of interest
            var log = gameVars.GetRandomCaptainsLogFromPool();
            if (log != null)
                log.dateTimeOfEntry = ship.totalNumOfDaysTraveled + " days";
                gameVars.AddToCaptainsLog(log.dateTimeOfEntry + "\n" + log.logEntry);

        //let's make sure the trigger for a new log  / event doesn't happen again until needed by
        //	by turning it off when the the trigger number changes--which means it won't take effect
        //	again until the next time the trigger number occurs
        //Debug.Log (Mathf.FloorToInt(tenthPlaceTemp));
        if (Mathf.FloorToInt(tenthPlaceTemp) != 5 && Mathf.FloorToInt(tenthPlaceTemp) != 9)
            gameVars.isPerformingRandomEvent = false;
コード例 #5
    static void ExecuteEvent(IEnumerable <System.Type> options, GameVars gameVars, Ship ship, ShipSpeedModifiers shipSpeedModifiers, Transform shipTransform, float aggregateCloutScore)
        IEnumerable <Event> events = options.Select(type => CreateEvent(type, gameVars, ship, shipSpeedModifiers, shipTransform, aggregateCloutScore));

        IEnumerable <Event> filteredEvents = events.Where(evnt => evnt.isValid() == true);

        //calls for an event/ mini game to play wiht a higher chance that minigames will happen due to their higher Weight() return value
        var eventObj = filteredEvents.WeightedRandomElement(filteredEvents.Select(element => element.Weight()));

        if (eventObj != null)
            Debug.Log("EVENT WAS NULL.");