コード例 #1
        private static void AddLibraryToSystem(WinLibrary library)
            using (ShellLibrary shellLibrary = new ShellLibrary(library.Name, true))
                shellLibrary.LibraryType = library.LibraryType;

                foreach (string folderPath in library.Folders)
                    catch (System.Exception ex)
                        throw new LibraryCreationException(String.Format("Failed to add folder '{0}'.\n\nError: {1}", folderPath, ex.Message));

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(library.SaveFolder))
                        shellLibrary.DefaultSaveFolder = library.SaveFolder;
                        // Certain folders cannot be used as the save folder (e.g. read-only folders).
                        // Ignore - setting a property should never throw an exception!
                        // Hopefully this will be fixed by MS in the future.

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(library.IconReference.ReferencePath))
                    shellLibrary.IconResourceId = library.IconReference;

                // Library is now created in OS.

            // Note: This is a temporary *hack* whilst I wait for feedback for how to set
            // properties on the library.  See this thread:
            // http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/WindowsAPICodePack/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=2998

            string libraryFilePath = Path.Combine(GetLibrariesStoragePath(), library.Name + ".library-ms");

            var doc = XDocument.Load(libraryFilePath);

            XNamespace ns  = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2009/library";
            XElement   xe1 = new XElement(ns + "property", new XCData("false"));

            xe1.Add(new XAttribute("name", "ShowNonIndexedLocationsInfoBar"));
            xe1.Add(new XAttribute("type", "boolean"));
            doc.Descendants(ns + "propertyStore").First().Add(xe1);

コード例 #2
        protected override void ShowInner()
            // Update paths to only include existing folders.
            _paths = _paths.Where(Directory.Exists).ToList();

            // Initialize the shell library.
            // Information about Shell Libraries: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd758094(v=vs.85).aspx
            using (var activityContext = new ShellLibrary(_name, true))
                // TODO: Optionally set the icon of the library to the icon of the activity? For now, just set it to the icon of the executing assembly.
                activityContext.IconResourceId = new IconReference(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location, 0);

                int retries    = 5;
                var pathsToAdd = new List <string>();
                COMException innerException = null;
                while (pathsToAdd.Count > 0 && retries > 0)
                    foreach (string path in _paths)
                        catch (COMException e)
                            innerException = e;
                            // TODO: How to handle/prevent the COMException which is sometimes thrown?
                            // System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80070497): Unable to remove the file to be replaced.
                if (pathsToAdd.Count > 0)
                    throw new COMException("Something went wrong while initializing the Activity Context library.", innerException);
コード例 #3
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string libraryName = "All-In-One Code Framework";

        // Create a shell library.

        Console.WriteLine("Create shell library: {0}", libraryName);
        using (ShellLibrary library = new ShellLibrary(libraryName, true))

        Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue...");

        // Show Manage Library UI.

        Console.WriteLine("Show Manage Library UI");

        // ShowManageLibraryUI requires that the library is not currently
        // opened with write permission.
        ShellLibrary.ShowManageLibraryUI(libraryName, IntPtr.Zero,
                                         "CSWin7ShellLibrary", "Manage Library folders and settings", true);

        Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue...");

        // Open the shell libary
        Console.WriteLine("Open shell library: {0}", libraryName);
        using (ShellLibrary library = ShellLibrary.Load(libraryName, false))
            // Add a folder to the shell library.

            Console.WriteLine("Add a folder to the shell library");

            string folderPath;

            // Display common dialog for selecting the folder to be added
            CommonOpenFileDialog fileDlg = new CommonOpenFileDialog();
            fileDlg.IsFolderPicker = true;
            if (fileDlg.ShowDialog() == CommonFileDialogResult.Cancel)

            folderPath = fileDlg.FileName;
            Console.WriteLine("The selected folder is {0}", folderPath);

            // Add the folder to the shell library
            library.DefaultSaveFolder = folderPath;

            Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue...");

            // List all folders in the library.

            Console.WriteLine("List all folders in the library");

            foreach (ShellFolder folder in library)

            Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue...");

            // Remove a folder from the shell library.

            Console.WriteLine("Remove a folder from the shell library");


            Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue...");

        // Delete the shell library.

        Console.WriteLine("Delete the shell library");

        string librariesPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(

        string libraryPath     = Path.Combine(librariesPath, libraryName);
        string libraryFullPath = Path.ChangeExtension(libraryPath, "library-ms");

コード例 #4
        private void InstallJLE()
            // Delete outdated files
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Common.EnvPath_AppData, "Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\Jumplist Extender.lnk")))
                File.Delete(Path.Combine(Common.EnvPath_AppData, "Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\Jumplist Extender.lnk"));

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Common.Path_AppData, "Icons\\[00] shell32.dll")))
                File.Delete(Path.Combine(Common.Path_AppData, "Icons\\[00] shell32.dll"));

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Common.Path_ProgramFiles, "PinShortcut.vbs")))
                File.Delete(Path.Combine(Common.Path_ProgramFiles, "PinShortcut.vbs"));

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Common.Path_AppData, "UpdateCheck2.txt")))
                File.Delete(Path.Combine(Common.Path_AppData, "UpdateCheck2.txt"));

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Common.Path_AppData, "UpdateCheck.txt")))
                File.Delete(Path.Combine(Common.Path_AppData, "UpdateCheck.txt"));

            // Copy files to AppData, if needed
            string appDataDir      = Common.Path_AppData;
            string programFilesDir = Common.Path_ProgramFiles;

            if (!Directory.Exists(appDataDir))
                try { Directory.CreateDirectory(appDataDir); }
                catch (Exception e) { Common.Fail("Data directory could not be created.", 1); }
                // Copy each file in programFiles\Defaults into appDataDir

            // Copy each file into it’s new directory.
            DirectoryInfo source = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(programFilesDir, "Defaults"));
            DirectoryInfo target = new DirectoryInfo(appDataDir);

            CopyAll(source, target, "AppList.xml", "Preferences.xml", "OrigProperties", "Icons");


            if (Common.AppIds != null && Common.AppIds.Count > 0)
                foreach (string appId in Common.AppIds)
                    ReadAppSettings(appId); // Also reads jumplist into JumplistListBox

                    CurrentAppPath            = "";
                    CurrentAppId              = "";
                    CurrentAppName            = "";
                    CurrentAppProcessName     = "";
                    CurrentAppWindowClassName = "";


            // Shortcuts: Likely, we're gonna run T7EBackground anyways, so
            // let T7EBackground handle it.

            if (!Common.PrefExists("InstallDate"))
                if (Common.AppCount > 0)
                    Common.WritePref("InstallDate", DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString()
                                     , "InstallUpgrade", false.ToString());
                // Do we want to keep prefs for a donate code?
                Common.WritePref("InstallUpgrade", true.ToString()
                                 , "DonateDialogDisable", false.ToString()
                                 , "DonateBalloonDisable", false.ToString());

            // Write library
            if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(Common.Path_AppData, "Programs.library-ms")))
                ShellLibrary programsLibrary = new ShellLibrary("Programs", Common.Path_AppData, true);

                if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Common.EnvPath_AppData, "Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch\\User Pinned\\TaskBar")))
                    programsLibrary.Add(Path.Combine(Common.EnvPath_AppData, "Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch\\User Pinned\\TaskBar"));

                if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Common.EnvPath_AppData, "Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch\\User Pinned\\StartMenu")))
                    programsLibrary.Add(Path.Combine(Common.EnvPath_AppData, "Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch\\User Pinned\\StartMenu"));

                if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Common.EnvPath_AllUsersProfile, "Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs")))
                    programsLibrary.Add(Path.Combine(Common.EnvPath_AllUsersProfile, "Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs"));

                if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Common.EnvPath_AppData, "Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs")))
                    programsLibrary.Add(Path.Combine(Common.EnvPath_AppData, "Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs"));

                programsLibrary.Dispose(); // Library is written

            // Add to startup

            /*RegistryKey rkApp = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true);
             * if (rkApp.GetValue("JumplistExtender") == null)
             *  rkApp.SetValue("JumplistExtender", Path.Combine(Common.Path_ProgramFiles, "T7EBackground.exe"));
             * rkApp.Close();*/