public void OpenActionKeyword(String actword) { ProcessStartInfo info; var command = actword.Trim(); command = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(command); var workingDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile); var parts = command.Split(new[] { ' ' }, 2); if (parts.Length == 2) { var filename = parts[0]; if (ExistInPath(filename)) { var arguments = parts[1]; info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(filename, workingDirectory, arguments); } else { info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(command, workingDirectory); } } else { info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(command, workingDirectory); } info.UseShellExecute = true; Process.Start(info); }
public void ShellRun(string cmd, string filename = "cmd.exe") { var args = filename == "cmd.exe" ? $"/C {cmd}" : $"{cmd}"; var startInfo = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(filename, arguments: args, createNoWindow: true); ShellCommand.Execute(startInfo); }
public List <ContextMenuResult> ContextMenus(IPublicAPI api) { var contextMenus = new List <ContextMenuResult>(); if (CanRunElevated) { contextMenus.Add( new ContextMenuResult { PluginName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name, Title = api.GetTranslation("wox_plugin_program_run_as_administrator"), Glyph = "\xE7EF", FontFamily = "Segoe MDL2 Assets", AcceleratorKey = "Enter", AcceleratorModifiers = "Control,Shift", Action = _ => { string command = "shell:AppsFolder\\" + UniqueIdentifier; command.Trim(); command = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(command); var info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(command, verb: "runas"); info.UseShellExecute = true; Process.Start(info); return(true); } } ); } contextMenus.Add( new ContextMenuResult { PluginName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name, Title = api.GetTranslation("wox_plugin_program_open_containing_folder"), Glyph = "\xE838", FontFamily = "Segoe MDL2 Assets", AcceleratorKey = "E", AcceleratorModifiers = "Control,Shift", Action = _ => { Main.StartProcess(Process.Start, new ProcessStartInfo("explorer", Package.Location)); return(true); } }); return(contextMenus); }
public Result Result(string query, IPublicAPI api) { var result = new Result { SubTitle = FullPath, IcoPath = IcoPath, ContextData = this, Action = e => { var info = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = FullPath, WorkingDirectory = ParentDirectory }; if (e.SpecialKeyState.CtrlPressed) { Main.StartProcess(Process.Start, ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(info.FileName, info.WorkingDirectory, "", "runas")); } else { Main.StartProcess(Process.Start, info); } return(true); } }; var match = StringMatcher.FuzzySearch(query, Name); result.Title = Name; result.Score = match.Score; result.TitleHighlightData = match.MatchData; return(result); }
private ProcessStartInfo PrepareProcessStartInfo(string command, bool runAsAdministrator = false) { command = command.Trim(); command = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(command); var workingDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile); var runAsAdministratorArg = !runAsAdministrator && !_settings.RunAsAdministrator ? string.Empty : "runas"; ProcessStartInfo info; if (_settings.Shell == ExecutionShell.Cmd) { var arguments = _settings.LeaveShellOpen ? $"/k \"{command}\"" : $"/c \"{command}\" & pause"; info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", workingDirectory, arguments, runAsAdministratorArg); } else if (_settings.Shell == ExecutionShell.Powershell) { string arguments; if (_settings.LeaveShellOpen) { arguments = $"-NoExit \"{command}\""; } else { arguments = $"\"{command} ; Read-Host -Prompt \\\"Press Enter to continue\\\"\""; } info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo("powershell.exe", workingDirectory, arguments, runAsAdministratorArg); } else if (_settings.Shell == ExecutionShell.RunCommand) { // Open explorer if the path is a file or directory if (Directory.Exists(command) || File.Exists(command)) { info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo("explorer.exe", arguments: command, verb: runAsAdministratorArg); } else { var parts = command.Split(new[] { ' ' }, 2); if (parts.Length == 2) { var filename = parts[0]; if (ExistInPath(filename)) { var arguments = parts[1]; info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(filename, workingDirectory, arguments, runAsAdministratorArg); } else { info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(command, verb: runAsAdministratorArg); } } else { info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(command, verb: runAsAdministratorArg); } } } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } info.UseShellExecute = true; _settings.AddCmdHistory(command); return(info); }
private ProcessStartInfo PrepareProcessStartInfo(string command, bool runAsAdministrator = false) { command = command.Trim(); command = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(command); var workingDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile); var runAsAdministratorArg = !runAsAdministrator && !_settings.RunAsAdministrator ? "" : "runas"; ProcessStartInfo info; if (_settings.Shell == Shell.Cmd) { var arguments = _settings.LeaveShellOpen ? $"/k \"{command}\"" : $"/c \"{command}\" & pause"; info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", workingDirectory, arguments, runAsAdministratorArg); } else if (_settings.Shell == Shell.Powershell) { string arguments; if (_settings.LeaveShellOpen) { arguments = $"-NoExit \"{command}\""; } else { arguments = $"\"{command} ; Read-Host -Prompt \\\"Press Enter to continue\\\"\""; } info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo("powershell.exe", workingDirectory, arguments, runAsAdministratorArg); } else if (_settings.Shell == Shell.RunCommand) { var parts = command.Split(new[] { ' ' }, 2); if (parts.Length == 2) { var filename = parts[0]; if (ExistInPath(filename)) { var arguments = parts[1]; info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(filename, workingDirectory, arguments, runAsAdministratorArg); } else { info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(command, verb: runAsAdministratorArg); } } else { info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(command, verb: runAsAdministratorArg); } } else if (_settings.Shell == Shell.Bash && _settings.SupportWSL) { string arguments; if (_settings.LeaveShellOpen) { // FIXME: How to deal with commands containing single quote? arguments = $"-c \'{command} ; $SHELL\'"; } else { arguments = $"-c \'{command} ; echo -n Press any key to exit... ; read -n1\'"; } info = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "bash.exe", Arguments = arguments }; } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } info.UseShellExecute = true; _settings.AddCmdHistory(command); return(info); }
public List <ContextMenuResult> ContextMenus(string queryArguments, IPublicAPI api) { if (api == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(api)); } var contextMenus = new List <ContextMenuResult>(); if (CanRunElevated) { contextMenus.Add( new ContextMenuResult { PluginName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name, Title = Properties.Resources.wox_plugin_program_run_as_administrator, Glyph = "\xE7EF", FontFamily = "Segoe MDL2 Assets", AcceleratorKey = Key.Enter, AcceleratorModifiers = ModifierKeys.Control | ModifierKeys.Shift, Action = _ => { string command = "shell:AppsFolder\\" + UniqueIdentifier; command = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(command.Trim()); var info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo(command, verb: "runas"); info.UseShellExecute = true; info.Arguments = queryArguments; Process.Start(info); return(true); }, }); } contextMenus.Add( new ContextMenuResult { PluginName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name, Title = Properties.Resources.wox_plugin_program_open_containing_folder, Glyph = "\xE838", FontFamily = "Segoe MDL2 Assets", AcceleratorKey = Key.E, AcceleratorModifiers = ModifierKeys.Control | ModifierKeys.Shift, Action = _ => { Main.StartProcess(Process.Start, new ProcessStartInfo("explorer", Package.Location)); return(true); }, }); contextMenus.Add(new ContextMenuResult { PluginName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name, Title = Properties.Resources.wox_plugin_program_open_in_console, Glyph = "\xE756", FontFamily = "Segoe MDL2 Assets", AcceleratorKey = Key.C, AcceleratorModifiers = ModifierKeys.Control | ModifierKeys.Shift, Action = (context) => { try { Helper.OpenInConsole(Package.Location); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Exception($"Failed to open {Name} in console, {e.Message}", e, GetType()); return(false); } }, }); return(contextMenus); }
private List <Result> Commands() { var results = new List <Result>(); results.AddRange(new[] { new Result { Title = "Shutdown", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_shutdown_computer"), Glyph = new GlyphInfo(FontFamily: "/Resources/#Segoe Fluent Icons", Glyph: "\xe7e8"), IcoPath = "Images\\shutdown.png", Action = c => { var reuslt = MessageBox.Show( context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_dlgtext_shutdown_computer"), context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_shutdown_computer"), MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning); if (reuslt == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { Process.Start("shutdown", "/s /t 0"); } return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Restart", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_restart_computer"), Glyph = new GlyphInfo(FontFamily: "/Resources/#Segoe Fluent Icons", Glyph: "\xe777"), IcoPath = "Images\\restart.png", Action = c => { var result = MessageBox.Show( context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_dlgtext_restart_computer"), context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_restart_computer"), MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { Process.Start("shutdown", "/r /t 0"); } return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Restart With Advanced Boot Options", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_restart_advanced"), Glyph = new GlyphInfo(FontFamily: "/Resources/#Segoe Fluent Icons", Glyph: "\xecc5"), IcoPath = "Images\\restart_advanced.png", Action = c => { var result = MessageBox.Show( context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_dlgtext_restart_computer_advanced"), context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_restart_computer"), MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { Process.Start("shutdown", "/r /o /t 0"); } return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Log Off", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_log_off"), Glyph = new GlyphInfo(FontFamily: "/Resources/#Segoe Fluent Icons", Glyph: "\xe77b"), IcoPath = "Images\\logoff.png", Action = c => ExitWindowsEx(EWX_LOGOFF, 0) }, new Result { Title = "Lock", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_lock"), Glyph = new GlyphInfo(FontFamily: "/Resources/#Segoe Fluent Icons", Glyph: "\xe72e"), IcoPath = "Images\\lock.png", Action = c => { LockWorkStation(); return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Sleep", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_sleep"), Glyph = new GlyphInfo(FontFamily: "/Resources/#Segoe Fluent Icons", Glyph: "\xec46"), IcoPath = "Images\\sleep.png", Action = c => FormsApplication.SetSuspendState(PowerState.Suspend, false, false) }, new Result { Title = "Hibernate", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_hibernate"), Glyph = new GlyphInfo(FontFamily: "/Resources/#Segoe Fluent Icons", Glyph: "\xe945"), IcoPath = "Images\\hibernate.png", Action = c => { var info = ShellCommand.SetProcessStartInfo("shutdown", arguments: "/h"); info.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; info.UseShellExecute = true; ShellCommand.Execute(info); return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Empty Recycle Bin", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_emptyrecyclebin"), IcoPath = "Images\\recyclebin.png", Glyph = new GlyphInfo(FontFamily: "/Resources/#Segoe Fluent Icons", Glyph: "\xe74d"), Action = c => { // // FYI, couldn't find documentation for this but if the recycle bin is already empty, it will return -2147418113 (0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) // 0 for nothing var result = SHEmptyRecycleBin(new WindowInteropHelper(Application.Current.MainWindow).Handle, 0); if (result != (uint)HRESULT.S_OK && result != (uint)0x8000FFFF) { MessageBox.Show($"Error emptying recycle bin, error code: {result}\n" + "please refer to", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Exit", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_exit"), IcoPath = "Images\\app.png", Action = c => { Application.Current.MainWindow.Close(); return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Save Settings", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_save_all_settings"), IcoPath = "Images\\app.png", Action = c => { context.API.SaveAppAllSettings(); context.API.ShowMsg(context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_dlgtitle_success"), context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_dlgtext_all_settings_saved")); return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Restart Flow Launcher", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_restart"), IcoPath = "Images\\app.png", Action = c => { context.API.RestartApp(); return(false); } }, new Result { Title = "Settings", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_setting"), IcoPath = "Images\\app.png", Action = c => { context.API.OpenSettingDialog(); return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Reload Plugin Data", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_reload_plugin_data"), IcoPath = "Images\\app.png", Action = c => { // Hide the window first then show msg after done because sometimes the reload could take a while, so not to make user think it's frozen. Application.Current.MainWindow.Hide(); context.API.ReloadAllPluginData().ContinueWith(_ => context.API.ShowMsg( context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_dlgtitle_success"), context.API.GetTranslation( "flowlauncher_plugin_sys_dlgtext_all_applicableplugins_reloaded"))); return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Check For Update", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_check_for_update"), IcoPath = "Images\\checkupdate.png", Action = c => { Application.Current.MainWindow.Hide(); context.API.CheckForNewUpdate(); return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Open Log Location", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_open_log_location"), IcoPath = "Images\\app.png", Action = c => { var logPath = Path.Combine(DataLocation.DataDirectory(), "Logs", Constant.Version); context.API.OpenDirectory(logPath); return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Flow Launcher Tips", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_open_docs_tips"), IcoPath = "Images\\app.png", Action = c => { context.API.OpenUrl(Constant.Documentation); return(true); } }, new Result { Title = "Flow Launcher UserData Folder", SubTitle = context.API.GetTranslation("flowlauncher_plugin_sys_open_userdata_location"), IcoPath = "Images\\app.png", Action = c => { context.API.OpenDirectory(DataLocation.DataDirectory()); return(true); } } }); return(results); }