コード例 #1
ファイル: CharacterSample.cs プロジェクト: WolfgangSt/axiom
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool KeyReleased( SharpInputSystem.KeyEventArgs evt )
			if ( !TrayManager.IsDialogVisible )
				chara.InjectKeyUp( evt );

			return base.KeyReleased( evt );
コード例 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// mouse pressed event override from SdkSample, calls MouseSelector's MousePressed method to start selection
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt">MouseEventArgs</param>
		/// <param name="id">MouseButtonID</param>
		/// <returns>bool</returns>
		public override bool MousePressed( SharpInputSystem.MouseEventArgs evt, SharpInputSystem.MouseButtonID id )
			if ( initialized )
				_MouseSelector.MousePressed( evt, id );
			return base.MousePressed( evt, id );
コード例 #3
ファイル: CharacterSample.cs プロジェクト: WolfgangSt/axiom
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool KeyPressed( SharpInputSystem.KeyEventArgs evt )
			// relay input events to character controller
			if ( !TrayManager.IsDialogVisible )
				chara.InjectKeyDown( evt );

			return base.KeyPressed( evt );
コード例 #4
ファイル: SdkSample.cs プロジェクト: WolfgangSt/axiom
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool KeyPressed( SIS.KeyEventArgs evt )
			if ( evt.Key == SIS.KeyCode.Key_H || evt.Key == SIS.KeyCode.Key_F1 ) // toggle visibility of help dialog
				if ( !this.TrayManager.IsDialogVisible && Metadata[ "Help" ] != "" )
					this.TrayManager.ShowOkDialog( "Help", Metadata[ "Help" ] );

			if ( this.TrayManager.IsDialogVisible )
				return true; // don't process any more keys if dialog is up

			if ( evt.Key == SIS.KeyCode.Key_F ) // toggle visibility of advanced frame stats
			else if ( evt.Key == SIS.KeyCode.Key_G ) // toggle visibility of even rarer debugging details
				if ( this.DetailsPanel.TrayLocation == TrayLocation.None )
					this.TrayManager.MoveWidgetToTray( this.DetailsPanel, TrayLocation.TopRight, 0 );
					this.TrayManager.RemoveWidgetFromTray( this.DetailsPanel );
			else if ( evt.Key == SIS.KeyCode.Key_T ) // cycle polygon rendering mode
				String newVal;
				TextureFiltering tfo;
				int aniso;

				switch ( this.DetailsPanel.GetParamValue( 9 )[ 0 ] )
					case 'B':
						newVal = "Trilinear";
						tfo = TextureFiltering.Trilinear;
						aniso = 1;
					case 'T':
						newVal = "Anisotropic";
						tfo = TextureFiltering.Anisotropic;
						aniso = 8;
					case 'A':
						newVal = "None";
						tfo = TextureFiltering.None;
						aniso = 1;
						newVal = "Bilinear";
						tfo = TextureFiltering.Bilinear;
						aniso = 1;

				MaterialManager.Instance.SetDefaultTextureFiltering( tfo );
				MaterialManager.Instance.DefaultAnisotropy = aniso;
				this.DetailsPanel.SetParamValue( 9, newVal );
			else if ( evt.Key == SIS.KeyCode.Key_R ) // cycle polygon rendering mode
				String newVal;
				PolygonMode pm;

				switch ( this.Camera.PolygonMode )
					case PolygonMode.Solid:
						newVal = "Wireframe";
						pm = PolygonMode.Wireframe;
					case PolygonMode.Wireframe:
						newVal = "Points";
						pm = PolygonMode.Points;
						newVal = "Solid";
						pm = PolygonMode.Solid;

				this.Camera.PolygonMode = pm;
				this.DetailsPanel.SetParamValue( 10, newVal );
			else if ( evt.Key == SIS.KeyCode.Key_F5 ) // refresh all textures
			else if ( evt.Key == SIS.KeyCode.Key_F9 ) // take a screenshot
				String path = "screenshots\\screenshot_";
				Window.WriteContentsToFile( path + Root.CurrentFrameCount + ".jpg" );

			this.CameraManager.injectKeyDown( evt );

			return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: SdkSample.cs プロジェクト: WolfgangSt/axiom
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool KeyReleased( SIS.KeyEventArgs evt )
			this.CameraManager.injectKeyUp( evt );

			return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: SampleBrowser.cs プロジェクト: ryan-bunker/axiom3d
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <param name="id"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool MouseReleased( SIS.MouseEventArgs evt, SIS.MouseButtonID id )
			if ( this.TrayManager.InjectMouseUp( evt, id ) )
				return true;

				return base.MouseReleased( evt, id );
			catch ( Exception ex )
				RunSample( null );
				string msg = ex.Message + "\nSource: " + ex.InnerException;
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "[Samples] Error! " + msg );
				this.TrayManager.ShowOkDialog( "Error!", msg );
			return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: SdkTrays.cs プロジェクト: ryan-bunker/axiom3d
		/// <summary>
		/// Updates cursor position. Returns true if the event was <para></para>
		/// consumed and should not be passed on to other handlers.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public bool InjectMouseMove( SIS.MouseEventArgs evt )
			if ( !this.cursorLayer.IsVisible )
				return false; // don't process if cursor layer is invisible

			this.cursor.SetPosition( evt.State.X.Absolute, evt.State.Y.Absolute );

			var cursorPos = new Vector2( this.cursor.Left, this.cursor.Top );

			if ( ExpandedMenu != null ) // only check top priority widget until it passes on
				ExpandedMenu.OnCursorMoved( cursorPos );
				return true;

			if ( this.Dialog != null ) // only check top priority widget until it passes on
				this.Dialog.OnCursorMoved( cursorPos );
				if ( this.mOk != null )
					this.mOk.OnCursorMoved( cursorPos );
					this.mYes.OnCursorMoved( cursorPos );
					this.mNo.OnCursorMoved( cursorPos );
				return true;

			Widget w;

			for ( int i = 0; i < this.mTrays.Length; i++ )
				if ( !this.mTrays[ i ].IsVisible )

				for ( int j = 0; j < this.mWidgets[ i ].Count; j++ )
					w = this.mWidgets[ i ][ j ];
					if ( !w.OverlayElement.IsVisible )
					w.OnCursorMoved( cursorPos ); // send event to widget

			if ( this.mTrayDrag )
				return true; // don't pass this event on if we're in the middle of a drag
			return false;
コード例 #8
ファイル: MouseSelector.cs プロジェクト: WolfgangSt/axiom
		/// <summary>
		/// public method to call when the mouse is moved
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		public void MouseMoved( SharpInputSystem.MouseEventArgs evt )
			if ( ( SelectionMode == SelectionModeType.SelectionBox ) && Selecting == true )
				_stop = new Vector2( evt.State.X.Absolute / (float)_Camera.Viewport.ActualWidth, evt.State.Y.Absolute / (float)_Camera.Viewport.ActualHeight );
				_rect.SetCorners( _start, _stop );

コード例 #9
ファイル: SampleBrowser.cs プロジェクト: ryan-bunker/axiom3d
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool KeyPressed( SIS.KeyEventArgs evt )
			if ( this.TrayManager.IsDialogVisible )
				return true;

			switch ( evt.Key )
				case SIS.KeyCode.Key_ESCAPE:
					if ( this.TitleLabel.TrayLocation != TrayLocation.None )
						if ( CurrentSample != null )
							if ( IsSamplePaused )
						OnButtonHit( this, (Button)this.TrayManager.GetWidget( "Back" ) );
				case SIS.KeyCode.Key_UP:
				case SIS.KeyCode.Key_DOWN:
					//if ( evt.Key == SIS.KeyCode.Key_DOWN && TitleLabel.TrayLocation != TrayLocation.None )
					//    break;

					int newIndex = this.SampleMenu.SelectionIndex + ( evt.Key == SIS.KeyCode.Key_UP ? -1 : 1 );
					this.SampleMenu.SelectItem( Utility.Clamp<int>( newIndex, this.SampleMenu.ItemsCount - 1, 0 ) );
				case SIS.KeyCode.Key_RETURN:
					if ( !( this.LoadedSamples.Count == 0 ) && ( IsSamplePaused || CurrentSample == null ) )
						var newSample = (Sample)this.Thumbs[ this.SampleMenu.SelectionIndex ].UserData;
						RunSample( newSample == CurrentSample ? null : newSample );
				case SIS.KeyCode.Key_F9: // toggle full screen
					Configuration.ConfigOption option = Root.RenderSystem.ConfigOptions[ "Video Mode" ];
					string[] vals = option.Value.Split( 'x' );
					int w = int.Parse( vals[ 0 ] );
#if !(XBOX || XBOX360)
					int h = int.Parse( vals[ 1 ].Remove( vals[ 1 ].IndexOf( '@' ) ) );
					int h = int.Parse(vals[1].Remove(vals[1].IndexOf('@'), 1));
					//RenderWindow.IsFullScreen = ...;
				case SIS.KeyCode.Key_R:
					if ( CurrentSample != null )
						switch ( RenderWindow.GetViewport( 0 ).Camera.PolygonMode )
							case PolygonMode.Points:
								RenderWindow.GetViewport( 0 ).Camera.PolygonMode = PolygonMode.Solid;
							case PolygonMode.Solid:
								RenderWindow.GetViewport( 0 ).Camera.PolygonMode = PolygonMode.Wireframe;
							case PolygonMode.Wireframe:
								RenderWindow.GetViewport( 0 ).Camera.PolygonMode = PolygonMode.Points;
				return base.KeyPressed( evt );
			catch ( Exception ex )
				RunSample( null );
				string msg = ex.Message + "\nSource: " + ex.InnerException;
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "[Samples] Error! " + msg );
				this.TrayManager.ShowOkDialog( "Error!", msg );
			return true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: SdkSample.cs プロジェクト: WolfgangSt/axiom
		/// <summary>
		/// Extendeded to setup a default tray interface and camera controller.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="window"></param>
		/// <param name="keyboard"></param>
		/// <param name="mouse"></param>
		protected internal override void Setup( RenderWindow window, SIS.Keyboard keyboard, SIS.Mouse mouse )
			Window = window;
			Keyboard = keyboard;
			Mouse = mouse;


			this.TrayManager = new SdkTrayManager( "SampleControls", window, mouse, this as ISdkTrayListener );  // create a tray interface

			ResourcesLoaded = true;

			// Show stats and logo and Hide the cursor
			this.TrayManager.ShowFrameStats( TrayLocation.BottomLeft );
			this.TrayManager.ShowLogo( TrayLocation.BottomRight );

			// create a params panel for displaying sample details
			List<string> items = new List<string>
									 "Poly Mode"
			this.DetailsPanel = this.TrayManager.CreateParamsPanel( TrayLocation.None, "DetailsPanel", 180, items );
			this.DetailsPanel.SetParamValue( 9, "Bilinear" );
			this.DetailsPanel.SetParamValue( 10, "Solid" );

			ContentSetup = true;

			IsDone = false;
コード例 #11
ファイル: SdkTrays.cs プロジェクト: ryan-bunker/axiom3d
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates backdrop, cursor, and trays.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name"></param>
		/// <param name="window"></param>
		/// <param name="mouse"></param>
		/// <param name="listener"></param>
		public SdkTrayManager( String name, RenderWindow window, SIS.Mouse mouse, ISdkTrayListener listener )
			this.mName = name;
			this.mWindow = window;
			this.Mouse = mouse;
			Listener = listener;

			this.mWidgetPadding = 8;
			this.mWidgetSpacing = 2;

			OverlayManager om = OverlayManager.Instance;

			String nameBase = this.mName + "/";
			nameBase.Replace( ' ', '_' );

			// create overlay layers for everything

			BackdropLayer = om.Create( nameBase + "BackdropLayer" );
			this.mTraysLayer = om.Create( nameBase + "WidgetsLayer" );
			this.mPriorityLayer = om.Create( nameBase + "PriorityLayer" );
			this.cursorLayer = om.Create( nameBase + "CursorLayer" );
			BackdropLayer.ZOrder = 100;
			this.mTraysLayer.ZOrder = 200;
			this.mPriorityLayer.ZOrder = 300;
			this.cursorLayer.ZOrder = 400;

			// make backdrop and cursor overlay containers

			this.cursor =
				(OverlayElementContainer)om.Elements.CreateElementFromTemplate( "SdkTrays/Cursor", "Panel", nameBase + "Cursor" );
			this.cursorLayer.AddElement( this.cursor );
			this.backdrop = (OverlayElementContainer)om.Elements.CreateElement( "Panel", nameBase + "Backdrop" );
			BackdropLayer.AddElement( this.backdrop );
			this.mDialogShade = (OverlayElementContainer)om.Elements.CreateElement( "Panel", nameBase + "DialogShade" );
			this.mDialogShade.MaterialName = "SdkTrays/Shade";
			this.mPriorityLayer.AddElement( this.mDialogShade );

			String[] trayNames = {
			                     	"TopLeft", "Top", "TopRight", "Left", "Center", "Right", "BottomLeft", "Bottom", "BottomRight"

			for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) // make the real trays
				this.mTrays[ i ] =
					om.Elements.CreateElementFromTemplate( "SdkTrays/Tray", "BorderPanel", nameBase + trayNames[ i ] + "Tray" );

				this.mTraysLayer.AddElement( this.mTrays[ i ] );

				this.trayWidgetAlign[ i ] = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

				// align trays based on location
				if ( i == (int)TrayLocation.Top || i == (int)TrayLocation.Center || i == (int)TrayLocation.Bottom )
					this.mTrays[ i ].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
				if ( i == (int)TrayLocation.Left || i == (int)TrayLocation.Center || i == (int)TrayLocation.Right )
					this.mTrays[ i ].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
				if ( i == (int)TrayLocation.TopRight || i == (int)TrayLocation.Right || i == (int)TrayLocation.BottomRight )
					this.mTrays[ i ].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
				if ( i == (int)TrayLocation.BottomLeft || i == (int)TrayLocation.Bottom || i == (int)TrayLocation.BottomRight )
					this.mTrays[ i ].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;

			// create the null tray for free-floating widgets
			this.mTrays[ 9 ] = (OverlayElementContainer)om.Elements.CreateElement( "Panel", nameBase + "NullTray" );
			this.trayWidgetAlign[ 9 ] = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
			this.mTraysLayer.AddElement( this.mTrays[ 9 ] );

			for ( int i = 0; i < this.mWidgets.Length; i++ )
				this.mWidgets[ i ] = new WidgetList();


コード例 #12
		/// <summary>
		/// key pressed selection event to have the ability to keep the current selection, sets the MouseSelector.KeepPreviousSelection
		/// if the right or left control key is pressed
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt">KeyEventArgs</param>
		/// <returns>bool</returns>
		public override bool KeyPressed( SharpInputSystem.KeyEventArgs evt )
			if ( initialized )
				if ( evt.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_LCONTROL || evt.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_RCONTROL )
					_MouseSelector.KeepPreviousSelection = true;
			return base.KeyPressed( evt );
コード例 #13
		/// <summary>
		/// key pressed selection event to have the ability to keep the current selection, sets the MouseSelector.KeepPreviousSelection
		/// if the right or left control key is pressed
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt">KeyEventArgs</param>
		/// <returns>bool</returns>
		public override bool KeyReleased( SharpInputSystem.KeyEventArgs evt )
			if ( initialized )
				_MouseSelector.KeepPreviousSelection = false;
			return base.KeyReleased( evt );
コード例 #14
ファイル: TerrainSample.cs プロジェクト: ryan-bunker/axiom3d
		public override bool KeyPressed( SIS.KeyEventArgs evt )
			switch ( evt.Key )
				case SIS.KeyCode.Key_S:
					// CTRL-S to save
					if ( Keyboard.IsKeyDown( SIS.KeyCode.Key_LCONTROL ) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown( SIS.KeyCode.Key_RCONTROL ) )
						SaveTerrains( true );
						return base.KeyPressed( evt );

				case SIS.KeyCode.Key_F10:
					var tkey = 0;
					foreach ( var ts in this.terrainGroup.TerrainSlots )
						if ( ts.Instance != null && ts.Instance.IsLoaded )
							ts.Instance.DumpTextures( "terrain_" + tkey, ".png" );


					return base.KeyPressed( evt );

			return true;
コード例 #15
ファイル: DynamicTexture.cs プロジェクト: ryan-bunker/axiom3d
		public override bool MousePressed( SharpInputSystem.MouseEventArgs evt, SharpInputSystem.MouseButtonID id )
			if ( TrayManager.InjectMouseDown( evt, id ) )
				return true;
			this.mWiping = true; // wipe frost if user left clicks in the scene
			return true;
コード例 #16
ファイル: DynamicTexture.cs プロジェクト: ryan-bunker/axiom3d
		public override bool MouseReleased( SharpInputSystem.MouseEventArgs evt, SharpInputSystem.MouseButtonID id )
			if ( TrayManager.InjectMouseUp( evt, id ) )
				return true;
			this.mWiping = false; // stop wiping frost if user releases LMB
			return true;
コード例 #17
ファイル: SdkSample.cs プロジェクト: WolfgangSt/axiom
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// IMPORTANT: When overriding this handler, remember to allow the tray manager
		/// to filter out any interface-related mouse events before processing them in your scene.
		/// If the tray manager handler returns true, the event was meant for the trays, not you.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool MouseMoved( SIS.MouseEventArgs evt )
			if ( this.TrayManager.InjectMouseMove( evt ) )
				return true;

			this.CameraManager.injectMouseMove( evt );

			return true;
コード例 #18
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <param name="id"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool MousePressed( SharpInputSystem.MouseEventArgs evt, SharpInputSystem.MouseButtonID id )
			// relay input events to character controller
			if ( !TrayManager.IsDialogVisible )
				this.chara.InjectMouseDown( evt, id );

			return base.MousePressed( evt, id );
コード例 #19
ファイル: SdkSample.cs プロジェクト: WolfgangSt/axiom
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// IMPORTANT: When overriding this handler, remember to allow the tray manager
		/// to filter out any interface-related mouse events before processing them in your scene.
		/// If the tray manager handler returns true, the event was meant for the trays, not you.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <param name="id"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool MouseReleased( SIS.MouseEventArgs evt, SIS.MouseButtonID id )
			if ( this.TrayManager.InjectMouseUp( evt, id ) )
				return true;

			this.CameraManager.injectMouseUp( evt, id );

			return true;
コード例 #20
ファイル: SdkTrays.cs プロジェクト: ryan-bunker/axiom3d
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates backdrop, cursor, and trays.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name"></param>
		/// <param name="window"></param>
		/// <param name="mouse"></param>
		public SdkTrayManager( String name, RenderWindow window, SIS.Mouse mouse )
			: this( name, window, mouse, null )
コード例 #21
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool MouseMoved( SharpInputSystem.MouseEventArgs evt )
			// relay input events to character controller
			if ( !TrayManager.IsDialogVisible )
				this.chara.InjectMouseMove( evt );

			return base.MouseMoved( evt );
コード例 #22
		/// <summary>
		/// mouse moved event override from SdkSample, calls the MouseSelector's MouseMoved event for SelectionBox
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt">MouseEventArgs</param>
		/// <returns>bool</returns>
		public override bool MouseMoved( SharpInputSystem.MouseEventArgs evt )
			if ( initialized )
				_MouseSelector.MouseMoved( evt );
				MouseLocationLabel.Caption = "(x:y) " + ( evt.State.X.Absolute / (float)Camera.Viewport.ActualWidth ).ToString() + ":" + ( evt.State.Y.Absolute / (float)Camera.Viewport.ActualHeight ).ToString();
			return base.MouseMoved( evt );
コード例 #23
ファイル: MouseSelector.cs プロジェクト: WolfgangSt/axiom
		/// <summary>
		/// public method to call when the mouse is pressed
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt">MouseEventArgs</param>
		/// <param name="id">MouseButtonID</param>
		public void MousePressed( SharpInputSystem.MouseEventArgs evt, SharpInputSystem.MouseButtonID id )

			if ( id == SharpInputSystem.MouseButtonID.Left )
				Selecting = true;
				switch ( SelectionMode )
					case SelectionModeType.SelectionBox:
						Log( "MouseSelector: Selection starting for " + _name );
						_start = new Vector2( evt.State.X.Absolute / (float)_Camera.Viewport.ActualWidth, evt.State.Y.Absolute / (float)_Camera.Viewport.ActualHeight );
						_stop = _start;
						_rect.IsVisible = true;
						Log( "MouseSelector: " + _name + " selecting from top(" + _start.x.ToString() + ";" + _start.y.ToString() + ")" );
						_rect.SetCorners( _start, _stop );

					case SelectionModeType.MouseClick:
						_start = new Vector2( evt.State.X.Absolute / (float)_Camera.Viewport.ActualWidth, evt.State.Y.Absolute / (float)_Camera.Viewport.ActualHeight );

コード例 #24
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		public void InjectKeyDown( SharpInputSystem.KeyEventArgs e )
			if ( e.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_Q && ( topAnimID == AnimationID.IdleTop || topAnimID == AnimationID.RunTop ) )
				// take swords out (or put them back, since it's the same animation but reversed)
				SetTopAnimation( AnimationID.DrawSword, true );
				timer = 0;
			else if ( e.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_E && !swordsDrawn )
				if ( topAnimID == AnimationID.IdleTop || topAnimID == AnimationID.RunTop )
					// start dancing
					SetBaseAnimation( AnimationID.Dance, true );
					SetTopAnimation( AnimationID.None );
					// disable hand animation because the dance controls hands
					anims[ (int)AnimationID.HandsRelaxed ].IsEnabled = false;
				else if ( baseAnimID == AnimationID.Dance )
					// stop dancing
					SetBaseAnimation( AnimationID.IdleBase, true );
					SetTopAnimation( AnimationID.IdleTop );
					// re-enable hand animation
					anims[ (int)AnimationID.HandsRelaxed ].IsEnabled = true;
			// keep track of the player's intended direction
			else if ( e.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_W )
				keyDirection.z = -1;
			else if ( e.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_A )
				keyDirection.x = -1;
			else if ( e.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_S )
				keyDirection.z = 1;
			else if ( e.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_D )
				keyDirection.x = 1;

			else if ( e.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_SPACE && ( topAnimID == AnimationID.IdleTop || topAnimID == AnimationID.RunTop ) )
				// jump if on ground
				SetBaseAnimation( AnimationID.JumpStart, true );
				SetTopAnimation( AnimationID.None );
				timer = 0;

			if ( !keyDirection.IsZeroLength && baseAnimID == AnimationID.IdleBase )
				// start running if not already moving and the player wants to move
				SetBaseAnimation( AnimationID.RunBase, true );
				if ( topAnimID == AnimationID.IdleTop )
					SetTopAnimation( AnimationID.RunTop, true );
コード例 #25
ファイル: MouseSelector.cs プロジェクト: WolfgangSt/axiom
		/// <summary>
		/// public method to call when the mouse button is released
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <param name="id"></param>
		public void MouseReleased( SharpInputSystem.MouseEventArgs evt, SharpInputSystem.MouseButtonID id )
			if ( id == SharpInputSystem.MouseButtonID.Left && Selecting == true )
				switch ( SelectionMode )
					case SelectionModeType.SelectionBox:
						Log( "MouseSelector: " + _name + " selecting to bottom(" + _stop.x.ToString() + ";" + _stop.y.ToString() + ")" );
						PerformSelectionWithSelectionBox( _start, _stop );
						Selecting = false;
						_rect.IsVisible = false;
						Log( "MouseSelector: " + _name + " selection complete." );

					case SelectionModeType.MouseClick:

				Selecting = false;
コード例 #26
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		public void InjectKeyUp( SharpInputSystem.KeyEventArgs e )
			// keep track of the player's intended direction
			if ( e.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_W && keyDirection.z == -1 )
				keyDirection.z = 0;
			else if ( e.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_A && keyDirection.x == -1 )
				keyDirection.x = 0;
			else if ( e.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_S && keyDirection.z == 1 )
				keyDirection.z = 0;
			else if ( e.Key == SharpInputSystem.KeyCode.Key_D && keyDirection.x == 1 )
				keyDirection.x = 0;

			if ( keyDirection.IsZeroLength && baseAnimID == AnimationID.RunBase )
				// start running if not already moving and the player wants to move
				SetBaseAnimation( AnimationID.IdleBase, true );
				if ( topAnimID == AnimationID.RunTop )
					SetTopAnimation( AnimationID.IdleTop, true );
コード例 #27
ファイル: SampleBrowser.cs プロジェクト: ryan-bunker/axiom3d
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <param name="id"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool MousePressed( SIS.MouseEventArgs evt, SIS.MouseButtonID id )
			if ( this.TrayManager.InjectMouseDown( evt, id ) )
				return true;

			if ( this.TitleLabel.TrayLocation != TrayLocation.None )
				for ( int i = 0; i < this.Thumbs.Count; i++ )
					if ( this.Thumbs[ i ].IsVisible &&
					     Widget.IsCursorOver( this.Thumbs[ i ],
					                          new Vector2( this.TrayManager.CursorContainer.Left, this.TrayManager.CursorContainer.Top ),
					                          0 ) )
						this.SampleMenu.SelectItem( i );
				return base.MousePressed( evt, id );
			catch ( Exception ex )
				RunSample( null );
				string msg = ex.Message + "\nSource: " + ex.InnerException;
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "[Samples] Error! " + msg );
				this.TrayManager.ShowOkDialog( "Error!", msg );
			return true;
コード例 #28
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		public void InjectMouseMove( SharpInputSystem.MouseEventArgs e )
			// update camera goal based on mouse movement
			UpdateCameraGoal( -0.05f * e.State.X.Relative, -0.05f * e.State.Y.Relative, -0.0005f * e.State.Z.Relative );
コード例 #29
ファイル: SampleBrowser.cs プロジェクト: ryan-bunker/axiom3d
		/// <summary>
		/// Extends mouseMoved to inject mouse position into tray manager, and checks
		/// for mouse wheel movements to slide the carousel, because we can.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evt"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool MouseMoved( SIS.MouseEventArgs evt )
			if ( this.TrayManager.InjectMouseMove( evt ) )
				return true;

			if ( !( CurrentSample != null && !IsSamplePaused ) && this.TitleLabel.TrayLocation != TrayLocation.None &&
			     evt.State.Z.Relative != 0 && this.SampleMenu.ItemsCount != 0 )
				var newIndex = (int)( this.SampleMenu.SelectionIndex - evt.State.Z.Relative/Utility.Abs( evt.State.Z.Relative ) );
				this.SampleMenu.SelectItem( Utility.Clamp<int>( newIndex, this.SampleMenu.ItemsCount - 1, 0 ) );
				return base.MouseMoved( evt );
			catch ( Exception ex ) // show error and fall back to menu
				RunSample( null );
				string msg = ex.Message + "\nSource: " + ex.InnerException;
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "[Samples] Error! " + msg );
				this.TrayManager.ShowOkDialog( "Error!", msg );

			return true;
コード例 #30
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		/// <param name="id"></param>
		public void InjectMouseDown( SharpInputSystem.MouseEventArgs e, SharpInputSystem.MouseButtonID id )
			if ( swordsDrawn && ( topAnimID == AnimationID.IdleTop || topAnimID == AnimationID.RunTop ) )
				// if swords are out, and character's not doing something weird, then SLICE!
				if ( id == SharpInputSystem.MouseButtonID.Left )
					SetTopAnimation( AnimationID.SliceVertical, true );
				else if ( id == SharpInputSystem.MouseButtonID.Right )
					SetTopAnimation( AnimationID.SliceHorizontal, true );
				timer = 0;