コード例 #1
        internal ProcessTaskArgument(ShareManager shareManager, ShareDefinition shareDefinition)
            shareManager.UpsertAndHydrate(this, shareDefinition);
                //if the import is into a repository other than the master original repository
                if (!shareManager.IsExportedObject(this.ProcessTask.LoadMetadata))
                    //and we are a reference type e.g. to a ColumnInfo or something
                    var t = GetConcreteSystemType();

                    if (typeof(IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable).IsAssignableFrom(t) || typeof(IEnumerable <IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable>).IsAssignableFrom(t))
                        //then use the value Null because whatever ID is stored in us won't be pointing to the same object
                        //as when we were exported!
                        Value = null;
            catch (Exception e)
                //couldn't work out the Type, maybe it is broken or something, or otherwise someone elses problem
コード例 #2
        internal ExternalDatabaseServer(ShareManager shareManager, ShareDefinition shareDefinition)
            var repo = shareManager.RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository;

            Repository = repo;
            _selfCertifyingDataAccessPoint = new SelfCertifyingDataAccessPoint(CatalogueRepository, DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer /*will get changed by UpsertAndHydrate*/);

            shareManager.UpsertAndHydrate(this, shareDefinition);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the user configurable (non ID) properties of the object <pararef name="o"/> to match the <paramref name="shareDefinition"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o"></param>
        /// <param name="shareDefinition"></param>
        public void ImportPropertiesOnly(IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable o, ShareDefinition shareDefinition)
            if (shareDefinition.Type != o.GetType())
                throw new Exception("Share Definition is not for a " + o.GetType());

            AttributePropertyFinder <RelationshipAttribute>            relationshipPropertyFinder = new AttributePropertyFinder <RelationshipAttribute>(o);
            AttributePropertyFinder <DoNotImportDescriptionsAttribute> skipPropertyFinder         = new AttributePropertyFinder <DoNotImportDescriptionsAttribute>(o);

            //for each property that isn't [NoMappingToDatabase]
            foreach (var kvp in shareDefinition.GetDictionaryForImport())
                if (kvp.Key == "Name")

                var prop = o.GetType().GetProperty(kvp.Key);

                //If the property is a relationship e.g. _ID skip it
                if (relationshipPropertyFinder.GetAttribute(prop) != null)

                //do we skip this property?
                var skip = skipPropertyFinder.GetAttribute(prop);
                if (skip != null)
                    //yes but only if blank
                    if (skip.AllowOverwriteIfBlank)
                        //is it currently not null? (if so skip)
                        var oldVal = prop.GetValue(o);

                        if (!(oldVal == DBNull.Value || oldVal == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oldVal.ToString())))
                        continue; //always skip

                SetValue(prop, kvp.Value, o);
コード例 #4
ファイル: LoadMetadata.cs プロジェクト: HicServices/RDMP
 internal LoadMetadata(ShareManager shareManager, ShareDefinition shareDefinition) : base()
     shareManager.UpsertAndHydrate(this, shareDefinition);
コード例 #5
ファイル: CatalogueItem.cs プロジェクト: 24418863/rdm
 internal CatalogueItem(ShareManager shareManager, ShareDefinition shareDefinition)
     shareManager.UpsertAndHydrate(this, shareDefinition);
コード例 #6
        private int?LocalReferenceGetter(PropertyInfo property, RelationshipAttribute relationshipAttribute, ShareDefinition shareDefinition)
            MessageBox.Show("Choose a local object for '" + property + "' on " + Environment.NewLine
                                        shareDefinition.Properties.Select(kvp => kvp.Key + ": " + kvp.Value)));

            var requiredType = relationshipAttribute.Cref;

            if (Activator.RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.SupportsObjectType(requiredType))
                var selected = SelectOne(Activator.RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.GetAllObjects(requiredType).Cast <DatabaseEntity>().ToArray());
                if (selected != null)

            if (Activator.RepositoryLocator.DataExportRepository.SupportsObjectType(requiredType))
                var selected = SelectOne(Activator.RepositoryLocator.DataExportRepository.GetAllObjects(requiredType).Cast <DatabaseEntity>().ToArray());
                if (selected != null)

コード例 #7
 internal ProcessTask(ShareManager shareManager, ShareDefinition shareDefinition)
     shareManager.UpsertAndHydrate(this, shareDefinition);
コード例 #8
 internal Plugin(ShareManager shareManager, ShareDefinition shareDefinition)
     shareManager.UpsertAndHydrate(this, shareDefinition);
コード例 #9
ファイル: ANOTable.cs プロジェクト: rkm/RDMP
 internal ANOTable(ShareManager shareManager, ShareDefinition shareDefinition)
     shareManager.UpsertAndHydrate(this, shareDefinition);
コード例 #10
        private int?LocalReferenceGetter(PropertyInfo property, RelationshipAttribute relationshipattribute, ShareDefinition sharedefinition)
            if (property.Name.EndsWith("LoggingServer_ID"))

            throw new SharingException("Could not figure out a sensible value to assign to Property " + property);
コード例 #11
 internal Catalogue(ShareManager shareManager, ShareDefinition shareDefinition)
     shareManager.UpsertAndHydrate(this, shareDefinition);
コード例 #12
        private int?DefaultLocalReferenceGetter(PropertyInfo property, RelationshipAttribute relationshipattribute, ShareDefinition sharedefinition)
            var defaults = RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.GetServerDefaults();

            if (property.Name == "LiveLoggingServer_ID" || property.Name == "TestLoggingServer_ID")
                var server = defaults.GetDefaultFor(PermissableDefaults.LiveLoggingServer_ID);
                if (server == null)


            throw new SharingException("No default implementation exists for LocalReferenceGetterDelegate for property " + property.Name);
コード例 #13
        public void UpsertAndHydrate <T>(T toCreate, ShareDefinition shareDefinition) where T : class, IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable
            IRepository repo;

            if (RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.SupportsObjectType(typeof(T)))
                repo = RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository;
            else if (RepositoryLocator.DataExportRepository.SupportsObjectType(typeof(T)))
                repo = RepositoryLocator.DataExportRepository;
                throw new NotSupportedException("No Repository supported object type '" + typeof(T) + "'");

            //Make a dictionary of the normal properties we are supposed to be importing
            Dictionary <string, object> propertiesDictionary = shareDefinition.GetDictionaryForImport();

            //for finding properties decorated with [Relationship]
            var finder = new AttributePropertyFinder <RelationshipAttribute>(toCreate);

            //If we have already got a local copy of this shared object?
            //either as an import or as an export
            T actual = (T)GetExistingImportObject(shareDefinition.SharingGuid) ?? (T)GetExistingExportObject(shareDefinition.SharingGuid);

            //we already have a copy imported of the shared object
            if (actual != null)
                //It's an UPDATE i.e. take the new shared properties and apply them to the database copy / memory copy

                //copy all the values out of the share definition / database copy
                foreach (PropertyInfo prop in TableRepository.GetPropertyInfos(typeof(T)))
                    //don't update any ID columns or any with relationships on UPDATE
                    if (propertiesDictionary.ContainsKey(prop.Name) && finder.GetAttribute(prop) == null)
                        SetValue(prop, propertiesDictionary[prop.Name], toCreate);
                        prop.SetValue(toCreate, prop.GetValue(actual)); //or use the database one if it isn't shared (e.g. ID, MyParent_ID etc)

                toCreate.Repository = actual.Repository;

                //commit the updated values to the database
                //It's an INSERT i.e. create a new database copy with the correct foreign key values and update the memory copy

                //for each relationship property on the class we are trying to hydrate
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in TableRepository.GetPropertyInfos(typeof(T)))
                    RelationshipAttribute relationshipAttribute = finder.GetAttribute(property);

                    //if it has a relationship attribute then we would expect the ShareDefinition to include a dependency relationship with the sharing UID of the parent
                    //and also that we had already imported it since dependencies must be imported in order
                    if (relationshipAttribute != null)

                        switch (relationshipAttribute.Type)
                        case RelationshipType.OptionalSharedObject:
                        case RelationshipType.SharedObject:

                            //Confirm that the share definition includes the knowledge that theres a parent class to this object
                            if (!shareDefinition.RelationshipProperties.ContainsKey(relationshipAttribute))
                                //if it doesn't but the field is optional, ignore it
                                if (relationshipAttribute.Type == RelationshipType.OptionalSharedObject)
                                    newValue = null;
                                    //otherwise we are missing a required shared object being referenced. That's bad news.
                                    throw new Exception("Share Definition for object of Type " + typeof(T) + " is missing an expected RelationshipProperty called " + property.Name);

                            //Get the SharingUID of the parent for this property
                            Guid importGuidOfParent = shareDefinition.RelationshipProperties[relationshipAttribute];

                            //Confirm that we have a local import of the parent
                            var parentImport = GetExistingImport(importGuidOfParent);

                            //if we don't have a share reference
                            if (parentImport == null)
                                //and it isn't optional
                                if (relationshipAttribute.Type == RelationshipType.SharedObject)
                                    throw new Exception("Cannot import an object of type " + typeof(T) +
                                                        " because the ShareDefinition specifies a relationship to an object that has not yet been imported (A " +
                                                        relationshipAttribute.Cref + " with a SharingUID of " +
                                    newValue = null;     //it was optional and missing so just set to null
                                newValue = parentImport.ReferencedObjectID;     //we have the shared object

                        case RelationshipType.LocalReference:
                            newValue = GetLocalReference(property, relationshipAttribute, shareDefinition);

                        case RelationshipType.IgnoreableLocalReference:
                            newValue = null;

                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                        //get the ID of the local import of the parent
                        if (propertiesDictionary.ContainsKey(property.Name))
                            propertiesDictionary[property.Name] = newValue;
                            propertiesDictionary.Add(property.Name, newValue);

                //insert the full dictionary into the database under the Type
                repo.InsertAndHydrate(toCreate, propertiesDictionary);

                //document that a local import of the share now exists and should be updated/reused from now on when that same GUID comes in / gets used by child objects
                GetImportAs(shareDefinition.SharingGuid.ToString(), toCreate);
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// When importing a <paramref name="shareDefinition"/> for a child class with a parent, this method will return the ID of parent for the given <paramref name="property"/>
        /// on the child.  For example if you are importing a <see cref="ShareDefinition"/> for a <see cref="CatalogueItem"/> then the property <see cref="CatalogueItem.Catalogue_ID"/> should
        /// have the ID of the locally held <see cref="Catalogue"/> to which it will become a part of.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property">The child class property you need to fill e.g. <see cref="CatalogueItem.Catalogue_ID"/></param>
        /// <param name="relationshipAttribute">The attribute that decorates the <paramref name="property"/> which indicates what type of object the parent is etc</param>
        /// <param name="shareDefinition">The serialization of the child you are trying to import</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int?GetLocalReference(PropertyInfo property, RelationshipAttribute relationshipAttribute, ShareDefinition shareDefinition)
            if (property.DeclaringType == null)
                throw new Exception("DeclaringType on Property '" + property + "' is null");

            if (relationshipAttribute.Type != RelationshipType.LocalReference)
                throw new Exception("Relationship was of Type " + relationshipAttribute.Type + " expected " + RelationshipType.LocalReference);

            if (LocalReferenceGetter == null)
                throw new Exception(
                          string.Format("No LocalReferenceGetter has been set, cannot populate Property {0} {1}",
                                        " on class " + property.DeclaringType.Name));

            return(LocalReferenceGetter(property, relationshipAttribute, shareDefinition));
コード例 #15
        public void GatherAndShare_ANOTable_Test(bool goViaJson)
            var anoserver = new ExternalDatabaseServer(CatalogueRepository, "MyGatherAndShareTestANOServer", new ANOStorePatcher());
            var anoTable  = new ANOTable(CatalogueRepository, anoserver, "ANOMagad", "N");

            Assert.AreEqual(anoTable.Server_ID, anoserver.ID);

            Gatherer g = new Gatherer(RepositoryLocator);


            var gObj = g.GatherDependencies(anoTable);

            //root should be the server
            Assert.AreEqual(gObj.Object, anoserver);
            Assert.AreEqual(gObj.Children.Single().Object, anoTable);

            //get the sharing definitions
            var             shareManager = new ShareManager(RepositoryLocator);
            ShareDefinition defParent    = gObj.ToShareDefinition(shareManager, new List <ShareDefinition>());
            ShareDefinition defChild     = gObj.Children.Single().ToShareDefinition(shareManager, new List <ShareDefinition>(new [] { defParent }));

            //make it look like we never had it in the first place

            if (goViaJson)
                var sParent = JsonConvertExtensions.SerializeObject(defParent, RepositoryLocator);
                var sChild  = JsonConvertExtensions.SerializeObject(defChild, RepositoryLocator);

                defParent = (ShareDefinition)JsonConvertExtensions.DeserializeObject(sParent, typeof(ShareDefinition), RepositoryLocator);
                defChild  = (ShareDefinition)JsonConvertExtensions.DeserializeObject(sChild, typeof(ShareDefinition), RepositoryLocator);

            var anoserverAfter = new ExternalDatabaseServer(shareManager, defParent);


            //new instance
            Assert.AreNotEqual(anoserverAfter.ID, anoserver.ID);

            //same properties
            Assert.AreEqual(anoserverAfter.Name, anoserver.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(anoserverAfter.CreatedByAssembly, anoserver.CreatedByAssembly);
            Assert.AreEqual(anoserverAfter.Database, anoserver.Database);
            Assert.AreEqual(anoserverAfter.DatabaseType, anoserver.DatabaseType);
            Assert.AreEqual(anoserverAfter.Username, anoserver.Username);
            Assert.AreEqual(anoserverAfter.Password, anoserver.Password);

            var anoTableAfter = new ANOTable(shareManager, defChild);

            //new instance
            Assert.AreNotEqual(anoTableAfter.ID, anoTable.ID);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(anoTableAfter.Server_ID, anoTable.Server_ID);

            //same properties
            Assert.AreEqual(anoTableAfter.NumberOfCharactersToUseInAnonymousRepresentation, anoTable.NumberOfCharactersToUseInAnonymousRepresentation);
            Assert.AreEqual(anoTableAfter.Suffix, anoTable.Suffix);

            //change a property and save it
            anoTableAfter.Suffix = "CAMMELS!";
            //anoTableAfter.SaveToDatabase(); <- this decides to go check the ANOTable exists on the server refernced which is immaginary btw >< thats why we have the above line instead

            //reimport (this time it should be an update, we import the share definitions and it overrdies our database copy (sharing is UPSERT)
            var anoTableAfter2 = new ANOTable(shareManager, defChild);

            Assert.AreEqual(anoTableAfter.ID, anoTableAfter2.ID);
            Assert.AreEqual("N", anoTableAfter2.Suffix);
            Assert.AreEqual(ChangeDescription.DatabaseCopyDifferent, anoTableAfter.HasLocalChanges().Evaluation);


            foreach (ObjectImport o in RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <ObjectImport>())
コード例 #16
 internal LoadModuleAssembly(ShareManager shareManager, ShareDefinition shareDefinition)
     shareManager.UpsertAndHydrate(this, shareDefinition);