コード例 #1
 /// Checks if a shape is next to another one
 /// either horizontally or vertically
 public static bool AreVerticalOrHorizontalNeighbors(Shape_4 s1, Shape_4 s2)
     return((s1.Column == s2.Column ||
             s1.Row == s2.Row) &&
            Mathf.Abs(s1.Column - s2.Column) <= 1 &&
            Mathf.Abs(s1.Row - s2.Row) <= 1);
コード例 #2
    private void CreateBigBonus(Shape_4 hitGoCache)
        GameObject BigBonus = Instantiate(Bigbonusprefabs, BottomRight + new Vector2(hitGoCache.Column * CandySize.x, hitGoCache.Row * CandySize.y), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        shapes[hitGoCache.Row, hitGoCache.Column] = BigBonus;
        var BigBonusShape = BigBonus.GetComponent <Shape_4>();

        BigBonusShape.Assign("BigBomb", hitGoCache.Row, hitGoCache.Column);
        BigBonusShape.Bigbonus |= BonusType_4.DestroyBothWholeRowColumn;
コード例 #3
    /// Swaps properties of the two shapes
    /// We could do a shallow copy/exchange here, but anyway...
    public static void SwapColumnRow(Shape_4 a, Shape_4 b)
        int temp = a.Row;

        a.Row = b.Row;
        b.Row = temp;

        temp     = a.Column;
        a.Column = b.Column;
        b.Column = temp;
コード例 #4
    /// Checks if the current shape is of the same type as the par bameter
    public bool IsSameType(Shape_4 otherShape)
        if (otherShape == null || !(otherShape is Shape_4))
            throw new ArgumentException("otherShape");

        return(string.Compare(this.Type, (otherShape as Shape_4).Type) == 0);
コード例 #5
    /// Creates a new Bonus based on the shape parameter
    private void CreateBonus(Shape_4 hitGoCache)
        GameObject Bonus = Instantiate(GetBonusFromType(hitGoCache.Type), BottomRight
                                       + new Vector2(hitGoCache.Column * CandySize.x,
                                                     hitGoCache.Row * CandySize.y), Quaternion.identity)
                           as GameObject;

        shapes[hitGoCache.Row, hitGoCache.Column] = Bonus;
        var BonusShape = Bonus.GetComponent <Shape_4>();

        //will have the same type as the "normal" candy
        BonusShape.Assign(hitGoCache.Type, hitGoCache.Row, hitGoCache.Column);
        //add the proper Bonus type
        BonusShape.Bonus |= BonusType_4.DestroyWholeRowColumn;
コード例 #6
    /// Swaps the position of two items, also keeping a backup
    public void Swap(GameObject g1, GameObject g2)
        //hold a backup in case no match is produced
        backupG1 = g1;
        backupG2 = g2;

        var g1Shape = g1.GetComponent <Shape_4>();
        var g2Shape = g2.GetComponent <Shape_4>();

        //get array indexes
        int g1Row    = g1Shape.Row;
        int g1Column = g1Shape.Column;
        int g2Row    = g2Shape.Row;
        int g2Column = g2Shape.Column;

        //swap them in the array
        var temp = shapes[g1Row, g1Column];

        shapes[g1Row, g1Column] = shapes[g2Row, g2Column];
        shapes[g2Row, g2Column] = temp;

        //swap their respective properties
        Shape_4.SwapColumnRow(g1Shape, g2Shape);
コード例 #7
    private IEnumerator FindMatchesAndCollapse(RaycastHit2D hit2)
        //get the second item that was part of the swipe
        var hitGo2 = hit2.collider.gameObject;

        shapes.Swap(hitGo, hitGo2);

        //move the swapped ones
        hitGo.transform.positionTo(ConstantsVariable_4.AnimationDuration, hitGo2.transform.position);
        hitGo2.transform.positionTo(ConstantsVariable_4.AnimationDuration, hitGo.transform.position);
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ConstantsVariable_4.AnimationDuration));

        //get the matches via the helper methods
        var hitGoMatchesSet  = shapes.GetMatches(hitGo);
        var hitGo2MatchesSet = shapes.GetMatches(hitGo2);

        var totalMatches = hitGoMatchesSet.MatchedCandy

        //if user's swap didn't create at least a 3-match, undo their swap
        if (totalMatches.Count() < ConstantsVariable_4.MinimumMatches)
            hitGo.transform.positionTo(ConstantsVariable_4.AnimationDuration, hitGo2.transform.position);
            hitGo2.transform.positionTo(ConstantsVariable_4.AnimationDuration, hitGo.transform.position);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ConstantsVariable_4.AnimationDuration));

        if (totalMatches.Count() > ConstantsVariable_4.MinimumMatches)

        //if more than 3 matches and no Bonus is contained in the line, we will award a new Bonus
        bool addBonus = totalMatches.Count() == ConstantsVariable_4.MinimumMatchesForBonus &&
                        !BonusTypeUtilities_4.ContainsDestroyWholeRowColumn(hitGoMatchesSet.BonusesContained) &&

        bool addbigbonus = totalMatches.Count() >= ConstantsVariable_4.MinimumMatchesForBigBonus &&
                           !BonusTypeUtilities_4.ContainsDestroyWholeRowColumn(hitGoMatchesSet.BonusesContained) &&
                           !BonusTypeUtilities_4.ContainsDestroyWholeRowColumn(hitGo2MatchesSet.BonusesContained) &&
                           !BonusTypeUtilities_4.ContainsDestroyBothWholeRowColumn(hitGoMatchesSet.BonusesContained) &&

        Shape_4 hitGoCache = null;

        if (addBonus)
            //get the game object that was of the same type
            var sameTypeGo = hitGoMatchesSet.MatchedCandy.Count() > 0 ? hitGo : hitGo2;
            hitGoCache = sameTypeGo.GetComponent <Shape_4>();

        if (addbigbonus)
            var allTypeGo = hitGoMatchesSet.MatchedCandy.Count() > 0?hitGo : hitGo2;
            hitGoCache = allTypeGo.GetComponent <Shape_4>();

        int timesRun = 1;

        while (totalMatches.Count() >= ConstantsVariable_4.MinimumMatches)
            //increase score

            IncreaseScore((totalMatches.Count() - 2) * ConstantsVariable_4.Match3Score);

            if (timesRun >= 2)

            foreach (var item in totalMatches)

            //check and instantiate Bonus if needed
            if (addBonus)
            if (addbigbonus)
            addbigbonus = false;
            addBonus    = false;

            //get the columns that we had a collapse
            var columns = totalMatches.Select(go => go.GetComponent <Shape_4>().Column).Distinct();

            //the order the 2 methods below get called is important!!!
            //collapse the ones gone
            var collapsedCandyInfo = shapes.Collapse(columns);
            //create new ones
            var newCandyInfo = CreateNewCandyInSpecificColumns(columns);

            int maxDistance = Mathf.Max(collapsedCandyInfo.MaxDistance, newCandyInfo.MaxDistance);

            MoveAndAnimate(newCandyInfo.AlteredCandy, maxDistance);
            MoveAndAnimate(collapsedCandyInfo.AlteredCandy, maxDistance);

            //will wait for both of the above animations
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ConstantsVariable_4.MoveAnimationMinDuration * maxDistance));

            //search if there are matches with the new/collapsed items
            totalMatches = shapes.GetMatches(collapsedCandyInfo.AlteredCandy).


        state = GameState_4.None;