コード例 #1
    private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D collision)
        //First enusre this plot is not growing something already.
        if (state != GROWSTATE.None)
        //Then make sure the object is a seed
        Seed seed = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Seed>();

        if (seed)
            //Then get its shadow object property to make sure its on the ground.
            ShadowObject shadowObject = seed.gameObject.GetComponent <ShadowObject>();
            if (shadowObject.Elevation <= 0.1f)
                //Only consume the seed if you are the first plot to do so.
                if (!seed.consumed)
                    seed.consumed = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: AssetCloner.cs プロジェクト: shredder2500/xenko
        private void OnObjectDeserialized(int i, object newObject)
            if (objectReferences != null && newObject != null)
                var previousObject = objectReferences[i];

                //// If the object is an attached reference, there is no need to copy the shadow object
                //if (AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(previousObject) != null)
                //    return;

                ShadowObject.Copy(previousObject, newObject);

                // NOTE: we don't use Add because of strings that might be duplicated
                clonedObjectMapping[previousObject] = newObject;

                if ((flags & AssetClonerFlags.RemoveItemIds) != AssetClonerFlags.RemoveItemIds)
                    CollectionItemIdentifiers sourceIds;
                    if (CollectionItemIdHelper.TryGetCollectionItemIds(previousObject, out sourceIds))
                        var newIds = CollectionItemIdHelper.GetCollectionItemIds(newObject);
                        sourceIds.CloneInto(newIds, clonedObjectMapping);
コード例 #3
 private static Dictionary<UFile, ObjectId> TryGet(Asset asset, ShadowObjectPropertyKey key)
     var shadow = ShadowObject.GetOrCreate(asset);
     object obj;
     if (shadow.TryGetValue(key, out obj))
         return (Dictionary<UFile, ObjectId>)obj;
     return null;
コード例 #4
 private static Dictionary<UFile, ObjectId> GetOrCreate(Asset asset, ShadowObjectPropertyKey key)
     var shadow = ShadowObject.GetOrCreate(asset);
     object obj;
     if (shadow.TryGetValue(key, out obj))
         return (Dictionary<UFile, ObjectId>)obj;
     var hashes = new Dictionary<UFile, ObjectId>();
     shadow[key] = hashes;
     return hashes;
コード例 #5
ファイル: AssetCloner.cs プロジェクト: sonicviz/xenko
 private void OnObjectDeserialized(int i, object newObject)
     if (objectReferences != null && newObject != null)
         var previousObject = objectReferences[i];
         ShadowObject.CopyDynamicProperties(previousObject, newObject);
         if ((flags & AssetClonerFlags.RemoveOverrides) != 0)
コード例 #6
        public static CollectionItemIdentifiers GetCollectionItemIds(object instance)
            var    shadow = ShadowObject.GetOrCreate(instance);
            object result;

            if (shadow.TryGetValue(CollectionItemIdKey, out result))

            var itemIds = new CollectionItemIdentifiers();

            shadow.Add(CollectionItemIdKey, itemIds);
コード例 #7
        public static bool TryGetCollectionItemIds(object instance, out CollectionItemIdentifiers itemIds)
            var shadow = ShadowObject.Get(instance);

            if (shadow == null)
                itemIds = null;

            object result;

            itemIds = shadow.TryGetValue(CollectionItemIdKey, out result) ? (CollectionItemIdentifiers)result : null;
            return(result != null);
コード例 #8
        public void TestGetAndGetOrCreate()
            ShadowObject.Enable = true;
            var obj = new object();

            var shadowObject = ShadowObject.Get(obj);


            shadowObject = ShadowObject.GetOrCreate(obj);

            var shadowObject2 = ShadowObject.GetOrCreate(obj);

            Assert.AreEqual(shadowObject, shadowObject2);
コード例 #9
    void OnEnable()
        if (shadowParent == null)
            shadowParent = new GameObject("Shadows");

        if (!shadowInstance)
            shadowInstance = Instantiate(shadowPrefab, transform.position, shadowPrefab.transform.rotation).GetComponent <ShadowObject>();
            shadowInstance.transform.parent = shadowParent.transform;

        shadowInstance.scale     = shadowScale;
        shadowInstance.isVisible = true;
コード例 #10
    private void Awake()
        shadowObject = GetComponent <ShadowObject>();
        sprite       = GetComponent <SpriteObject>();
        needObject   = GetComponent <NeedObject>();

        // Sets up the audio to be 3D
        audioSource = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
        audioSource.spatialBlend = 1.0F;
        audioSource.rolloffMode  = AudioRolloffMode.Linear;

        // Loads the audio clips
        liftingAudio     = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("bloop");
        landingAudios    = new AudioClip[3];
        landingAudios[0] = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("grass_1");
        landingAudios[1] = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("grass_2");
        landingAudios[2] = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("grass_3");
コード例 #11
ファイル: TestShadowObject.cs プロジェクト: rohitshe/Code
        public void TestCopy()
            ShadowObject.Enable = true;
            var obj  = new object();
            var obj1 = new object();

            var shadowObject = ShadowObject.GetOrCreate(obj);

            shadowObject.IsSelected = true;

            ShadowObject.Copy(obj, obj1);

            var shadowObject1 = ShadowObject.Get(obj1);


コード例 #12
ファイル: AssetCloner.cs プロジェクト: rohitshe/Code
        private void OnObjectDeserialized(int i, object newObject)
            if (objectReferences != null && newObject != null)
                var previousObject = objectReferences[i];

                //// If the object is an attached reference, there is no need to copy the shadow object
                //if (AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(previousObject) != null)
                //    return;

                ShadowObject.Copy(previousObject, newObject);
                if ((flags & AssetClonerFlags.RemoveOverrides) != 0)
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones the current value of this cloner with the specified new shadow registry (optional)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A clone of the value associated with this cloner.</returns>
        private object Clone()
            var stream = streamOrValueType as Stream;

            if (stream != null)
                stream.Position = 0;
                var reader = new BinarySerializationReader(stream);
                reader.Context.SerializerSelector = ClonerSelector;
                var refFlag = (flags & AssetClonerFlags.ReferenceAsNull) != 0
                    ? ContentSerializerContext.AttachedReferenceSerialization.AsNull
                    : ContentSerializerContext.AttachedReferenceSerialization.AsSerializableVersion;
                reader.Context.Set(InvariantObjectListProperty, invariantObjects);
                reader.Context.Set(ContentSerializerContext.SerializeAttachedReferenceProperty, refFlag);
                object newObject = null;
                reader.SerializeExtended(ref newObject, ArchiveMode.Deserialize);

                // If there are any references, we would like to copy all dynamic properties from ShadowObject to the new instances
                if (objectReferences != null)
                    var newObjectReferences = reader.Context.Get(MemberSerializer.ObjectDeserializeReferences);
                    foreach (var objRef in objectReferences)
                        var innerObject    = objRef.Key;
                        var newInnerObject = newObjectReferences[objRef.Value];
                        // Copy only when objects are non-null
                        if (innerObject != null && newInnerObject != null)
                            ShadowObject.CopyDynamicProperties(innerObject, newInnerObject);
                            if ((flags & AssetClonerFlags.RemoveOverrides) != 0)

            // Else this is a value type, so it is cloned automatically
コード例 #14
    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
        ShadowObject shadowObject = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <ShadowObject>();

        if (shadowObject)
            if (!shadowObject.GravityEnabled)
            if (type == WALLTYPE.Horizontal)
            else if (type == WALLTYPE.Vertical)
コード例 #15
        private void OnObjectDeserialized(int i, object newObject)
            if (objectReferences != null && newObject != null)
                var previousObject = objectReferences[i];

                //// If the object is an attached reference, there is no need to copy the shadow object
                //if (AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(previousObject) != null)
                //    return;

                ShadowObject.Copy(previousObject, newObject);

                // NOTE: we don't use Add because of strings that might be duplicated
                clonedObjectMapping[previousObject] = newObject;

                if ((flags & AssetClonerFlags.RemoveItemIds) != AssetClonerFlags.RemoveItemIds)
                    CollectionItemIdentifiers sourceIds;
                    if (CollectionItemIdHelper.TryGetCollectionItemIds(previousObject, out sourceIds))
                        var newIds = CollectionItemIdHelper.GetCollectionItemIds(newObject);
                        sourceIds.CloneInto(newIds, clonedObjectMapping);

                if ((flags & AssetClonerFlags.GenerateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects) == AssetClonerFlags.GenerateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects)
                    var identifiable = newObject as IIdentifiable;
                    if (identifiable != null)
                        cloningIdRemapping = cloningIdRemapping ?? new Dictionary <Guid, Guid>();
                        var newId = Guid.NewGuid();
                        cloningIdRemapping[identifiable.Id] = newId;
                        identifiable.Id = newId;
コード例 #16
ファイル: AssetCloner.cs プロジェクト: rohitshe/Code
        private ObjectId GetHashId()
            // This methods use the stream that is already filled-up by the standard binary serialization of the object
            // Here we add ids and overrides metadata informations to the stream in order to calculate an accurate id
            var stream = streamOrValueType as MemoryStream;

            if (stream != null)
                // ------------------------------------------------------
                // Un-comment the following code to debug the ObjectId of the serialized version without taking into account overrides
                // ------------------------------------------------------
                //var savedPosition = stream.Position;
                //stream.Position = 0;
                //var intermediateHashId = ObjectId.FromBytes(stream.ToArray());
                //stream.Position = savedPosition;

                var writer = new BinarySerializationWriter(stream);
                Dictionary <string, OverrideType> overrides = null;
                List <string> orderedNames = null;
                foreach (var objectRef in objectReferences)
                    //// If the object is actually a reference to another asset, we can skip it as their won't be any overrides
                    //if (AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(objectRef) != null)
                    //    continue;

                    // Else gets the id if there are any (including shadows that are not part of the standard serialization)
                    var shadowObject = ShadowObject.GetOrCreate(objectRef);
                    if (shadowObject.IsIdentifiable)
                        // Get the shadow id (may be a non-shadow, so we may duplicate it in the stream (e.g Entity)
                        // but it should not be a big deal
                        var id = shadowObject.GetId(objectRef);

                    // Dump all members with overrides informations
                    foreach (var item in shadowObject)
                        if (item.Key.Item2 == Override.OverrideKey)
                            // Use the member name to ensure a stable id
                            var memberName = ((IMemberDescriptor)item.Key.Item1).Name;
                            // Only creates the overrides dictionary if needed
                            if (overrides == null)
                                overrides = new Dictionary <string, OverrideType>();
                            overrides.Add(memberName, (OverrideType)item.Value);

                    // Write any overrides information to the stream
                    if (overrides != null)
                        // Collect names and order them by alphabetical order in order to make sure that we will get a stable id
                        // (Dictionary doesn't ensure order)
                        if (orderedNames == null)
                            orderedNames = new List <string>();
                        foreach (var entry in overrides)

                        // Write all overrides for the current object reference
                        foreach (var name in orderedNames)
                            // Write the override as an int

                        // Clear overrides for next entry

                stream.Position = 0;


コード例 #17
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderItemCollection renderItems, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
            var viewParameters = context.Parameters;

            var device         = context.GraphicsDevice;
            var viewInverse    = Matrix.Invert(viewParameters.Get(TransformationKeys.View));
            var viewProjection = viewParameters.Get(TransformationKeys.ViewProjection);

            BlendState        previousBlendState        = null;
            DepthStencilState previousDepthStencilState = null;
            Effect            previousEffect            = null;

            var isPicking = context.IsPicking();

            bool hasBegin = false;

            for (var i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; i++)
                var renderItem        = renderItems[i];
                var spriteState       = (SpriteProcessor.SpriteComponentState)renderItem.DrawContext;
                var spriteComp        = spriteState.SpriteComponent;
                var transfoComp       = spriteState.TransformComponent;
                var depthStencilState = spriteState.SpriteComponent.IgnoreDepth ? device.DepthStencilStates.None : device.DepthStencilStates.Default;

                var sprite = spriteComp.CurrentSprite;
                if (sprite == null)

                // Update the sprite batch
                var blendState    = isPicking ? device.BlendStates.Opaque : renderItems.HasTransparency ? (spriteComp.PremultipliedAlpha ? device.BlendStates.AlphaBlend : device.BlendStates.NonPremultiplied) : device.BlendStates.Opaque;
                var currentEffect = isPicking? GetOrCreatePickingSpriteEffect(): ShadowObject.IsObjectSelected(spriteComp) ? GetOrCreateSelectedSpriteEffect(): null; // TODO remove this code when material are available
                if (previousEffect != currentEffect || blendState != previousBlendState || depthStencilState != previousDepthStencilState)
                    if (hasBegin)
                    sprite3DBatch.Begin(viewProjection, SpriteSortMode.Deferred, blendState, null, depthStencilState, device.RasterizerStates.CullNone, currentEffect);
                    hasBegin = true;
                previousEffect            = currentEffect;
                previousBlendState        = blendState;
                previousDepthStencilState = depthStencilState;

                var sourceRegion = sprite.Region;
                var texture      = sprite.Texture;
                var color        = spriteComp.Color;
                if (isPicking) // TODO move this code corresponding to picking out of the runtime code.
                    color = new Color4(RuntimeIdHelper.ToRuntimeId(spriteComp));

                // skip the sprite if no texture is set.
                if (texture == null)

                // determine the element world matrix depending on the type of sprite
                var worldMatrix = transfoComp.WorldMatrix;
                if (spriteComp.SpriteType == SpriteType.Billboard)
                    worldMatrix = viewInverse;

                    // remove scale of the camera
                    worldMatrix.Row1 /= ((Vector3)viewInverse.Row1).Length();
                    worldMatrix.Row2 /= ((Vector3)viewInverse.Row2).Length();

                    // set the scale of the object
                    worldMatrix.Row1 *= ((Vector3)transfoComp.WorldMatrix.Row1).Length();
                    worldMatrix.Row2 *= ((Vector3)transfoComp.WorldMatrix.Row2).Length();

                    // set the position
                    worldMatrix.TranslationVector = transfoComp.WorldMatrix.TranslationVector;

                // calculate normalized position of the center of the sprite (takes into account the possible rotation of the image)
                var normalizedCenter = new Vector2(sprite.Center.X / sourceRegion.Width - 0.5f, 0.5f - sprite.Center.Y / sourceRegion.Height);
                if (sprite.Orientation == ImageOrientation.Rotated90)
                    var oldCenterX = normalizedCenter.X;
                    normalizedCenter.X = -normalizedCenter.Y;
                    normalizedCenter.Y = oldCenterX;
                // apply the offset due to the center of the sprite
                var centerOffset = Vector2.Modulate(normalizedCenter, sprite.SizeInternal);
                worldMatrix.M41 -= centerOffset.X * worldMatrix.M11 + centerOffset.Y * worldMatrix.M21;
                worldMatrix.M42 -= centerOffset.X * worldMatrix.M12 + centerOffset.Y * worldMatrix.M22;
                worldMatrix.M43 -= centerOffset.X * worldMatrix.M13 + centerOffset.Y * worldMatrix.M23;

                // draw the sprite
                sprite3DBatch.Draw(texture, ref worldMatrix, ref sourceRegion, ref sprite.SizeInternal, ref color, sprite.Orientation, SwizzleMode.None, renderItem.Depth);

コード例 #18
        private static void SetDictionary(Asset asset, ShadowObjectPropertyKey key, Dictionary <UFile, ObjectId> dictionary)
            var shadow = ShadowObject.GetOrCreate(asset);

            shadow[key] = dictionary;
コード例 #19
    private void LateUpdate()
        //grabs any object in a radius and adds it to the array
        hitObjects = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(lightCaster.transform.position, shadowCastRadius, isWall);
        lastPos    = lightCaster.transform.position;
        tempPath   = new List <Vector2>();

        // this is the main loop this throws rays at all the objects shadow object points and then offsets it by a tiny margin
        // so everything is accounted for.
        for (int i = 0; i < hitObjects.Length; i++)
            if (hitObjects[i].gameObject.GetComponent <ShadowObject>() != null)
                ShadowObject tmp = hitObjects[i].gameObject.GetComponent <ShadowObject>();
                for (int j = 0; j < tmp.objectVerts.Count; j++)
                    Vector2 angleVector = (tmp.objectVerts[j] - new Vector2(lightCaster.transform.position.x, lightCaster.transform.position.y));

                    RaycastHit2D ray2 = Physics2D.Raycast(lightCaster.transform.position, angleVector, shadowCastRadius, isWall); //at the exact pos of the verticy of the object
                    if (ray2)
                    Debug.DrawLine(lightCaster.transform.position, ray2.point);

                    RaycastHit2D ray = Physics2D.Raycast(lightCaster.transform.position, new Vector2(angleVector.x - 0.1f, angleVector.y - 0.1f), shadowCastRadius, isWall); //at the exact pos of the verticy of the object
                    if (ray)
                    Debug.DrawLine(lightCaster.transform.position, ray.point);

                    RaycastHit2D ray3 = Physics2D.Raycast(lightCaster.transform.position, new Vector2(angleVector.x + 0.1f, angleVector.y + 0.1f), shadowCastRadius, isWall); //at the exact pos of the verticy of the object
                    if (ray3)
                    Debug.DrawLine(lightCaster.transform.position, ray3.point);

        tempPath.Sort(new ClockwiseComparer(lightCaster.transform.position));
        //poly.SetPath(0, tempPath); // this is dumb IDK Y. IT HAS ALL THE RIGHT POINTS BUT IT ADDS A BUNCH OF ZEROOSSSS HELOOOO

        int pointCount = 0;

        pointCount = tempPath.Count;
        MeshFilter mf   = GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
        Mesh       mesh = new Mesh();

        Vector2[] points   = tempPath.ToArray();
        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[pointCount];

        Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[pointCount];
        for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; j++)
            Vector2 actual = points[j];
            vertices[j] = new Vector3(actual.x, actual.y, 0);
            uv[j]       = actual;
        Triangulator tr = new Triangulator(points);

        triangles      = tr.Triangulate();
        mesh.vertices  = vertices;
        mesh.triangles = triangles;
        mesh.uv        = uv;
        mf.mesh        = mesh;
コード例 #20
        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderItemCollection renderItems, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
            var viewParameters = context.Parameters;

            var device         = context.GraphicsDevice;
            var viewProjection = viewParameters.Get(TransformationKeys.ViewProjection);

            BlendState        previousBlendState        = null;
            DepthStencilState previousDepthStencilState = null;
            Effect            previousEffect            = null;

            var isPicking = context.IsPicking();

            bool hasBegin = false;

            for (var i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; i++)
                var renderItem        = renderItems[i];
                var spriteState       = (SpriteStudioProcessor.Data)renderItem.DrawContext;
                var transfoComp       = spriteState.TransformComponent;
                var depthStencilState = device.DepthStencilStates.None;

                foreach (var node in spriteState.SpriteStudioComponent.SortedNodes)
                    if (node.Sprite?.Texture == null || node.Sprite.Region.Width <= 0 || node.Sprite.Region.Height <= 0f || node.Hide != 0)

                    // Update the sprite batch

                    BlendState spriteBlending;
                    switch (node.BaseNode.AlphaBlending)
                    case SpriteStudioBlending.Mix:
                        spriteBlending = device.BlendStates.AlphaBlend;

                    case SpriteStudioBlending.Multiplication:
                        spriteBlending = MultBlendState;

                    case SpriteStudioBlending.Addition:
                        spriteBlending = device.BlendStates.Additive;

                    case SpriteStudioBlending.Subtraction:
                        spriteBlending = SubBlendState;

                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                    var blendState    = isPicking ? device.BlendStates.Opaque : renderItems.HasTransparency ? spriteBlending : device.BlendStates.Opaque;
                    var currentEffect = isPicking ? GetOrCreatePickingSpriteEffect() : ShadowObject.IsObjectSelected(spriteState.SpriteStudioComponent) ? GetOrCreateSelectedSpriteEffect() : null;
                    // TODO remove this code when material are available
                    if (previousEffect != currentEffect || blendState != previousBlendState || depthStencilState != previousDepthStencilState)
                        if (hasBegin)
                        sprite3DBatch.Begin(viewProjection, SpriteSortMode.Deferred, blendState, null, depthStencilState, device.RasterizerStates.CullNone, currentEffect);
                        hasBegin = true;

                    previousEffect            = currentEffect;
                    previousBlendState        = blendState;
                    previousDepthStencilState = depthStencilState;

                    var sourceRegion = node.Sprite.Region;
                    var texture      = node.Sprite.Texture;

                    // skip the sprite if no texture is set.
                    if (texture == null)

                    var color4 = Color4.White;
                    if (isPicking)
                        // TODO move this code corresponding to picking out of the runtime code.
                        color4 = new Color4(RuntimeIdHelper.ToRuntimeId(spriteState.SpriteStudioComponent));
                        if (node.BlendFactor > 0.0f)
                            switch (node.BlendType) //todo this should be done in a shader
                            case SpriteStudioBlending.Mix:
                                color4 = Color4.Lerp(color4, node.BlendColor, node.BlendFactor) * node.FinalTransparency;

                            case SpriteStudioBlending.Multiplication:
                                color4 = Color4.Lerp(color4, node.BlendColor, node.BlendFactor) * node.FinalTransparency;

                            case SpriteStudioBlending.Addition:
                                color4 = Color4.Lerp(color4, node.BlendColor, node.BlendFactor) * node.FinalTransparency;

                            case SpriteStudioBlending.Subtraction:
                                color4 = Color4.Lerp(color4, node.BlendColor, node.BlendFactor) * node.FinalTransparency;

                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                            color4 *= node.FinalTransparency;

                    var worldMatrix = node.ModelTransform * transfoComp.WorldMatrix;

                    // calculate normalized position of the center of the sprite (takes into account the possible rotation of the image)
                    var normalizedCenter = new Vector2(node.Sprite.Center.X / sourceRegion.Width - 0.5f, 0.5f - node.Sprite.Center.Y / sourceRegion.Height);
                    if (node.Sprite.Orientation == ImageOrientation.Rotated90)
                        var oldCenterX = normalizedCenter.X;
                        normalizedCenter.X = -normalizedCenter.Y;
                        normalizedCenter.Y = oldCenterX;
                    // apply the offset due to the center of the sprite
                    var size         = node.Sprite.Size;
                    var centerOffset = Vector2.Modulate(normalizedCenter, size);
                    worldMatrix.M41 -= centerOffset.X * worldMatrix.M11 + centerOffset.Y * worldMatrix.M21;
                    worldMatrix.M42 -= centerOffset.X * worldMatrix.M12 + centerOffset.Y * worldMatrix.M22;

                    // draw the sprite
                    sprite3DBatch.Draw(texture, ref worldMatrix, ref sourceRegion, ref size, ref color4, node.Sprite.Orientation, SwizzleMode.None, renderItem.Depth);

コード例 #21
        public override void Draw(RenderDrawContext context, RenderView renderView, RenderViewStage renderViewStage, int startIndex, int endIndex)
            base.Draw(context, renderView, renderViewStage, startIndex, endIndex);

            BlendStateDescription?       previousBlendState        = null;
            DepthStencilStateDescription?previousDepthStencilState = null;
            EffectInstance previousEffect = null;

            //TODO string comparison ...?
            var isPicking = renderViewStage.RenderStage.Name == "Picking";

            var device = RenderSystem.GraphicsDevice;

            var hasBegin = false;

            for (var index = startIndex; index < endIndex; index++)
                var renderNodeReference = renderViewStage.SortedRenderNodes[index].RenderNode;
                var renderNode          = GetRenderNode(renderNodeReference);

                var spriteState = (RenderSpriteStudio)renderNode.RenderObject;

                var transfoComp       = spriteState.TransformComponent;
                var depthStencilState = DepthStencilStates.DepthRead;

                foreach (var node in spriteState.SpriteStudioComponent.SortedNodes)
                    if (node.Sprite?.Texture == null || node.Sprite.Region.Width <= 0 || node.Sprite.Region.Height <= 0f || node.Hide != 0)

                    // Update the sprite batch

                    BlendStateDescription spriteBlending;
                    switch (node.BaseNode.AlphaBlending)
                    case SpriteStudioBlending.Mix:
                        spriteBlending = BlendStates.AlphaBlend;

                    case SpriteStudioBlending.Multiplication:
                        spriteBlending = MultBlendState;

                    case SpriteStudioBlending.Addition:
                        spriteBlending = BlendStates.Additive;

                    case SpriteStudioBlending.Subtraction:
                        spriteBlending = SubBlendState;

                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                    // TODO: this should probably be moved to Prepare()
                    // Project the position
                    // TODO: This could be done in a SIMD batch, but we need to figure-out how to plugin in with RenderMesh object
                    var worldPosition = new Vector4(transfoComp.WorldMatrix.TranslationVector, 1.0f);

                    Vector4 projectedPosition;
                    Vector4.Transform(ref worldPosition, ref renderView.ViewProjection, out projectedPosition);
                    var projectedZ = projectedPosition.Z / projectedPosition.W;

                    var blendState    = isPicking ? BlendStates.Default : spriteBlending;
                    var currentEffect = isPicking ? GetOrCreatePickingSpriteEffect() : ShadowObject.IsObjectSelected(spriteState.SpriteStudioComponent) ? GetOrCreateSelectedSpriteEffect() : null;
                    // TODO remove this code when material are available
                    if (previousEffect != currentEffect || blendState != previousBlendState || depthStencilState != previousDepthStencilState)
                        if (hasBegin)
                        sprite3DBatch.Begin(context.GraphicsContext, renderView.ViewProjection, SpriteSortMode.Deferred, blendState, null, depthStencilState, RasterizerStates.CullNone, currentEffect);
                        hasBegin = true;

                    previousEffect            = currentEffect;
                    previousBlendState        = blendState;
                    previousDepthStencilState = depthStencilState;

                    var sourceRegion = node.Sprite.Region;
                    var texture      = node.Sprite.Texture;

                    // skip the sprite if no texture is set.
                    if (texture == null)

                    var color4 = Color4.White;
                    if (isPicking)
                        // TODO move this code corresponding to picking out of the runtime code.
                        color4 = new Color4(RuntimeIdHelper.ToRuntimeId(spriteState.SpriteStudioComponent));
                        if (node.BlendFactor > 0.0f)
                            switch (node.BlendType) //todo this should be done in a shader
                            case SpriteStudioBlending.Mix:
                                color4 = Color4.Lerp(color4, node.BlendColor, node.BlendFactor) * node.FinalTransparency;

                            case SpriteStudioBlending.Multiplication:
                                color4 = Color4.Lerp(color4, node.BlendColor, node.BlendFactor) * node.FinalTransparency;

                            case SpriteStudioBlending.Addition:
                                color4 = Color4.Lerp(color4, node.BlendColor, node.BlendFactor) * node.FinalTransparency;

                            case SpriteStudioBlending.Subtraction:
                                color4 = Color4.Lerp(color4, node.BlendColor, node.BlendFactor) * node.FinalTransparency;

                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                            color4 *= node.FinalTransparency;

                    var worldMatrix = node.ModelTransform * transfoComp.WorldMatrix;

                    // calculate normalized position of the center of the sprite (takes into account the possible rotation of the image)
                    var normalizedCenter = new Vector2(node.Sprite.Center.X / sourceRegion.Width - 0.5f, 0.5f - node.Sprite.Center.Y / sourceRegion.Height);
                    if (node.Sprite.Orientation == ImageOrientation.Rotated90)
                        var oldCenterX = normalizedCenter.X;
                        normalizedCenter.X = -normalizedCenter.Y;
                        normalizedCenter.Y = oldCenterX;
                    // apply the offset due to the center of the sprite
                    var size         = node.Sprite.Size;
                    var centerOffset = Vector2.Modulate(normalizedCenter, size);
                    worldMatrix.M41 -= centerOffset.X * worldMatrix.M11 + centerOffset.Y * worldMatrix.M21;
                    worldMatrix.M42 -= centerOffset.X * worldMatrix.M12 + centerOffset.Y * worldMatrix.M22;

                    // draw the sprite
                    sprite3DBatch.Draw(texture, ref worldMatrix, ref sourceRegion, ref size, ref color4, node.Sprite.Orientation, SwizzleMode.None, projectedZ);

            if (hasBegin)