/// <summary>
 /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Resize" /> event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> that contains the event data.</param>
 protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)
     if (Width > Height)
         Height = Width;
         Width = Height;
     TextRect = new Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(Width * 0.05), Convert.ToInt32(Height * 0.05), Convert.ToInt32(Width * 0.9), Convert.ToInt32(Height * 0.9));
     Region   = new Region(DrawHelper.CreateCircle(0, 0, Width / 2));
     if (ShadowBorder != null)
     ShadowBorder = new GraphicsPath();
     ShadowBorder = DrawHelper.CreateCircle(Location.X,
                                            ClientRectangle.Width / 2 - 1);
     if (_AvatarScaled != null)
         _AvatarScaled = DrawHelper.ResizeImage(_Avater, Width, Height);
        /// <summary>
        /// Redraws the specified sender.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void Redraw(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (ShadowBorder != null)
            ShadowBorder = new GraphicsPath();
            ShadowBorder = DrawHelper.CreateCircle(Location.X,
                                                   ClientRectangle.Width / 2 - 1);
            if (Width != Height)
                Width  = Math.Min(Width, Height);
                Height = Math.Min(Width, Height);

コード例 #3
        private Element BuildNotificationsContent()
            if (_notifications.Count == 0)
                return(new Border());

            var container = new StackPanel
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
                Margin      = new Thickness(0, Scale(6), 0, 0)

            for (var i = 0; i < Math.Min(_notifications.Count, MaxNotifications); i++)
                var notification = _notifications[i];
                var image        = new Border
                    BorderThickness = new Thickness(0, 0, Scale(1), 0),
                    BorderBrush     = SolidBrush.LightGray,
                    Content         = new Image
                        Bitmap            = GetImage(notification.Kind),
                        Stretch           = Stretch.UniformToFill,
                        VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top,
                        Margin            = new Thickness(6)

                var text = new StackPanel
                    Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
                    Margin      = new Thickness(Scale(6), Scale(4)),
                    Children    =
                        new TextBlock(notification.Title)

                if (notification.Message != null)
                    text.Children.Add(new TextBlock(notification.Message));

                if (notification.Poster != null)
                    text.Children.Add(new TextBlock($"By {notification.Poster}")
                        ForeColor = Color.Gray

                var close = new Button
                    HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right,
                    VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top,
                    Cursor  = GdiPresentation.Cursor.Default,
                    Content = new Image
                        Margin = new Thickness(Scale(4)),
                        Bitmap = IconClose.GetScaled(_dpi)

                Grid.SetColumn(text, 1);
                Grid.SetColumn(close, 1);

                var content = new Grid
                    RowDefinitions =
                        new RowDefinition(GridLength.Auto)
                    ColumnDefinitions =
                        new ColumnDefinition(GridLength.Auto),
                        new ColumnDefinition(new GridLength(GridUnitType.Star, 1))
                    Children =

                if (notification.ParentId.HasValue)
                    content.Cursor     = GdiPresentation.Cursor.Hand;
                    content.Background = SolidBrush.Transparent;
                    content.MouseUp   += (s, e) => _synchronizer.OpenPost(notification.ParentId.Value);

                var shadowColor = Color.LightGray;

                var notificationElement = new ShadowBorder
                    Margin           = new Thickness(0, Scale(2)),
                    BorderStartColor = new Color(0, shadowColor.R, shadowColor.G, shadowColor.B),
                    BorderEndColor   = shadowColor,
                    BorderWidth      = Scale(2),
                    Content          = new Border
                        Background = Brush.White,
                        Content    = content

                long id = notification.Id.Value;
                close.Click += (s, e) => CloseNotification(id);


            if (_notifications.Count > MaxNotifications)
                container.Children.Add(new Image
                    Bitmap = IconMore.GetScaled(_dpi),
                    HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right,
                    Margin = new Thickness(Scale(4), 0)
