public async Task <int> AddAsync(LogAddModel mLog) { var location = _context.Locations.FirstOrDefault(a => a.LocationId == mLog.LocationId); if (location == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Location data which LocationId equal to " + mLog.LocationId); } var logDescription = _context.LogDescriptions.FirstOrDefault(a => a.LogDescriptionId == mLog.LogDescriptionId); if (logDescription == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find LogDescription data which LogDescriptionId equal to " + mLog.LogDescriptionId); } var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo(); var model = new Log { Comment = mLog.Comment, LocationId = mLog.LocationId, LogDescriptionId = mLog.LogDescriptionId, Creator = user.UserName, CreateDate = DateTime.Now }; _context.Logs.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.LogId); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(ProjectAddModel project) { var customer = _context.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CustomerId == project.CustomerId); if (customer == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Customer data which CustomerId equal to " + project.CustomerId); } //ProjectNo must be unique var checkData = await _context.Projects.Where(p => p.ProjectNo == project.ProjectNo).ToListAsync(); if (checkData.Count > 0) { throw new ExpectException("The data which ProjectNo equal to '" + project.ProjectNo + "' already exist in system"); } //Get UserInfo var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo(); var model = new Project { CustomerId = project.CustomerId, ProjectName = project.ProjectName, ProjectNo = project.ProjectNo, Creator = user.UserName, CreateDate = DateTime.Now }; _context.Projects.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.ProjectId); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(SceneAddModel scene) { var project = _context.Projects.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProjectId == scene.ProjectId); if (project == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Project data which ProjectId equal to " + scene.ProjectId); } //SceneName must be unique var checkData = await _context.Scenes.Where(s => s.SceneName == scene.SceneName).ToListAsync(); if (checkData.Count > 0) { throw new ExpectException("The data which SceneName equal to '" + scene.SceneName + "' already exist in system"); } //Get UserInfo var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo(); var model = new Scene { ProjectId = scene.ProjectId, SceneName = scene.SceneName, Enable = scene.Enable, Creator = user.UserName, CreateDate = DateTime.Now }; _context.Scenes.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.SceneId); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(CustomerAddModel customer) { //CustomerNo must be unique var checkData = await _context.Customers.Where(c => c.CustomerNo == customer.CustomerNo).ToListAsync(); if (checkData.Count > 0) { throw new ExpectException("The data which CustomerNo equal to '" + customer.CustomerNo + "' already exist in system"); } //Get UserInfo var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo(); var model = new Customer { CustomerName = customer.CustomerName, CustomerNo = customer.CustomerNo, Creator = user.UserName, CreateDate = DateTime.Now }; _context.Customers.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.CustomerId); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(SceneSegmentAddModel mSceneSegment) { var scene = _context.Scenes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SceneId == mSceneSegment.SceneId); if (scene == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Scene data which SceneId equal to " + mSceneSegment.SceneId); } //SequenceNo must be unique var checkData = await _context.SceneSegments.Where(s => s.SequenceNo == mSceneSegment.SequenceNo).ToListAsync(); if (checkData.Count > 0) { throw new ExpectException("The data which SequenceNo equal to '" + mSceneSegment.SequenceNo + "' already exist in system"); } //Get UserInfo var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo(); var model = new SceneSegment { SceneId = mSceneSegment.SceneId, SequenceNo = mSceneSegment.SequenceNo, StartTime = mSceneSegment.StartTime, Volumn = mSceneSegment.Volumn, Creator = user.UserName, CreateDate = DateTime.Now }; _context.SceneSegments.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.SceneSegmentId); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(HolidayAddModel mHoliday) { var project = _context.Projects.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProjectId == mHoliday.ProjectId); if (project == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Project data which ProjectId equal to " + mHoliday.ProjectId); } //Get UserInfo var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo(); var model = new Holiday { ProjectId = mHoliday.ProjectId, Day = mHoliday.Day, Creator = user.UserName, CreateDate = DateTime.Now }; _context.Holidays.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.HolidayId); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(AlarmAddModel mAlarm) { var location = _context.Locations.FirstOrDefault(a => a.LocationId == mAlarm.LocationId); if (location == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Location data which LocationId equal to " + mAlarm.LocationId); } var alarmMessage = _context.AlarmMessages.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AlarmMessageId == mAlarm.AlarmMessageId); if (alarmMessage == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find AlarmMessage data which AlarmMessageId equal to " + mAlarm.AlarmMessageId); } var model = new Alarm { AlarmMessageId = mAlarm.AlarmMessageId, LocationId = mAlarm.LocationId, CreateDate = DateTime.Now }; _context.Alarms.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mAlarm.Email)) { //Send Mail MailSend mailSend = new MailSend(); mailSend.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("", mAlarm.Email)); mailSend.Subject = "AlarmMessage"; var builder = new BodyBuilder(); // Set the plain-text version of the message text builder.HtmlBody = string.Format(@" <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='utf - 8'><title>MailAlarm</title><style></style></head><body id='preview'> <p><font style='font-weight:bold;'>Location Information</font></p> <p>DeviceSerialNo:{0}</p> <p><font style='font-weight:bold;'>Alarm Message</font></p> <p>ErrorCode:{1}</p> <p>Message:{2}</p> <br/> <br/> <br/> --This is a system email </ body ></ html > ", location.DeviceSerialNo, alarmMessage.ErrorCode, alarmMessage.Message); mailSend.Body = builder.ToMessageBody(); await mailSend.SendAsync(); } return(model.AlarmId); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(DeviceAddModel mDevice) { var model = new Device { Voltage = mDevice.Voltage, Diameter = mDevice.Diameter, Torque = mDevice.Torque, }; _context.Devices.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.DeviceId); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(GroupAddModel group) { //Chech whether the Foreign key ProjectId data exist var project = _context.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProjectId == group.ProjectId); if (project == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Project data which ProjectId equal to " + group.ProjectId); } //If SceneId not null,check whether corresponding Scenes data existed if (group.SceneId != null) { var scene = _context.Scenes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SceneId == group.SceneId); if (scene == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Scenes data which SceneId equal to " + group.SceneId); } } //GroupName must be unique var checkData = await _context.Groups.Where(g => g.GroupName == group.GroupName).ToListAsync(); if (checkData.Count > 0) { throw new ExpectException("The data which GroupName equal to '" + group.GroupName + "' already exist in system."); } //Get UserInfo var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo(); var model = new Group { GroupName = group.GroupName, ProjectId = group.ProjectId, SceneId = group.SceneId, Creator = user.UserName, CreateDate = DateTime.Now }; _context.Groups.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.GroupId); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(UserGroupAddModel mUserGroup) { var group = _context.Groups.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GroupId == mUserGroup.GroupId); if (group == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Group data which GroupId equal to " + mUserGroup.GroupId); } var user = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == mUserGroup.UserId); if (user == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find User data which UserId equal to '" + mUserGroup.UserId + "'"); } //GroupId and UserId must be unique var checkData = await _context.UserGroups .Where(c => c.GroupId == mUserGroup.GroupId && c.UserId == mUserGroup.UserId).ToListAsync(); if (checkData.Count > 0) { throw new ExpectException("There is already exist data which GroupId equal to " + mUserGroup.GroupId + " and UserId equal to '" + mUserGroup.UserId + "'"); } var model = new UserGroup { GroupId = mUserGroup.GroupId, UserId = mUserGroup.UserId }; _context.UserGroups.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.UserGroupId); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(GroupLocationAddModel mGroupLocation) { var group = _context.Groups.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GroupId == mGroupLocation.GroupId); if (group == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Group data which GroupId equal to " + mGroupLocation.GroupId); } var location = _context.Locations.FirstOrDefault(c => c.LocationId == mGroupLocation.LocationId); if (location == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Location data which LocationId equal to " + mGroupLocation.LocationId); } //GroupId and LocationId must be unique var checkData = await _context.GroupLocations .Where(c => c.GroupId == mGroupLocation.GroupId && c.LocationId == mGroupLocation.LocationId).ToListAsync(); if (checkData.Count > 0) { throw new ExpectException("There is already exist data which GroupId equal to " + mGroupLocation.GroupId + " and LocationId equal to " + mGroupLocation.LocationId); } var model = new GroupLocation { GroupId = mGroupLocation.GroupId, LocationId = mGroupLocation.LocationId }; _context.GroupLocations.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.GroupLocationId); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(LogDescriptionAddModel mLogDescription) { //DescriptionCode must be unique var checkData = await _context.LogDescriptions .Where(c => c.DescriptionCode == mLogDescription.DescriptionCode).ToListAsync(); if (checkData.Count > 0) { throw new ExpectException("The data which DescriptioncODE equal to " + mLogDescription.DescriptionCode + " already exist in system"); } var model = new LogDescription { DescriptionCode = mLogDescription.DescriptionCode, Description = mLogDescription.Description }; _context.LogDescriptions.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.LogDescriptionId); }
public async Task <int> AddAsync(AlarmMessageAddModel mAlarmMessage) { //ErrorCode must be unique var checkData = await _context.AlarmMessages .Where(c => c.ErrorCode == mAlarmMessage.ErrorCode).ToListAsync(); if (checkData.Count > 0) { throw new ExpectException("The data which ErrorCode equal to " + mAlarmMessage.ErrorCode + " already exist in system"); } var model = new AlarmMessage { ErrorCode = mAlarmMessage.ErrorCode, Message = mAlarmMessage.Message }; _context.AlarmMessages.Add(model); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.AlarmMessageId); }
public int Add(LocationAddModel mLocation) { var customer = _context.Projects.FirstOrDefault(l => l.ProjectId == mLocation.ProjectId); if (customer == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Project data which ProjectId equal to " + mLocation.ProjectId); } var device = _context.Devices.FirstOrDefault(l => l.DeviceId == mLocation.DeviceId); if (device == null) { throw new ExpectException("Could not find Device data which DeviceId equal to " + mLocation.DeviceId); } //InstallationNumber must be unique var checkData = _context.Locations.Where(dl => dl.InstallationNumber == mLocation.InstallationNumber).ToList(); if (checkData.Count > 0) { throw new ExpectException("The data which InstallationNumber equal to '" + mLocation.InstallationNumber + "' already exist in system"); } //DeviceSerialNo must be unique checkData = _context.Locations.Where(dl => dl.DeviceSerialNo == mLocation.DeviceSerialNo).ToList(); if (checkData.Count > 0) { throw new ExpectException("The data which DeviceSerialNo equal to '" + mLocation.DeviceSerialNo + "' already exist in system"); } //Check Orientation if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Orientation), mLocation.Orientation)) { throw new ExpectException("Invalid Orientation.You can get correct Orientation values from API"); } //Check DeviceType if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DeviceType), mLocation.DeviceType)) { throw new ExpectException("Invalid DeviceType.You can get correct DeviceType values from API"); } //Check CommMode if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(CommMode), mLocation.CommMode)) { throw new ExpectException("Invalid CommMode.You can get correct CommMode values from API"); } //Get UserInfo var user = _loginUser.GetLoginUserInfo(); var model = new Location { Building = mLocation.Building, CommAddress = mLocation.CommAddress, CommMode = mLocation.CommMode, CurrentPosition = mLocation.CurrentPosition, Description = mLocation.Description, DeviceSerialNo = mLocation.DeviceSerialNo, DeviceId = mLocation.DeviceId, DeviceType = mLocation.DeviceType, FavorPositionFirst = mLocation.FavorPositionFirst, FavorPositionrSecond = mLocation.FavorPositionrSecond, FavorPositionThird = mLocation.FavorPositionThird, Floor = mLocation.Floor, InstallationNumber = mLocation.InstallationNumber, Orientation = mLocation.Orientation, ProjectId = mLocation.ProjectId, RoomNo = mLocation.RoomNo, Creator = user.UserName, CreateDate = DateTime.Now }; _context.Locations.Add(model); _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(model.LocationId); }