notificationsResponse INotificationBinding.notifications(notifications notifications1) { try { SforceService.SforceService client = new SforceService.SforceService(); client.Url = notifications1.EnterpriseUrl; client.SessionHeaderValue = new SforceService.SessionHeader(); client.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = notifications1.SessionId; List<SforceService.Opportunity> Opps = new List<SforceService.Opportunity>(); foreach (OpportunityNotification item in notifications1.Notification) { SforceService.Opportunity Opp = new SforceService.Opportunity(); Opp.Id = item.sObject.Id; Opp.TrackingNumber__c = "Tracking Number (WF .NET) - " + item.Id; Opps.Add(Opp); } if (Opps.Count > 0) { client.update(Opps.ToArray()); } } catch (Exception Ex) { ddebug("Exception: " + Ex.Message); } notificationsResponse response = new notificationsResponse(); response.Ack = true; return response; }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.Text = ""; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(OppID.ID)) { Label1.Text = "Please provide a Salesforce Opportunity ID"; return; } try { // A valid SFDC Session needs to exist SforceService.SforceService sfdc = new SforceService.SforceService(); SforceService.LoginResult lr = sfdc.login("", ""); ApexTracker.TrackerService client = new ApexTracker.TrackerService(); client.SessionHeaderValue = new ApexTracker.SessionHeader(); client.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = lr.sessionId; string Tracker = client.GetTrackingNbr(OppID.Text); Label1.Text = "Tracking number is " + Tracker; } catch (Exception Ex) { Label1.Text = "Something went wrong... (" + Ex.Message + ")"; } }
notificationsResponse INotificationBinding.notifications(notifications notifications1) { try { SforceService.SforceService client = new SforceService.SforceService(); client.Url = notifications1.EnterpriseUrl; client.SessionHeaderValue = new SforceService.SessionHeader(); client.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = notifications1.SessionId; List <SforceService.Opportunity> Opps = new List <SforceService.Opportunity>(); foreach (OpportunityNotification item in notifications1.Notification) { SforceService.Opportunity Opp = new SforceService.Opportunity(); Opp.Id = item.sObject.Id; Opp.TrackingNumber__c = "Tracking Number (WF .NET) - " + item.Id; Opps.Add(Opp); } if (Opps.Count > 0) { client.update(Opps.ToArray()); } } catch (Exception Ex) { ddebug("Exception: " + Ex.Message); } notificationsResponse response = new notificationsResponse(); response.Ack = true; return(response); }
protected void fnSearch() { string strSearchString = "Jeff"; String strActivityTable = ""; String strContactTable = ""; if (strSearchString != "") { try { using (SforceService.SforceService sfs = new SforceService.SforceService()) { var login = sfs.login("*****@*****.**", sfsecret); if (login.passwordExpired) { Response.Write("Salesforce password expired!"); } else { sfs.Url = login.serverUrl; sfs.SessionHeaderValue = new SforceService.SessionHeader(); sfs.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = login.sessionId; var userinfo = login.userInfo; String soqlQuery = ""; SforceService.QueryResult qResult = null; soqlQuery = "SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Phone, Email FROM Contact WHERE FirstName='" + strSearchString + "'"; qResult = sfs.query(soqlQuery); Boolean done = false; if (qResult.size > 0) { strContactTable = strContactTable + ("<div style=\"position:absolute; left: 400px; top: 190px;\">"); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("<table border=1 bgcolor=silver style=\"border-collapse:collapse;\">"); //Response.Write("<th>Id</th>"); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("<th>First Name</th>"); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("<th>Last Name</th>"); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("<th>Phone</th>"); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("<th>Email</th>"); while (!done) { SforceService.sObject[] records = qResult.records; for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; ++i) { SforceService.Contact con = (SforceService.Contact)records[i]; strContactTable = strContactTable + ("<tr>"); //Response.Write("<td>"); //Response.Write(con.Id); //Response.Write("</td>"); //##################################################################### /*if (i == 0) { //Looking at this i dont think i need to actually even run this? I should just be able to drop con.ID in the fnActivitySelect below and it should work? I'm going to piggy back off this query though to put customer ID into session state String strSqlId = fnSqlSelect(con.Id)[0].ToString(); Session["sfID"] = con.Id; if (strSqlId != "") { strActivityTable = strActivityTable + (fnActivitySelect(strSqlId)); } }*/ //####################################################### strContactTable = strContactTable + ("<td>"); strContactTable = strContactTable + (con.FirstName); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("</td>"); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("<td>"); strContactTable = strContactTable + (con.LastName); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("</td>"); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("<td>"); strContactTable = strContactTable + (con.Phone); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("</td>"); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("<td>"); strContactTable = strContactTable + (con.Email); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("</td"); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("</tr>"); } if (qResult.done) { done = true; } else { //qResult = sfs.queryMore(qResult.queryLocator); } } strContactTable = strContactTable + ("</table>"); strContactTable = strContactTable + ("</div>"); Response.Write(strContactTable); Response.Write(strActivityTable); Session["strContactTable"] = strContactTable; Session["strActivityTable"] = strActivityTable; } else { Response.Write("No records found."); } //Response.Write("\nQuery succesfully executed."); } } } catch { Response.Write("Query Finally!"); } /*catch (k) { Response.Write("Query Failed!"); throw k; }*/ } else { Response.Write("Search Field Empty!"); } }
protected void fnSearchROE() { string strSearchString = "JeffsAwesomeBusiness"; try { using (SforceService.SforceService sfs = new SforceService.SforceService()) { var login = sfs.login("*****@*****.**", sfsecret + "KihwNiN0uRiuKqCx8W8A0ZDBk"); if (login.passwordExpired) { Response.Write("Salesforce password expired!"); } else { sfs.Url = login.serverUrl; sfs.SessionHeaderValue = new SforceService.SessionHeader(); sfs.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = login.sessionId; var userinfo = login.userInfo; String soqlQuery = ""; SforceService.QueryResult qResult = null; soqlQuery = "SELECT Name, BillingAddress FROM Account WHERE Name='" + strSearchString + "'"; qResult = sfs.query(soqlQuery); Boolean done = false; if (qResult.size > 0) { while (!done) { SforceService.sObject[] records = qResult.records; for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; ++i) { SforceService.Account Acc = (SforceService.Account)records[i]; //Savvis Specific Response.Write(Acc.Name); Response.Write("<br>"); //Response.Write(Acc.BillingAddress.street); //Response.Write("<br>"); Response.Write(; Response.Write(","); Response.Write(Acc.BillingAddress.state); //Response.Write(" "); //Response.Write(Acc.BillingAddress.postalCode); //Response.Write(; Response.Write("<br>"); Response.Write("<br>"); } if (qResult.done) { done = true; } else { //qResult = sfs.queryMore(qResult.queryLocator); } } } else { Response.Write("No records found."); } } } } catch (WebException k) { Response.Write(k); } }
protected void fnSearchROE(string strSoql) { if (txtPassword.Text != "") { try { using (SforceService.SforceService sfs = new SforceService.SforceService()) { var login = sfs.login("*****@*****.**", txtPassword.Text + "eBZ2NqwgBq5PEZx0YZT1yO64"); if (login.passwordExpired) { Response.Write("Salesforce password expired!"); } else { sfs.Url = login.serverUrl; sfs.SessionHeaderValue = new SforceService.SessionHeader(); sfs.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = login.sessionId; var userinfo = login.userInfo; SforceService.QueryResult qResult = null; qResult = sfs.query(strSoql); Boolean done = false; if (qResult.size > 0) { Response.Write("<table border=1>"); Response.Write("<tr>"); Response.Write("<th>Name</th><th>Status</th><th>Owner</th><th>City</th><th>State</th>"); Response.Write("</tr>"); while (!done) { SforceService.sObject[] records = qResult.records; for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; ++i) { Response.Write("<tr>"); SforceService.Account Acc = (SforceService.Account)records[i]; Response.Write("<td>"); Response.Write("<b>"); Response.Write(Acc.Name); Response.Write("</td>"); Response.Write("<td>"); Response.Write("</b>"); Response.Write(Acc.Prospecting_Status__c); Response.Write("</td>"); Response.Write("<td>"); Response.Write(Acc.Owner.Name); Response.Write("</td>"); Response.Write("<td>"); Response.Write(; Response.Write("</td>"); Response.Write("<td>"); Response.Write(Acc.BillingAddress.state); Response.Write("</td>"); Response.Write("</tr>"); } if (qResult.done) { done = true; } } Response.Write("</table>"); } else { Response.Write("No records found."); } } } } catch (WebException k) { Response.Write(k); } } else { Response.Write("No Password!"); } }
protected void fnSfUpdateLocalDb() { List<string> lstId = new List<string>(); List<string> lstFName = new List<string>(); List<string> lstLName = new List<string>(); //List<string> lstPhone = new List<string>(); List<string> lstDbId = new List<string>(); try { using (SforceService.SforceService sfs = new SforceService.SforceService()) { var login = sfs.login("*****@*****.**", sfsecret); if (login.passwordExpired) { Response.Write("Salesforce password expired!"); } else { sfs.Url = login.serverUrl; sfs.SessionHeaderValue = new SforceService.SessionHeader(); sfs.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = login.sessionId; var userinfo = login.userInfo; String soqlQuery = ""; SforceService.QueryResult qResult = null; soqlQuery = "SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Phone, Email FROM Contact"; qResult = sfs.query(soqlQuery); Boolean done = false; if (qResult.size > 0) { while (!done) { SforceService.sObject[] records = qResult.records; for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; ++i) { SforceService.Contact con = (SforceService.Contact)records[i]; lstId.Add(con.Id); lstFName.Add(con.FirstName); lstLName.Add(con.LastName); //lstPhone.Add(con.Phone); } if (qResult.done) { done = true; } else { qResult = sfs.queryMore(qResult.queryLocator); } } } else { Response.Write("No records found."); } Response.Write("\nQuery succesfully executed."); } } } catch (WebException k) { Response.Write("Query Failed!"); throw k; } lstDbId = fnSqlSelect(""); Boolean blnMatch = false; for (int i = 0; i < lstId.Count(); i++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < lstDbId.Count(); ii++) { if (lstId[i].ToString() == lstDbId[ii].ToString()) { blnMatch = true; } } if (blnMatch == false) { fnSqlInsert(lstId[i].ToString(), lstFName[i].ToString(), lstLName[i].ToString()); blnMatch = false; } else { blnMatch = false; } } }