コード例 #1
    public SettlementPathNode CreatePathFromNode(SettlementPathNode node, int width, bool extraLength = false, int chosenDirection = -1, int length = -1)
        //If no direction is given, choose a null one
        if (chosenDirection == -1)
            List <int> nullDirection = new List <int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (node.Connected[i] == null)
            //Choose a valid direction and find the vector step
            chosenDirection = GenerationRandom.RandomFromList(nullDirection);

        Vec2i step = SettlementPathNode.GetDirection(chosenDirection);

        //If no length is given or given length is invalid, choose a path length
        if (length == -1 || !InBounds(node.Position + step * length))
            int attemptLength = length == -1 ? GenerationRandom.RandomInt(40, TileSize) : length;
            while (!InBounds(node.Position + step * attemptLength))
                attemptLength -= 1;

            length = attemptLength;
        int   halfWidth     = width / 2;
        Vec2i perpDirection = SettlementPathNode.GetPerpendicular(chosenDirection);

        if (extraLength)
            length += halfWidth;
        for (int l = 0; l < length; l++)
            for (int w = -halfWidth; w <= halfWidth; w++)
                Vec2i pos = node.Position + step * l + perpDirection * w;
                SetTile(pos.x, pos.z, Tile.TEST_BLUE);
        SettlementPathNode endNode = new SettlementPathNode(node.Position + step * length);

        node.AddConnection(chosenDirection, endNode);
        endNode.AddConnection(SettlementPathNode.OppositeDirection(chosenDirection), node);
コード例 #2
    public void ConnectPathNodes(SettlementPathNode first, SettlementPathNode second, int width)
        Vec2i diff = second.Position - first.Position; //Find the vector between the two nodes
        //First generate the path in the x direction
        Vec2i xDiff                = new Vec2i(diff.x, 0);
        int   xDiffDirection       = SettlementPathNode.GetDirection(xDiff);
        SettlementPathNode midNode = CreatePathFromNode(first, width, chosenDirection: xDiffDirection, length: Mathf.Abs(diff.x));

        //Add connections
        first.AddConnection(xDiffDirection, midNode);
        midNode.AddConnection(SettlementPathNode.OppositeDirection(xDiffDirection), first);

        Vec2i zDiff = new Vec2i(0, diff.z);

        ConnectNodes(midNode, second, width);
コード例 #3
    public void ConnectNodes(SettlementPathNode first, SettlementPathNode second, int width)
        Vec2i diff = second.Position - first.Position; //Find the vector between the two nodes

        int length    = diff.x + diff.z;
        int direction = SettlementPathNode.GetDirection(diff);
        //first.AddConnection(direction, second);
        //second.AddConnection(SettlementPathNode.OppositeDirection(direction), first);
        Vec2i step          = SettlementPathNode.GetDirection(direction);
        Vec2i perpDirection = SettlementPathNode.GetPerpendicular(direction);
        int   halfWidth     = width / 2;

        for (int l = 0; l < length; l++)
            for (int w = -halfWidth; w <= halfWidth; w++)
                Vec2i pos = first.Position + step * l + perpDirection * w;
                SetTile(pos.x, pos.z, Tile.TEST_BLUE);
コード例 #4
    public void CreatePathBetweenNodes(SettlementPathNode firstNode, int secondNodeDirection, int width, int length = -1)
        SettlementPathNode second = firstNode.Connected[secondNodeDirection];

        if (second == null)
            Debug.Error("Paths are not connected");

        Vec2i pathDiff         = second.Position - firstNode.Position; //Find the vector that describes first->second
        int   pathDiffLen      = pathDiff.x + pathDiff.z;              //Vector should have only 1 component, so total length can be written as sum
        int   startPointOffset = pathDiffLen / 4;
        int   startPoint       = MiscMaths.RandomRange(startPointOffset, pathDiffLen - startPointOffset);

        //Generate node between two existing nodes
        SettlementPathNode interPathNode = new SettlementPathNode(firstNode.Position + SettlementPathNode.GetDirection(secondNodeDirection) * startPoint);
        int oppositeDir = SettlementPathNode.OppositeDirection(secondNodeDirection);

        //Update connections
        firstNode.AddConnection(secondNodeDirection, interPathNode);
        interPathNode.AddConnection(oppositeDir, firstNode);
        second.AddConnection(oppositeDir, interPathNode);
        interPathNode.AddConnection(secondNodeDirection, second);
        CreatePathFromNode(interPathNode, width, length: length);