コード例 #1
ファイル: MenuPlugin.cs プロジェクト: xerance/PoEHUD
        public override void Render()
                if (!holdKey && WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F12))
                    holdKey = true;
                    Settings.Enable.Value = !Settings.Enable.Value;
                else if (holdKey && !WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F12))
                    holdKey = false;

                if (Settings.Enable)
                    root.Render(Graphics, Settings);
                // do nothing
コード例 #2
        public override void Render()
            if (!holdKey && WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F9))
                holdKey = true;
                Settings.ItemMods.Enable.Value = !Settings.ItemMods.Enable.Value;
                if (!Settings.ItemMods.Enable.Value)
            else if (holdKey && !WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F9))
                holdKey = false;

            Element uiHover           = GameController.Game.IngameState.UIHover;
            var     inventoryItemIcon = uiHover.AsObject <InventoryItemIcon>();
            Element tooltip           = GetTooltip(inventoryItemIcon);
            Entity  poeEntity         = inventoryItemIcon.Item;

            if (tooltip == null || poeEntity.Address == 0 || !poeEntity.IsValid)

            RectangleF tooltipRect   = tooltip.GetClientRect();
            var        modsComponent = poeEntity.GetComponent <Mods>();

            if (itemEntity == null || itemEntity.Id != poeEntity.Id)
                List <ItemMod> itemMods = modsComponent.ItemMods;
                mods       = itemMods.Select(item => new ModValue(item, GameController.Files, modsComponent.ItemLevel)).ToList();
                itemEntity = poeEntity;

            if (Settings.ItemLevel.Enable)
                string itemLevel = Convert.ToString(modsComponent.ItemLevel);
                Graphics.DrawText(itemLevel, Settings.ItemLevel.TextSize, tooltipRect.TopLeft.Translate(1, -3), Color.Yellow);

            if (Settings.ItemMods.Enable)
                float bottomTooltip = tooltipRect.Bottom + 5;
                var   modPosition   = new Vector2(tooltipRect.X + 50, bottomTooltip + 4);
                float height        = mods.Aggregate(modPosition, (position, item) => DrawMod(item, position)).Y - bottomTooltip;
                if (height > 4)
                    var modsRect = new RectangleF(tooltipRect.X + 1, bottomTooltip, tooltipRect.Width, height);
                    Graphics.DrawBox(modsRect, Settings.ItemMods.BackgroundColor);

            if (Settings.WeaponDps.Enable && poeEntity.HasComponent <Weapon>())
コード例 #3
ファイル: MenuPlugin.cs プロジェクト: Arecurius0/PoEHUD
 public override void Dispose()
     KeyboardMouseEvents.MouseWheelExt -= KeyboardMouseEvents_MouseWheelExt;
     KeyboardMouseEvents.KeyDown       -= KeyboardMouseEvents_KeyDown;
     KeyboardMouseEvents.KeyUp         -= KeyboardMouseEvents_KeyUp;
     KeyboardMouseEvents.KeyPress      -= KeyboardMouseEvents_KeyPress;
     KeyboardMouseEvents.MouseDownExt  -= KeyboardMouseEvents_MouseDownExt;
     KeyboardMouseEvents.MouseUpExt    -= KeyboardMouseEvents_MouseUpExt;
     KeyboardMouseEvents.MouseMove     -= KeyboardMouseEvents_MouseMove;
コード例 #4
ファイル: PreloadAlertPlugin.cs プロジェクト: Sirjonnyboy/poe
        public override void Render()
            if (WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F5)) // do a full refresh if F5 is hit
            if (!holdKey && WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                holdKey = true;
                Settings.Enable.Value = !Settings.Enable.Value;
            else if (holdKey && !WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                holdKey = false;
            if (!Settings.Enable || GameController.Area.CurrentArea.IsTown)
                Size = new Size2F();

            if (alerts.Count <= 0)
                Size = new Size2F();
            Vector2 startPosition = StartDrawPointFunc();
            Vector2 position      = startPosition;
            int     maxWidth      = 0;

            foreach (Size2 size in alerts
                     .Select(preloadConfigLine => Graphics
                             .DrawText(preloadConfigLine.Text, Settings.TextSize, position, preloadConfigLine.FastColor?
                                       .Invoke() ?? preloadConfigLine.Color ?? Settings.DefaultTextColor, FontDrawFlags.Right)))
                maxWidth    = Math.Max(size.Width, maxWidth);
                position.Y += size.Height;
            if (maxWidth <= 0)
            var bounds = new RectangleF(startPosition.X - maxWidth - 45, startPosition.Y - 5,
                                        maxWidth + 50, position.Y - startPosition.Y + 10);

            Graphics.DrawImage("preload-start.png", bounds, Settings.BackgroundColor);
            Graphics.DrawImage("preload-end.png", bounds, Settings.BackgroundColor);
            Size   = bounds.Size;
            Margin = new Vector2(0, 5);
コード例 #5
        public override void Render()
            if (!holdKey && WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                holdKey = true;
                Settings.Enable.Value = !Settings.Enable.Value;
            else if (holdKey && !WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                holdKey = false;
            if (!Settings.Enable)

            if (Settings.Enable)
                Positioned pos = GameController.Player.GetComponent <Positioned>();
                if (pos == null)
                Vector2   playerPos     = pos.GridPos;
                Vector2   position      = StartDrawPointFunc();
                const int BOTTOM_MARGIN = 2;
                bool      shouldUpdate  = false;

                if (Settings.BorderSettings.Enable)
                    Dictionary <EntityWrapper, AlertDrawStyle> tempCopy = new Dictionary <EntityWrapper, AlertDrawStyle>(currentAlerts);
                    var keyValuePairs = tempCopy.AsParallel().Where(x => x.Key != null && x.Key.Address != 0 && x.Key.IsValid).ToList();
                    foreach (var kv in keyValuePairs)
                        if (DrawBorder(kv.Key.Address) && !shouldUpdate)
                            shouldUpdate = true;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <EntityWrapper, AlertDrawStyle> kv in currentAlerts.Where(x => x.Key != null && x.Key.Address != 0 && x.Key.IsValid))
                    string text = GetItemName(kv);
                    if (text == null)

                    ItemsOnGroundLabelElement entityLabel;
                    if (!currentLabels.TryGetValue(kv.Key.Address, out entityLabel))
                        shouldUpdate = true;
                        if (Settings.ShowText && (!Settings.HideOthers || entityLabel.CanPickUp || entityLabel.MaxTimeForPickUp.TotalSeconds == 0))
                            position = DrawText(playerPos, position, BOTTOM_MARGIN, kv, text);
                Size = new Size2F(0, position.Y); //bug absent width

                if (shouldUpdate)
                    currentLabels = GameController.Game.IngameState.IngameUi.ItemsOnGroundLabels
                                    .GroupBy(y => y.ItemOnGround.Address).ToDictionary(y => y.Key, y => y.First());
コード例 #6
 private void OnClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
     plugins.ForEach(plugin => plugin.Dispose());
コード例 #7
        public override void Render()
            if (GameController.Game.IngameState.IngameUi.InventoryPanel.IsVisible)

                var UIHover = GameController.Game.IngameState.UIHover;
                var miniMap = GameController.Game.IngameState.IngameUi.Map.SmallMinimap;

                if (Settings.Enable.Value && UIHover.Address != 0x00 && UIHover.Tooltip.Address != 0x00 &&
                    UIHover.Tooltip.IsVisible && UIHover.Tooltip.GetClientRect().Intersects(miniMap.GetClientRect()))
                    autoHide = true;
                    Settings.Enable.Value = false;
                if (autoHide && (UIHover.Address == 0x00 || UIHover.Tooltip.Address == 0x00 ||
                    autoHide = false;
                    Settings.Enable.Value = true;
                if (!holdKey && WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                    holdKey = true;
                    Settings.Enable.Value = !Settings.Enable.Value;
                else if (holdKey && !WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                    holdKey = false;
                if (!Settings.Enable)

                DateTime nowTime     = DateTime.Now;
                TimeSpan elapsedTime = nowTime - lastTime;
                if (elapsedTime.TotalSeconds > 1)
                    partyXpPenalty = PartyXpPenalty();
                    lastTime       = nowTime;

                bool showInTown =
                    !Settings.ShowInTown && GameController.Area.CurrentArea.IsTown ||
                    !Settings.ShowInTown && GameController.Area.CurrentArea.IsHideout;
                Vector2 position      = StartDrawPointFunc();
                string  fps           = $"fps:({GameController.Game.IngameState.CurFps})";
                string  areaName      = $"{GameController.Area.CurrentArea.DisplayName}";
                Color   AreaNameColor = PreloadAlertPlugin.AreaNameColor;

                if (Settings.OnlyAreaName)
                    if (!showInTown)
                        var    areaNameSize = Graphics.MeasureText(areaName, Settings.TextSize);
                        float  boxHeight    = areaNameSize.Height;
                        float  boxWidth     = MathHepler.Max(areaNameSize.Width);
                        var    bounds       = new RectangleF(position.X - 84 - boxWidth, position.Y - 5, boxWidth + 90, boxHeight + 12);
                        string latency      = $"({GameController.Game.IngameState.CurLatency})";
                        Graphics.DrawText(areaName, Settings.TextSize, new Vector2(bounds.X + 84, position.Y), AreaNameColor);
                        Graphics.DrawImage("preload-start.png", bounds, Settings.BackgroundColor);
                        Graphics.DrawImage("preload-end.png", bounds, Settings.BackgroundColor);
                        if (Settings.ShowLatency)
                            Graphics.DrawText(latency, Settings.TextSize, new Vector2(bounds.X + 35, position.Y), Settings.LatencyTextColor);
                        Size   = bounds.Size;
                        Margin = new Vector2(0, 5);

                if (!Settings.OnlyAreaName)
                    if (!showInTown)
                        var     xpReceiving     = levelXpPenalty * partyXpPenalty;
                        var     xpReceivingText = $"{xpRate}  *{xpReceiving:p0}";
                        var     xpGetLeft       = $"Got: {ConvertHelper.ToShorten(getXp, "0.00")}  Left: {ConvertHelper.ToShorten(xpLeftQ, "0.00")}";
                        string  ping            = $"ping:({GameController.Game.IngameState.CurLatency})";
                        Size2   areaNameSize    = Graphics.DrawText(areaName, Settings.TextSize, position - 1, AreaNameColor, FontDrawFlags.Right);
                        Vector2 secondLine      = position.Translate(-1, areaNameSize.Height + 2);
                        Size2   xpRateSize      = Graphics.DrawText(timeLeft, Settings.TextSize, secondLine, Settings.XphTextColor, FontDrawFlags.Right);
                        Vector2 thirdLine       = secondLine.Translate(-1, xpRateSize.Height + 2);
                        Size2   xpLeftSize      = Graphics.DrawText(xpReceivingText, Settings.TextSize, thirdLine, Settings.TimeLeftColor, FontDrawFlags.Right);
                        Vector2 fourLine        = thirdLine.Translate(-1, xpLeftSize.Height + 2);
                        Size2   xpGetLeftSize   = Graphics.DrawText(xpGetLeft, Settings.TextSize, fourLine,
                                                                    Settings.XphTextColor, FontDrawFlags.Right);

                        Size2 delveInfoSize = Size2.Zero;
                        if (GameController.Player.GetComponent <Stats>().StatDictionary.TryGetValue(DelveSulphiteCapacityID, out var sulphiteCapacity))
                            if (sulphiteCapacity > 0)
                                string  sulphite  = $"Sulphite: {GameController.Game.IngameState.ServerData.CurrentSulphiteAmount}/{sulphiteCapacity}";
                                string  azurite   = $"Azurite: {GameController.Game.IngameState.ServerData.CurrentAzuriteAmount}";
                                Vector2 fifthLine = fourLine.Translate(-1, xpGetLeftSize.Height + 2);
                                delveInfoSize = Graphics.DrawText($"{sulphite} {azurite}", Settings.TextSize, fifthLine,
                                                                  Settings.DelveInfoTextcolor, FontDrawFlags.Right);
                                delveInfoSize.Width += 40;

                        string timer     = AreaInstance.GetTimeString(nowTime - GameController.Area.CurrentArea.TimeEntered);
                        Size2  timerSize = Graphics.MeasureText(timer, Settings.TextSize);

                        float boxWidth  = MathHepler.Max(xpRateSize.Width + 40, xpLeftSize.Width + 40, areaNameSize.Width + 20, timerSize.Width, delveInfoSize.Width);
                        float boxHeight = xpRateSize.Height + xpLeftSize.Height + areaNameSize.Height + delveInfoSize.Height;
                        var   bounds    = new RectangleF(position.X - boxWidth - 104, position.Y - 7, boxWidth + 110, boxHeight + 40);

                        Size2 timeFpsSize = Graphics.MeasureText(fps, Settings.TextSize);
                        var   dif         = bounds.Width - (12 + timeFpsSize.Width + xpRateSize.Width);
                        if (dif < 0)
                            bounds.X += dif; bounds.Width -= dif;

                        Graphics.DrawText(timer, Settings.TextSize, new Vector2(bounds.X + 70, position.Y), Settings.TimerTextColor);
                        if (Settings.ShowFps)
                            Graphics.DrawText(fps, Settings.TextSize, new Vector2(bounds.X + 70, secondLine.Y), Settings.FpsTextColor);
                        if (Settings.ShowLatency)
                            Graphics.DrawText(ping, Settings.TextSize, new Vector2(bounds.X + 70, thirdLine.Y), Settings.LatencyTextColor);
                        Graphics.DrawImage("preload-start.png", bounds, Settings.BackgroundColor);
                        Graphics.DrawImage("preload-end.png", bounds, Settings.BackgroundColor);
                        Size   = bounds.Size;
                        Margin = new Vector2(0, 5);
                // do nothing
コード例 #8
ファイル: ItemAlertPlugin.cs プロジェクト: Arecurius0/PoEHUD
        public override void Render()
            if (!holdKey && WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                holdKey = true;
                Settings.Enable.Value = !Settings.Enable.Value;
            else if (holdKey && !WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                holdKey = false;
            if (!Settings.Enable)

            if (Settings.Enable)
                var pos = GameController.Player.GetComponent <Positioned>();

                var       playerPos     = pos.GridPos;
                var       position      = StartDrawPointFunc();
                const int BOTTOM_MARGIN = 2;
                var       shouldUpdate  = false;

                var validAlerts = currentAlerts.ToList().Where(
                    x => x.Key != null && x.Key.Address != 0 && x.Key.IsValid);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <EntityWrapper, AlertDrawStyle> kv in validAlerts)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kv.Value.Text))

                    LabelOnGround entityLabel;
                    if (!currentLabels.TryGetValue(kv.Key.Address, out entityLabel))
                        shouldUpdate = true;
                        if (Settings.BorderSettings.Enable)

                        if (Settings.ShowText)
                            if (entityLabel.CanPickUp || entityLabel.MaxTimeForPickUp.TotalSeconds == 0)
                                position = DrawText(playerPos, position, BOTTOM_MARGIN, kv, kv.Value.Text);
                            else if (!Settings.HideOthers)
                                // get current values
                                Color TextColor       = kv.Value.TextColor;
                                Color BorderColor     = kv.Value.BorderColor;
                                Color BackgroundColor = kv.Value.BackgroundColor;

                                if (Settings.DimOtherByPercentToggle)
                                    // edit values to new ones
                                    double ReduceByPercent = (double)Settings.DimOtherByPercent / 100;

                                    TextColor       = ReduceNumbers(TextColor, ReduceByPercent);
                                    BorderColor     = ReduceNumbers(BorderColor, ReduceByPercent);
                                    BackgroundColor = ReduceNumbers(BackgroundColor, ReduceByPercent);

                                    // backgrounds with low alpha start to look a little strange when dark so im adding an alpha threshold
                                    if (BackgroundColor.A < 210)
                                        BackgroundColor.A = 210;

                                // Complete new KeyValuePair with new stuff
                                AlertDrawStyle ModifiedDrawStyle = new AlertDrawStyle(kv.Value.Text, TextColor, kv.Value.BorderWidth, BorderColor, BackgroundColor, kv.Value.IconIndex);
                                KeyValuePair <EntityWrapper, AlertDrawStyle> NewKV = new KeyValuePair <EntityWrapper, AlertDrawStyle>(kv.Key, ModifiedDrawStyle);

                                position = DrawText(playerPos, position, BOTTOM_MARGIN, NewKV, kv.Value.Text);
                Size = new Size2F(0, position.Y); //bug absent width

                if (shouldUpdate)
                    currentLabels = GameController.Game.IngameState.IngameUi.ItemsOnGroundLabels
                                    .GroupBy(y => y.ItemOnGround.Address).ToDictionary(y => y.Key, y => y.First());
コード例 #9
        public override void Render()
                if (!holdKey && WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                    holdKey = true;
                    Settings.Enable.Value = !Settings.Enable.Value;
                else if (holdKey && !WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                    holdKey = false;
                if (!Settings.Enable)

                DateTime nowTime     = DateTime.Now;
                TimeSpan elapsedTime = nowTime - lastTime;
                if (elapsedTime.TotalSeconds > 1)
                    partyXpPenalty = PartyXpPenalty();
                    lastTime       = nowTime;

                bool showInTown =
                    !Settings.ShowInTown && GameController.Area.CurrentArea.IsTown ||
                    !Settings.ShowInTown && GameController.Area.CurrentArea.IsHideout;
                Vector2 position      = StartDrawPointFunc();
                string  fps           = $"fps:({GameController.Game.IngameState.CurFps})";
                string  areaName      = $"{GameController.Area.CurrentArea.DisplayName}";
                Color   AreaNameColor = PreloadAlertPlugin.AreaNameColor;

                if (Settings.OnlyAreaName)
                    if (!showInTown)
                        var    areaNameSize = Graphics.MeasureText(areaName, Settings.TextSize);
                        float  boxHeight    = areaNameSize.Height;
                        float  boxWidth     = MathHepler.Max(areaNameSize.Width);
                        var    bounds       = new RectangleF(position.X - 84 - boxWidth, position.Y - 5, boxWidth + 90, boxHeight + 12);
                        string latency      = $"({GameController.Game.IngameState.CurLatency})";
                        Graphics.DrawText(areaName, Settings.TextSize, new Vector2(bounds.X + 84, position.Y), AreaNameColor);
                        Graphics.DrawImage("preload-start.png", bounds, Settings.BackgroundColor);
                        Graphics.DrawImage("preload-end.png", bounds, Settings.BackgroundColor);
                        if (Settings.ShowLatency)
                            Graphics.DrawText(latency, Settings.TextSize, new Vector2(bounds.X + 35, position.Y), Settings.LatencyTextColor);
                        Size   = bounds.Size;
                        Margin = new Vector2(0, 5);

                if (!Settings.OnlyAreaName)
                    if (!showInTown)
                        var     xpReceiving     = levelXpPenalty * partyXpPenalty;
                        var     xpReceivingText = $"{xpRate}  *{xpReceiving:p0}";
                        string  ping            = $"ping:({GameController.Game.IngameState.CurLatency})";
                        Size2   areaNameSize    = Graphics.DrawText(areaName, Settings.TextSize, position - 1, AreaNameColor, FontDrawFlags.Right);
                        Vector2 secondLine      = position.Translate(-1, areaNameSize.Height + 2);
                        Size2   xpRateSize      = Graphics.DrawText(timeLeft, Settings.TextSize, secondLine, Settings.TimeLeftColor, FontDrawFlags.Right);
                        Vector2 thirdLine       = secondLine.Translate(-1, xpRateSize.Height + 2);
                        Size2   xpLeftSize      = Graphics.DrawText(xpReceivingText, Settings.TextSize, thirdLine, Settings.TimeLeftColor, FontDrawFlags.Right);
                        string  timer           = AreaInstance.GetTimeString(nowTime - GameController.Area.CurrentArea.TimeEntered);
                        Size2   timerSize       = Graphics.MeasureText(timer, Settings.TextSize);

                        float boxWidth  = MathHepler.Max(xpRateSize.Width + 40, xpLeftSize.Width + 40, areaNameSize.Width + 20, timerSize.Width);
                        float boxHeight = xpRateSize.Height + xpLeftSize.Height + areaNameSize.Height;
                        var   bounds    = new RectangleF(position.X - boxWidth - 104, position.Y - 7, boxWidth + 110, boxHeight + 18);

                        Size2 timeFpsSize = Graphics.MeasureText(fps, Settings.TextSize);
                        var   dif         = bounds.Width - (12 + timeFpsSize.Width + xpRateSize.Width);
                        if (dif < 0)
                            bounds.X += dif; bounds.Width -= dif;

                        Graphics.DrawText(timer, Settings.TextSize, new Vector2(bounds.X + 70, position.Y), Settings.TimerTextColor);
                        Graphics.DrawText(fps, Settings.TextSize, new Vector2(bounds.X + 70, secondLine.Y), Settings.FpsTextColor);
                        Graphics.DrawText(ping, Settings.TextSize, new Vector2(bounds.X + 70, thirdLine.Y), Settings.LatencyTextColor);
                        Graphics.DrawImage("preload-start.png", bounds, Settings.BackgroundColor);
                        Graphics.DrawImage("preload-end.png", bounds, Settings.BackgroundColor);
                        Size   = bounds.Size;
                        Margin = new Vector2(0, 5);
                // do nothing
コード例 #10
        public override void Render()
                if (!holdKey && WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F9))
                    holdKey = true;
                    Settings.ItemMods.Enable.Value = !Settings.ItemMods.Enable.Value;
                    if (!Settings.ItemMods.Enable.Value)
                else if (holdKey && !WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F9))
                    holdKey = false;
                Element uiHover           = GameController.Game.IngameState.UIHover;
                var     inventoryItemIcon = uiHover.AsObject <HoverItemIcon>();

                Element tooltip   = inventoryItemIcon.Tooltip;
                Entity  poeEntity = inventoryItemIcon.Item;

                if (tooltip == null || poeEntity.Address == 0 || !poeEntity.IsValid)
                RectangleF tooltipRect = tooltip.GetClientRect();

                var  modsComponent = poeEntity.GetComponent <Mods>();
                long id            = 0;
                if (inventoryItemIcon.ToolTipType == ToolTipType.InventoryItem)
                    id = poeEntity.InventoryId;
                    id = poeEntity.Id;

                if (itemEntity == null || itemEntity.Id != id)
                    List <ItemMod> itemMods = modsComponent.ItemMods;
                    mods = itemMods.Select(item => new ModValue(item, GameController.Files, modsComponent.ItemLevel,
                    itemEntity = poeEntity;

                int t1 = 0;
                foreach (string tier in from item in mods where item.CouldHaveTiers() && item.Tier == 1 select " \u2605 ")
                    Graphics.DrawText(tier, 18, tooltipRect.TopLeft.Translate(0 + 14 * t1++, 56), Settings.ItemMods.T1Color);

                int t2 = 0;
                foreach (string tier in from item in mods where item.CouldHaveTiers() && item.Tier == 2 select " \u2605 ")
                    Graphics.DrawText(tier, 18, tooltipRect.TopLeft.Translate(t1 * 14 + 14 * t2++, 56), Settings.ItemMods.T2Color);

                if (Settings.ItemLevel.Enable)
                    string itemLevel = Convert.ToString(modsComponent.ItemLevel);
                    var    imageSize = Settings.ItemLevel.TextSize + 10;
                    Graphics.DrawText(itemLevel, Settings.ItemLevel.TextSize, tooltipRect.TopLeft.Translate(2, 2), Settings.ItemLevel.TextColor);
                    Graphics.DrawImage("menu-colors.png", new RectangleF(tooltipRect.TopLeft.X - 2, tooltipRect.TopLeft.Y - 2, imageSize, imageSize), Settings.ItemLevel.BackgroundColor);

                if (Settings.ItemMods.Enable)
                    float bottomTooltip = tooltipRect.Bottom + 5;
                    var   modPosition   = new Vector2(tooltipRect.X + 50, bottomTooltip + 4);
                    float height        = mods.Aggregate(modPosition, (position, item) => DrawMod(item, position)).Y - bottomTooltip;
                    if (height > 4)
                        var modsRect = new RectangleF(tooltipRect.X + 1, bottomTooltip, tooltipRect.Width, height);
                        Graphics.DrawBox(modsRect, Settings.ItemMods.BackgroundColor);

                if (Settings.WeaponDps.Enable && poeEntity.HasComponent <Weapon>())
            { }
コード例 #11
        public override void Render()
            if (Settings.ReloadButton.PressedOnce()) // do a full refresh if F5 is hit
                DebugPlug.DebugPlugin.LogMsg("Looking for new preloads.", 1);

            var UIHover = GameController.Game.IngameState.UIHover;
            var miniMap = GameController.Game.IngameState.IngameUi.Map.SmallMinimap;

            if (Settings.Enable.Value && UIHover.Address != 0x00 && UIHover.Tooltip.Address != 0x00 &&
                UIHover.Tooltip.IsVisible && UIHover.Tooltip.GetClientRect().Intersects(miniMap.GetClientRect()))
                autoHide = true;
                Settings.Enable.Value = false;
            if (autoHide && (UIHover.Address == 0x00 || UIHover.Tooltip.Address == 0x00 ||
                autoHide = false;
                Settings.Enable.Value = true;

            if (!holdKey && WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                holdKey = true;
                Settings.Enable.Value = !Settings.Enable.Value;
            else if (holdKey && !WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                holdKey = false;
            if (!Settings.Enable || GameController.Area.CurrentArea.IsTown)
                Size = new Size2F();

            if (alerts.Count <= 0)
                Size = new Size2F();

            /* if (isAreaChanged)
             * {
             *   ResetArea();
             *   Parse();
             *   isAreaChanged = false;
             * }*/
            Vector2 startPosition = StartDrawPointFunc();
            Vector2 position      = startPosition;
            int     maxWidth      = 0;

            foreach (Size2 size in alerts
                     .Select(preloadConfigLine => Graphics
                             .DrawText(preloadConfigLine.Text, Settings.TextSize, position, preloadConfigLine.FastColor?
                                       .Invoke() ?? preloadConfigLine.Color ?? Settings.DefaultTextColor, FontDrawFlags.Right)))
                maxWidth    = Math.Max(size.Width, maxWidth);
                position.Y += size.Height;
            if (maxWidth <= 0)
            var bounds = new RectangleF(startPosition.X - maxWidth - 45, startPosition.Y - 5,
                                        maxWidth + 50, position.Y - startPosition.Y + 10);

            Graphics.DrawImage("preload-start.png", bounds, Settings.BackgroundColor);
            Graphics.DrawImage("preload-end.png", bounds, Settings.BackgroundColor);
            Size   = bounds.Size;
            Margin = new Vector2(0, 5);
コード例 #12
ファイル: MenuPlugin.cs プロジェクト: Arecurius0/PoEHUD
        private void KeyboardMouseEvents_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (isPoeGameVisible)
                if (HandleForKeySelector)
                    HandledForKeySelectorKey = e.KeyCode;
                    e.Handled            = true;
                    HandleForKeySelector = false;

                if (e.KeyCode == Settings.MainMenuKeyToggle)
                    Settings.Enable.Value = !Settings.Enable.Value;
                    e.Handled = true;
                if (Settings.Enable.Value)
                    if (Settings.CloseOnEsc.Value && e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape)
                        Settings.Enable.Value = !Settings.Enable.Value;
                        e.Handled             = true;
                    if (Settings.CloseOnSpace.Value && e.KeyCode == Keys.Space)
                        Settings.Enable.Value = !Settings.Enable.Value;
                        e.Handled             = true;

            var io = ImGui.GetIO();

            io.CtrlPressed = e.Control || e.KeyCode == Keys.LControlKey || e.KeyCode == Keys.RControlKey;
            // Don't know why but Alt is LMenu/RMenu
            io.AltPressed   = e.Alt || e.KeyCode == Keys.LMenu || e.KeyCode == Keys.RMenu;
            io.ShiftPressed = e.Shift || e.KeyCode == Keys.LShiftKey || e.KeyCode == Keys.RShiftKey;

            if (io.AltPressed)

                if (ImGuiWantTextInput(io))
                    io.KeysDown[e.KeyValue] = true;
                    if (e.KeyCode != Keys.Capital &&
                        e.KeyCode != Keys.LShiftKey && e.KeyCode != Keys.RShiftKey &&
                        e.KeyCode != Keys.LControlKey && e.KeyCode != Keys.RControlKey &&
                        e.KeyCode != Keys.LWin && e.KeyCode != Keys.Apps)
                        e.Handled = true;