internal static bool ChangeProperty(string value, [_0008._0012(2)] string _0003, CultureInfo filter, out DateTimeOffset connection2) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (value.Length > 0) { if (value[0] == '/') { if (value.Length >= 9 && value.StartsWith("/Date(", StringComparison.Ordinal) && value.EndsWith(")/", StringComparison.Ordinal) && ListProperty(new InvocationTest(value.ToCharArray(), 0, value.Length), out connection2)) { return(true); } } else if (value.Length >= 19 && value.Length <= 40 && char.IsDigit(value[0]) && value[10] == 'T' && DateTimeOffset.TryParseExact(value, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFK", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out connection2) && DestroyProperty(new InvocationTest(value.ToCharArray(), 0, value.Length), out connection2)) { return(true); } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(_0003) && SelectProperty(value, _0003, filter, out connection2)) { return(true); } } connection2 = default(DateTimeOffset); return(false); }
internal static bool RemoveProperty(string asset, PsMaxLengths connection, [_0008._0012(2)] string _0004, CultureInfo res2, out DateTime res3) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (asset.Length > 0) { if (asset[0] == '/') { if (asset.Length >= 9 && asset.StartsWith("/Date(", StringComparison.Ordinal) && asset.EndsWith(")/", StringComparison.Ordinal) && GetProperty(new InvocationTest(asset.ToCharArray(), 0, asset.Length), connection, out res3)) { return(true); } } else if (asset.Length >= 19 && asset.Length <= 40 && char.IsDigit(asset[0]) && asset[10] == 'T' && DateTime.TryParseExact(asset, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFK", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out res3)) { res3 = ReadProperty(res3, connection); return(true); } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(_0004) && StartProperty(asset, connection, _0004, res2, out res3)) { return(true); } } res3 = default(DateTime); return(false); }
internal static bool PostProperty(InvocationTest setup, [_0008._0012(2)] string _0003, CultureInfo state, out DateTimeOffset res2) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (setup._0002() > 0) { int num = setup._0001(); if (setup[num] == '/') { if (setup._0002() >= 9 && setup.CalculateReader("/Date(") && setup.GetReader(")/") && ListProperty(setup, out res2)) { return(true); } } else if (setup._0002() >= 19 && setup._0002() <= 40 && char.IsDigit(setup[num]) && setup[num + 10] == 'T' && DestroyProperty(setup, out res2)) { return(true); } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(_0003) && SelectProperty(setup.ToString(), _0003, state, out res2)) { return(true); } } res2 = default(DateTimeOffset); return(false); }
internal static bool RateProperty(InvocationTest task, PsMaxLengths map, [_0008._0012(2)] string _0004, CultureInfo item2, out DateTime attr3) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (task._0002() > 0) { int num = task._0001(); if (task[num] == '/') { if (task._0002() >= 9 && task.CalculateReader("/Date(") && task.GetReader(")/") && GetProperty(task, map, out attr3)) { return(true); } } else if (task._0002() >= 19 && task._0002() <= 40 && char.IsDigit(task[num]) && task[num + 10] == 'T' && ComputeProperty(task, map, out attr3)) { return(true); } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(_0004) && StartProperty(task.ToString(), map, _0004, item2, out attr3)) { return(true); } } attr3 = default(DateTime); return(false); }
public static string RateIssuer(string var1, char cfg, bool appendtemplate, GraphGroupStyle vis2) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 bool[] ord = ComputeIssuer(vis2, cfg); using (StringWriter stringWriter = SetterTest.InvokeReader(var1?.Length ?? 16)) { char[] result = null; SetIssuer(stringWriter, var1, cfg, appendtemplate, ord, vis2, null, ref result); return(stringWriter.ToString()); } }
private string CustomizeRequest(CreatorIssuer key, XmlNamespaceManager cont) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 string text = (key._0003() == null || (key._0001() == "xmlns" && key._0003() == "")) ? null : cont.LookupPrefix(key._0003()); if (!SetterTest.StartReader(text)) { return(text + ":" + XmlConvert.DecodeName(key._0001())); } return(XmlConvert.DecodeName(key._0001())); }
private InfoRequestStrategy FindIterator(string setup, AttrBroadcasterFilter cust, string dir, XmlNamespaceManager pred2) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 string text = _0005() ? XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName(setup) : XmlConvert.EncodeName(setup); string text2 = SetterTest.StartReader(dir) ? pred2.DefaultNamespace : pred2.LookupNamespace(dir); if (SetterTest.StartReader(text2)) { return(cust._0001(text)); } return(cust._0001(text, text2)); }
private void SortRequest(TagTestItem spec, AttrBroadcasterFilter connection, CreatorIssuer template, string pred2, XmlNamespaceManager connection3) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (SetterTest.StartReader(pred2)) { throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(spec, "XmlNodeConverter cannot convert JSON with an empty property name to XML."); } Dictionary <string, string> token = null; string asset = null; if (!_0005()) { token = (CheckIterator(spec) ? DisableIterator(spec, connection3) : null); asset = CustomerListAnnotation.CountIssuer(pred2); if (pred2.ExcludeReader('@')) { string text = pred2.Substring(1); string reference = CustomerListAnnotation.CountIssuer(text); PublishRequest(spec, connection, template, pred2, text, connection3, reference); return; } if (pred2.ExcludeReader('$')) { switch (pred2) { case "$values": pred2 = pred2.Substring(1); asset = connection3.LookupPrefix(""); CallRequest(spec, connection, template, pred2, connection3, asset, token); return; case "$id": case "$ref": case "$type": case "$value": { string v = pred2.Substring(1); string reference2 = connection3.LookupPrefix(""); PublishRequest(spec, connection, template, pred2, v, connection3, reference2); return; } } } } else if (CheckIterator(spec)) { spec.SortError(); } CallRequest(spec, connection, template, pred2, connection3, asset, token); }
private static void PublishRequest(TagTestItem def, AttrBroadcasterFilter cont, CreatorIssuer consumer, string res2, string v3, XmlNamespaceManager value4, string reference5) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (consumer._0001() == XmlNodeType.Document) { throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(def, "JSON root object has property '{0}' that will be converted to an attribute. A root object cannot have any attribute properties. Consider specifying a DeserializeRootElementName.".ListReader(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, res2)); } string text = XmlConvert.EncodeName(v3); string text2 = WriteRequest(def); CreatorIssuer key = (!SetterTest.StartReader(reference5)) ? cont._0002(text, value4.LookupNamespace(reference5), text2) : cont._0002(text, text2); ((InfoRequestStrategy)consumer)._0001(key); }
private void CallRequest(TagTestItem def, AttrBroadcasterFilter attr, CreatorIssuer state, string pred2, XmlNamespaceManager reference3, string asset4, Dictionary <string, string> token5) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 InfoRequestStrategy infoRequestStrategy = FindIterator(pred2, attr, asset4, reference3); state._0001(infoRequestStrategy); if (token5 != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in token5) { string text = XmlConvert.EncodeName(item.Key); string text2 = CustomerListAnnotation.CountIssuer(item.Key); CreatorIssuer key = (!SetterTest.StartReader(text2)) ? attr._0002(text, reference3.LookupNamespace(text2) ?? string.Empty, item.Value) : attr._0002(text, item.Value); infoRequestStrategy._0001(key); } } switch (def._0001()) { case WatcherComposer.Null: break; case WatcherComposer.Integer: case WatcherComposer.Float: case WatcherComposer.String: case WatcherComposer.Boolean: case WatcherComposer.Date: case WatcherComposer.Bytes: { string text3 = WriteRequest(def); if (text3 != null) { ((CreatorIssuer)infoRequestStrategy)._0001(attr._0002(text3)); } break; } case WatcherComposer.EndObject: reference3.RemoveNamespace(string.Empty, reference3.DefaultNamespace); break; default: reference3.PushScope(); ValidateIterator(def, attr, reference3, infoRequestStrategy); reference3.PopScope(); reference3.RemoveNamespace(string.Empty, reference3.DefaultNamespace); break; } }
internal static void TestProperty(TextWriter info, DateTime token, FindDirection state, string init2, CultureInfo res3) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (SetterTest.StartReader(init2)) { char[] array = new char[64]; int count = ConcatProperty(array, 0, token, null, token.Kind, state); info.Write(array, 0, count); } else { info.Write(token.ToString(init2, res3)); } }
internal static void AssetProperty(TextWriter var1, DateTimeOffset caller, FindDirection role, string cfg2, CultureInfo cont3) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (SetterTest.StartReader(cfg2)) { char[] array = new char[64]; int count = ConcatProperty(array, 0, (role == (FindDirection)0) ? caller.DateTime : caller.UtcDateTime, caller.Offset, DateTimeKind.Local, role); var1.Write(array, 0, count); } else { var1.Write(caller.ToString(cfg2, cont3)); } }
public override void _0001(DateTimeOffset res) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 GetTest(WatcherComposer.Date); if (SetterTest.StartReader(base._0003())) { int count = InsertTest(res); m_MethodComposer.Write(m_RegistryComposer, 0, count); } else { m_MethodComposer.Write(_ServiceComposer); m_MethodComposer.Write(res.ToString(base._0003(), base._0001())); m_MethodComposer.Write(_ServiceComposer); } }
internal bool?StartError(string first) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (SetterTest.StartReader(first)) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Null, null, isstate: false); return(null); } if (bool.TryParse(first, out bool result)) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Boolean, result, isstate: false); return(result); } CancelError(WatcherComposer.String, first, isstate: false); throw ContextError.CheckComposer(this, "Could not convert string to boolean: {0}.".ListReader(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, first)); }
internal int?PostError(string param) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (SetterTest.StartReader(param)) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Null, null, isstate: false); return(null); } if (int.TryParse(param, NumberStyles.Integer, this._0001(), out int result)) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Integer, result, isstate: false); return(result); } CancelError(WatcherComposer.String, param, isstate: false); throw ContextError.CheckComposer(this, "Could not convert string to integer: {0}.".ListReader(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, param)); }
internal double?GetError(string first) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (SetterTest.StartReader(first)) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Null, null, isstate: false); return(null); } if (double.TryParse(first, NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowThousands | NumberStyles.AllowExponent, this._0001(), out double result)) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Float, result, isstate: false); return(result); } CancelError(WatcherComposer.String, first, isstate: false); throw ContextError.CheckComposer(this, "Could not convert string to double: {0}.".ListReader(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, first)); }
public override void _0001(DateTime last) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 GetTest(WatcherComposer.Date); last = DescriptorIteratorMapping.ReadProperty(last, base._0001()); if (SetterTest.StartReader(base._0003())) { int count = MapTest(last); m_MethodComposer.Write(m_RegistryComposer, 0, count); } else { m_MethodComposer.Write(_ServiceComposer); m_MethodComposer.Write(last.ToString(base._0003(), base._0001())); m_MethodComposer.Write(_ServiceComposer); } }
private void CollectRequest(TagTestItem def, AttrBroadcasterFilter cust, XmlNamespaceManager consumer, string reg2, CreatorIssuer second3) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (!_0005()) { switch (reg2) { case "#text": second3._0001(cust._0002(WriteRequest(def))); return; case "#cdata-section": second3._0001(cust._0003(WriteRequest(def))); return; case "#whitespace": second3._0001(cust._0004(WriteRequest(def))); return; case "#significant-whitespace": second3._0001(cust._0005(WriteRequest(def))); return; } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(reg2) && reg2[0] == '?') { VerifyIterator(def, cust, second3, reg2); return; } if (string.Equals(reg2, "!DOCTYPE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { PatchIterator(def, cust, second3); return; } } if (def._0001() == WatcherComposer.StartArray) { RevertRequest(def, cust, reg2, second3, consumer); } else { SortRequest(def, cust, second3, reg2, consumer); } }
public override string _0002() { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 string text = base._0002(); if (_WorkerIssuer == null) { _WorkerIssuer = m_SetterIssuer._0003(); } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(_WorkerIssuer)) { if (SetterTest.StartReader(text)) { return(_WorkerIssuer); } text = ((!text.ExcludeReader('[')) ? (_WorkerIssuer + "." + text) : (_WorkerIssuer + text)); } return(text); }
internal decimal?SelectError(string first) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (SetterTest.StartReader(first)) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Null, null, isstate: false); return(null); } if (decimal.TryParse(first, NumberStyles.Number, this._0001(), out decimal result)) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Float, result, isstate: false); return(result); } if (HelperDicCandidate.LogoutProperty(first.ToCharArray(), 0, first.Length, out result) == (TYMED)1) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Float, result, isstate: false); return(result); } CancelError(WatcherComposer.String, first, isstate: false); throw ContextError.CheckComposer(this, "Could not convert string to decimal: {0}.".ListReader(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, first)); }
internal DateTimeOffset?ConcatError(string info) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (SetterTest.StartReader(info)) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Null, null, isstate: false); return(null); } if (DescriptorIteratorMapping.ChangeProperty(info, setterError, this._0001(), out DateTimeOffset connection)) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Date, connection, isstate: false); return(connection); } if (DateTimeOffset.TryParse(info, this._0001(), DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out connection)) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Date, connection, isstate: false); return(connection); } CancelError(WatcherComposer.String, info, isstate: false); throw ContextError.CheckComposer(this, "Could not convert string to DateTimeOffset: {0}.".ListReader(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, info)); }
internal DateTime?DeleteError(string info) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (SetterTest.StartReader(info)) { CancelError(WatcherComposer.Null, null, isstate: false); return(null); } if (DescriptorIteratorMapping.RemoveProperty(info, this._0001(), setterError, this._0001(), out DateTime res)) { res = DescriptorIteratorMapping.ReadProperty(res, this._0001()); CancelError(WatcherComposer.Date, res, isstate: false); return(res); } if (DateTime.TryParse(info, this._0001(), DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out res)) { res = DescriptorIteratorMapping.ReadProperty(res, this._0001()); CancelError(WatcherComposer.Date, res, isstate: false); return(res); } throw ContextError.CheckComposer(this, "Could not convert string to DateTime: {0}.".ListReader(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, info)); }
private bool PrintRequest(string last) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (!SetterTest.StartReader(last) && last != ((FieldIssuer)this)._0001()?._0003() && SetterTest.StartReader(_0001(last))) { bool flag = false; if (this._0001().HasAttributes) { foreach (XAttribute item in this._0001().Attributes()) { if (item.Name.LocalName == "xmlns" && SetterTest.StartReader(item.Name.NamespaceName) && item.Value == last) { flag = true; } } } if (!flag) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private void InitRequest(RecordClassDispatcher first, CreatorIssuer second, XmlNamespaceManager template, bool isresult2) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 switch (second._0001()) { case XmlNodeType.Document: case XmlNodeType.DocumentFragment: ExcludeRequest(first, second, template, isresult2); break; case XmlNodeType.Element: if (CancelRequest(second) && DefineRequest(second) && second._0001().Count > 0) { ExcludeRequest(first, second, template, hasattr2: false); break; } template.PushScope(); foreach (CreatorIssuer item in second._0002()) { if (item._0003() == "") { string prefix = (item._0001() != "xmlns") ? XmlConvert.DecodeName(item._0001()) : string.Empty; string text = item._0002(); if (text == null) { throw new StrategyError("Namespace attribute must have a value."); } template.AddNamespace(prefix, text); } } if (isresult2) { first._0002(QueryRequest(second, template)); } if (!ResolveIterator(second._0002()) && second._0001().Count == 1 && second._0001()[0]._0001() == XmlNodeType.Text) { first._0004(second._0001()[0]._0002()); } else if (second._0001().Count == 0 && second._0002().Count == 0) { if (((InfoRequestStrategy)second)._0001()) { first._0008(); } else { first._0004(string.Empty); } } else { first._0002(); for (int i = 0; i < second._0002().Count; i++) { InitRequest(first, second._0002()[i], template, isresult2: true); } ExcludeRequest(first, second, template, hasattr2: true); first._0011(); } template.PopScope(); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: if (isresult2) { first._0005(second._0002()); } break; case XmlNodeType.Attribute: case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.CDATA: case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: if ((!(second._0003() == "") || !(second._0002() == "")) && (!(second._0003() == "") || !(second._0001() == "Array"))) { if (isresult2) { first._0002(QueryRequest(second, template)); } first._0004(second._0002()); } break; case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: { DicEventConsumer dicEventConsumer = (DicEventConsumer)second; first._0002(QueryRequest(second, template)); first._0002(); if (!SetterTest.StartReader(dicEventConsumer._0004())) { first._0002("@version"); first._0004(dicEventConsumer._0004()); } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(dicEventConsumer._0005())) { first._0002("@encoding"); first._0004(dicEventConsumer._0005()); } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(dicEventConsumer._0006())) { first._0002("@standalone"); first._0004(dicEventConsumer._0006()); } first._0011(); break; } case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: { IndexerIssuer indexerIssuer = (IndexerIssuer)second; first._0002(QueryRequest(second, template)); first._0002(); if (!SetterTest.StartReader(indexerIssuer._0004())) { first._0002("@name"); first._0004(indexerIssuer._0004()); } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(indexerIssuer._0006())) { first._0002("@public"); first._0004(indexerIssuer._0006()); } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(indexerIssuer._0005())) { first._0002("@system"); first._0004(indexerIssuer._0005()); } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(indexerIssuer._0007())) { first._0002("@internalSubset"); first._0004(indexerIssuer._0007()); } first._0011(); break; } default: throw new StrategyError("Unexpected XmlNodeType when serializing nodes: " + second._0001()); } }
private void ValidateIterator(TagTestItem def, AttrBroadcasterFilter caller, XmlNamespaceManager tag, CreatorIssuer ord2) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 do { switch (def._0001()) { case WatcherComposer.EndObject: case WatcherComposer.EndArray: return; case WatcherComposer.PropertyName: { if (ord2._0001() == XmlNodeType.Document && caller._0001() != null) { throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(def, "JSON root object has multiple properties. The root object must have a single property in order to create a valid XML document. Consider specifying a DeserializeRootElementName."); } string text = def._0001().ToString(); def.SortError(); if (def._0001() == WatcherComposer.StartArray) { int num = 0; while (def._0001() && def._0001() != WatcherComposer.EndArray) { CollectRequest(def, caller, tag, text, ord2); num++; } if (num == 1 && this._0003()) { CustomerListAnnotation.CustomizeIssuer(text, out string _0003, out string role); string b = SetterTest.StartReader(_0003) ? tag.DefaultNamespace : tag.LookupNamespace(_0003); foreach (CreatorIssuer item in ord2._0001()) { InfoRequestStrategy infoRequestStrategy = item as InfoRequestStrategy; if (infoRequestStrategy != null && ((CreatorIssuer)infoRequestStrategy)._0001() == role && infoRequestStrategy._0003() == b) { LoginIterator(infoRequestStrategy, caller); break; } } } } else { CollectRequest(def, caller, tag, text, ord2); } break; } case WatcherComposer.StartConstructor: { string reg = def._0001().ToString(); while (def._0001() && def._0001() != WatcherComposer.EndConstructor) { CollectRequest(def, caller, tag, reg, ord2); } break; } case WatcherComposer.Comment: ord2._0001(caller._0001((string)def._0001())); break; default: throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(def, "Unexpected JsonToken when deserializing node: " + def._0001()); } }while (def._0001()); }
public static void SetIssuer(TextWriter reference, string col, char control, bool wantord2, bool[] ord3, GraphGroupStyle attr4, GDBD.Workers.WrapperComposerWorker <char> instance5, ref char[] result6) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (wantord2) { reference.Write(control); } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(col)) { int num = RemoveIssuer(col, ord3, attr4); if (num == -1) { reference.Write(col); } else { if (num != 0) { if (result6 == null || result6.Length < num) { result6 = ValueFilterResolver.SearchIssuer(instance5, num, result6); } col.CopyTo(0, result6, 0, num); reference.Write(result6, 0, num); } int num2; for (int i = num; i < col.Length; i++) { char c = col[i]; if (c < ord3.Length && !ord3[c]) { continue; } string text; switch (c) { case '\t': text = "\\t"; break; case '\n': text = "\\n"; break; case '\r': text = "\\r"; break; case '\f': text = "\\f"; break; case '\b': text = "\\b"; break; case '\\': text = "\\\\"; break; case '\u0085': text = "\\u0085"; break; case '\u2028': text = "\\u2028"; break; case '\u2029': text = "\\u2029"; break; default: if (c < ord3.Length || attr4 == (GraphGroupStyle)1) { if (c == '\'' && attr4 != (GraphGroupStyle)2) { text = "\\'"; break; } if (c == '"' && attr4 != (GraphGroupStyle)2) { text = "\\\""; break; } if (result6 == null || result6.Length < 6) { result6 = ValueFilterResolver.SearchIssuer(instance5, 6, result6); } SetterTest.PrintReader(c, result6); text = "!"; } else { text = null; } break; } if (text == null) { continue; } bool flag = string.Equals(text, "!", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (i > num) { num2 = i - num + (flag ? 6 : 0); int num3 = flag ? 6 : 0; if (result6 == null || result6.Length < num2) { char[] array = ValueFilterResolver.RegisterIssuer(instance5, num2); if (flag) { Array.Copy(result6, array, 6); } ValueFilterResolver.RestartIssuer(instance5, result6); result6 = array; } col.CopyTo(num, result6, num3, num2 - num3); reference.Write(result6, num3, num2 - num3); } num = i + 1; if (!flag) { reference.Write(text); } else { reference.Write(result6, 0, 6); } } num2 = col.Length - num; if (num2 > 0) { if (result6 == null || result6.Length < num2) { result6 = ValueFilterResolver.SearchIssuer(instance5, num2, result6); } col.CopyTo(num, result6, 0, num2); reference.Write(result6, 0, num2); } } } if (wantord2) { reference.Write(control); } }
private Dictionary <string, string> DisableIterator(TagTestItem v, XmlNamespaceManager token) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = null; bool flag = false; while (!flag && v._0001()) { switch (v._0001()) { case WatcherComposer.PropertyName: { string text = v._0001().ToString(); if (!SetterTest.StartReader(text)) { switch (text[0]) { case '@': { if (dictionary == null) { dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } text = text.Substring(1); v.SortError(); string value = WriteRequest(v); dictionary.Add(text, value); if (OrderIterator(text, out string _0003)) { token.AddNamespace(_0003, value); } break; } case '$': switch (text) { case "$values": case "$id": case "$ref": case "$type": case "$value": { string text2 = token.LookupPrefix(""); if (text2 == null) { if (dictionary == null) { dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } int?num = null; int?num2; while (true) { num2 = num; if (token.LookupNamespace("json" + num2) == null) { break; } num = num.GetValueOrDefault() + 1; } num2 = num; text2 = "json" + num2; dictionary.Add("xmlns:" + text2, ""); token.AddNamespace(text2, ""); } if (text == "$values") { flag = true; break; } text = text.Substring(1); v.SortError(); if (!RulesClientBridge.StartIssuer(v._0001())) { throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(v, "Unexpected JsonToken: " + v._0001()); } if (dictionary == null) { dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } string value = v._0001()?.ToString(); dictionary.Add(text2 + ":" + text, value); break; } default: flag = true; break; } break; default: flag = true; break; } } else { flag = true; } break; } case WatcherComposer.Comment: case WatcherComposer.EndObject: flag = true; break; default: throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(v, "Unexpected JsonToken: " + v._0001()); } } return(dictionary); }
public override object _0001(TagTestItem param, Type reg, object serv, PrototypeError first2) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 switch (param._0001()) { case WatcherComposer.Null: return(null); default: throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(param, "XmlNodeConverter can only convert JSON that begins with an object."); case WatcherComposer.StartObject: { XmlNamespaceManager xmlNamespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable()); AttrBroadcasterFilter attrBroadcasterFilter = null; CreatorIssuer creatorIssuer = null; if (typeof(XObject).IsAssignableFrom(reg)) { if (reg != typeof(XContainer) && reg != typeof(XDocument) && reg != typeof(XElement) && reg != typeof(XNode) && reg != typeof(XObject)) { throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(param, "XmlNodeConverter only supports deserializing XDocument, XElement, XContainer, XNode or XObject."); } attrBroadcasterFilter = new AuthenticationComposerPool(new XDocument()); creatorIssuer = attrBroadcasterFilter; } if (typeof(XmlNode).IsAssignableFrom(reg)) { if (reg != typeof(XmlDocument) && reg != typeof(XmlElement) && reg != typeof(XmlNode)) { throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(param, "XmlNodeConverter only supports deserializing XmlDocument, XmlElement or XmlNode."); } attrBroadcasterFilter = new ConnectionComposerWorker(new XmlDocument { XmlResolver = null }); creatorIssuer = attrBroadcasterFilter; } if (attrBroadcasterFilter == null || creatorIssuer == null) { throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(param, "Unexpected type when converting XML: " + reg); } if (!SetterTest.StartReader(_0001())) { SortRequest(param, attrBroadcasterFilter, creatorIssuer, _0001(), xmlNamespaceManager); } else { param.SortError(); ValidateIterator(param, attrBroadcasterFilter, xmlNamespaceManager, creatorIssuer); } if (reg == typeof(XElement)) { XElement obj = (XElement)((CreatorIssuer)attrBroadcasterFilter._0001())._0001(); obj.Remove(); return(obj); } if (reg == typeof(XmlElement)) { return(((CreatorIssuer)attrBroadcasterFilter._0001())._0001()); } return(((CreatorIssuer)attrBroadcasterFilter)._0001()); } } }
protected override string _0001(string task) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 return(SetterTest.AssetReader(task)); }