public async IAsyncEnumerable <WeissSchwarzCard> Parse(string url, IProgress <SetParserProgressReport> progress, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken) { Log.Information("Starting. URI: {url}", url); string textToProcess = null; var progressReport = new SetParserProgressReport { ReportMessage = new MultiLanguageString { EN = $"Starting with URI: [{url}]" }, Percentage = 0 }; progress.Report(progressReport); if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out var uri) && uri.IsWellFormedOriginalString()) { var html = await new Uri(url).DownloadHTML(cancellationToken); var preSelector = "td > pre"; textToProcess = html.QuerySelector(preSelector).TextContent; } else { var path = Path.Get(url); textToProcess = await path.ReadStringAsync(cancellationToken); } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); progressReport = progressReport with { ReportMessage = new MultiLanguageString { EN = $"Finished obtaining text: [{url}]" }, Percentage = 10 }; progress.Report(progressReport); var majorSeparator = "================================================================================"; var textSplits = textToProcess.Split(majorSeparator); var rows = textSplits.Length - 2; var results = textSplits.AsEnumerable() .Skip(1) .SkipLast(1) .Select((section, index) => (index, card: ParseHOTCText(section))) ; foreach (var cardPair in results) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); progressReport = progressReport.WithParsedSerial(cardPair.card, rows); progress.Report(progressReport); yield return(cardPair.card); } progressReport = progressReport with { ReportMessage = new MultiLanguageString { EN = $"Parsed all cards." }, Percentage = 100 }; progress.Report(progressReport); yield break; }
public async IAsyncEnumerable <WeissSchwarzCard> Parse(string urlOrLocalFile, IProgress <SetParserProgressReport> progress, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (encoreDecksSiteSetMatcher.IsMatch(urlOrLocalFile)) { urlOrLocalFile = TransformIntoAPIFormat(urlOrLocalFile); } IList <dynamic> setCards = null; var progressReport = new SetParserProgressReport(); do { try { progressReport = progressReport with { ReportMessage = new MultiLanguageString { EN = "Obtaining list of cards..." }, Percentage = 1 }; progress.Report(progressReport); setCards = await urlOrLocalFile.WithRESTHeaders().GetJsonListAsync(cancellationToken); } catch (FlurlHttpException) { // Do nothing } } while (setCards == null); progressReport = progressReport with { ReportMessage = new MultiLanguageString { EN = $"Obtained [{setCards.Count}] cards." }, Percentage = 10 }; progress.Report(progressReport); foreach (var setCard in setCards) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); WeissSchwarzCard result = new WeissSchwarzCard(); result.Name = new MultiLanguageString(); var enOptional = DynamicExtensions.AsOptional(setCard.locale.EN); var jpOptional = DynamicExtensions.AsOptional(setCard.locale.NP); if (((string)enOptional.source)?.ToLower() != "akiba") { result.Name.EN =; } result.Name.JP =; (List <object>, List <object>)attributes = (enOptional.attributes, jpOptional.attributes); result.Traits = TranslateTraits(attributes).ToList(); result.Effect = ((List <object>)enOptional.ability)?.Cast <string>().ToArray(); result.Rarity = setCard.rarity; result.Side = TranslateSide(setCard.side); result.Level = (int?)setCard.level; result.Cost = (int?)setCard.cost; result.Power = (int?)setCard.power; result.Soul = (int?)setCard.soul; result.Triggers = TranslateTriggers(setCard.trigger); //result.Serial = setCard.cardcode; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(setCard.imagepath)) { result.Images.Add(new Uri($"{setCard.imagepath}")); } // TODO: Delete all methods related with generating serial. // TODO: Switch once LLDX checkbox is checked properly. See: result.Serial = WeissSchwarzCard.GetSerial(setCard.set.ToString(), setCard.side.ToString(), setCard.lang.ToString(), setCard.release.ToString(), setCard.sid.ToString()); result.Type = TranslateType(setCard.cardtype); result.Color = TranslateColor(setCard.colour); result.Remarks = $"Parsed: {this.GetType().Name}"; progressReport = progressReport with { ReportMessage = new MultiLanguageString { EN = $"Parsed [{result.Serial}]." }, Percentage = 10 + (int)((progressReport.CardsParsed + 1f) * 90 / setCards.Count), CardsParsed = progressReport.CardsParsed + 1 }; progress.Report(progressReport); yield return(result); } yield break; }