/// <summary> /// makes the creation of the PDF of the user about the medical threats /// </summary> /// <param name="userDet">user information, stored by the perogram</param> /// <param name="userId">DB identifier of the user</param> /// <param name="outputPath">the output path, to create the PDF</param> public void createHealthCarePDF(SetOfUserDetails userDet) { try { modelOwnPersManage = new PersonalProfileModelDB(dbci, parent); chems = modelOwnPersManage.getUserConnectedChemThreats(userDet.userArea); accids = modelOwnPersManage.getUserConnectedAccidents(userDet.userId); } catch (ErrorServiceProfileDetailsManage e) { throw new ErrorServiceProfileMange(e.Message); } try { modelPDFPersonal = new PersonalProfileModelPDFhc(userDet, dbci.output, chems, accids); } catch (ErrorMigraDocFileCreation e) { throw new ErrorServiceProfileMange(e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ErrorServiceProfileMange("Ismeretlen eredetű hiba történt (ServProfDet-PDFcreate) " + e.Message); } }
//it works with PDFSharp-MigraDoc-GDI by empria Software BmbH v. 1.32.4334 public PersonalProfileModelPDFhc(SetOfUserDetails userDet, string pathOfOutput, List <string> chem, List <string[]> accid) { string filename = userDet.userLastName + "Adatlapja" + DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString() + ".pdf"; try { if (!Directory.Exists(pathOfOutput)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathOfOutput); } this.path += pathOfOutput + filename; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ErrorMigraDocFileCreation("Probléma van a fájl célmappájával (ModPers-PDFfolder) " + e.Message); } adjustPageMetaDatas(userDet); adjustHeader(userDet); addChemicalsToPDF(chem); addAccidentsToPDF(accid); addFooterToPDF(); finishPDF(path); }
/// <summary> /// adjust the details of the loged-in-user /// </summary> /// <returns>the set of details in the program</returns> public SetOfUserDetails getTheUserDetailsFromDB() { userDetails = new SetOfUserDetails(); string[] userDatas = modelLogin.getUserDetails(); try { userDetails.userId = userDatas[0]; userDetails.userName = userName; userDetails.userLastName = userDatas[1]; userDetails.userFirstName = userDatas[2]; userDetails.userTaj = userDatas[3]; userDetails.userPosition = userDatas[4]; userDetails.userArea = userDatas[5]; userDetails.userAccountGroup = userDatas[6]; userDetails.completlynessSeek(); } catch (ErrorUserDetailsCompletlyness) { throw new ErrorServiceLoginInfoCollect("Felhasználói adatok gyűjtése sikertelen (ServLoginData)"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ErrorServiceLoginInfoCollect("Ismeretlen probléma lépett fel (ServLoginData) " + e.Message); } return(userDetails); }
public FormServiceProfileWindow(SetOfUserDetails usod, UserConnDetails dbci, Form parentMain) { InitializeComponent(); this.parentMainWindow = parentMain; this.dbci = dbci; this.usod = usod; personalController = new ServiceProfileWinController(usod, dbci, this); }
public FormServiceOrderingWindow(SetOfUserDetails soud, OrderingWindowPurpose mode, Form parentMain, ServiceOrdering servOrd) { InitializeComponent(); controllerOrd = new ServiceOrderingWinController(soud, mode, servOrd, this); this.parentMain = parentMain; this.Show(); parentMain.Hide(); }
public MainController(SetOfUserDetails soud, SetOfUserRights sour, Form parentalMainWindow, UserConnDetails dbci) { this.mainWindow = parentalMainWindow; this.setOfUserDetails = soud; this.dbci = dbci; initializeMainWindowElementsByRightsOfUser(sour); catchTheControlsOfServices(); }
/// <summary> /// constructor of the profile manager wiondow - only, that instatntiate its servise itself! /// </summary> /// <param name="usod">personal details of the user</param> /// <param name="dbci">DB connection informations</param> /// <param name="personalWin">the address of the profile manager window</param> public ServiceProfileWinController(SetOfUserDetails usod, UserConnDetails dbci, Form personalWin) { this.personalWin = personalWin; this.usod = usod; this.dbci = dbci; catchWindowcontrols(); setTheNormalViewOfWindow(); }
public ServiceOrderingWinController(SetOfUserDetails userDatas, OrderingWindowPurpose windMode, ServiceOrdering serviceOrd, Form parentWinOrd) { this.parentOrdWin = parentWinOrd; this.servOrdering = serviceOrd; this.windoProcessMode = windMode; catchTheControls(); adjutTheFieldsWithProperDatas(userDatas); }
public FormServiceOrdBookArriveWin(List <OrderingNoted> listNoted, Form parentMain, ServiceOrdering servOrd, SetOfUserDetails soud) { InitializeComponent(); controllOrdBookArrive = new ServiceOrdBookArriveWinController(listNoted, this, servOrd, soud); this.Show(); this.parentMain = parentMain; parentMain.Hide(); }
/// <summary> /// adjust the metadata of the healthcare-form pdf /// </summary> /// <param name="name">the name of the person</param> private void adjustPageMetaDatas(SetOfUserDetails userDet) { doc = new Document(); doc.Info.Author = userDet.userLastName + " " + userDet.userFirstName; doc.Info.Subject = "healt-datasheet with chemicals and accidents"; doc.Info.Title = "Healthcare datasheet of " + userDet.userLastName + " " + userDet.userFirstName; adjustPageSize(); //passive adjustPageSytle(); //passive }
/// <summary> /// constructor of MainFormWindow /// </summary> /// <param name="parentLogin">loginFormWindow itself</param> /// <param name="userRights">rights of logged in user</param> /// <param name="userDetails">personal details of loggen in user</param> /// <param name="dbci">connection informations</param> public FormMainWindow(Form parentLogin, SetOfUserRights userRights, SetOfUserDetails userDetails, UserConnDetails dbci) { InitializeComponent(); this.parentLogInWindow = parentLogin; this.setOfUserDetails = userDetails; this.dbci = dbci; controller = new MainController(userDetails, userRights, this, dbci); mTileUserOwnDetail.Text = "Üdvözüljük " + userDetails.userLastName + " " + userDetails.userFirstName + " Bejelentkezve mint " + userDetails.userAccountGroup; }
public ServiceOrdBookArriveWinController(List <OrderingNoted> listNoted, Form parentOrdBookAriv, ServiceOrdering servOrd, SetOfUserDetails soud) { this.parentBookArrivWin = parentOrdBookAriv; this.servOrdering = servOrd; this.soud = soud; actWorkWith = RecordType.NOTED; catchControls(); this.listNoted = listNoted; labelTitle.Text = "Rendelési lista készítése"; executeLoadInAllTheRecords(); }
/// <summary> /// fills up the fields to help the user /// </summary> /// <param name="soud">details of the operator user</param> private void fillInTheBasicInfos(SetOfUserDetails soud) { textBoxStartDate.Text = DateTime.Today.Year + "." + DateTime.Today.Month + "." + DateTime.Today.Day; //textBoxFinalDate.Text = ""; textBoxUserOrder.Text = soud.userLastName + " " + soud.userFirstName; //textBoxUserModif.Text = ""; textBoxProdcode.Text = ""; textBoxOrdPlace.Text = ""; textBoxOrdAmount.Text = ""; textBoxSubcontr.Text = ""; checkBoxNewProd.Checked = true; }
/// <summary> /// ordering list PDF creation process /// </summary> /// <param name="listThatNeedToBePDF">the important record content of Noted</param> public void setChosenRecordsToPDF(SetOfUserDetails soud, List <OrderingNoted> listThatNeedToBePDF) { try { modelPDFCreate = new OrderingModellerPDF(soud, dbci.output, listThatNeedToBePDF); } catch (ErrorMigraDocFileCreation e) { throw new ErrorServiceOrdering(e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ErrorServiceOrdering("Ismertlen hiba történt (ServOrdPDFBooking) " + e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// defines the steps when new ordering record is needed /// </summary> /// <param name="soud">details of operator-user</param> private void adjutTheFieldsWithProperDatas(SetOfUserDetails soud) { if (windoProcessMode == OrderingWindowPurpose.NEW) { adjustFieldsAsNewRecNeeds(); fillInTheBasicInfos(soud); labelInfoBar.Text = "Új rendelési tétel bejegyzése"; adjustFieldsNewBasicModify(); adjustFieldsToChangeProdStrip(); buttonOk.Text = "Létrehozás"; buttonOk.Visible = true; executeChooseModifyEvent(); } }
/// <summary> /// define the header content of the healthcare-form /// </summary> /// <param name="name">the name of the person</param> /// <param name="taj">the taj-number of the person</param> private void adjustHeader(SetOfUserDetails userDet) { string headerText1 = "Rendelési lista"; string headerText2 = userDet.userLastName + " " + userDet.userFirstName + " Beosztás: " + userDet.userPosition; thePage = new Section(); thePage = doc.AddSection(); paragraph = thePage.Headers.FirstPage.AddParagraph(); //this is a problematic line!! paragraph = thePage.AddParagraph(); paragraph.AddFormattedText(headerText1, StyleNames.Header); paragraph.AddLineBreak(); paragraph.AddFormattedText(headerText2, StyleNames.Header); paragraph.AddLineBreak(); paragraph.AddFormattedText("Nyomtatás ideje: ", StyleNames.Header); paragraph.AddDateField(); paragraph.AddLineBreak(); paragraph.AddLineBreak(); }
/// <summary> /// define the header content of the healthcare-form /// </summary> /// <param name="name">the name of the person</param> /// <param name="taj">the taj-number of the person</param> private void adjustHeader(SetOfUserDetails userDet) { string headerText1 = "Kémiai-egészségügyi adatlap"; string headerText2 = userDet.userLastName + " " + userDet.userFirstName + " TAJ-szám: " + userDet.userTaj; thePage = new Section(); thePage = doc.AddSection(); paragraph = thePage.Headers.FirstPage.AddParagraph(); //this is a problematic line!! paragraph = thePage.AddParagraph(); paragraph.AddFormattedText(headerText1, StyleNames.Header); paragraph.AddLineBreak(); paragraph.AddFormattedText(headerText2, StyleNames.Header); paragraph.AddLineBreak(); paragraph.AddFormattedText("Nyomtatás ideje: ", StyleNames.Header); paragraph.AddDateField(); paragraph.AddLineBreak(); paragraph.AddLineBreak(); }
//it works with PDFSharp-MigraDoc-GDI by empria Software BmbH v. 1.32.4334 public PersonalProfileModelPDFhc(SetOfUserDetails userDet, string pathOfOutput, List <string> chem, List <string[]> accid) { string filename = userDet.userLastName + "Adatlapja" + DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString() + ".pdf"; int indexer = 0; try { if (!Directory.Exists(pathOfOutput)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathOfOutput); } while (File.Exists(pathOfOutput + filename)) { filename = "Rendeles_" + userDet.userLastName + "_" + DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString() + "_" + indexer + ".pdf"; indexer++; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ErrorMigraDocFileCreation("Probléma van a fájl nevével vagy elérésével (ModPersPDFfolder) " + e.Message); } try { adjustPageMetaDatas(userDet); adjustHeader(userDet); addChemicalsToPDF(chem); addAccidentsToPDF(accid); addFooterToPDF(); finishPDF(pathOfOutput, filename); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ErrorMigraDocFileCreation("Probléma van a fájl létrehozásával (ModPersPDF) " + e.Message); } }
public OrderingModellerPDF(SetOfUserDetails userDet, string pathOfOutput, List <OrderingNoted> listThatNeedToBePDF) { string filename = "Rendeles_" + userDet.userLastName + "_" + DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString() + ".pdf"; int indexer = 0; try { if (!Directory.Exists(pathOfOutput)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathOfOutput); } while (File.Exists(pathOfOutput + filename)) { filename = "Rendeles_" + userDet.userLastName + "_" + DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString() + "_" + indexer + ".pdf"; indexer++; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ErrorMigraDocFileCreation("Probléma van a fájl nevével vagy elérésével (ModOrdPDFfolder) " + e.Message); } try { adjustPageMetaDatas(userDet); adjustHeader(userDet); addOrderingRecToPDF(listThatNeedToBePDF); addFooterToPDF(); finishPDF(pathOfOutput, filename); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ErrorMigraDocFileCreation("Probléma van a fájl létrehozásával (ModOrdPDF) " + e.Message); } }