public ActionResult Change(ChangePasswordModel model) { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { var userInfo = SingletonIpl.GetInstance <IplUser>().Login(sess.UserName); string password = Framework.Security.Crypt.SHA.sha256_hash(model.OldPassword); if (userInfo.Password.Equals(password)) { var newPass = Framework.Security.Crypt.SHA.sha256_hash(model.NewPassword); var flag = SingletonIpl.GetInstance <IplUser>().ChangePass(sess.UserId, newPass); if (flag) { Logs.logs("Thay đổi pass", "thay đổi pass thành công", "/ChangPassword/Change", sess.UserId); SessionSystem.ClearSession(); return(Redirect("/Login")); } } else { ViewBag.MsgOldPass = ConstantMsg.OldPassInvalid; } } return(View("Index")); }
//public ActionResult Delete(int id) //{ // var trave = _iplProject.Delete(id); // if (!trave) // ViewBag.msg = "Occur Error. Contact to Administrator"; // return RedirectToAction("Index"); //} public ActionResult Delete(int id) { var sessUser = SessionSystem.GetUser(); var role = _iplProject_Role.ViewDetail(sessUser.UserId, id); if (role != null) { if (role.Delete) { var detail = _iplProject.ViewDetail(id); if (detail != null && detail.Id > 0) { var ret = _iplProject.Delete(id); } int totalRow = 0; var project = _iplProject.ListAllPaging("", 1, 10, ref totalRow); return(View("Index", project.ToPagedList(1, 10, totalRow))); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Denied", "NotFound")); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Denied", "NotFound")); } }
public ActionResult Delete(int id) { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Xóa Department", "Truy cập vào trang Department", "/Department/", sess.UserId); List <DepartmentEntity> depart = _iplDepartment.ListAllByTreeView(); //if(depart.Count(x = .)) foreach (var item in depart) { if (item.Id == id) { List <DepartmentEntity> b = DepartmentChild(item.Id, depart); b.Add(item); foreach (var item2 in b) { var detail = _iplDepartment.ViewDetail(item2.Id); if (detail != null && detail.Id > 0) { var ret = _iplDepartment.Delete(item2.Id); } } } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); //int totalRow = 0; //var department = _iplDepartment.ListAllPaging("", 1, 10, ref totalRow); //return View("Index", department.ToPagedList(1, 10, totalRow)); }
//phân quyền theo từng project public void RolesProject(int projectId) { var sessUser = SessionSystem.GetUser(); var role = _iplProject_Role.ViewDetail(sessUser.UserId, projectId); ViewData["AuthorizeProjectPriceView"] = role.View; }
// GET: Backend/Profile public ActionResult Index(int?id) { var iplDep = SingletonIpl.GetInstance <IplDepartment>(); var allDep = iplDep.ListAll(); ViewData["Department"] = allDep; var fullName = string.Empty; var address = string.Empty; var phone = string.Empty; var avatarPath = string.Empty; var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); var emp = new EmployeeEntity(); id = id ?? sess.EmployeeId; if (sess != null) { emp = _iplEmployee.ViewDetail((int)id); fullName = emp != null ? emp.FirstName + " " + emp.LastName : sess.Email; address = emp != null ? emp.Address : string.Empty; phone = emp != null ? emp.Phone : sess.Phone; avatarPath = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(emp.PicturePath) ? _imagePath + emp.PicturePath : ""; } ViewBag.FullName = fullName; ViewBag.Address = address; ViewBag.Phone = phone; ViewBag.Avatar = avatarPath; return(View("Index", emp)); }
public ActionResult logout() { var sessUser = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Thoát ra ngoài,kết thúc phiên làm việc", "Logout", "/Login/Logout", sessUser.UserId); SessionSystem.ClearSession(); return(View("Index")); }
public BaseController() { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); if (sess == null) { return; } }
public void Roles() { var sessUser = SessionSystem.GetUser(); var module = _iplModule.ViewDetailByName("ProjectPrice"); var role = _iplRole.ViewDetail(sessUser.UserId, module.ID); ViewData["AuthorizePriceView"] = role.View; }
public ActionResult Delete(int id) { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Xóa nhân sự", "Truy cập vào trang Employee", "/Employee/", sess.UserId); var detail = _iplEmployee.ViewDetail(id); if (detail != null && detail.Id > 0) { var ret = _iplEmployee.Delete(id); } int totalRow = 0; var employee = _iplEmployee.ListAllPaging("", 1, 10, ref totalRow); return(View("Index", employee.ToPagedList(1, 10, totalRow))); }
public PartialViewResult Delete(int id, string Code = "", string Name = "", int AddressToId = 0, int Type = 0, int Department = 0, int Status = 0, int Priority = 0, string DateFrom = "", int page = 1, int pageSize = 10) { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Xóa công văn đến", "Truy cập vào trang DispatchIn", "/DispatchIn/", sess.UserId); var detail = _ipldispatchin.ViewDetail(id); if (detail != null && detail.Id > 0) { var ret = _ipldispatchin.Delete(id); } int totalRow = 0; var dispatchIn = _ipldispatchin.ListAllPaging(Code, Name, Type, Department, Status, Priority, DateFrom, AddressToId, page, pageSize, ref totalRow).ToPagedList(page, pageSize, totalRow); return(PartialView("_DispatchInList", dispatchIn)); }
public JsonResult CreateComment(int id, string comment, int projectID) { if (id == 0) { var sessUser = SessionSystem.GetUser(); long projectCmt = 0; Project_CommentEntity entity = new Project_CommentEntity(); entity.Description = comment.ToString(); entity.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; entity.UserId = sessUser.UserId; entity.ProjectId = projectID; entity.FullName = sessUser.FirstName + " " + sessUser.LastName; projectCmt = _iplProjectComment.Insert(entity); if (projectCmt == -1) { return(Json(new { status = false })); } else { return(Json(new { status = true, data = 0 })); } } else { var sessUser = SessionSystem.GetUser(); long projectCmt = 0; Project_CommentEntity entity = new Project_CommentEntity(); entity.Description = comment.ToString(); entity.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; entity.UserId = sessUser.UserId; entity.ProjectId = projectID; entity.ParentId = id; entity.FullName = sessUser.FirstName + " " + sessUser.LastName; projectCmt = _iplProjectComment.Insert(entity); if (projectCmt == -1) { return(Json(new { status = false })); } else { return(Json(new { status = true, data = id })); } } }
public JsonResult ResetPass(int userId) { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Reset lại pass", "Truy cập vào trang User", "/User/", sess.UserId); var ipluser = SingletonIpl.GetInstance <IplUser>(); var userExists = ipluser.ViewDetail(userId); if (userExists != null && userExists.Id > 0) { string newPass = Framework.Security.Crypt.SHA.sha256_hash("12345678"); var retVal = ipluser.ChangePass(userId, newPass); return(Json(new { status = retVal })); } return(Json(new { status = false })); }
public ActionResult Save(UserEntity entity) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Sửa User", "Truy cập vào trang User", "/User/", sess.UserId); var ipluser = SingletonIpl.GetInstance <IplUser>(); entity.Password = Framework.Security.Crypt.SHA.sha256_hash(entity.Password); var userId = ipluser.Insert(entity); if (userId > 0) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Roles", new { id = userId })); } ViewBag.Msg = ConstantMsg.ErrorProgress; } var iplemp = SingletonIpl.GetInstance <IplEmployee>(); var empInfo = iplemp.ViewDetail(entity.EmployeeId); ViewData["EmpInfo"] = empInfo; return(View("Index", entity)); }
public ActionResult Save(EmployeeEntity model) { var entity = new EmployeeEntity(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (model.Id > 0) { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Sửa Profile", "Truy cập vào trang Profile", "/Profile/", sess.UserId); entity = _iplEmployee.ViewDetail(model.Id); if (entity != null && entity.Id > 0) { entity.DepartmentId = model.DepartmentId; entity.FirstName = model.FirstName; entity.LastName = model.LastName; entity.Phone = model.Phone; entity.Address = model.Address; entity.AcademicLevel = model.AcademicLevel; if (model.file != null && model.file.ContentLength > 0) { if (!Utility.CheckfileUpload(model.file.FileName)) { ViewBag.msgUpload = ConstantMsg.ErrorImageFormat; return(View(model)); } var retUpload = Upload.upload(_imagePath, model.file, 250, 250); entity.PicturePath = retUpload.pathThumb; } var retVal = _iplEmployee.Update(entity); } } } var iplDep = SingletonIpl.GetInstance <IplDepartment>(); var allDep = iplDep.ListAll(); ViewData["Department"] = allDep; return(View("Index", entity)); }
public ActionResult Save(Employee_HistoryEntity model) { var entity = new Employee_HistoryEntity(); var iplPosition = SingletonIpl.GetInstance <IplPosition>(); var allPosition = iplPosition.ListAll(); ViewData["Position"] = allPosition; var iplDepartment = SingletonIpl.GetInstance <IplDepartment>(); var allDepartment = iplDepartment.ListAll(); ViewData["Department"] = allDepartment; if (model.Id > 0) { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Sửa lịch sử nhân sự", "Truy cập vào trang Employee_History", "/Employee_History/EditEmployee_History", sess.UserId); entity = _iplEmployee_history.ViewDetail(model.Id); if (entity != null && entity.Id > 0) { entity.EmployeeId = model.EmployeeId; entity.DepartmentId = model.DepartmentId; entity.Position = model.Position; entity.TimeIn = model.TimeIn; entity.TimeOut = model.TimeOut; entity.Note = model.Note; var retVal = _iplEmployee_history.Update(entity); if (retVal) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Employee_History")); } } } ViewBag.Msg = ConstantMsg.ErrorProgress; return(View("EditEmployee_History", model)); }
public ActionResult Save(DispatchTypeEntity model) { var entity = new DispatchTypeEntity(); //if (ModelState.IsValid) //{ if (model.Id > 0) { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Sửa Loại công văn", "Truy cập vào trang DispatchType", "/DispatchType/CreateDispatchType", sess.UserId); entity = _ipldispatchtype.ViewDetail(model.Id); if (entity != null && entity.Id > 0) { entity.Name = model.Name; var retVal = _ipldispatchtype.Update(entity); if (retVal) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "DispatchType")); } } } else { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Thêm mới Loại công văn", "Truy cập vào trang DispatchType", "/DispatchType/CreateDispatchType", sess.UserId); model.Createdate = DateTime.Now; var empId = _ipldispatchtype.Insert(model); if (empId > 0) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "DispatchType", new { id = empId })); } } //} ViewBag.Msg = ConstantMsg.ErrorProgress; return(View("DispatchType", model)); }
//[AuthorizeUser(ModuleName = "Project", AccessLevel = Constants.Add)] public ActionResult CreateOrEdit(int?id) { var sessUser = SessionSystem.GetUser(); LoadData(); ProjectEntity entity = new ProjectEntity(); if (id.HasValue) { var role = _iplProject_Role.ViewDetail(sessUser.UserId, id.Value); if (role != null) { if (role.Edit) { ViewBag.Title = "Sửa thông tin dự án"; //Edit entity = _iplProject.ViewDetail(id.Value); if (entity == null) { return(HttpNotFound("Không tìm thấy tin")); } return(View(entity)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Denied", "NotFound")); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Denied", "NotFound")); } } return(View()); }
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); var returnUrl = filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.RawUrl; int indexParam = returnUrl.IndexOf('?'); int indexP = 0; int temp1 = returnUrl.Count(f => f == '/'); if (returnUrl.Count(f => f == '/') > 2) { indexP = returnUrl.LastIndexOf('/'); } string temp = returnUrl; if (indexParam > -1) { temp = returnUrl.Substring(0, indexParam); } if (indexP > 0) { temp = returnUrl.Substring(0, indexP); } // LongNDG Check url request and get current module var urls = temp.Split('/'); var url = ""; if (urls.Length > 2) { url = urls[2]; } else { url = "Home"; } //var test = urls[2]; if (sess == null) { filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "Login", action = "Index", returnUrl = returnUrl.ToString() })); } else { //Check token online. Logging a only PC //var userDetail = obj.ViewDetail(sess.AccID,sess.Token); //if (userDetail == null) //{ // this.Session.Clear(); // filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new // RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "Login", action = "Index", Area = "manager", returnUrl = returnUrl.ToString() })); //} //else { if (Session["Role_" + sess.UserName] != null) { if (temp == "/ChangePassword/ChangePwd") { return; } var checkRole = (List <RoleEntity>)Session["Role_" + sess.UserName]; int index = -1; if (returnUrl != "/") { for (int i = 0; i < checkRole.Count; i++) { if (checkRole[i].Name.ToLower().IndexOf(url.ToLower()) != -1) { index = i; } } if (index >= 0) { if (!checkRole[index].View) { filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "NotFound", action = "Denied", returnUrl = returnUrl.ToString() })); } } //else //{ // filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new // RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "NotFound", action = "Denied", Area = "Backend", returnUrl = returnUrl.ToString() })); // //filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("/manager/Denied/Index"); //} } } else { filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "NotFound", action = "Denied", returnUrl = returnUrl.ToString() })); } //} } base.OnActionExecuting(filterContext); }
// GET: ProjectComment /// <summary> /// Lấy các bình luận về project /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult Index(long?id) { if (id.HasValue && id.Value > 0) { var sessUser = SessionSystem.GetUser(); var role = _iplProjectRole.ViewDetail(sessUser.UserId, id.Value); if (role != null) { if (role.View == true) { RolesProject(id.Value); = id.Value; //Lấy thông tin người đăng nhập var objProject = _iplProject.ViewDetail(id.Value); try { ViewBag.ProjectName = objProject.Name; ViewBag.Description = objProject.Description; ViewBag.ProjectPrice = objProject.Price; var statusproject = _iplProject_Status.ViewDetail(objProject.StatusId); ViewBag.Status = statusproject.Name; var sales = _iplEmployee.ViewDetail(objProject.SalesId); ViewBag.sales = sales.FirstName + " " + sales.LastName; var roles = _iplProjectRole.ListAllByProject(objProject.Id); foreach (var item in roles) { ViewBag.Lanhdao = item.FullName + " ;"; //string positionname = item.PositionName; //switch (positionname) //{ // case "Lãnh đạo": // ViewBag.Lanhdao = item.FullName + " ;"; // break; // case "Kỹ thuật": // ViewBag.Technical = item.FullName + " ;"; // break; // case "Trợ lý": // ViewBag.Troly = item.FullName + " ;"; // break; // case "Mua hàng": // ViewBag.Muahang = item.FullName + " ;"; // break; // default: // break; //} } //ViewBag.Troly = ""; //ViewBag.Technical = ""; var customer = _iplCustomer.ViewDetail(objProject.CustomerId); ViewBag.Customer = customer.Name; } catch { } if (objProject != null) { //Lấy toàn bộ danh sách các bình luận theo dự án List <Project_CommentEntity> glst = _iplProjectComment.GetByFKProject(objProject.Id); return(View(glst)); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Denied", "NotFound")); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Denied", "NotFound")); } } else { ViewData["ID"] = 0; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Save(DepartmentEntity model) { var entity = new DepartmentEntity(); var employeetity = new EmployeeEntity(); ReturnViewData(0); if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (model.Id > 0) //update { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Sửa Department", "Truy cập vào trang CreateDepartment", "/Department/CreateDepartment", sess.UserId); entity = _iplDepartment.ViewDetail(model.Id); if (entity != null && entity.Id > 0) { //get thông tin của Phòng entity.ParentId = model.ParentId; entity.Name = model.Name; entity.Location = model.Location; //entity.CreatedDate = model.CreatedDate; entity.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; entity.EmployeeManagerId = model.EmployeeManagerId; entity.EmployeeDebutyManagerId = model.EmployeeDebutyManagerId; entity.EmployeeChiefOfTheOfficeId = model.EmployeeChiefOfTheOfficeId; entity.SumEmployeesExpected = model.SumEmployeesExpected; var retVal = _iplDepartment.Update(entity); if (retVal) { int departid = entity.Id; if (departid > 0) { employeetity = _iplEmployee.ViewDetail(model.EmployeeManagerId);//lấy thông tin user trưởng phòng if (employeetity != null && employeetity.Id > 0) { if (employeetity.DepartmentId != departid) //check xem nếu nằm trong phòng hiện tại thì bỏ qua. { employeetity.LastDepartment = employeetity.DepartmentId; //trường hợp đổi phòng thì update lại phòng cũ chưa có vị trí mà employee này từng làm entity = _iplDepartment.ViewDetail(employeetity.LastDepartment); entity.EmployeeManagerId = 0; var updatedepartment = _iplDepartment.Update(entity); SaveHistory(employeetity, departid, _iplEmployee_History); } employeetity.DepartmentId = departid; //update cho employee thông tin về bộ phận làm việc. employeetity.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; var revalmanager = _iplEmployee.Update(employeetity); } employeetity = _iplEmployee.ViewDetail(model.EmployeeDebutyManagerId);// thông tin phó phòng if (employeetity != null && employeetity.Id > 0) { if (employeetity.DepartmentId != departid) { employeetity.LastDepartment = employeetity.DepartmentId; //trường hợp đổi phòng thì update lại phòng cũ chưa có vị trí mà employee này từng làm entity = _iplDepartment.ViewDetail(employeetity.LastDepartment); entity.EmployeeDebutyManagerId = 0; var updatedepartment = _iplDepartment.Update(entity); SaveHistory(employeetity, departid, _iplEmployee_History); } employeetity.DepartmentId = departid; //update cho employee thông tin về bộ phận làm việc. employeetity.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; var revalmanager = _iplEmployee.Update(employeetity); } employeetity = _iplEmployee.ViewDetail(model.EmployeeChiefOfTheOfficeId);// thông tin Chánh văn phòng if (employeetity != null && employeetity.Id > 0) { if (employeetity.DepartmentId != departid) { employeetity.LastDepartment = employeetity.DepartmentId; //trường hợp đổi phòng thì update lại phòng cũ chưa có vị trí mà employee này từng làm entity = _iplDepartment.ViewDetail(employeetity.LastDepartment); entity.EmployeeChiefOfTheOfficeId = 0; var updatedepartment = _iplDepartment.Update(entity); SaveHistory(employeetity, departid, _iplEmployee_History); } employeetity.DepartmentId = departid; //update cho employee thông tin về bộ phận làm việc. employeetity.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; var revalmanager = _iplEmployee.Update(employeetity); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Department")); } } } else //insert { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Thêm mới Department", "Truy cập vào trang CreateDepartment", "/Department/CreateDepartment", sess.UserId); model.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; var departid = _iplDepartment.Insert(model); if (departid > 0) { employeetity = _iplEmployee.ViewDetail(model.EmployeeManagerId);//lấy thông tin user trưởng phòng if (employeetity != null && employeetity.Id > 0) { if (employeetity.DepartmentId != departid) { employeetity.LastDepartment = employeetity.DepartmentId; } employeetity.DepartmentId = departid; //update cho employee thông tin về bộ phận làm việc. employeetity.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; var revalmanager = _iplEmployee.Update(employeetity); } employeetity = _iplEmployee.ViewDetail(model.EmployeeDebutyManagerId);// thông tin phó phòng if (employeetity != null && employeetity.Id > 0) { if (employeetity.DepartmentId != departid) { employeetity.LastDepartment = employeetity.DepartmentId; } employeetity.DepartmentId = departid; //update cho employee thông tin về bộ phận làm việc. employeetity.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; var revalmanager = _iplEmployee.Update(employeetity); } employeetity = _iplEmployee.ViewDetail(model.EmployeeChiefOfTheOfficeId);// thông tin Chánh văn phòng if (employeetity != null && employeetity.Id > 0) { if (employeetity.DepartmentId != departid) { employeetity.LastDepartment = employeetity.DepartmentId; } employeetity.DepartmentId = departid; //update cho employee thông tin về bộ phận làm việc. employeetity.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; var revalmanager = _iplEmployee.Update(employeetity); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Department", new { id = departid })); } } } ViewBag.Msg = ConstantMsg.ErrorProgress; return(View("CreateDepartment", model)); }
public ActionResult Save(DispatchInEntity model) { var entity = new DispatchInEntity(); var sessUser = SessionSystem.GetUser(); if (model.File != null) { using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { model.File.InputStream.CopyTo(memoryStream); } } if (ModelState.IsValid) { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); //model.FileId = 0; if (model.Id > 0) //update { Logs.logs("Sửa Công văn đến", "Truy cập vào trang DispatchIn", "/DispatchIn/CreateDispatchIn", sess.UserId); entity = _ipldispatchin.ViewDetail(model.Id); if (entity != null && entity.Id > 0) { entity.DispatchNo = model.DispatchNo; entity.DispatchName = model.DispatchName; entity.DispatchType = model.DispatchType; entity.Priority = model.Priority; entity.DateFrom = model.DateFrom; entity.DatePublish = model.DatePublish; entity.Signer = model.Signer; entity.DispatchStatus = model.DispatchStatus; entity.AddressFromId = model.AddressFromId; entity.AddressToId = model.AddressToId; entity.ReceiverId = model.ReceiverId; entity.ChiefOfStaffId = model.ChiefOfStaffId; entity.Note = model.Note; entity.Description = model.Description; entity.ModifiedBy = sessUser.UserId; entity.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; var retVal = _ipldispatchin.Update(entity); if (retVal) { int departid = entity.Id; var OldFile = _iplfile.ViewDetail(model.FileId); if (model.File != null) { OldFile.IsDel = true; _iplfile.Update(OldFile); //đổi file cũ sang trạng thái đã xóa } SaveFile(model.Id, sessUser.UserId, model); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "DispatchIn", new { AddressToId = model.AddressToId })); } } } else //insert { Logs.logs("Thêm Công văn đến", "Truy cập vào trang DispatchIn", "/DispatchIn/CreateDispatchIn", sess.UserId); model.CreatedBy = sessUser.UserId; model.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; var Id = _ipldispatchin.Insert(model); if (Id > 0) { SaveFile(Id, sessUser.UserId, model); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "DispatchIn", new { AddressToId = model.AddressToId })); } } } else { ListDropdown(); } ViewBag.Msg = ConstantMsg.ErrorProgress; return(View("CreateDispatchIn", model)); }
public ActionResult CreateOrEdit(ProjectEntity entity, int?id) { var sessUser = SessionSystem.GetUser(); LoadData(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { entity.IsDel = false; foreach (var item in entity.SelectedIDListManager) { entity.ListManager += item.ToString() + ";"; } //foreach (var item in entity.SelectedIDListTechnical) //{ // entity.ListTechnical += item.ToString() + ";"; //} //foreach (var item in entity.SelectedIDListAssistant) //{ // entity.ListAssistant += item.ToString() + ";"; //} //foreach (var item in entity.SelectedIDListBuyer) //{ // entity.ListBuyer += item.ToString() + ";"; //} int projectId = 0; if (id.HasValue && id.Value > 0) //update { var role = _iplProject_Role.ViewDetail(sessUser.UserId, id.Value); if (role != null) { if (role.Edit) { var entityExist = _iplProject.ViewDetail(id.Value); if (entityExist == null) { return(HttpNotFound("Không có tin tức")); } entityExist.Name = entity.Name; entityExist.Price = entity.Price; entityExist.CustomerId = entity.CustomerId; entityExist.SalesId = entity.SalesId; entityExist.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; entityExist.ListAssistant = entity.ListAssistant; entityExist.ListManager = entity.ListManager; entityExist.ListTechnical = entity.ListTechnical; entityExist.ListBuyer = entity.ListBuyer; entityExist.TypeId = entity.TypeId; entityExist.StatusId = entity.StatusId; entityExist.Description = entity.Description; projectId = _iplProject.Update(entityExist); ActionProject_Roles(projectId, entity, "edit"); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Denied", "NotFound")); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Denied", "NotFound")); } } else //insert { entity.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; projectId = _iplProject.Insert(entity); //ActionProject_Roles(projectId, entity,"add"); } if (projectId < 1) { ModelState.AddModelError("Name", "Xảy ra lỗi, vui lòng liên hệ với coder"); return(View(entity)); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(View(entity)); } }
//[AuthorizeUser(ModuleName = "Employee", AccessLevel = Constants.Save)] public ActionResult Save(EmployeeEntity model, FormCollection form) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { EmployeeEntity entity = _iplEmployee.ViewDetail(model.Id); var DepartmentId = form["DepartmentId"]; var PositionId = form["Position"]; string[] arrayDepartment; string[] arrayPosition; arrayDepartment = DepartmentId.Split(','); arrayPosition = PositionId.Split(','); var DispatchWorkId = form["DispatchWork"]; string[] arrayDispatchWork; arrayDispatchWork = DispatchWorkId.Split(','); #region Sửa Employee if (model.Id > 0) { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Sửa nhân sự", "Truy cập vào trang Employee", "/Employee/CreateEmployee", sess.UserId); #region Sửa lịch sử Chức Vụ, Phòng Ban if (DepartmentId != null && PositionId != null && arrayDepartment.Count() > 0 && arrayPosition.Count() == arrayDepartment.Count()) { //ListHistory là list thêm mới, sửa phòng, chức List <Employee_HistoryEntity> listHistory = ListHistory(model.Id, arrayDepartment, arrayPosition); //ListHistoryOld lấy ra thằng TimeOut = null và IdDepartment và IdPosition không có trong param hoặc bị xóa List <Employee_HistoryEntity> EmpHisOld = ListHistoryOld(model.Id, arrayDepartment, arrayPosition); if (listHistory != null && listHistory.Count() == 0 && EmpHisOld != null && EmpHisOld.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in EmpHisOld) { var listHistoryOld = _iplEmployee_History.SelectByPositionDepartment(item.EmployeeId, item.Position, item.DepartmentId); if (listHistoryOld != null) { listHistoryOld.TimeOut = DateTime.Now; var updateEmpHis = _iplEmployee_History.Update(listHistoryOld); } } } if (listHistory != null && listHistory.Count() > 0) { //Lưu thời gian nghỉ foreach (var item in EmpHisOld) { var listHistoryOld = _iplEmployee_History.SelectByPositionDepartment(item.EmployeeId, item.Position, item.DepartmentId); if (listHistoryOld != null) { listHistoryOld.TimeOut = DateTime.Now; var updateEmpHis = _iplEmployee_History.Update(listHistoryOld); } } foreach (var item in listHistory) { var EmpHis = new Employee_HistoryEntity(); EmpHis.Position = item.Position; EmpHis.DepartmentId = item.DepartmentId; EmpHis.EmployeeId = model.Id; EmpHis.TimeIn = DateTime.Now; EmpHis.Note = item.Note != null ? item.Note : form["Department" + item.DepartmentId]; _iplEmployee_History.Insert(EmpHis); } } //Xóa liên kết cũ _iplEmployee.DeleteDepartment(model.Id); //Lưu liên kết mới for (int i = 0; i < arrayDepartment.Count(); i++) { Employee_Department a = new Employee_Department(); a.IdDepartment = int.Parse(arrayDepartment[i]); a.IdEmployee = model.Id; a.IdPosition = int.Parse(arrayPosition[i]); _iplEmployee.InsertDepartment(a); } } else { ReturnFalse(model.Id); ViewBag.ErrPosition = "Chức vụ và phòng ban phải tương đồng."; return(View("CreateEmployee", model)); } #endregion #region Sửa Công Việc if (DispatchWorkId != null) { //Xóa liên kết cũ _iplEmployee.DeleteWork(model.Id); //Lưu liên kết mới foreach (var item in arrayDispatchWork) { Employee_DispatchWork a = new Employee_DispatchWork(); a.IdDispatchWork = int.Parse(item); a.IdEmployee = model.Id; _iplEmployee.InsertDispatchWork(a); } } else { ReturnFalse(model.Id); ViewBag.ErrDispatchWork = "Công việc không được để trống."; return(View("CreateEmployee", model)); } #endregion if (entity != null && entity.Id > 0) { entity.FirstName = model.FirstName; entity.LastName = model.LastName; entity.Phone = model.Phone; entity.Address = model.Address; entity.AcademicLevel = model.AcademicLevel; entity.Birthday = model.Birthday; entity.Gender = model.Gender; entity.IsActive = model.IsActive; entity.Position = model.Position; entity.DepartmentId = model.DepartmentId; entity.WageAgreement = model.WageAgreement; entity.ProbationaryFromDate = model.ProbationaryFromDate; entity.ProbationaryToDate = model.ProbationaryToDate; entity.WorkFromDate = model.WorkFromDate; entity.WorkToDate = model.WorkToDate; if (model.file != null && model.file.ContentLength > 0) { if (!Utility.CheckImageFormat(model.file.FileName)) { ViewBag.msgUpload = ConstantMsg.ErrorImageFormat; return(View(model)); } var retUpload = Upload.upload(_imagePath, model.file, 250, 250); entity.PicturePath = retUpload.pathThumb; } var retVal = _iplEmployee.Update(entity); if (retVal) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Employee")); } } } #endregion #region Thêm mới Employee else { var sess = SessionSystem.GetUser(); Logs.logs("Thêm nhân sự", "Truy cập vào trang Employee", "/Employee/CreateEmployee", sess.UserId); if (model.file != null && model.file.ContentLength > 0) { if (!Utility.CheckImageFormat(model.file.FileName)) { ViewBag.msgUpload = ConstantMsg.ErrorImageFormat; return(View(model)); } var retUpload = Upload.upload(_imagePath, model.file, 250, 250); model.PicturePath = retUpload.pathThumb; } var empId = _iplEmployee.Insert(model); if (empId > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < arrayDepartment.Count(); i++) { var EmpHis = new Employee_HistoryEntity(); EmpHis.Position = int.Parse(arrayPosition[i]); EmpHis.DepartmentId = int.Parse(arrayDepartment[i]); EmpHis.EmployeeId = empId; EmpHis.TimeIn = DateTime.Now; EmpHis.Note = "Bắt đầu làm việc"; _iplEmployee_History.Insert(EmpHis); var employee_Department = new Employee_Department(); employee_Department.IdDepartment = int.Parse(arrayDepartment[i]); employee_Department.IdEmployee = empId; employee_Department.IdPosition = int.Parse(arrayPosition[i]); _iplEmployee.InsertDepartment(employee_Department); } //Lưu liên kết mới foreach (var item in arrayDispatchWork) { Employee_DispatchWork a = new Employee_DispatchWork(); a.IdDispatchWork = int.Parse(item); a.IdEmployee = empId; _iplEmployee.InsertDispatchWork(a); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "User", new { id = empId })); } } #endregion } ReturnFalse(model.Id); return(View("CreateEmployee", model)); }