/// <summary> /// execute all pending commands - create the equivalent local commands and invoke its' execute method /// </summary> /// <param name="sendingInstruction"></param> /// <param name="sessionStage"></param> /// <param name="res"></param> internal override void Execute(SendingInstruction sendingInstruction, SessionStage sessionStage, IResultValue res) { MGDataCollection mgDataTab = MGDataCollection.Instance; // loop on all MGData for (int i = 0; i < mgDataTab.getSize(); i++) { MGData mgd = mgDataTab.getMGData(i); if (mgd != null && !mgd.IsAborting) { CommandsTable commands = mgd.CmdsToServer; // go over all commands while (commands.getSize() > 0) { // extract command from CmdsToServer IClientCommand command = commands.ExtractCommand(0); LocalRunTimeCommandBase localRunTimeCommand = _localRunTimeCommandFactory.CreateLocalRunTimeCommand(command); localRunTimeCommand.Execute(); } Debug.Assert(mgd.CmdsToClient.getSize() == 0, "Not all commands were executed"); } } }
private void EnsureSessionInStage(SessionStage retrospectiveStage) { using IServiceScope scope = this.App.CreateTestServiceScope(); var dbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IPokerTimeDbContext>(); Assume.That(() => dbContext.Sessions.AsNoTracking().FindBySessionId(this.SessionId, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult(), Has.Property(nameof(Session.CurrentStage)).EqualTo(retrospectiveStage).Retry(), $"Session {this.SessionId} is not in stage {retrospectiveStage} required for this test. Are the tests running in the correct order?"); }
public SessionStatus( string sessionId, string title, SessionStage sessionStage, int symbolSetId, UserStoryModel?currentUserStory ) { this.SessionId = sessionId; this.Title = title; this.SymbolSetId = symbolSetId; this.Stage = sessionStage; this.UserStory = currentUserStory; }
public SharedLoginRequest93Payload(ushort clientVersion, int teamId, uint guildCard, [NotNull] string userName, [NotNull] string password, [NotNull] ClientVerificationData clientData, SessionStage stage = SessionStage.PreShip) : this() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or whitespace.", nameof(userName)); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or whitespace.", nameof(password)); } if (userName.Length > 15) { throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(userName)} had a length of {userName.Length} but maximum length supported is 15.", nameof(userName)); } if (password.Length > 15) { throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(password)} had a length of {password.Length} but maximum length supported is 15.", nameof(userName)); } if (clientVersion == 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(clientVersion)); } if (clientData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clientData)); } ClientVersion = clientVersion; TeamId = teamId; UserName = userName; Password = password; ClientData = clientData; GuildCardId = guildCard; //This is odd, not sure what this is or why we have to do it but Teth checks this sometimes unk2 = Enumerable.Repeat((byte)stage, 6).ToArray(); }
public SharedLoginRequest93Payload(ushort clientVersion, int teamId, [NotNull] string userName, [NotNull] string password, [NotNull] ClientVerificationData clientData, SessionStage stage = SessionStage.PreShip) : this(clientVersion, teamId, 0, userName, password, clientData, stage) { }
private static SessionStatus GetSessionStatusInStage(SessionStage sessionStage) => new SessionStatus( TestContext.CurrentContext.Random.GetString(), TestContext.CurrentContext.Random.GetString(), sessionStage, TestContext.CurrentContext.Random.Next(), new UserStoryModel());
public bool SessionStatus_ShowUserStoriesOverview(SessionStage sessionStage) => GetSessionStatusInStage(sessionStage).ShowUserStoriesOverview;
public bool SessionStatus_CanViewEstimations(SessionStage sessionStage) => GetSessionStatusInStage(sessionStage).CanViewEstimations;
public bool SessionStatus_CanChooseCards(SessionStage sessionStage) => GetSessionStatusInStage(sessionStage).CanChooseCards;
public bool SessionStatus_CanViewOwnCards(SessionStage sessionStage) => GetSessionStatusInStage(sessionStage).CanViewOwnCards;
/// <summary>build the xml request; send it to the runtime-engine; receive a response</summary> /// <param name="sendingInstruction">instruction what to send during execution - NO_TASKS_OR_COMMANDS / ONLY_COMMANDS / TASKS_AND_COMMANDS.</param> /// <param name="sessionStage">HANDSHAKE / INITIAL / NORMAL.</param> /// <param name="res">result ot be read after parsing the response from the server.</param> internal abstract void Execute(SendingInstruction sendingInstruction, SessionStage sessionStage, IResultValue res);
private static Session GetRetrospectiveInStage(SessionStage sessionStage) { return(new Session { CurrentStage = sessionStage }); }