コード例 #1
    protected void AddToCartButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Products comboproduct = _productManager.GetProductById(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["PID"]));

        if (comboproduct != null)
                Orders order = SessionUserOrder;
                if (order == null)
                    order = new BusinessEntities.Orders();

                if (order.OrderDetailsList == null)
                    order.OrderDetailsList       = new List <BusinessEntities.OrderDetails>();
                    SessionOrderAdonList         = new List <List <BusinessEntities.OrderDetailAdOns> >();
                    SessionOrderDetailOptionList = new List <List <BusinessEntities.OrderDetailOptions> >();
                    order.OrderStatusID          = BusinessEntities.OrderStatus.NewOrder;

                #region Order Detail

                BusinessEntities.OrderDetails orderdetail = new BusinessEntities.OrderDetails();
                orderdetail.Price          = comboproduct.DefaultBranchProductPrice;
                orderdetail.CategoryName   = comboproduct.CategoryName;
                orderdetail.ProductName    = comboproduct.Name;
                orderdetail.ProductID      = comboproduct.ProductID;
                orderdetail.ProductImage   = comboproduct.Image;
                orderdetail.Quantity       = 1;
                orderdetail.IsGroupProduct = true;

                orderdetail.OrderDetailSubProducts = new List <OrderDetailSubProduct>();


                Double price = 0;
                foreach (RadPageView pageView in RadMultiPage1.PageViews)
                    price += ((MyUserControl)pageView.Controls[0]).GetPrice();
                    var orderDetailObj = ((MyUserControl)pageView.Controls[0]).GetOrderDetailSubProduct();
                    orderdetail.RecipientName = orderDetailObj.RecipientName;

                #region Code Commit

                /*RepeaterItemCollection gridItems = rptProducts.Items;
                 * foreach (RepeaterItem productItem in gridItems)
                 * {
                 *  Double productPrice = 0, toppingPrice = 0;
                 *  bool CalculateAdonPrice = false;
                 *  HiddenField ProductID = productItem.FindControl("hdProductId") as HiddenField;
                 *  RadTextBox RecipientName = productItem.FindControl("txtRecipientName") as RadTextBox;
                 *  RadTextBox Instruction = productItem.FindControl("txtInstruction") as RadTextBox;
                 *  Products product = products.Where(p => p.ProductID == Convert.ToInt32(ProductID.Value)).First();
                 #region Order Detail Sub Product
                 *  OrderDetailSubProduct orderDetailSubProduct = new OrderDetailSubProduct();
                 *  orderDetailSubProduct.ProductId = product.ProductID;
                 *  orderDetailSubProduct.Quantity = 1;
                 *  orderDetailSubProduct.RecipientName = RecipientName.Text;
                 *  orderDetailSubProduct.Comments = Instruction.Text;
                 *  Repeater rptOptions = productItem.FindControl("rptOptions") as Repeater;
                 *  foreach (RepeaterItem optionItem in rptOptions.Items)
                 *  {
                 #region Order Detail Sub Product Option
                 *      HiddenField OptionTypeID = optionItem.FindControl("hdOptionTypeId") as HiddenField;
                 *      OptionTypesInProduct optionTypeInProduct = product.OptionTypesInProductList.Where(ot => ot.OptionTypeID == Convert.ToInt16(OptionTypeID.Value)).FirstOrDefault();
                 *      if (optionTypeInProduct.IsMultiSelect)
                 *      {
                 *          CheckBoxList chklist = optionItem.FindControl("CheckBoxList") as CheckBoxList;
                 *          if (chklist != null)
                 *          {
                 *              bool changePrice = true;
                 *              foreach (ListItem checkBox in chklist.Items)
                 *              {
                 *                  if (checkBox.Selected)
                 *                  {
                 *                      ProductOptions productOption = optionTypeInProduct.ProductOptionsList[0];
                 *                      if (optionTypeInProduct.IsSamePrice && optionTypeInProduct.IsProductPriceChangeType)
                 *                      {
                 *                          if (changePrice)
                 *                          {
                 *                              if (productPrice == 0)
                 *                                  productPrice = productOption.Price;
                 *                              else
                 *                                  productPrice += productOption.Price;
                 *                              changePrice = false;
                 *                          }
                 *                      }
                 *                      else if (optionTypeInProduct.IsProductPriceChangeType)
                 *                      {
                 *                          productPrice += productOption.Price;
                 *                      }
                 *                      OrderDetailSubProductOption orderDetailSubProductOption = new OrderDetailSubProductOption();
                 *                      orderDetailSubProductOption.ProductOptionId = productOption.OptionID;
                 *                      orderDetailSubProductOption.ProductOptionName = productOption.OptionName;
                 *                      orderDetailSubProductOption.Price = productOption.Price;
                 *                  }
                 *              }
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          RadioButtonList radiolist = optionItem.FindControl("RadioButtonList") as RadioButtonList;
                 *          if (radiolist != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(radiolist.SelectedValue))
                 *          {
                 *              CalculateAdonPrice = true;
                 *              if (optionTypeInProduct.IsSamePrice)
                 *              {
                 *                  ProductOptions productOption = optionTypeInProduct.ProductOptionsList[0];
                 *                  productPrice = productOption.Price;
                 *              }
                 *              else
                 *              {
                 *                  ProductOptions productOption = optionTypeInProduct.ProductOptionsList.Where(po => po.OptionID == Convert.ToInt32(radiolist.SelectedValue)).FirstOrDefault();
                 *                  productPrice = productOption.Price;
                 *                  toppingPrice = productOption.ToppingPrice;
                 *              }
                 *          }
                 *          else
                 *          {
                 *              productPrice = product.UnitPrice;
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *      if (CalculateAdonPrice)
                 *      {
                 *          Repeater rptAdonsType = productItem.FindControl("rptAdonsType") as Repeater;
                 *          Int16 freeToppingCount = 0;
                 *          foreach (RepeaterItem adonTypeItem in rptAdonsType.Items)
                 *          {
                 *              HiddenField hdAdonTypeId = adonTypeItem.FindControl("hdAdonTypeId") as HiddenField;
                 *              AdOnTypeInProduct adonType = product.AdOnTypeInProductList.Where(at => at.AdonTypeID == Convert.ToInt16(hdAdonTypeId.Value)).FirstOrDefault();
                 *              Repeater rptAdons = adonTypeItem.FindControl("rptAdons") as Repeater;
                 *              foreach (RepeaterItem adonItem in rptAdons.Items)
                 *              {
                 *                  Double adonPrice = 0;
                 *                  HiddenField hdAdonId = adonItem.FindControl("hdAdonId") as HiddenField;
                 *                  Adon adon = adonType.Adons.Where(a => a.AdOnID == Convert.ToInt32(hdAdonId.Value)).FirstOrDefault();
                 *                  RadioButtonList txtAdonOptions = adonItem.FindControl("AdonOptions") as RadioButtonList;
                 *                  CheckBox txtDouble = adonItem.FindControl("txtDouble") as CheckBox;
                 *                  short selectedoption = short.Parse(txtAdonOptions.SelectedValue);
                 *                  OrderDetailSubProductAdon orderDetailSubAdon = new OrderDetailSubProductAdon();
                 *                  orderDetailSubAdon.AdOnId = adon.AdOnID;
                 *                  orderDetailSubAdon.AdonName = adon.AdOnName;
                 *                  orderDetailSubAdon.SelectedAdonOption = selectedoption;
                 *                  orderDetailSubAdon.IsDoubleSelected = txtDouble.Checked;
                 *                  if (adon.DefaultSelected == 0 && (selectedoption == 1 || selectedoption == 2 || selectedoption == 3))
                 *                  {       // When None was default selected and user has changed default selected option
                 *                      if (!adonType.IsFreeAdonType)
                 *                      {
                 *                          if (txtDouble.Checked)
                 *                          {
                 *                              if (freeToppingCount == product.NumberOfFreeTopping)
                 *                              {
                 *                                  if (toppingPrice > 0)
                 *                                      adonPrice += 2 * toppingPrice;
                 *                                  else
                 *                                      adonPrice += (2 * Convert.ToDouble(adonType.Price));
                 *                              }
                 *                              else
                 *                              {
                 *                                  if (toppingPrice > 0)
                 *                                      productPrice += toppingPrice;
                 *                                  else
                 *                                      productPrice += Convert.ToDouble(adonType.Price);
                 *                                  freeToppingCount++;
                 *                              }
                 *                          }
                 *                          else
                 *                          {
                 *                              if (freeToppingCount == product.NumberOfFreeTopping)
                 *                              {
                 *                                  if (toppingPrice > 0)
                 *                                      productPrice += toppingPrice;
                 *                                  else
                 *                                      productPrice += Convert.ToDouble(adonType.Price);
                 *                              }
                 *                              else
                 *                                  freeToppingCount++;
                 *                          }
                 *                      }
                 *                  }
                 *                  else  // When other than None is pre selected and user has also selected Double check box
                 *                  {
                 *                      if (txtDouble.Checked && selectedoption != 0)
                 *                      {
                 *                          if (toppingPrice > 0)
                 *                              adonPrice += toppingPrice;
                 *                          else
                 *                              adonPrice += Convert.ToDouble(adonType.Price);
                 *                      }
                 *                      else
                 *                      {
                 *                          txtDouble.Checked = false;
                 *                      }
                 *                  }
                 *                  orderDetailSubAdon.Price = adonPrice;
                 *                  productPrice += adonPrice;
                 *              }
                 *          }
                 *      } // CalculateAdonPrice
                 *  }
                 *  netProductPrice += productPrice;
                 *  orderDetailSubProduct.Price = productPrice;
                 * }*/

                orderdetail.ItemTotal = orderdetail.Price = price;

                //Add order details to log table when added to cart

                // Prepare data for log
                string sessionID     = HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID;
                string recepientName = orderdetail.RecipientName == "" ? null : orderdetail.RecipientName;
                string productDetail = string.Empty;
                string adons         = string.Empty;

                foreach (OrderDetailSubProduct product in orderdetail.OrderDetailSubProducts)
                    productDetail += product.ProductName + ": ";
                    foreach (var p in product.OrderDetailSubProductOptions)
                        productDetail += p.ProductOptionName + ",";
                    foreach (OrderDetailSubProductAdon adon in product.OrderDetailSubProductAdons)
                        adons += adon.AdOnId + ",";

                //productDetail = productDetail[productDetail.Length - 1] == ','
                //                    ? productDetail.Substring(0, productDetail.Length - 2)
                //                    : productDetail;

                //adons = adons[adons.Length - 1] == ','
                //                    ? adons.Substring(0, adons.Length - 2)
                //                    : adons;

                productDetail = productDetail.Trim(',');
                adons         = adons.TrimEnd(',');

                productDetail = productDetail == "" ? null : productDetail;
                adons         = adons == "" ? null : adons;
                // get log message to pass to db
                string message = Common.AddToCartLogMessage(orderdetail.CategoryName, orderdetail.Price,
                                                            adons, productDetail, SessionUserFullName);

                // Log order details
                LogManager log = new LogManager();
                log.SaveLogData(sessionID, LogLevel.INFO.ToString(), Logger.AddToCart.ToString(), message, null);

                List <BusinessEntities.OrderDetailAdOns> list = new List <BusinessEntities.OrderDetailAdOns>();
                List <BusinessEntities.OrderDetailOptions> list1 = new List <BusinessEntities.OrderDetailOptions>();

                double preOrderPromoValue = 0.0d;

                //if (SessionPreOrderPromo!=null)
                //    preOrderPromoValue = SessionPreOrderPromo.PreOrderPromoValue;
                order.OrderTotal      = order.OrderTotal + price;
                SessionUserOrder      = order;
                SessionUserOrderTotal = order.OrderTotal;

                this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "CloseWindow", "<script type='text/javascript'>CloseOnReload()</script>");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
コード例 #2
    private void GetOrderAdons(BusinessEntities.OrderDetails orderdetail, decimal adonpricefromOptionType)
        RadListViewDataItemCollection            adoncollection = txtAdonsList.Items;
        List <BusinessEntities.OrderDetailAdOns> list           = new List <BusinessEntities.OrderDetailAdOns>();

        foreach (RadListViewDataItem mainitem in adoncollection)
            Label             txtAdonType       = mainitem.FindControl("txtAdonTypeName") as Label;
            RadListView       txtAdons          = mainitem.FindControl("txtAdons") as RadListView;
            long              productadontypeid = (long)mainitem.GetDataKeyValue("ProductsAdOnTypeId");
            AdOnTypeInProduct adontypeinproduct = (from ATP in entities.AdOnTypeInProducts
                                                   where ATP.ProductsAdOnTypeId == productadontypeid
                                                   select ATP).FirstOrDefault();

            RadListViewDataItemCollection childadoncollection = txtAdons.Items;
            foreach (RadListViewDataItem childitem in childadoncollection)
                long        id             = (long)childitem.GetDataKeyValue("ProductAdOnID");
                ProductAdon productadonObj = (from PA in entities.ProductAdons
                                              where PA.ProductAdOnID == id
                                              select PA).FirstOrDefault();
                if (productadonObj != null)
                    BusinessEntities.OrderDetailAdOns orderdetailadon = new BusinessEntities.OrderDetailAdOns();
                    orderdetailadon.AdOnId       = productadonObj.Adon.AdOnID;
                    orderdetailadon.AdonName     = productadonObj.Adon.AdOnName;
                    orderdetailadon.AdonTypeName = txtAdonType.Text;

                    if (productadonObj.AdOnTypeInProduct.DisplayFormat == 1)
                        HiddenField SelectedSize = childitem.FindControl("SelectedSize") as HiddenField;
                        HiddenField IsDouble = childitem.FindControl("IsDouble") as HiddenField;
                        short       selectedoption = 0, isDouble = 0;

                        selectedoption = short.Parse(SelectedSize.Value);
                        isDouble       = short.Parse(IsDouble.Value);
                        if (selectedoption != 0)
                            orderdetailadon.SelectedAdonOption = (BusinessEntities.SelectedOption)selectedoption;
                            if (productadonObj.DefaultSelected == 0 && (selectedoption == 1 || selectedoption == 2 || selectedoption == 3))
                                if (!productadonObj.Adon.AdonType1.IsFreeAdonType)
                                    if (isDouble == 1)
                                        if (adonpricefromOptionType > 0)
                                            orderdetail.Price += Convert.ToDouble(2 * adonpricefromOptionType);
                                            orderdetail.Price += Convert.ToDouble(2 * (decimal)adontypeinproduct.Price);
                                        orderdetailadon.IsDoubleSelected = true;
                                        if (adonpricefromOptionType > 0)
                                            orderdetail.Price += Convert.ToDouble(adonpricefromOptionType);
                                            orderdetail.Price += Convert.ToDouble((decimal)adontypeinproduct.Price);
                                        orderdetailadon.IsDoubleSelected = false;
                                    orderdetail.Price += Convert.ToDouble(adontypeinproduct.Price);
                            else if (isDouble == 1)
                                if (adonpricefromOptionType > 0)
                                    orderdetail.Price += Convert.ToDouble(adonpricefromOptionType);
                                    orderdetail.Price += Convert.ToDouble((decimal)adontypeinproduct.Price);
                                orderdetailadon.IsDoubleSelected = true;
                            else if (productadonObj.DefaultSelected == 1)
                                orderdetail.Price += 0;
                                orderdetailadon.IsDoubleSelected = false;
                    else if (productadonObj.AdOnTypeInProduct.DisplayFormat == 2)
                    else if (productadonObj.AdOnTypeInProduct.DisplayFormat == 4)
                        HiddenField SelectedSize   = childitem.FindControl("SelectedSize") as HiddenField;
                        short       selectedoption = 0;
                        selectedoption = short.Parse(SelectedSize.Value);

                        orderdetailadon.SelectedAdonOption = (BusinessEntities.SelectedOption)selectedoption;
                        if (productadonObj.DefaultSelected == 0 && selectedoption == 1)
                            if (!productadonObj.Adon.AdonType1.IsFreeAdonType)
                                orderdetail.Price += Convert.ToDouble((decimal)adontypeinproduct.Price);