public string AddToPage(string sg, Article article) { Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); string foldername; if (article.Date.Month < 10) { foldername = "0" + article.Date.Month; } else { foldername = article.Date.Month.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } foldername += " " + article.Date.ToString("MMMM"); PageData page = (PageData)_client.Read(GetPage(sg, foldername), _readOptions); //if (!page.IsEditable.GetValueOrDefault()) //{ // page = (PageData)_client.CheckOut(page.Id, true, _readOptions); //} List <ComponentPresentationData> componentPresentations = page.ComponentPresentations.ToList(); string articleId = GetUriInBlueprintContext(article.Id, ResolveUrl(Constants.WebSitePublication)); string ctId = GetUriInBlueprintContext(ResolveUrl(Constants.ArticleComponentTemplateUrl), ResolveUrl(Constants.WebSitePublication)); ComponentPresentationData cp = new ComponentPresentationData(); if (articleId != null && articleId != TcmUri.UriNull) { cp.Component = new LinkToComponentData { IdRef = articleId }; cp.ComponentTemplate = new LinkToComponentTemplateData { IdRef = ctId }; componentPresentations.Add(cp); page.ComponentPresentations = componentPresentations.ToArray(); } page = (PageData)_client.Update(page, _readOptions); // Looks like it's still checked out at the end of this... if (page.IsEditable.HasValue && page.IsEditable == true) { _client.CheckIn(GetVersionlessUri(page.Id), null); } watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Added component presentation in " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " milliseconds"); return(page.Id); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //args[0] = "tcm:11-403-8"; if (!args.Any()) { Log("Please pass the Schema Tcm Uri as a parameter."); return; } string schemaUri = args[0]; if (!TcmUri.IsValid(schemaUri)) { Log("The specified URI of " + schemaUri + " is not a valid URI, please pass the schema Tcm Uri as a parameter."); return; } SessionAwareCoreServiceClient client = new SessionAwareCoreServiceClient("netTcp_2013"); if (!client.IsExistingObject(schemaUri)) { Log("Could not find item with URI " + schemaUri + " in Tridion. Please pass the Schema Tcm Uri as a parameter."); return; } ReadOptions readOptions = new ReadOptions(); UsingItemsFilterData whereUsedFilter = new UsingItemsFilterData { ItemTypes = new[] { ItemType.Component } }; SchemaData schema = (SchemaData)client.Read(schemaUri, readOptions); SchemaFieldsData schemaFieldsData = client.ReadSchemaFields(schema.Id, true, readOptions); bool hasMeta = schemaFieldsData.MetadataFields.Any(); string newNamespace = schema.NamespaceUri; if (schema.Purpose == SchemaPurpose.Metadata) { List<IdentifiableObjectData> items = new List<IdentifiableObjectData>(); UsingItemsFilterData anyItem = new UsingItemsFilterData(); foreach (XElement node in client.GetListXml(schema.Id, anyItem).Nodes()) { string uri = node.Attribute("ID").Value; items.Add(client.Read(uri, readOptions)); } Log("Found " + items.Count + " items using schema..."); foreach (var item in items) { if (item is PublicationData) { PublicationData pub = (PublicationData)item; string meta = pub.Metadata; XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.LoadXml(meta); string oldnamespace = xml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI; if (oldnamespace != newNamespace) { Log("Replacing namespace for publication " + pub.Id + " (" + pub.Title + ") - Current Namespace: " + oldnamespace); string metadata = meta.Replace(oldnamespace, newNamespace); pub.Metadata = metadata; client.Update(pub, readOptions); } } else if (item is RepositoryLocalObjectData) { RepositoryLocalObjectData data = (RepositoryLocalObjectData)item; string meta = data.Metadata; XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.LoadXml(meta); string oldnamespace = xml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI; if (oldnamespace != newNamespace) { Log("Replacing namespace for item " + data.Id + " (" + data.Title + ") - Current Namespace: " + oldnamespace); string metadata = meta.Replace(oldnamespace, newNamespace); data.Metadata = metadata; client.Update(data, readOptions); } } } return; } List<ComponentData> components = new List<ComponentData>(); foreach (XElement node in client.GetListXml(schema.Id, whereUsedFilter).Nodes()) { string uri = node.Attribute("ID").Value; components.Add((ComponentData)client.Read(uri, readOptions)); } Log("Found " + components.Count + " components."); Log("Current schema namespace set to " + newNamespace + ", checking for components with incorrect namespace."); int count = 0; foreach (var component in components) { if (schema.Purpose == SchemaPurpose.Multimedia) { Log("Changing Multimedia Component"); string meta = component.Metadata; XmlDocument metaXml = new XmlDocument(); metaXml.LoadXml(meta); string metaOldnamespace = metaXml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI; if (metaOldnamespace != newNamespace) { Log("Replacing namespace for item " + component.Id + " (" + component.Title + ") - Current Namespace: " + metaOldnamespace); string metadata = meta.Replace(metaOldnamespace, newNamespace); component.Metadata = metadata; client.Update(component, readOptions); } count++; Log(components.Count - count + " components remaining..."); continue; } string content = component.Content; XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.LoadXml(content); string oldnamespace = xml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI; if (oldnamespace != newNamespace) { Log("Replacing namespace for component " + component.Id + " (" + component.Title + ") - Current Namespace: " + oldnamespace); content = content.Replace(oldnamespace, newNamespace); try { ComponentData editableComponent = component; editableComponent.Content = content; if (hasMeta) { string metadata = editableComponent.Metadata.Replace(oldnamespace, newNamespace); // Fix for new meta if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadata)) { metadata = string.Format("<Metadata xmlns=\"{0}\" />", newNamespace); Log("Component had no metadata, but schema specifies it has. Adding empty metadata node"); } editableComponent.Metadata = metadata; } if (!hasMeta && !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(editableComponent.Metadata))) { editableComponent.Metadata = string.Empty; } client.Update(editableComponent, readOptions); } catch (Exception ex) { Log("Error occurred trying to update component: " + component.Id + Environment.NewLine + ex); } } count++; Log(components.Count - count + " components remaining..."); } }