public static Product CreateProduct(Product product) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { // Check if product already exists within database. var findExistingProduct = context.Products.FirstOrDefault (b => b.productName.ToUpper() == product.productName.ToUpper()); // Product object corrections product.productName = product.productName.Trim(); product.productDescription = product.productDescription.Trim(); // Product doesn't exist. if (findExistingProduct == null) { // Sum one to the counter of the product's category var category = context.Categories.Single(b => b.ID == product.categoryID); category.ammountProducts++; context.Products.Add(product); context.SaveChanges(); var newestProduct = context.Products.ToArray().Last(); return(newestProduct); } // Product already exists else { return(null); } } }
private async Task ClearWelcomeCommand(Message message, ServicesContext serviceContext, BotDbContext dbContext) { var client = serviceContext.TelegramBotService.Client; var table = dbContext.GroupMessages; var existingEntry = table.Where(welcome => welcome.ChatId == message.Chat.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingEntry != null) { await client.SendTextMessageAsync ( message.Chat.Id, "Updated welcome message ^-^", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId ); table.Remove(existingEntry); } else { await client.SendTextMessageAsync ( message.Chat.Id, "No welcome message anymore ^-^", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId ); } dbContext.SaveChanges(); }
private async Task WhoAmICommand(Message message, ServicesContext serviceContext, BotDbContext dbContext) { var client = serviceContext.TelegramBotService.Client; var profilePhotos = await client.GetUserProfilePhotosAsync(message.From.Id, 0, 1); if (profilePhotos.TotalCount != 0) { await client.SendPhotoAsync ( message.Chat.Id, profilePhotos.Photos[0][0].FileId, $@"You are <b>{message.From.FirstName} {message.From.LastName}{(message.From.IsBot ? "🤖" : "")}</b> @{message.From.Username} <code>{message.From.Id}</code>", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId, parseMode : ParseMode.Html ); } else { await client.SendTextMessageAsync ( message.Chat.Id, $@"You are <b>{message.From.FirstName} {message.From.LastName}{(message.From.IsBot ? "🤖" : "")}</b> @{message.From.Username} <code>{message.From.Id}</code>", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId, parseMode : ParseMode.Html ); } }
public static Category CreateCategory(Category category) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { // Check if category already exists within database. var findExistingCategory = context.Categories.FirstOrDefault (b => b.categoryName.ToUpper() == category.categoryName.ToUpper()); // Category object corrections category.categoryName = category.categoryName.Trim(); // Category doesn't exist. if (findExistingCategory == null) { context.Categories.Add(category); context.SaveChanges(); var newestCategory = context.Categories.ToArray().Last(); return(newestCategory); } // Category already exists else { return(null); } } }
public static Sale DeleteSale(int saleID) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var selectedSale = context.Sales.FirstOrDefault(b => b.ID == saleID); // Checking if the category exists within the database. if (selectedSale != null) { // Minus one from the counter of the daily and monthly sale stats. var selectedDailyStat = context.dailyStats.FirstOrDefault(b => b.salesDate == selectedSale.saleDate); var selectedMonthlyStat = context.monthlyStats.FirstOrDefault (b => b.salesMonth == selectedSale.saleDate.Month && b.salesYear == selectedSale.saleDate.Year); if (selectedDailyStat != null) { selectedDailyStat.productsSold--; } if (selectedMonthlyStat != null) { selectedMonthlyStat.productsSold--; } context.Sales.Remove(selectedSale); context.SaveChanges(); return(selectedSale); } // If it does not, return null. else { return(null); } } }
private async Task RulesCommand(Message message, ServicesContext serviceContext, BotDbContext dbContext) { var client = serviceContext.TelegramBotService.Client; var table = dbContext.GroupMessages; var existingEntry = table.Where(welcome => welcome.ChatId == message.Chat.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingEntry != null) { await client.ForwardMessageAsync ( message.Chat.Id, message.Chat.Id, (int)existingEntry.RulesMessage ); } else { await client.SendTextMessageAsync ( message.Chat.Id, "No Rules Set", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId ); } }
public static Product DeleteProduct(int productID) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var selectedProduct = context.Products.FirstOrDefault(b => b.ID == productID); // Checking if the category exists within the database. if (selectedProduct != null) { // Minus one from the counter of the product's category. var selectedCategory = context.Categories.FirstOrDefault(b => b.ID == selectedProduct.categoryID); selectedCategory.ammountProducts--; context.Products.Remove(selectedProduct); context.SaveChanges(); return(selectedProduct); } // If it does not, return null. else { return(null); } } }
public static DailyStats DeleteDailyStat(int statID) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var selectedDailyStat = context.dailyStats.FirstOrDefault(b => b.ID == statID); // Checking if the daily stats exists within the database. if (selectedDailyStat != null) { // Remove daily sales from the monthly stats counter. var selectedMonthlyStat = context.monthlyStats.FirstOrDefault (b => b.salesMonth == selectedDailyStat.salesDate.Month && b.salesYear == selectedDailyStat.salesDate.Year); if (selectedMonthlyStat != null) { selectedMonthlyStat.productsSold -= selectedDailyStat.productsSold; } context.dailyStats.Remove(selectedDailyStat); context.SaveChanges(); return(selectedDailyStat); } // If it does not, return null. else { return(null); } } }
public static JArray EliminarFactura(int facturaID) { JArray arrayJSON = BuscarFactura(facturaID); using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var factura = context.facturas.Where(x => x.ID == facturaID). Select(x => new { x.ID, x.fecha, x.clienteFK }).FirstOrDefault(); // La factura no existe, retornar nulo. if (factura == null) { return(null); } else { var encontrarFactura = context.facturas.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ID == facturaID); context.facturas.Remove(encontrarFactura); ServiciosDetallesFactura.RemoverDetallesFactura(facturaID); context.SaveChanges(); return(arrayJSON); } } }
public static Product UpdateProduct(int productID, Product product) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var selectedProduct = context.Products.FirstOrDefault(b => b.ID == productID); // Checking if the product does exist within the database. if (selectedProduct != null) { // Update category counters if a new category has been set for the product. if (selectedProduct.categoryID != product.categoryID) { var oldCategory = context.Categories.Single(b => b.ID == selectedProduct.categoryID); oldCategory.ammountProducts--; var newCategory = context.Categories.Single(b => b.ID == product.categoryID); newCategory.ammountProducts++; } selectedProduct.categoryID = product.categoryID; selectedProduct.productName = product.productName.Trim(); selectedProduct.productDescription = product.productDescription.Trim(); selectedProduct.productAmmount = product.productAmmount; selectedProduct.productPrice = product.productPrice; context.SaveChanges(); return(selectedProduct); } // If it does not, return null. else { return(null); } } }
public static Cliente CrearDetallesFactura(List <DetallesFactura> listaProductos) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { if (listaProductos.Count > 0) { context.BulkInsert(listaProductos); int facturaID = listaProductos.FirstOrDefault().facturaFK; int[] encontrarFKCliente = (from f in context.facturas join d in context.detallesFacturas on f.ID equals d.facturaFK where f.ID == facturaID select f.clienteFK ).ToArray(); int clienteID = encontrarFKCliente.First(); var datosCliente = (from c in context.clientes join f in context.facturas on c.ID equals f.clienteFK where c.ID == clienteID select new { c.ID, c.nombreCliente, c.RUT }).FirstOrDefault(); Cliente infoCliente = new Cliente(datosCliente.ID, datosCliente.RUT, datosCliente.nombreCliente); return(infoCliente); } else { return(null); } } }
private async Task ListAdminsCommand(Message message, ServicesContext serviceContext, BotDbContext dbContext) { var client = serviceContext.TelegramBotService.Client; var admins = await client.GetChatAdministratorsAsync(message.Chat.Id); var adminString = admins .Select ( (admin) => $@"• <b>{admin.User.FirstName} {admin.User.LastName}{(admin.User.IsBot ? "🤖" : "")}</b> @{admin.User.Username} <code>{admin.User.Id}</code>" ) .Aggregate ( (s1, s2) => s1 + "\n\n" + s2 ); await client.SendTextMessageAsync ( message.Chat.Id, adminString, replyToMessageId : message.MessageId, parseMode : ParseMode.Html ); }
public static IEnumerable <DetallesFactura> BuscarDetallesFactura(int facturaID) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var listaDetalles = context.detallesFacturas.ToList().Where(x => x.facturaFK == facturaID); return(listaDetalles); } }
public static MonthlyStats GetMonthlyStat(int id) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var monthlyStat = context.monthlyStats.FirstOrDefault(b => b.ID == id); return(monthlyStat); } }
public static List <MonthlyStats> GetMonthlyStats() { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var allMonthlyStats = context.monthlyStats.ToList(); return(allMonthlyStats); } }
public ServicesController(ServicesContext context, IResponce responce, IConfiguration configuration, IImageHandler imageHandler) { _context = context; _responce = responce; _configuration = configuration; _imageHandler = imageHandler; }
public static List <DailyStats> GetDailyStats() { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var allDailyStats = context.dailyStats.ToList(); return(allDailyStats); } }
public static Product GetProduct(int id) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var product = context.Products.FirstOrDefault(b => b.ID == id); return(product); } }
public static List <Product> GetProduct() { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var allProducts = context.Products.ToList(); return(allProducts); } }
public static Sale GetSale(int id) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var sale = context.Sales.FirstOrDefault(b => b.ID == id); return(sale); } }
public static DailyStats GetDailyStat(int id) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var dailyStat = context.dailyStats.FirstOrDefault(b => b.ID == id); return(dailyStat); } }
public static List <Sale> GetSales() { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var allSales = context.Sales.ToList(); return(allSales); } }
public static Category GetCategory(int id) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var category = context.Categories.FirstOrDefault(b => b.ID == id); return(category); } }
public static List <Category> GetCategory() { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var allCategories = context.Categories.ToList(); return(allCategories); } }
public static Cliente BuscarCliente(int RUT) { using (var context = new ServicesContext()) { var cliente = context.clientes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.RUT == RUT); return(cliente); } }
//private UserManager<ServicesModel.Models.Auth.Auth> _manager; public AuthsController(ServicesContext context, IAutentication auth, IResponce responce, IAccount account) { _context = context; _auth = auth; _responce = responce; _account = account; // _manager = manager; }
private async Task SaveMessage(Message message, ServicesContext serviceContext, BotDbContext dbContext) { var messageParts = message.Text.Split(' '); var client = serviceContext.TelegramBotService.Client; if (messageParts.Length >= 2) { var originMessage = message.ReplyToMessage; if (originMessage == null) { await client.SendTextMessageAsync ( message.Chat.Id, "Reply to a message >.> baka.", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId ); } else { var table = dbContext.AdminSavedMessages; var existingEntry = table.Where(savedMessage => savedMessage.ChatId == message.Chat.Id && savedMessage.MessageTag == messageParts[1]).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingEntry != null) { await client.SendTextMessageAsync ( message.Chat.Id, "Updated message ^-^", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId ); existingEntry.ChatId = message.Chat.Id; existingEntry.MessageId = originMessage.MessageId; } else { await client.SendTextMessageAsync ( message.Chat.Id, "Saved message ^-^", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId ); table.Add(new AdminSavedMessages(messageParts[1], message.Chat.Id, originMessage.MessageId)); } await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } } else { await client.SendTextMessageAsync ( message.Chat.Id, "Invalid request >_<", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId ); } }
public MainContext() { Storage = new StorageContext(); Model = new ModelContext(this); UI = new UIContext(this); Security = new SecurityContext(this); Services = new ServicesContext(this); Settings = new SettingsContext(); }
public AccountsController(ServicesContext context, IAccount account, IResponce responce, IImageHandler imageHandler, IConfiguration configuration) { _context = context; _configuration = configuration; _account = account; _responce = responce; _imageHandler = imageHandler; }
public staffController(ServicesContext context, IResponce responce, IImageHandler imageHandler, IAutentication auth, IConfiguration configuration) { _context = context; _responce = responce; _imageHandler = imageHandler; _auth = auth; _configuration = configuration; }