public string UpdateTeam(string userid, string teamid, string UserName) { Domain.Myfashion.Domain.Team team = new Domain.Myfashion.Domain.Team(); TeamRepository teamrepo = new TeamRepository(); try { string[] fnamelname = UserName.Split(' '); string fname = fnamelname[0]; string lname = string.Empty; for (int i = 1; i < fnamelname.Length; i++) { lname += fnamelname[i]; } team.Id = Guid.Parse(teamid); team.UserId = Guid.Parse(userid); team.FirstName = fname; team.LastName = lname; team.StatusUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; team.InviteStatus = 1; teamrepo.updateTeam(team); User objUser = new Services.User(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); return "Something Went Wrong"; } return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(team); }
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { HttpSessionStateBase session = filterContext.HttpContext.Session; Services.User user = (Services.User)session[Constants.SESSION_USER]; if (user != null) { return; } String urlFrom = String.Empty; UrlHelper url; //send them off to the login page url = new UrlHelper(filterContext.RequestContext); urlFrom = filterContext.Controller.ControllerContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.RawUrl; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(urlFrom)) { urlFrom = String.Format("?{0}", urlFrom); } var loginUrl = url.Content(String.Format("~/LogIn{0}", urlFrom)); session.RemoveAll(); session.Clear(); session.Abandon(); filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 403; filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Redirect(loginUrl, false); filterContext.Result = new EmptyResult(); }
public string UpdateTeam(string userid, string teamid, string UserName) { Domain.Myfashion.Domain.Team team = new Domain.Myfashion.Domain.Team(); TeamRepository teamrepo = new TeamRepository(); try { string[] fnamelname = UserName.Split(' '); string fname = fnamelname[0]; string lname = string.Empty; for (int i = 1; i < fnamelname.Length; i++) { lname += fnamelname[i]; } team.Id = Guid.Parse(teamid); team.UserId = Guid.Parse(userid); team.FirstName = fname; team.LastName = lname; team.StatusUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; team.InviteStatus = 1; teamrepo.updateTeam(team); User objUser = new Services.User(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); return("Something Went Wrong"); } return(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(team)); }
public async Task <bool> AddUser(Services.User user) { bool Result = false; await Context.AddAsync(user); Result = await Context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0; return(Result); }
public void Login(byte[] encryptedUser, byte[] iv) { Services.ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = Connections.FindConnection(Context.ConnectionId); if (connectionInfo != null && connectionInfo.Status == Services.ConnectionInfo.Statuses.Handshaked) { string json = connectionInfo.Aes.Decrypt(encryptedUser, iv); Services.User userInfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Services.User>(json); Connections.Login(Context.ConnectionId, userInfo); } }
public string UpdateTeambyteamid(string teamid) { try { teamrepo.updateTeambyteamid(Guid.Parse(teamid)); User objUser = new Services.User(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); return("Something Went Wrong"); } return(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(team)); }
private string GenerateResponse(HttpContext context) { string retVal = string.Empty; string path = context.Request.Path; switch (path.ToLower()) { case "/registration.api": { retVal = new Services.Registration(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/create/account/login/user.api": { retVal = new Services.CreateAccountLoginUser(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/login.api": { retVal = new Services.Login(context).GetResponse(); break; } //case "/validate_session.api": { retVal = new Services.ValidateSession(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/logout.api": { retVal = new Services.Logout(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/dashboard/menu.api": { retVal = new Services.Menu(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/page/user.api": { retVal = new Services.User(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/page/user_add.api": { retVal = new Services.UserAdd(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/page/user_delete.api": { retVal = new Services.UserDelete(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/page/user_change_password.api": { retVal = new Services.ChangePassword(context).GetResponse(); break; } //case "/get/user.api": { retVal = new Services.GetUserList(context).GetResponse(); break; } //Menu case "/menu/list.api": { retVal = new Services.MenuList(context).GetResponse(); break; } //Employee case "/get/employees/list.api": { retVal = new Services.GetEmployeesList(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/employee/add.api": { retVal = new Services.EmployeeAdd(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/employee/edit.api": { retVal = new Services.EmployeeEdit(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/employee/delete.api": { retVal = new Services.EmployeeDelete(context).GetResponse(); break; } //Combo case "/combo/departments.api": { retVal = new Services.ComboDepartmentName(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/combo/jobtitles.api": { retVal = new Services.ComboJobTitle(context).GetResponse(); break; } //User case "/userlist.api": { retVal = new Services.UserList(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/useradd.api": { retVal = new Services.UserLoginAdd(context).GetResponse(); break; } //Master Loan Book case "/master/loan/book/list.api": { retVal = new Services.MasterLoanBookList(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/master/loan/book/add.api": { retVal = new Services.MasterLoanBookAdd(context).GetResponse(); break; } //Transaction Loan Book case "/transaction/loan/book/list.api": { retVal = new Services.TransactionsLoanBookList(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/transaction/loan/book/borrow.api": { retVal = new Services.TransactionLoanBookBorrow(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/transaction/loan/book/return.api": { retVal = new Services.TransactionLoanBookReturn(context).GetResponse(); break; } //Report Loan Book case "/report/loan/book/list.api": { retVal = new Services.ReportLoanBookList(context).GetResponse(); break; } case "/combo/databook.api": { retVal = new Services.ComboDataBook(context).GetResponse(); break; } default: { retVal = DefaultResponse(); break; } } return(retVal); }
public static Services.User ViewModelToUser(UserViewModel user) { Services.User User = new Services.User() { Id = CryptoRandom.CreateUniqueId(format: CryptoRandom.OutputFormat.Hex), UserName = user.UserName, Password = new Secret(user.Password.Sha256()).Value, IsActive = true, }; var UserClaims = new List <Services.UserClaim>() { new Services.UserClaim() { UserId = User.Id, ClaimName = "name", ClaimValue = user.Name }, new Services.UserClaim() { UserId = User.Id, ClaimName = "family_name", ClaimValue = user.Name }, new Services.UserClaim() { UserId = User.Id, ClaimName = "given_name", ClaimValue = user.GivenName }, new Services.UserClaim() { UserId = User.Id, ClaimName = "email", ClaimValue = user.Email }, new Services.UserClaim() { UserId = User.Id, ClaimName = "email_verified", ClaimValue = "true" }, new Services.UserClaim() { UserId = User.Id, ClaimName = "website", ClaimValue = user.WebSite }, }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Country)) { UserClaims.Add(new Services.UserClaim() { UserId = User.Id, ClaimName = "address", ClaimValue = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new { street_address = user.Street, locality = user.Locality, postal_code = user.PostalCode, country = user.Country }) }); } if (user.Roles.Any()) { foreach (var role in user.Roles) { UserClaims.Add(new Services.UserClaim() { UserId = User.Id, ClaimName = "role", ClaimValue = role }); } } User.UserClaims = UserClaims; return(User); }
public string UpdateTeambyteamid(string teamid) { try { teamrepo.updateTeambyteamid(Guid.Parse(teamid)); User objUser = new Services.User(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); return "Something Went Wrong"; } return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(team); }