コード例 #1
        private async Task <TimeSpan> SendNotifications(ServiceStatusResult statusResult)
            List <Task>     tasks        = new List <Task>();
            List <TimeSpan> gracePeriods = new List <TimeSpan>();

            // Send service up notifications
            List <SubscriptionResults> serviceUpMailRecepients = await GetSubscribers(statusResult.WentOnline);

            foreach (SubscriptionResults recepient in serviceUpMailRecepients)
                // TODO: Read text from config file
                tasks.Add(mailingService.Send(recepient.User.Email, "Service Up", GetMessageBody(recepient.Subscriptions.Select(s => s.Service).ToList())));

            // Send service down notifications
            List <SubscriptionResults> serviceDownMailRecepients = await GetSubscribers(statusResult.WentOffline);

            foreach (SubscriptionResults recepient in serviceDownMailRecepients)
                // TODO: Read text from config file
                tasks.Add(mailingService.Send(recepient.User.Email, "Service Down", GetMessageBody(recepient.Subscriptions.Select(s => s.Service).ToList())));
                gracePeriods.AddRange(recepient.Subscriptions.Select(s => s.GracePeriod));

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());

            // Find the minimum grace period out of all subscriptions (excluding zeros)
            // If no entries found return a big value, so it will be ignored and polling freaquency will be considered
            var minimumGracePeriod = gracePeriods.Count > 0 ? gracePeriods.Min() : new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0);

コード例 #2
        public async Task <TimeSpan> UpdateServiceHelth()
            // Read saved service providers from the DB
            List <ServiceProvider> serviceProviders = await serviceProviderRepository.GetAll();

            // Check network connectivity status
            ServiceStatusResult updateResult = await networkService.CheckTcpConnection(serviceProviders);

            // write new status to the DB
            Task updateServiceProviderTask = serviceProviderRepository.Upsert(updateResult.ServiceProviders);

            // send mail notifications
            Task <TimeSpan> sendMailTask = SendNotifications(updateResult);

            // DB update, email notification and polling freaquency read can happen asynchronusly

            // Let the DB query run asynchronously while above two operations runs
            Task <TimeSpan> pollingFreaquencyTask = serviceProviderRepository.GetMaximumPollingFreaquency();

            // wait for DB update and notifications to complete
            await updateServiceProviderTask;

            TimeSpan minimumGracePeriod = await sendMailTask;

            // wait for the query result. This should be already completed
            TimeSpan pollingFreaquency = await pollingFreaquencyTask;

            // Next update cycle will be initialized based on the minimum value between polling frequency and minimum grace period of failed services.
            // From the NetworkService class correct polling frequency will be checked and skipped unnecessary network checks
            TimeSpan nextUpdateFrequency = minimumGracePeriod < pollingFreaquency ? minimumGracePeriod : pollingFreaquency;

コード例 #3
        public void UpdateServiceHealth_Should_Return_grace_period()
            var mockLogger = new Mock <ILogger <ServiceManager> >();
            var mockServiceProviderRepo = new Mock <IServiceProviderRepository>();
            var mockUserRepo            = new Mock <IUserRepository>();
            var mockNetworkService      = new Mock <INetworkService>();
            var mockMailingService      = new Mock <IMailingService>();

            // This means in one failed service provider grace period is less than the next polling time
            // in this case minimum grace period should return as the next polling time
            TimeSpan maximumPollingFreaquency = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 1);
            TimeSpan minimumGracePeriod       = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);

            ServiceProvider serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider()
                Host = "", Port = 80, PollingFrequency = maximumPollingFreaquency

            List <ServiceProvider> serviceProviders = new List <ServiceProvider>();


            List <ServiceSubscription> serviceSubscriptions = new List <ServiceSubscription>();

            serviceSubscriptions.Add(new ServiceSubscription()
                Service = serviceProvider, GracePeriod = minimumGracePeriod, PollingFrequency = maximumPollingFreaquency

            List <User> users = new List <User>();

            users.Add(new User()
                Name = "abc", Email = "*****@*****.**", Subscriptions = serviceSubscriptions

            ServiceStatusResult updateResult = new ServiceStatusResult();


            mockNetworkService.Setup(n => n.CheckTcpConnection(serviceProviders)).ReturnsAsync(updateResult);
            mockUserRepo.Setup(u => u.GetAll()).ReturnsAsync(users);
            mockServiceProviderRepo.Setup(s => s.GetMaximumPollingFreaquency()).ReturnsAsync(maximumPollingFreaquency);

            ServiceManager serviceManager = new ServiceManager(mockLogger.Object, mockServiceProviderRepo.Object, mockUserRepo.Object, mockNetworkService.Object, mockMailingService.Object);

            // execute method
            TimeSpan pollingFreaquencyResult = serviceManager.UpdateServiceHelth().Result;

            // UpdateServiceHelth() should return the value we configured for minimum grace period as it's the lowest value
            Assert.AreEqual(pollingFreaquencyResult, minimumGracePeriod);
コード例 #4
        public async Task <ServiceStatusResult> CheckTcpConnection(List <ServiceProvider> tcpServiceProviders)
            // List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
            serviceStatusResult = new ServiceStatusResult();

            foreach (ServiceProvider tcpServiceProvider in tcpServiceProviders)
                if (tcpServiceProvider.UpdatedDate.Add(tcpServiceProvider.PollingFrequency) <= DateTime.Now && // If polling is due and
                    (tcpServiceProvider.OutageStart > DateTime.Now && tcpServiceProvider.OutageEnd >= DateTime.Now || // If outage starts and ends in a future date, check connectivity
                     tcpServiceProvider.OutageStart < DateTime.Now && tcpServiceProvider.OutageEnd < DateTime.Now))   // If outage started and ended in a past date, check connectivity
                    await CheckTcpConnection(tcpServiceProvider);

コード例 #5
 public NetworkService(ILogger <NetworkService> logger)
     this.logger         = logger;
     serviceStatusResult = new ServiceStatusResult();