public void ServiceReaderSaveDocumentWherePathIsInvalid() { // ---Arrange--- // Create a mock input file var doc = new FlowDocument(); // Create a mock path var path = @"ThisIsNotAValidPath"; // Setup mock file system starting state var mockFileSystem = new MockFileSystem(); mockFileSystem.AddDirectory(@"c:\tests\"); // Create ServiceReaderJSON with mock file system var serviceReader = new ServiceReaderJSON(mockFileSystem); // ---Act--- // process input file var ex = Assert.ThrowsException <Exception>(() => { var task = serviceReader.SaveDocument(doc, path); task.Wait(); }); // ---Assert--- // Check if correct exception was thrown Assert.AreEqual(ex.Message, $"Document cannot be null."); }
public void ServiceReaderSavesFileOnMockFileSystem() { // ---Arrange--- // Create a mock input file var doc = new FlowDocument(); // Setup mock file system starting state var mockFileSystem = new MockFileSystem(); mockFileSystem.AddDirectory(@"c:\tests\"); // Create ServiceReaderJSON with mock file system var serviceReader = new ServiceReaderJSON(mockFileSystem); // ---Act--- // process input file var path = @"c:\tests\savedDoc.json"; var task = serviceReader.SaveDocument(doc, path); task.Wait(); // ---Assert--- // Check mock file system for output file Assert.IsTrue(mockFileSystem.FileExists(@"c:\tests\savedDoc.json")); // Check if output file in mock file system has content var savedJSONfile = mockFileSystem.GetFile(@"c:\tests\savedDoc.json"); var contents = savedJSONfile.TextContents; Assert.IsNotNull(contents); }