private void ProcessConnectionInvalidCredentials() { var resp = new ServiceMessageResponse { Message = "Invalid user credentials!" }; this.cryptoWrapper.Send(resp.ToBytes()); this.FreeTCPClient(); Log.DebugFormat( "Logon from IP '{0}' failed: Login '{1}'//Password not recognized", this.clientIpAddress, this.Login); }
private void ProcessLogon(ServiceMessage serviceMessage) { // Logon attempt var credentials = LogonCredentials.FromBytes(serviceMessage.Data); if (!this.dataContext.ValidateLoginPass(credentials.Login, credentials.Password)) { this.ProcessConnectionInvalidCredentials(); return; } // Check if user with same login is already logged in if (this.server.IsLoggedIn(credentials.Login)) { var existingClient = this.server.GetChatClient(credentials.Login); if (existingClient.PokeForAlive()) { // Client with login <login> still alive -> new login attempt invalid var resp = new ServiceMessageResponse { Message = "This login is already used" }; this.cryptoWrapper.Send(resp.ToBytes()); this.FreeTCPClient(); Log.DebugFormat( "Logon from IP '{0}' failed: User '{1}' already logged on", this.clientIpAddress, credentials.Login); } else { // Old client app which used current login is unresponsive -> dispose of it and add new this.server.RemoveClient(credentials.Login); Log.DebugFormat( "Old client app which used login '{0}' is unresponsive -> dispose of it and add new", credentials.Login); this.server.AddLoggedInUser(credentials.Login, this); } } else { this.server.AddLoggedInUser(credentials.Login, this); this.cryptoWrapper.Send(ServiceMessageResponse.Success.ToBytes()); Log.DebugFormat( "Logon from IP '{0}' success: User '{1}' from IP logged on", this.clientIpAddress, credentials.Login); } this.Login = credentials.Login; }
public int LogOnInvalidMessage1() { try { var creds = new LogonCredentials { Login = this.Login, Password = this.password }; var serializedCreds = creds.ToBytes(); var serviceMessage = new ServiceMessage { MessageType = MessageType.Logon, Data = serializedCreds }; var serviceMessageSerialized = serviceMessage.ToBytes(); // Craft corrupted message var data = new byte[4 + 10]; BitConverter.GetBytes(12).CopyTo(data, 0);, 0, data.Length); // Send corrupted message var respData = this.cryptoWrapper.Receive(); var smr = ServiceMessageResponse.FromBytes(respData); if (smr.IsSuccess) { Logger.Debug(string.Format("Logon succeeded for user '{0}'", this.Login)); return(0); } else { Logger.Debug(string.Format("Logon failed for user '{0}'. Reason: '{1}'", this.Login, smr.Message)); this.FreeClient(); return(1); } } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { Logger.Error(ex.ToString); return(3); } catch (SocketException ex) { Logger.Error(ex.ToString); return(4); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex.ToString); return(5); } }
public int LogOn() { try { var creds = new LogonCredentials { Login = this.Login, Password = this.password }; var serializedCreds = creds.ToBytes(); var serviceMessage = new ServiceMessage { MessageType = MessageType.Logon, Data = serializedCreds }; this.cryptoWrapper.Send(serviceMessage.ToBytes()); var respData = this.cryptoWrapper.Receive(); var smr = ServiceMessageResponse.FromBytes(respData); if (smr.IsSuccess) { Logger.Debug(string.Format("Logon succeeded for user '{0}'", this.Login)); return(0); } else { Logger.Debug(string.Format("Logon failed for user '{0}'. Reason: '{1}'", this.Login, smr.Message)); this.FreeClient(); return(1); } } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { Logger.Error(ex.ToString); return(3); } catch (SocketException ex) { Logger.Error(ex.ToString); return(4); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex.ToString); return(5); } }
private void ProcessLogon(ServiceMessage serviceMessage) { // Logon attempt var credentials = LogonCredentials.FromBytes(serviceMessage.Data); if (!this.dataContext.ValidateLoginPass(credentials.Login, credentials.Password)) { this.ProcessConnectionInvalidCredentials(); return; } // Check if user with same login is already logged in if (this.server.IsLoggedIn(credentials.Login)) { var existingClient = this.server.GetChatClient(credentials.Login); if (existingClient.PokeForAlive()) { // Client with login <login> still alive -> new login attempt invalid var resp = new ServiceMessageResponse { Message = "This login is already used"}; this.cryptoWrapper.Send(resp.ToBytes()); this.FreeTCPClient(); Log.DebugFormat( "Logon from IP '{0}' failed: User '{1}' already logged on", this.clientIpAddress, credentials.Login); } else { // Old client app which used current login is unresponsive -> dispose of it and add new this.server.RemoveClient(credentials.Login); Log.DebugFormat( "Old client app which used login '{0}' is unresponsive -> dispose of it and add new", credentials.Login); this.server.AddLoggedInUser(credentials.Login, this); } } else { this.server.AddLoggedInUser(credentials.Login, this); this.cryptoWrapper.Send(ServiceMessageResponse.Success.ToBytes()); Log.DebugFormat( "Logon from IP '{0}' success: User '{1}' from IP logged on", this.clientIpAddress, credentials.Login); } this.Login = credentials.Login; }