public void EditServiceListing() { // Creates a toggle for the given test, adds all log events under it test = extent.StartTest("Edit A Listing"); // Edit A Service Listing ManageListing ManageListingObj = new ManageListing(); ManageListingObj.ViewManageListingPage(); try { string ActualResult = ManageListingObj.PerformAction("Edit"); //If Action Performed succesfully, page redirects to Service Listing Page string ExpectedResult = "ServiceListing"; Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedResult, ActualResult); // Screenshot String img = SaveScreenShotClass.SaveScreenshot(GlobalDefinitions.driver, "Edit Service"); test.Log(LogStatus.Info, "Edit Service Successfully" + img); } catch (Exception e) { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Error, "Error in Edit Service : " + e.Message); } //Edit the Service ServiceListing serviceListingObj = new ServiceListing(); //serviceListingObj.SaveNew(); }
public void viewListedService() { NavigationBar navigationBar = new NavigationBar(); ManageListings manageListings = navigationBar.clickOnManageListing(); ServiceListing serviceListing = manageListings.viewListedService(); serviceListing.isServiceDetailsCorrect(); }
public void TC_009_03_CreateNewShareSkill() { try { GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.PopulateInCollection(Base.ExcelPath, "ShareSkill"); test = extent.StartTest("Create New Share Skill Record"); // create an object for serviceLIsting page ServiceListing skillObj = new ServiceListing(); //click on the share skill button skillObj.ShareSkillBtnClick(); //enter all the details from the excel string title = GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Title"); string desc = GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Description"); skillObj.inputTitleDescription(title, desc); //enter category and sub category details skillObj.SelectCategSubcateg(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Category"), GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "SubCategory")); // enter tags value skillObj.InputTags(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Tags")); //enter service type and location type skillObj.ServiceAndLocationTypeSelect(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "ServiceType"), GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "LocationType")); //enter yesterday as start date in Available days string date = GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "AvailableDays"); skillObj.StartDateSelect(date); //enter skill trade details skillObj.inputCreditTradeDetails(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "credit")); //enter active status skillObj.ActiveBtnClick(); //click on save button skillObj.SaveBtnClick(); if (skillObj.ShareSkillPageTitle().Equals("ListingManagement")) { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "New share skill record created sucessfully"); Assert.True(true); } else { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Fail, "New Share skill record not saved"); Assert.Fail(); } } catch (Exception e) { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Fail, e); Assert.Fail(); } }
public void EditSkill(string TitleForServcToBeEdited, int rownumber) { bool editMatchFound = false; TestCase_Name = $"Editing existing services for title {TitleForServcToBeEdited}"; test = extent.CreateTest(TestCase_Name); //Create an instance for the SignIn page SignIn JoinObj = new SignIn(driver); //Invoke the LoginSteps to verify if the user can log in with valid credentials JoinObj.LoginSteps(); //Invoke the function to validate if the user has logged in successfully and the home page is displayed JoinObj.ValidateHomePage(); //Create an instance for the HomePage HomePage listObj = new HomePage(driver); //Invoke the funtion to navigate to Manage Listings listObj.navigateToManageListings(); //Create an instance for the Listing Management page ListingManagement obj = new ListingManagement(driver, TitleForServcToBeEdited, rownumber); //Invoke the function to check if the service to be edited is available in the Manage Listings editMatchFound = obj.NavigateToEditDetails(); //Create instances for ServiceListing Page and SearchSkill Page ServiceListing editObj = new ServiceListing(driver, rownumber); SearchSkill SrchObj = new SearchSkill(driver, rownumber); //Proceed to Edit service only if the service to be edited is found if (editMatchFound) { //Invoke the function to Edit services editObj.EditServices(); //Implicit wait Wait.wait(2, driver); //Invoke the function to search for service after edit obj.SearchSkillsAfterEdit(); //Invoke the function to validate the search result SrchObj.SkillSrchResult(); //Implicit wait Wait.wait(2, driver); //Create an instance for ServiceDetail Page ServiceDetail ViewEditdDetailObj = new ServiceDetail(driver, rownumber); //Invoke the function to validate the edited details ViewEditdDetailObj.ValidateServiceDetail(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateService([Bind("ServiceListingId,AccountId,ServiceTitle,ServiceDescription,ListingDate,ImageFile, ServiceLocation")] ServiceListing serviceListing) { serviceListing.ListingDate = DateTime.Now; string userId = ""; try { userId = HttpContext.Session.GetString("userId"); } catch (Exception) { // Do nothing } var sellerAccountId = await _context.Accounts .FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.AccountId.ToString() == userId); if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { serviceListing.AccountId = sellerAccountId.AccountId; if (serviceListing.ImageFile != null) { //Save image to wwwroot/images string wwwRootPath = _hostEnvironment.WebRootPath; string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(serviceListing.ImageFile.FileName); string extension = Path.GetExtension(serviceListing.ImageFile.FileName); serviceListing.ServiceImage = fileName = fileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmssfff") + extension; string path = Path.Combine(wwwRootPath + "/Images/", fileName); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { await serviceListing.ImageFile.CopyToAsync(fileStream); } } else { serviceListing.ServiceImage = "geekium_symbol.png"; } _context.Add(serviceListing); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } catch (Exception) { return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } } ViewData["AccountId"] = new SelectList(_context.Accounts, "AccountId", "Email", serviceListing.AccountId); return(View(serviceListing)); }
public async void CreateService_InputViableServiceData_ModelReturnsValid() { // Arrange MyListingsController controller = new MyListingsController(context, _hostEnvironment); ServiceListing list = InitializeServiceListing(); // Act await controller.CreateService(list); // Assert Assert.True(controller.ModelState.IsValid); }
public async Task EditService_PassInServiceListingAndServiceListingId_ModelIsValid() { // Assert MyListingsController controller = new MyListingsController(context, _hostEnvironment); ServiceListing list = InitializeServiceListing(); // Act context.Add(list); list.ServiceDescription = "Hello"; await controller.EditService(0, list); // Assert Assert.True(controller.ModelState.IsValid); }
public ServiceListing InitializeServiceListing() { context.Add(InitializeAccount()); ServiceListing listing = new ServiceListing { AccountId = 1, ServiceTitle = "Nothing", ServiceDescription = "Literally nothing", ListingDate = Convert.ToDateTime("2020-10-02"), ServiceImage = null }; return(listing); }
public async Task DeleteConfirmedService_PassInInitializedServiceId_ReturnRedirection() { // Assert MyListingsController controller = new MyListingsController(context, _hostEnvironment); ServiceListing list = InitializeServiceListing(); InitializeSeller(); // Act context.Add(list); var result = await controller.DeleteConfirmedService(0); // Assert Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result); }
public void TC_009_01_CheckShareskillClickable() { test = extent.StartTest("Share Skill Button visible test"); ServiceListing skillObj = new ServiceListing(); if (skillObj.IsShareSkillBtnClickable()) { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Info, "Share skill button is clickable"); Assert.IsTrue(true); } else { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Fail, "Test failed"); Assert.Fail(); } }
public void SaveNewService() { //Allocate the number of services to be saved int NoOfServices = 2; ServiceListing ServiceListingObj = new ServiceListing(); for (int i = 0; i < NoOfServices; i++) { // Creates a toggle for the given test, adds all log events under it test = extent.StartTest("Save New Service"); // Open Share Skill Page if (i == 0) { Profile profilePG = new Profile(); profilePG.ViewShareSkillPage(); } else { ManageListing manageListingObj = new ManageListing(); manageListingObj.ViewShareSkillPage(); } try { // Save New Service Listing string ActualResult = ServiceListingObj.SaveNew(i); //If Shared succesfully, the record should display in ManageListings Page string ExpectedResult = "True"; Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedResult, ActualResult); // Screenshot String img = SaveScreenShotClass.SaveScreenshot(GlobalDefinitions.driver, "ShareSkill_" + i); test.Log(LogStatus.Info, "Share Skill Successfully_" + i + ": " + img); } catch (Exception e) { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Error, "Error in Shared Skill Save : " + e.Message); } } }
public void TC_WorkSamplesUpload() { GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.PopulateInCollection(Base.ExcelPath, "ShareSkill"); test = extent.StartTest("Uploading File Test"); // create an object for serviceLIsting page ServiceListing skillObj = new ServiceListing(); //click on the share skill button skillObj.ShareSkillBtnClick(); //enter all the details from the excel Thread.Sleep(2000); string title = GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(3, "Title"); string desc = GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(3, "Description"); skillObj.inputTitleDescription(title, desc); //work samples file upload skillObj.WorkSamplesUploadClick(); //AutoIt - Handles windows that do not belong to browser AutoItX3 autoIt = new AutoItX3(); autoIt.WinActivate("Open"); //Activate - so that the next set of actions happen on this window Thread.Sleep(2000); autoIt.Send(@"C:\Users\sudha\Desktop\FileUploadTest.docx"); Thread.Sleep(2000); // autoIt.Send("{ENTER}"); // autoIt.MouseClick("Button1",0,0, 1, 0); autoIt.ControlClick("Open", "", "Button1"); //Check whether document uploaded property or not if (skillObj.IsWorkSamplesDocUpload()) { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Document uploaded successfully using AutoIt"); Assert.True(true); } else { test.Log(LogStatus.Fail, "Document not uploaded"); Assert.Fail(); } }
public void TC_009_02_skillPageTitleCheck() { test = extent.StartTest("Share skill page title check"); ServiceListing skillObj = new ServiceListing(); //click on the share skill button skillObj.ShareSkillBtnClick(); string expectedTitle = "ServiceListing"; //compare the page title if (expectedTitle.Equals(skillObj.ShareSkillPageTitle())) { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Page Title Test Passed"); Assert.Pass(); } else { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Fail, "Page Title test Failed"); Assert.Fail(); } }
public void Validate_Add_Service() { test = extent.StartTest("Starting Add Service test"); ServiceListing service = new ServiceListing(); string PageTitle = service.AddService(); Global.GlobalDefinitions.wait(5000); try { string Expected = "Manage Listings"; WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(Global.GlobalDefinitions.driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementExists((By.XPath("//h2[contains(text(),'Manage Listings')]")))); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, Global.GlobalDefinitions.driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//h2[contains(text(),'Manage Listings')]")).Text); Global.Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Service is added successfully"); } catch (Exception e) { Global.Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Fail, "Service is not added" + e); } }
public void GivenAddServiceListingData() { ServiceListing.SaveServiceListing(); }
public void WhenISaveTheSkillDetails() { ServiceListingObj = new ServiceListing(); ServiceListingObj.SaveNew(1); }
public void GivenEnteredAllTheRequiredFieldsInServiceListingPage() { ServiceListing.SaveServiceListing(); }
public void TC_CheckStartDate() { try { GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.PopulateInCollection(Base.ExcelPath, "ShareSkill"); test = extent.StartTest("Create New Share Skill Record"); // create an object for serviceLIsting page ServiceListing skillObj = new ServiceListing(); //click on the share skill button skillObj.ShareSkillBtnClick(); //enter all the details from the excel string title = GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(4, "Title"); string desc = GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(4, "Description"); skillObj.inputTitleDescription(title, desc); //enter category and sub category details skillObj.SelectCategSubcateg(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(4, "Category"), GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "SubCategory")); // enter tags value skillObj.InputTags(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(4, "Tags")); //enter service type and location type skillObj.ServiceAndLocationTypeSelect(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(4, "ServiceType"), GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(4, "LocationType")); //enter yesterday as start date in Available days DateTime date = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1); skillObj.StartDateSelect(date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")); //enter skill trade details skillObj.inputCreditTradeDetails(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(4, "credit")); //enter active status skillObj.ActiveBtnClick(); //click on save button skillObj.SaveBtnClick(); Thread.Sleep(2000); if (skillObj.ShareSkillPageTitle().Equals("ServiceListing")) { if (skillObj.IsErrorDateMsg().Equals("Start Date cannot be set to a day in the past")) { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Test Passed- Past date not accepting as start date"); Assert.True(true); } else { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Fail, "Test Failed - should return proper error message for past date"); Assert.Fail(); } } else { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Fail, "Test Failed - Should not save the record with past date as start date"); Assert.Fail(); } } catch (Exception e) { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Fail, e); Assert.Fail(); } }