コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Method for saving the user score in App42 Cloud. 
        /// </summary>
        public static void SaveUserScore()
            /// Enter your Public Key and Private Key Here in Constructor. You can
            /// get it once you will create a app in app42 console.

            ServiceAPI sp = new ServiceAPI("<Your_API_Key>", "<Your_Secret_Key>");

            String gameName = "PokerGame";
            String userName = "******";
            double gameScore = 3500;
            String description = "description";
            /// Create Instance of ScoreBoard Service
            ScoreBoardService scoreBoardService = sp.BuildScoreBoardService();
            GameService gameService = sp.BuildGameService();

                Game saveScore = scoreBoardService.SaveUserScore(gameName,userName,gameScore);
                Console.WriteLine("gameName is " + saveScore.GetName());
                for (int i = 0; i < saveScore.GetScoreList().Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("userName is : " + saveScore.GetScoreList()[i].GetUserName());
                    Console.WriteLine("score is : " + saveScore.GetScoreList()[i].GetValue());
                    Console.WriteLine("scoreId is : " + saveScore.GetScoreList()[i].GetScoreId());
            catch (App42Exception ex)
                /// Exception Caught
                /// Do exception Handling of Score Board Service functions.
                if (ex.GetAppErrorCode() == 3002)
                    Game createGame = gameService.CreateGame(gameName, description);
                    Console.WriteLine("gameName is " + createGame.GetName());
                    Game game = scoreBoardService.SaveUserScore(gameName, userName, gameScore);
                    Console.WriteLine("gameName is " + game.GetName());
                    for (int i = 0; i < game.GetScoreList().Count; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine("userName is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetUserName());
                        Console.WriteLine("score is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetValue());
                        Console.WriteLine("scoreId is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetScoreId());
                else if (ex.GetAppErrorCode() == 1401)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please verify your API_KEY and SECRET_KEY From AppHq Console (Apphq.shephertz.com).");
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception is : " + ex.ToString());

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Method for saving the user score in App42 Cloud.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SaveUserScore()
            /// Enter your Public Key and Private Key Here in Constructor. You can
            /// get it once you will create a app in app42 console.

            ServiceAPI sp = new ServiceAPI("<Your_API_Key>", "<Your_Secret_Key>");

            String gameName    = "PokerGame";
            String userName    = "******";
            double gameScore   = 3500;
            String description = "description";
            /// Create Instance of ScoreBoard Service
            ScoreBoardService scoreBoardService = sp.BuildScoreBoardService();
            GameService       gameService       = sp.BuildGameService();

                Game saveScore = scoreBoardService.SaveUserScore(gameName, userName, gameScore);
                Console.WriteLine("gameName is " + saveScore.GetName());
                for (int i = 0; i < saveScore.GetScoreList().Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("userName is : " + saveScore.GetScoreList()[i].GetUserName());
                    Console.WriteLine("score is : " + saveScore.GetScoreList()[i].GetValue());
                    Console.WriteLine("scoreId is : " + saveScore.GetScoreList()[i].GetScoreId());
            catch (App42Exception ex)
                /// Exception Caught
                /// Do exception Handling of Score Board Service functions.
                if (ex.GetAppErrorCode() == 3002)
                    Game createGame = gameService.CreateGame(gameName, description);
                    Console.WriteLine("gameName is " + createGame.GetName());
                    Game game = scoreBoardService.SaveUserScore(gameName, userName, gameScore);
                    Console.WriteLine("gameName is " + game.GetName());
                    for (int i = 0; i < game.GetScoreList().Count; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine("userName is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetUserName());
                        Console.WriteLine("score is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetValue());
                        Console.WriteLine("scoreId is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetScoreId());
                else if (ex.GetAppErrorCode() == 1401)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please verify your API_KEY and SECRET_KEY From AppHq Console (Apphq.shephertz.com).");
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception is : " + ex.ToString());
コード例 #3
    void OnGUI()
        if (Time.time % 2 < 1)
            success = callBack.getResult();
        // For Setting Up ResponseBox.
        GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10, 5, 1300, 175), success);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(470, 160, 200, 30), "CreateGame"))
            gameService = sp.BuildGameService();              // Initializing ScoreBoard Service.
            gameService.CreateGame(cons.gameName, cons.description, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 200, 200, 30), "SaveUserScore"))
            scoreBoardService = sp.BuildScoreBoardService();              // Initializing ScoreBoard Service.
            scoreBoardService.SaveUserScore(cons.gameName, cons.userName, userScore, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(260, 200, 200, 30), "GetScoresByUser"))
            scoreBoardService = sp.BuildScoreBoardService();              // Initializing ScoreBoard Service.
            scoreBoardService.GetScoresByUser(cons.gameName, cons.userName, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(470, 200, 200, 30), "GetHighestScoreByUser"))
            scoreBoardService = sp.BuildScoreBoardService();              // Initializing ScoreBoard Service.
            scoreBoardService.GetHighestScoreByUser(cons.gameName, cons.userName, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(680, 200, 200, 30), "GetLowestScoreByUser"))
            scoreBoardService = sp.BuildScoreBoardService();              // Initializing ScoreBoard Service.
            scoreBoardService.GetLowestScoreByUser(cons.gameName, cons.userName, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(890, 200, 200, 30), "GetTopRankings"))
            scoreBoardService = sp.BuildScoreBoardService();              // Initializing ScoreBoard Service.
            scoreBoardService.GetTopRankings(cons.gameName, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 250, 200, 30), "GetAverageScoreByUser"))
            scoreBoardService = sp.BuildScoreBoardService();              // Initializing ScoreBoard Service.
            scoreBoardService.GetAverageScoreByUser(cons.gameName, cons.userName, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(260, 250, 200, 30), "GetLastScoreByUser"))
            scoreBoardService = sp.BuildScoreBoardService();              // Initializing ScoreBoard Service.
            scoreBoardService.GetLastScoreByUser(cons.gameName, cons.userName, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(470, 250, 200, 30), "GetTopRankings"))
            scoreBoardService = sp.BuildScoreBoardService();              // Initializing ScoreBoard Service.
            scoreBoardService.GetTopRankings(cons.gameName, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(680, 250, 200, 30), "GetTopNRankings"))
            scoreBoardService = sp.BuildScoreBoardService();              // Initializing ScoreBoard Service.
            scoreBoardService.GetTopNRankings(cons.gameName, max, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(890, 250, 200, 30), "GetTopNRankers"))
            scoreBoardService = sp.BuildScoreBoardService();              // Initializing ScoreBoard Service.
            scoreBoardService.GetTopNRankers(cons.gameName, max, callBack);