private void Add_Prodoct() { if (txtNameProdoct.TextLength > 0) { if (txtNameProdoct.Text != "" && txtCodeProdoct.Text != "") { Service.StimulsoftEntities context = new Service.StimulsoftEntities(); Service.AnbarProdoct prodoct = new Service.AnbarProdoct(); prodoct.Name = txtNameProdoct.Text; prodoct.Code = int.Parse(txtCodeProdoct.Text); if (comUnit.SelectedIndex != null) { prodoct.IdUnit = comUnit.SelectedIndex; } if (txtDetails.Text != "") { prodoct.Description = txtDetails.Text; } if (txtBarcode.Text != "") { prodoct.Barcode = txtBarcode.Text; } if (txtRFID.Text != "") { prodoct.RfID = txtRFID.Text; } context.AnbarProdoct.Add(prodoct); context.SaveChanges(); } //Service.FormAnbar anbar = new Service.FormAnbar(); // anbar.Refresh_dgProdoct(); } } // ezafe kardane mahsoole jadid be jadval prodoct(mahsoolat)
private void btnDelUnit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Service.StimulsoftEntities context = new Service.StimulsoftEntities(); if (context.Unit.Count() > 0) { var selectUnit = context.Unit.Where(c => c.Name == comUnit.Text).FirstOrDefault(); context.Unit.Remove(selectUnit); context.SaveChanges(); Refresh_comUnit(); } }
private void Add_Unit() { using (var context = new Service.StimulsoftEntities()) { if (context.Unit.Count() > 0) { bool existUnit = context.Unit.Where(c => c.Name == txtUnitName.Text).Any(); if (existUnit) { MessageBox.Show("واحدی با این نام وجود دارد", "واحد", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { Service.Unit newUnit = new Service.Unit(); newUnit.Name = txtUnitName.Text; context.Unit.Add(newUnit); context.SaveChanges(); //MessageBox.Show("واحد ثبت شد", "ثبت", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); txtUnitName.Text = ""; txtUnitName.Focus(); } } else { Service.Unit newUnit = new Service.Unit(); newUnit.Name = txtUnitName.Text; context.Unit.Add(newUnit); context.SaveChanges(); //MessageBox.Show("واحد ثبت شد", "ثبت", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); txtUnitName.Text = ""; txtUnitName.Focus(); } } ucAddProdoctStore ucadd = new ucAddProdoctStore(); ucadd.Refresh_comUnit(); }
} // ezafe kardane mahsoole jadid be jadval prodoct(mahsoolat) private void Add_Store() // ezafe kardane forooshgahe jadid be jadvale foroshgah(store) { Service.StimulsoftEntities context = new Service.StimulsoftEntities(); if (txtStoreName.Text != "") { Service.Store newStore = new Service.Store(); newStore.Name = txtStoreName.Text; if (txtPhoneStore.Text != "") { newStore.Phone = txtPhoneStore.Text; } if (txtAddressStore.Text != "") { newStore.Address = txtAddressStore.Text; } context.Store.Add(newStore); } context.SaveChanges(); Service.FormAnbar frmAnbar = new Service.FormAnbar(); frmAnbar.Refresh_dgStore(); }