コード例 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // handle the AJAX postback
            string eventTarget = Convert.ToString(Request.Params.Get("__EVENTTARGET"));
            string eventArgument = Convert.ToString(Request.Params.Get("__EVENTARGUMENT"));

            // if the event argument is set, toggle the checkbox
            if (eventArgument != null)

            // load a document at the first start
            if (!IsPostBack)
                byte[] data;

                using (TXTextControl.ServerTextControl tx = new ServerTextControl())
                    TXTextControl.LoadSettings ls = new LoadSettings();
                    ls.ApplicationFieldFormat = ApplicationFieldFormat.MSWord;
                    tx.Load(Server.MapPath("template.docx"), StreamType.WordprocessingML, ls);
                    tx.Save(out data, BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);

                    data = ProcessCheckboxFields(data);

                TextControl1.LoadTextAsync(data, TXTextControl.Web.BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gathers merge blocks in current document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Merge blocks in current document.</returns>
        public static List <MergeBlock> GetMergeBlocksFlattened(ServerTextControl textControl)
            var result = new List <MergeBlock>();

            // Get a list of all block start and end markers ordered by their start position:
            var blockMarkers = GetBlockMarkersOrdered(textControl);

            // Gather blocks:

            var startMarkers = new Stack <TXTextControl.DocumentTarget>();

            foreach (var marker in blockMarkers)
                if (marker.TargetName.StartsWith(MergeBlock.BlockStartPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // Start marker:
                else if (marker.TargetName.StartsWith(MergeBlock.BlockEndPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // End marker:
                    TXTextControl.DocumentTarget startMarker = startMarkers.Pop();   // Get currently open start marker
                    var blockNew = new MergeBlock(startMarker, marker);

コード例 #3
        public string InsertSubTextPart(string Name, string BinaryDocument, bool Protected)
            byte[] data = null;

            // create a temporary ServerTextControl to create the
            // SubTextPart
            using (ServerTextControl tx = new ServerTextControl())

                // load the Selection from the Web.TextControl

                int iTextLength = tx.Selection.Length;

                // create a new SubTextPart over the complete text
                SubTextPart part = new SubTextPart("txmb_" + Name,
                                                   Convert.ToInt32(Protected), 1, iTextLength);

                // save the complete document
                tx.Selection.Save(out data, BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);

            // return the Selection as a Base64 encoded string
コード例 #4
        private void GetFields(ServerTextControl textControl)
            var fields = new List <MergeField>();

            foreach (ApplicationField appFld in textControl.ApplicationFields)
                int nFldEnd = appFld.Start + appFld.Length;
                if ((appFld.Start >= StartMarker.Start) && (nFldEnd <= EndMarker.Start))
                    MergeField adap = MakeAdapterFrom(appFld);
                    if (adap != null)

            foreach (MergeField fld in fields)
                if (!IsInside(fld.ApplicationField, _children))
        public string SignDocument(Document model)
            byte[] document  = Convert.FromBase64String(model.BinaryDocument);
            string signature = model.BinarySignature;

            byte[] signatureDocument = null;

            using (ServerTextControl tx = new ServerTextControl())

                // use MailMerge to merge the signature template
                using (MailMerge mailMerge = new MailMerge())
                    mailMerge.TextComponent = tx;
                    mailMerge.LoadTemplate(Server.MapPath("/App_Data/signature_template.tx"), FileFormat.InternalUnicodeFormat);

                    // create a new signature object
                    Signature sign = new Signature();
                    sign.Name           = model.Name;
                    sign.SignatureImage = signature;

                    // merge and save the resulting document
                    mailMerge.SaveDocumentToMemory(out signatureDocument, BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat, null);

                // load the original document from the editor
                tx.Load(document, BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);

                // find the "signature" text frame with the name "txsig"
                foreach (TextFrame frame in tx.TextFrames)
                    if (frame.Name == "txsig")
                        frame.Selection.Start  = 0;
                        frame.Selection.Length = -1;

                        // load the merged signature template into the
                        // text frame and save the complete document
                        frame.Selection.Load(signatureDocument, BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);
                        tx.Save(out document, BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);

            // finally, return the signed document
コード例 #6
        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            this.documentController1 = new TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DocumentController(this.components);
            this.serverTextControl1 = new TXTextControl.ServerTextControl();
            // documentController1
            this.documentController1.TextComponent = this.serverTextControl1;
            // serverTextControl1
            this.serverTextControl1.SpellChecker = null;

コード例 #7
        private void MergeTemplate(string templateName, string JsonData)
            // creating a new ServerTextControl and MailMerge class
            using (ServerTextControl tx = new ServerTextControl())
                MailMerge mailMerge = new MailMerge();
                mailMerge.TextComponent = tx;

                // load the template
                mailMerge.LoadTemplate(Server.MapPath("templates/" + templateName),

                // create a new DataSet object
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                XmlDocument doc;

                // convert the JSON string to an XML document
                // object using Newtonsoft.Json
                    doc = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(JsonData);
                    lblError.Visible = false;
                catch (Exception exc)
                    lblError.Visible = true;
                    lblError.Text = exc.Message;
                    DocumentViewer1.Visible = false;

                // convert the XML to a DataSet
                XmlNodeReader reader = new XmlNodeReader(doc);
                ds.ReadXml(reader, XmlReadMode.Auto);

                // merge the template with the DataSet

                // load the resulting document into the DocumentViewer
                byte[] data;
                mailMerge.SaveDocumentToMemory(out data, BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat, null);
                DocumentViewer1.LoadDocumentFromMemory(data, FileFormat.InternalUnicodeFormat);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public MergeBlock(List <DocumentTarget> blockMarkers, ref int i, ServerTextControl textControl, MergeBlock parent)
            if (!blockMarkers[i].TargetName.StartsWith(BlockStartPrefix))
                throw new Exception(
                          "Invalid merge block structure. Block start marker doesn't start with the block start prefix (Marker name: \""
                          + blockMarkers[i].TargetName + "\")");

            _fields   = new List <MergeField>();
            _children = new List <MergeBlock>();
            _parent   = parent;

            StartMarker = blockMarkers[i++];

            // Gather child blocks if any
            while ((i < blockMarkers.Count) &&
                _children.Add(new MergeBlock(blockMarkers, ref i, textControl, this));

            if (i >= blockMarkers.Count)
            {   // Not possible
                throw new Exception("Invalid merge block structure.");

            // End marker.
            string endMarkerName = blockMarkers[i].TargetName.Substring(BlockEndPrefix.Length);

            if (endMarkerName != Name)
                throw new Exception(
                          "Invalid merge block structure. End marker name is not the same as the start marker name. (End marker name: \""
                          + blockMarkers[i].TargetName + "\")");
            EndMarker = blockMarkers[i];

            // Get fields inside this block but not in child blocks
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates merge block nesting
        /// </summary>
        public static void ValidateMergeBlockNesting(ServerTextControl textControl)
            // Get a list of all block start and end markers ordered by their start position:
            var blockMarkers = GetBlockMarkersOrdered(textControl);
            var startMarkers = new Stack <TXTextControl.DocumentTarget>();

            foreach (var marker in blockMarkers)
                if (marker.TargetName.StartsWith(MergeBlock.BlockStartPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // Start marker:
                else if (marker.TargetName.StartsWith(MergeBlock.BlockEndPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // End marker:
                    var endMarkerName = marker.TargetName.Substring(MergeBlock.BlockEndPrefix.Length);               // Get block name
                    TXTextControl.DocumentTarget startMarker = (startMarkers.Count > 0) ? startMarkers.Pop() : null; // Get currently open start marker
                    var startMarkerName
                        = (startMarker != null)
                       ? startMarker.TargetName.Substring(MergeBlock.BlockStartPrefix.Length)
                       : string.Empty;

                    if (endMarkerName.ToLower() != startMarkerName.ToLower())
                        if (startMarkerName != string.Empty)
                            throw new Exception(
                                      "Block nesting invalid somewhere after block start marker “"
                                      + MergeBlock.BlockStartPrefix + startMarkerName + "”.");
                            throw new Exception(
                                      "Invalid block end marker “"
                                      + MergeBlock.BlockEndPrefix + endMarkerName + "”.");
コード例 #10
        public void SetFields()
            byte[] binaryDocument = null;
            // LoadSettings must be adjusted to load the MS Word fields
            TXTextControl.LoadSettings ls = new LoadSettings();
            ls.ApplicationFieldFormat = ApplicationFieldFormat.MSWord;
            // save the document to the variable
            textControl1.Save(out binaryDocument, BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);
            // create a ServerTextControl instance to convert the checkboxes
            using( TXTextControl.ServerTextControl serverTextControl = new ServerTextControl() )
            // load the document from the variable
                serverTextControl.Load(binaryDocument, TXTextControl.BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat, ls);

            // loop through all fields to activate the checkbox fields
                foreach (TXTextControl.ApplicationField appfield in serverTextControl.ApplicationFields)
                    if ((appfield.TypeName == "FORMCHECKBOX"))
                        // create a new adapter field
                        FormCheckBox ChkBoxField = new FormCheckBox(appfield);

                        // select the field to change the font name
                        serverTextControl.Select(ChkBoxField.Start - 1, ChkBoxField.Length);
                        serverTextControl.Selection.FontName = "Arial Unicode MS";

                        // set the text (state)
                        if (ChkBoxField.Checked == true)
                            ChkBoxField.Text = CHECKED;
                            ChkBoxField.Text = UNCHECKED;
            // save the document back to the variable
                serverTextControl.Save(out binaryDocument, BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);
            // load the document back into the TextControl to show it to the user
                textControl1.Load(binaryDocument, BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat, ls);
コード例 #11
         * ToggleCheckBox method
         * desc:        toggles a specific checkbox field
         * parameter:   fieldname - the name of the field
        private void ToggleCheckBox(string fieldName)
            byte[] data;

            // create a new temporary ServerTextControl
            using (TXTextControl.ServerTextControl tx = new ServerTextControl())

                // save current document from the editor and load
                // it into the ServerTextControl
                TextControl1.SaveText(out data, TXTextControl.Web.BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);
                tx.Load(data, BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);

                // loop through all ApplicationFields in each TextPart
                foreach (IFormattedText textPart in tx.TextParts)
                    foreach (ApplicationField field in textPart.ApplicationFields)
                        if ((field.TypeName != "FORMCHECKBOX"))

                        // if the field is a checkbox and the name matches
                        // toggle the Checked property
                        if (field.Name == fieldName)
                            // create a new adapter field
                            FormCheckBox checkboxField = new FormCheckBox(field);
                            checkboxField.Checked = !checkboxField.Checked;

                tx.Save(out data, BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);

            // process the fields and load the document back into the editor
            TextControl1.LoadTextAsync(ProcessCheckboxFields(data), TXTextControl.Web.BinaryStreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of all block start and end markers ordered by their start position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Sorted list of block markers.</returns>
        public static List <TXTextControl.DocumentTarget> GetBlockMarkersOrdered(ServerTextControl textControl)
            var targets = new List <TXTextControl.DocumentTarget>();

            foreach (TXTextControl.DocumentTarget tgt in textControl.DocumentTargets)

            var blockMarkers = new List <TXTextControl.DocumentTarget>();

            foreach (TXTextControl.DocumentTarget tgt in targets)
                if (tgt.TargetName.StartsWith(MergeBlock.BlockStartPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                    tgt.TargetName.StartsWith(MergeBlock.BlockEndPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            blockMarkers.Sort(new DocumentTargetComparer());
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes merge blocks from a valid and sorted list of block markers. (Check
        /// with ValidateMergeBlockNesting beforehand and get list with GetBlockMarkersOrdered)
        /// </summary>
        public static List <MergeBlock> GetMergeBlocks(List <DocumentTarget> blockMarkers, ServerTextControl textControl)
            var result = new List <MergeBlock>();

            if (blockMarkers.Count == 0)

            if (!blockMarkers[0].TargetName.StartsWith(BlockStartPrefix))
                throw new Exception("MergeBlock.GetMergeBlocks: invalid merge block structure.");

            for (int i = 0; i < blockMarkers.Count; ++i)
                result.Add(new MergeBlock(blockMarkers, ref i, textControl, null));
