コード例 #1
        private static async Task Create(HttpContext ctx, ValourDB db,
                                         [FromHeader] string authorization, [Required] string name,
                                         [Required] string image_url)
            ServerAuthToken auth = await ServerAuthToken.TryAuthorize(authorization, db);

            if (auth == null)
                ctx.Response.StatusCode = 401;
                await ctx.Response.WriteAsync($"Token is invalid [token: {authorization}]");


            TaskResult nameValid = ServerPlanet.ValidateName(name);

            if (!nameValid.Success)
                ctx.Response.StatusCode = 400;
                await ctx.Response.WriteAsync(nameValid.Message);


            ServerUser user = await db.Users.FindAsync(auth.User_Id);

            if (!user.Valour_Staff)
                var owned_planets = await db.Planets.CountAsync(x => x.Owner_Id == user.Id);

                if (owned_planets > MAX_OWNED_PLANETS)
                    ctx.Response.StatusCode = 400;
                    await ctx.Response.WriteAsync("Max owned planets reached");


            // Image handling via proxy
            ProxyResponse proxyResponse = await MPSManager.GetProxy(image_url);

            bool is_media = MPSManager.Media_Types.Contains(proxyResponse.Item.Mime_Type);

            if (proxyResponse.Item == null || !is_media)
                image_url = "https://valour.gg/image.png";
                image_url = proxyResponse.Item.Url;

            ulong planet_id = IdManager.Generate();

            // Create general category
            ServerPlanetCategory category = new ServerPlanetCategory()
                Id          = IdManager.Generate(),
                Name        = "General",
                Parent_Id   = null,
                Planet_Id   = planet_id,
                Description = "General category",
                Position    = 0

            // Create general channel
            ServerPlanetChatChannel channel = new ServerPlanetChatChannel()
                Id            = IdManager.Generate(),
                Planet_Id     = planet_id,
                Name          = "General",
                Message_Count = 0,
                Description   = "General chat channel",
                Parent_Id     = category.Id

            // Create default role
            ServerPlanetRole defaultRole = new ServerPlanetRole()
                Id          = IdManager.Generate(),
                Planet_Id   = planet_id,
                Position    = uint.MaxValue,
                Color_Blue  = 255,
                Color_Green = 255,
                Color_Red   = 255,
                Name        = "@everyone"

            ServerPlanet planet = new ServerPlanet()
                Id              = planet_id,
                Name            = name,
                Member_Count    = 1,
                Description     = "A Valour server.",
                Image_Url       = image_url,
                Public          = true,
                Owner_Id        = user.Id,
                Default_Role_Id = defaultRole.Id,
                Main_Channel_Id = channel.Id

            // Add planet to database
            await db.Planets.AddAsync(planet);

            await db.SaveChangesAsync(); // We must do this first to prevent foreign key errors

            // Add category to database
            await db.PlanetCategories.AddAsync(category);

            // Add channel to database
            await db.PlanetChatChannels.AddAsync(channel);

            // Add default role to database
            await db.PlanetRoles.AddAsync(defaultRole);

            // Save changes
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Add owner to planet
            await planet.AddMemberAsync(user, db);

            ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200;
            await ctx.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(planet.Id);