/// <summary> /// Gets and bulk updates staging servers. Called when the "Get and bulk update servers" button is pressed. /// Expects the CreateStagingServer method to be run first. /// </summary> private bool GetAndBulkUpdateStagingServers() { // Prepare the parameters string where = "ServerName LIKE N'MyNewServer%'"; // Get the data for the current site DataSet servers = ServerInfoProvider.GetSiteServers(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID, where, null, -1, null, false); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(servers)) { // Loop through the individual items foreach (DataRow serverDr in servers.Tables[0].Rows) { // Create object from DataRow ServerInfo modifyServer = new ServerInfo(serverDr); // Update the properties modifyServer.ServerDisplayName = modifyServer.ServerDisplayName.ToUpper(); // Save the changes ServerInfoProvider.SetServerInfo(modifyServer); } return(true); } return(false); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public IServer Update(IServer server, bool isReplace = true) { // Gets the staging server ServerInfo updateServer = ServerInfoProvider.GetServerInfo(server.ServerName, server.ServerSiteID); if (updateServer != null) { if (isReplace) { updateServer = server.UndoActLike(); } else { // Updates the server properties updateServer.ServerDisplayName = server.ServerDisplayName ?? updateServer.ServerDisplayName; updateServer.ServerURL = server.ServerURL ?? updateServer.ServerURL; updateServer.ServerEnabled = server.ServerEnabled == null ? updateServer.ServerEnabled : (bool)server.ServerEnabled; updateServer.ServerAuthentication = server.ServerAuthentication; updateServer.ServerUsername = server.ServerUsername ?? updateServer.ServerUsername; updateServer.ServerPassword = server.ServerPassword ?? updateServer.ServerPassword; } // Saves the updated server to the database ServerInfoProvider.SetServerInfo(updateServer); } return(updateServer.ActLike <IServer>()); }
/// <summary> /// Gets and updates staging server. Called when the "Get and update server" button is pressed. /// Expects the CreateStagingServer method to be run first. /// </summary> private bool GetAndUpdateStagingServer() { // Get the staging server ServerInfo updateServer = ServerInfoProvider.GetServerInfo("MyNewServer", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID); if (updateServer != null) { // Update the properties updateServer.ServerDisplayName = updateServer.ServerDisplayName.ToLowerCSafe(); // Save the changes ServerInfoProvider.SetServerInfo(updateServer); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public IServer Create(IServer server) { var newServer = new ServerInfo { ServerDisplayName = server.ServerDisplayName, ServerName = server.ServerName, ServerEnabled = (bool)server.ServerEnabled, ServerURL = server.ServerURL, ServerAuthentication = server.ServerAuthentication, ServerUsername = server.ServerUsername, ServerPassword = server.ServerPassword, ServerSiteID = server.ServerSiteID, }; // Saves the staging server to the database ServerInfoProvider.SetServerInfo(newServer); return(newServer.ActLike <IServer>()); }
/// <summary> /// Creates staging server. Called when the "Create server" button is pressed. /// </summary> private bool CreateStagingServer() { // Create new staging server object ServerInfo newServer = new ServerInfo(); // Set the properties newServer.ServerDisplayName = "My new server"; newServer.ServerName = "MyNewServer"; newServer.ServerEnabled = true; newServer.ServerSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID; newServer.ServerURL = "http://localhost/KenticoCMS/"; newServer.ServerAuthentication = ServerAuthenticationEnum.UserName; newServer.ServerUsername = "******"; newServer.ServerPassword = "******"; // Save the staging server ServerInfoProvider.SetServerInfo(newServer); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Sets data to database. /// </summary> protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Check 'Manage servers' permission if (!CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("cms.staging", "ManageServers")) { RedirectToAccessDenied("cms.staging", "ManageServers"); } string errorMessage = new Validator().NotEmpty(txtServerDisplayName, GetString("General.requiresDisplayName")).NotEmpty(txtServerName, GetString("General.RequiresCodeName")). IsCodeName(txtServerName.Text, GetString("general.invalidcodename")) .Result; if (errorMessage == "") { // Server name must be unique serverObj = ServerInfoProvider.GetServerInfo(txtServerName.Text.Trim(), CMSContext.CurrentSite.SiteID); // If server name is unique if ((serverObj == null) || (serverObj.ServerID == serverID)) { // If server name is unique -> determine whether it is update or insert if ((serverObj == null)) { // Get ServerInfo object by primary key serverObj = ServerInfoProvider.GetServerInfo(serverID) ?? new ServerInfo(); } serverObj.ServerSiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSite.SiteID; serverObj.ServerX509ServerKeyID = txtServerX509ServerKeyID.Text.Trim(); serverObj.ServerPassword = encryptedPassword.Value.ToString(); serverObj.ServerAuthentication = (radX509.Checked) ? ServerAuthenticationEnum.X509 : ServerAuthenticationEnum.UserName; serverObj.ServerDisplayName = txtServerDisplayName.Text.Trim(); serverObj.ServerURL = txtServerURL.Text.Trim(); serverObj.ServerX509ClientKeyID = txtServerX509ClientKeyID.Text.Trim(); serverObj.ServerName = txtServerName.Text.Trim(); serverObj.ServerUsername = txtServerUsername.Text.Trim(); serverObj.ServerEnabled = chkServerEnabled.Checked; ServerInfoProvider.SetServerInfo(serverObj); // Refresh breadcrumbs InitializeBreadcrumbs(serverObj.ServerDisplayName); ShowChangesSaved(); if (serverID <= 0) { string detailUrl = "Server_Edit.aspx?serverid=" + serverObj.ServerID + "&saved=1"; detailUrl = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(detailUrl, "hash", QueryHelper.GetHash(detailUrl)); URLHelper.Redirect(detailUrl); } } else { ShowError(GetString("Server_Edit.ServerNameExists")); } } else { ShowError(errorMessage); } }