public async Task RockPaperScissorsAsync([Remainder] RpsEnum choice) { string[] emotesPlayer = { "🤜", "🖐️", "✌️" }; string[] emotesCPU = { "🤛", "🖐️", "✌️" }; var avatar = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User); RpsEnum cpuChoice = (RpsEnum)((new Random()).Next(0, 1000) % 3); string result = ""; switch ((int)choice - (int)cpuChoice) { case 1: case -2: result = "You read me like an open book! You win!"; await ServerGames.UserWonRPS((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, (SocketTextChannel)Context.Channel); break; case 0: ServerGames.UserDidNotWinRPS((SocketGuildUser)Context.User); result = "I may not have the gift of Psynergy, but I can still match your strength!"; break; case -1: case 2: ServerGames.UserDidNotWinRPS((SocketGuildUser)Context.User); result = "Ahah! I may forever remember the day I beat an Adept in a fair game!"; break; } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Colors.Get("Iodem")); embed.WithDescription($"{emotesPlayer[(int)choice]} vs {emotesCPU[(int)cpuChoice]}"); embed.AddField("Result:", result); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }