public CommandsController(ServerContext context) { _context = context ?? new ServerContext(); _resolver = new CommandResolver(_context); _runner = new CommandRunner(_context); _executor = new CommandsExecutor(_context); }
/// <summary> /// Starts the application and modules /// </summary> public void Start() { if (options.Verbose) Console.WriteLine("Filename: {0}", options.InputFile); //Load configuration ConfigFile configurationFile = new ConfigFile("config.json"); BaseConfiguration config = configurationFile.Load(); this.config = config; //Set up context this.serverContext = new ServerContext(config); //Set up ctrl + c handling Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress; //We do a query to sql lite here, give it a chance to connect and cache without //having to do it on the first request Console.WriteLine("Loading Sql Lite"); using (var context = new PersistanceContext()) { context.Projects.Any(); //we dont care about the result } //Start Subsystems StartSubsystem(new HTTPModule()); StartSubsystem(new SimulationModule()); StartSubsystem(new WebsocketModule()); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to close"); Console.ReadKey(); this.StopModules(); }
public static void DefaultHandler (ServerContext ctx) { var request = ctx.Request; ctx.Expect (request.AcceptTypes, Is.Null, "#1"); ctx.Expect (request.ContentLength64, Is.EqualTo (0), "#2"); ctx.Expect (request.ContentType, Is.Null, "#3"); ctx.Expect (request.Cookies.Count, Is.EqualTo (0), "#4"); ctx.Expect (request.HasEntityBody, Is.False, "#5"); ctx.Expect (request.Headers ["Host"], Is.EqualTo (Server.Host), "#6b"); ctx.Expect (request.HttpMethod, Is.EqualTo ("GET"), "#7"); ctx.Expect (request.IsAuthenticated, Is.False, "#8"); ctx.Expect (request.IsLocal, Is.EqualTo (Server.IsLocal), "#9"); ctx.Expect (request.IsSecureConnection, Is.False, "#10"); ctx.Expect (request.IsWebSocketRequest, Is.False, "#11"); ctx.Expect (request.KeepAlive, Is.True, "#12"); ctx.Expect (request.ProtocolVersion, Is.EqualTo (HttpVersion.Version11), "#13"); ctx.Expect (request.ServiceName, Is.Null, "#14"); ctx.Expect (request.UrlReferrer, Is.Null, "#15"); // FIXME: CFNetwork seems to set the UserAgent automatically. // context.Expect (request.UserAgent, Is.Null, "#16"); ctx.Expect (request.UserLanguages, Is.Null, "#17"); ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200; }
public ServerRepository(ServerContext ctx) { if (ctx == null) { throw new Exception(" Given context is null."); } _ctx = ctx; }
public HttpListenerConnectionContext(ServerContext server, HttpListenerContext httpContext, DateTime acceptedAt) { _server = server; _httpContext = httpContext; _acceptedAt = acceptedAt; _request = new HttpListenerRequestContext(httpContext.Request); _response = new HttpListenerResponseContext(httpContext.Response); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new host for this module /// </summary> /// <param name="mod">The module to host</param> public ModuleHost(AbstractModule mod, ServerContext context, Messenger messenger, BaseConfiguration config) { this.HostedModule = mod; this.ExitHandle = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset); mod.Messenger = messenger; mod.SetConfiguration(config); mod.SetContext(context); mod.OnFinishedStopping += env_OnFinishedStopping; }
public static async Task RandomData_Handler (ServerContext ctx) { ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200; ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write (Header, 0, Header.Length); ctx.Response.OutputStream.Flush (); await Task.Delay (DataDelay).ConfigureAwait (false); ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write (Simple.Data, 0, Simple.Data.Length); }
public static void Post_Handler (ServerContext ctx) { ctx.Expect (ctx.Request.HttpMethod, Is.EqualTo ("POST"), "#1"); string text; using (var reader = new StreamReader (ctx.Request.InputStream)) text = reader.ReadToEnd (); ctx.Expect (text, Is.EqualTo (Text), "#3"); ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200; }
public static void BasicAuthentication_Handler (ServerContext ctx) { var user = ctx.ListenerContext.User; ctx.Expect (user, Is.Not.Null, "#1"); ctx.Assert (user.Identity, Is.TypeOf (typeof (HttpListenerBasicIdentity)), "#2"); var identity = (HttpListenerBasicIdentity)user.Identity; ctx.Expect (identity.Name, Is.EqualTo ("monkey"), "#3"); ctx.Expect (identity.Password, Is.EqualTo ("banana"), "#4"); ctx.Expect (identity.IsAuthenticated, Is.True, "#5"); }
protected static void RefreshRoom(ServerContext server, Room room) { var roomRefreshedContent = new ClientRoomRefreshedCommand.MessageContent { Room = room, Users = room.Users.Select(nick => server.Users[nick]).ToList() }; foreach (string user in room.Users) ServerModel.Server.SendMessage(user, ClientRoomRefreshedCommand.CommandId, roomRefreshedContent); }
public void SetFileNameAndPathIfFileExists(ServerContext serverContext, HttpContext httpContext) { var contentType = httpContext.Response.ContentType; var fileFullName = serverContext.FileServerBasePath + httpContext.Request.Uri.LocalPath; if (fileFullName.ToUpper().IndexOf(".HTM") != -1 || fileFullName.ToUpper().IndexOf(".HTML") != -1) { contentType = new ContentType { MainContentType = EnumMainContentType.Text, SubContentType = EnumSubContentType.Html }; } else if (fileFullName.ToUpper().IndexOf(".CSS") != -1) { contentType = new ContentType { MainContentType = EnumMainContentType.Text, SubContentType = EnumSubContentType.Css }; } else if (fileFullName.ToUpper().IndexOf(".TXT") != -1) { contentType = new ContentType { MainContentType = EnumMainContentType.Text, SubContentType = EnumSubContentType.Plain }; } else if (fileFullName.ToUpper().IndexOf(".JPG") != -1 || fileFullName.ToUpper().IndexOf(".BMP") != -1 || fileFullName.ToUpper().IndexOf(".JPEG") != -1) { contentType = new ContentType { MainContentType = EnumMainContentType.Image, SubContentType = EnumSubContentType.Jpeg }; } else if (fileFullName.ToUpper().IndexOf(".JS") != -1) { //note this was text/javascript; I updated because it was obsoleted in favor of application/javascript contentType = new ContentType { MainContentType = EnumMainContentType.Application, SubContentType = EnumSubContentType.JavaScript }; } if (contentType != null) { Debug.Print("Set Content Type: " + contentType); httpContext.Response.ContentType = contentType; } else { Debug.Print("No Matching Content Type set... " + contentType); return; } if (File.Exists(fileFullName)) { var files = new DirectoryInfo(fileFullName.Substring(0, fileFullName.LastIndexOf('\\'))).GetFiles(); foreach (var file in files) { if (file.FullName == fileFullName) { httpContext.Response.FileLength = file.Length.ToString(); } } httpContext.Response.FileFullName = fileFullName; httpContext.Response.HttpStatusCode = new Ok(); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new TurnManager instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public TurnManager(ServerContext context) { this.context = context; = context.GameProcessor; this.queueMngr = QueueManager.Singletone; this.timer = new Stopwatch(); // Create a server timer for executing turns. double clockCycleDuration = (double)context.TurnDuration; clockCycleDuration *= 0.9; // TODO: [LOW] thislooks like an ugly hack, reconsider implementing dynamic clock frequency balancing. clock = new System.Timers.Timer(clockCycleDuration); clock.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(clock_Elapsed); }
public HttpConnectionContext(ServerContext server, HttpListenerContext httpContext, DateTime acceptedAt, Action onComplete) { _timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); _server = server; _httpContext = httpContext; _acceptedAt = acceptedAt; _onComplete = onComplete; _request = new HttpRequestContext(httpContext.Request); _response = new HttpResponseContext(httpContext.Response); }
/// <summary> /// Change server context to the specified by the <paramref name="serverContext" /> parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="serverContext">ServerContext</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Illegal server context.</exception> public void ChangeServerContext(ServerContext serverContext) { if (serverContext == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("serverContext", "Illegal server context."); if (serverContextService.ServerContexts.Contains(serverContext)) { serverContextService.CurrentServerContext = serverContext; // ServerContext is changed eventAggregator.GetEvent<ServerContextChangedEvent>().Publish(serverContext); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds new tab for the specified ServerContext. /// </summary> /// <param name="serverContext">ServerContext.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Illegal server context.</exception> public void AddServer(ServerContext serverContext) { if (serverContext == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("serverContext", "Illegal server context."); TabItemClosable tab = new TabItemClosable(); tab.Header = serverContext.Name; tab.Tag = serverContext; tab.CanClose = true; tabServers.Items.Add(tab); RemoveDefaultTab(); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a server context. /// </summary> /// <param name="serverContext">ServerContext to add.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Illegal server context.</exception> public void AddServerContext(ServerContext serverContext) { if (serverContext == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("serverContext", "Illegal server context."); if (serverContextService.ServerContexts.Contains(serverContext)) throw new ArgumentException("Server context already exists."); serverContextService.ServerContexts.Add(serverContext); // ServerContext is added eventAggregator.GetEvent<ServerContextAddedEvent>().Publish(serverContext); }
public MasterPlayerTable(int initialSize, ServerContext context) { this.context = context; this.rwls = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(LockRecursionPolicy.NoRecursion); this.otpLocker = new object(); this.oneTimePad = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>(initialSize); this.removalList = new List<IPEndPoint>(initialSize); this.list = new AsteriaData.LinkedList<MasterPlayerRecord>(initialSize); this.epMap = new Dictionary<IPEndPoint, AsteriaData.LinkedNode<MasterPlayerRecord>>(initialSize); this.aIdMap = new Dictionary<int, AsteriaData.LinkedNode<MasterPlayerRecord>>(initialSize); this.cIdMap = new Dictionary<int, AsteriaData.LinkedNode<MasterPlayerRecord>>(initialSize); }
public static async Task LargeDownload_Handler (ServerContext ctx) { var random = new Random (); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { var chunk = new byte [ChunkSize]; random.NextBytes (chunk); await ctx.Response.OutputStream.WriteAsync ( chunk, 0, chunk.Length).ConfigureAwait (false); if (i > 0) continue; await ctx.Response.OutputStream.FlushAsync (); } }
public static void Upload_Handler (ServerContext ctx) { ctx.Expect (ctx.Request.HttpMethod, Is.EqualTo ("POST"), "#1"); long totalSize = 0; int ret; do { var buffer = new byte [20000]; ret = ctx.Request.InputStream.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (ret > 0) totalSize += ret; } while (ret > 0); ctx.Expect (totalSize, Is.EqualTo (UploadSize), "#2"); ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200; }
public void LoadReactorScripts() { foreach (var scripttemplate in ServerContext.GlobalReactorCache.Select(i => i.Value)) { var scp = ScriptManager.Load <ReactorScript>(scripttemplate.ScriptKey, scripttemplate); if (scp != null && scp.Reactor != null) { if (LastKey != scripttemplate.ScriptKey && scripttemplate.CallerType != ReactorQualifer.Reactor) { LastKey = scripttemplate.ScriptKey; scp.Reactor.Decorator = scp; Scripts.Add(scp); } else { var post = ServerContext.GlobalReactorCache .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Value.ScriptKey == LastKey); if (post.Value != null) { var ps = ScriptManager.Load <ReactorScript>(post.Value.CallBackScriptKey, scp.Reactor); var parent = Scripts.Find(i => i.Reactor.ScriptKey == scp.Reactor.CallingReactor); if (parent != null) { scp.Reactor.Decorator = scp; parent.Reactor.PostScript = ps; Scripts.Add(scp); } } } } } ServerContext.Log("[{0}] Reactor Scripts Loaded: {1}", Client.Aisling.Username, Scripts.Count); }
public ServerForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.serverCred = new ServerCurrentCredential(PackageNames.Negotiate); this.serverContext = new ServerContext( serverCred, ContextAttrib.AcceptIntegrity | ContextAttrib.ReplayDetect | ContextAttrib.SequenceDetect | ContextAttrib.MutualAuth | ContextAttrib.Delegate | ContextAttrib.Confidentiality, true ); this.server = new CustomServer(); this.server.Received += server_Received; this.server.Disconnected += server_Disconnected; this.FormClosing += Form1_FormClosing; this.startButton.Click += startButton_Click; this.stopButton.Click += stopButton_Click; this.encryptButton.Click += encryptButton_Click; this.signButton.Click += signButton_Click; this.impersonateButton.Click += impersonateButton_Click; this.running = false; this.initializing = false; this.connected = false; UpdateButtons(); this.serverUsernameTextbox.Text = this.serverCred.PrincipleName; }
public override void AnnounceServer(string serverId, ServerContext context) { serverId.ThrowIfNull("serverId"); context.ThrowIfNull("context"); var data = new ServerData { WorkerCount = context.WorkerCount, Queues = context.Queues, StartedAt = DateTime.UtcNow, }; using (var repository = new Repository()) { var servers = repository.Session.Query <RavenServer>() .Where(t => t.Id == serverId) .ToList(); var queues = servers.SelectMany(t => JobHelper.FromJson <ServerData>(t.Data).Queues).ToList(); queues.AddRange(data.Queues.Select(t => t).ToList()); data.Queues = queues.ToArray(); data.WorkerCount += servers.Select(t => JobHelper.FromJson <ServerData>(t.Data).WorkerCount).Sum(t => t); foreach (var item in servers) { repository.Delete(item); } var server = new RavenServer { Data = JobHelper.ToJson(data), Id = serverId, LastHeartbeat = DateTime.UtcNow }; repository.Save(server); } }
public override void AnnounceServer(string serverId, ServerContext context) { if (serverId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serverId)); } if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context)); } var data = new ServerData { WorkerCount = context.WorkerCount, Queues = context.Queues, StartedAt = DateTime.Now }; var server = Database.Server.FindById(serverId); if (server == null) { server = new Entities.Server { Id = serverId, Data = JobHelper.ToJson(data), LastHeartbeat = DateTime.Now }; Database.Server.Insert(server); } else { server.LastHeartbeat = DateTime.Now; server.Data = JobHelper.ToJson(data); Database.Server.Update(server); } }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) { MiniPeerConfiguration config = null; // load config file if (File.Exists(ConfigFileName)) { config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MiniPeerConfiguration>(File.ReadAllText(ConfigFileName)); } else { File.WriteAllText(ConfigFileName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new MiniPeerConfiguration())); } var serverContext = new ServerContext(config); app.Map("/ws", a => WebSocketHandler.Map(a, serverContext)); app.UseOwin(x => x.UseNancy(options => options.PassThroughWhenStatusCodesAre( HttpStatusCode.NotFound, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError ))); }
private void UpdateComponents(TimeSpan elapsedTime) { try { var components = ServerComponents.Select(i => i.Value); foreach (var component in components) { try { component.Update(elapsedTime); } catch { // ignored } } } catch (Exception e) { ServerContext.Error(e); } }
public static bool Update(Action operation) { if (operation == null) { return(false); } try { operation.Invoke(); } catch (Exception exception) { if (!exception.Message.Contains("Collection")) { ServerContext.Error(exception); } return(false); } return(true); }
public void AnnounceServer(string serverId, ServerContext context) { if (serverId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("serverId"); } if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } var data = new ServerDataDto { WorkerCount = context.WorkerCount, Queues = context.Queues, StartedAt = _database.GetServerTimeUtc(), }; _database.Server.Update(Query <ServerDto> .EQ(_ => _.Id, serverId), Update.Combine(Update <ServerDto> .Set(_ => _.Data, JobHelper.ToJson(data)), Update <ServerDto> .Set(_ => _.LastHeartbeat, _database.GetServerTimeUtc())), UpdateFlags.Upsert); }
private void LoadSpellScript(string spellscriptstr, bool primary = false) { try { if (ServerContext.GlobalSpellTemplateCache.ContainsKey(spellscriptstr)) { var script = ScriptManager.Load <SpellScript>(spellscriptstr, Spell.Create(1, ServerContext.GlobalSpellTemplateCache[spellscriptstr])); if (script != null) { script.IsScriptDefault = primary; SpellScripts.Add(script); } } } catch (Exception e) { ServerContext.Report(e); //ignore } }
public void AddSubCategory() { this.CreatedStandardprice.Parent_id =; this.CreatedStandardprice.CorrespondingCategoryString =; try { using (var ctx = new ServerContext()) { = this.SubCategoryName; this.CreatedStandardprice.standardprice = this.Price; ctx.Standardprices.Add(this.CreatedStandardprice); ctx.SaveChanges(); } this.AllSubCategories.Add(CreatedStandardprice); this.ShownSubCategories.Add(CreatedStandardprice); this.CreatedStandardprice = new Standardprice(); } catch (System.Data.DataException) { PopupService.PopupMessage(Application.Current.FindResource("CouldNotConnectToDatabase").ToString(), Application.Current.FindResource("Error").ToString()); } }
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // поиск пользователя в бд ServerUser serverUser = null; using (ServerContext db = new ServerContext()) { serverUser = db.ServerUsers.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == model.Name && u.Password == model.Password); } if (serverUser != null) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Name, true); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Неверный логин или пароль"); } } return(View(model)); }
private async Task OnUserJoined(SocketGuildUser user) { Server server; if (!this.Client.Servers.ContainsKey(user.Guild.Id) || (server = this.Client.Servers[user.Guild.Id]) == null) { return; } if (server.Config.VerifyOnWelcome) { await Task.Delay(3000); ServerContext dbContext = ServerContext.Create(this.Client.DbConnectionString); UserData userData = dbContext.GetOrAddUser(server.Id, user.Id); await VerifyUsersPm(server, new List <UserData> { userData }); dbContext.Dispose(); } }
protected override void HandleClient(ServerContext context, Client target, int duration, bool ip, string reason) { if (target.Entity == null) { Console.WriteLine($@" {Strings.Player.offline}"); return; } // TODO: Refactor the global/console messages into ModeratorActionCommand var name = target.Entity.Name; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Mute.FindMuteReason(target.User.Id, ""))) { Mute.Add(target, duration, reason, Strings.Commands.muteuser, ip ? target.GetIp() : ""); PacketSender.SendGlobalMsg(Strings.Account.muted.ToString(name)); Console.WriteLine($@" {Strings.Account.muted.ToString( name )}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($@" {Strings.Account.alreadymuted.ToString( name )}"); } }
public Rx GetRx() { try { var context = new ServerContext("", "odata", "Pete.Jenney", "$!Secure2017"); var connection = new Test1(context); var scrip = connection.Get <NextRx>("Rxes", "?$filter=RxSystemId eq 'Q541321'").Result; if (scrip == null) { Assert.Fail("No data found"); } return(scrip.value.First()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } return(null); }
public IEnumerable <Rx> GetRxList() { try { var context = new ServerContext("", "odata", "Pete.Jenney", "$!Secure2017"); var connection = new Test1(context); var scrips = connection.Get <NextRx>("Rxes", $"?$filter=Refills eq 5").Result; if (scrips == null) { Assert.Fail("Failed to get data"); } return(scrips.value); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } return(null); }
private async void AreaCreateWizard_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var title = Text; void SetControls(bool val) { foreach (Control control in Controls) { control.Enabled = val; } } Text += "Loading Content..."; SetControls(false); await Task.Run(() => ServerContext.LoadAndCacheStorage(true)); SetControls(true); Text = title; button2.Enabled = true; button4.Enabled = false; }
private void server_Disconnected() { this.running = true; this.initializing = true; this.connected = false; this.serverContext.Dispose(); this.serverContext = new ServerContext( serverCred, ContextAttrib.AcceptIntegrity | ContextAttrib.ReplayDetect | ContextAttrib.SequenceDetect | ContextAttrib.MutualAuth | ContextAttrib.Delegate | ContextAttrib.Confidentiality ); this.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate() { UpdateButtons(); this.clientUsernameTextBox.Text = ""; }); }
public void RemoveUser(string userIndex, string userNames) { try { var arr = userIndex.Split(','); var userNameArr = userNames.Split(','); //for (var i = arr.Length - 1; i > -1; i--) //{ // Dbop.Delete(int.Parse(arr[i])); // Dbop.DeleteHash(userNameArr[i]); //} //删除用户绑定 lock (userLocker) { if (ServerContext.ServerConfig.BoundConfig.UserPortBounds.ContainsKey(userIndex)) { ServerContext.ServerConfig.BoundConfig.UserPortBounds.Remove(userIndex); } } //刷新绑定列表 ServerContext.UpdatePortMap(); ServerContext.ServerConfig.SaveChanges(ServerContext.ServerConfigPath); for (var i = arr.Length - 1; i > -1; i--) { var userId = int.Parse(arr[i]); var userDto = Dbop.Get(userNameArr[i]).ToObject <UserDTO>(); Dbop.Delete(userId);//litedb不起作用 Dbop.DeleteHash(userNameArr[i]); ServerContext.CloseAllSourceByClient(int.Parse(userDto.userId)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("删除用户出错:" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> Verifies a user based on a hashCode string and returns true if successful. </summary> private async Task VerifyUserHash(guid userId, string hashCode) { if (!this.HashedValues.ContainsKey(hashCode) || this.HashedValues[hashCode].UserId != userId || !this.Client.Servers.ContainsKey(this.HashedValues[hashCode].ServerId)) { if (this.Client.GlobalConfig.LogDebug) { if (!this.HashedValues.ContainsKey(hashCode)) { Console.WriteLine("Verification: Received PM `${hashCode}` - not in the dictionary."); } else if (this.HashedValues[hashCode].UserId != userId) { Console.WriteLine("Verification: Found a hashCode, but the userid does not fit."); } else if (!this.Client.Servers.ContainsKey(this.HashedValues[hashCode].ServerId)) { Console.WriteLine("Verification: Server for the hashCode does not exist."); } } return; } Server server = this.Client.Servers[this.HashedValues[hashCode].ServerId]; ServerContext dbContext = ServerContext.Create(this.Client.DbConnectionString); UserData userData = dbContext.GetOrAddUser(server.Id, userId); if (await VerifyUsers(server, new List <UserData> { userData })) { dbContext.SaveChanges(); } dbContext.Dispose(); }
protected override void HandleTarget(ServerContext context, ParserResult result, User target) { if (target == null) { Console.WriteLine($@" {Strings.Account.notfound}"); return; } if (target.Power == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target.Power)); } var role = result.Find(Role); if (role == "users.query") { target.Power.ApiRoles.UserQuery = false; target.Power.ApiRoles.UserManage = false; } else if (role == "users.manage") { target.Power.ApiRoles.UserManage = false; } else { //Role Not Found Console.WriteLine(Strings.Commandoutput.apirolenotfound.ToString(role)); return; } DbInterface.SavePlayerDatabaseAsync(); Console.WriteLine(Strings.Commandoutput.apirolerevoked.ToString(target.Name, role)); }
public ServerForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.serverCred = new ServerCredential( PackageNames.Negotiate ); this.serverContext = new ServerContext( serverCred, ContextAttrib.AcceptIntegrity | ContextAttrib.ReplayDetect | ContextAttrib.SequenceDetect | ContextAttrib.MutualAuth | ContextAttrib.Delegate | ContextAttrib.Confidentiality ); this.server = new CustomServer(); this.server.Received += server_Received; this.server.Disconnected += server_Disconnected; this.FormClosing += Form1_FormClosing; this.startButton.Click += startButton_Click; this.stopButton.Click += stopButton_Click; this.encryptButton.Click += encryptButton_Click; this.signButton.Click += signButton_Click; this.impersonateButton.Click += impersonateButton_Click; this.running = false; this.initializing = false; this.connected = false; UpdateButtons(); this.serverUsernameTextbox.Text = this.serverCred.PrincipleName; }
public override void AnnounceServer(string serverId, ServerContext context) { if (serverId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serverId)); } if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context)); } // TODO: move to stored procedure Entities.Server server = Storage.Client.CreateDocumentQuery <Entities.Server>(Storage.Collections.ServerDocumentCollectionUri, QueryOptions) .Where(s => s.ServerId == serverId) .AsEnumerable() .FirstOrDefault(); if (server != null) { server.LastHeartbeat = DateTime.UtcNow; server.Workers = context.WorkerCount; server.Queues = context.Queues; } else { server = new Entities.Server { ServerId = serverId, Workers = context.WorkerCount, Queues = context.Queues, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, LastHeartbeat = DateTime.UtcNow }; } Storage.Client.UpsertDocumentWithRetriesAsync(Storage.Collections.ServerDocumentCollectionUri, server).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
protected override void ProcessAsTls1() { ServerContext context = (ServerContext)this.Context; // Select the private key information RSA rsa = (RSA)context.SslStream.PrivateKeyCertSelectionDelegate( new SX509.X509CertificateMono(context.ServerSettings.Certificates[0].RawData), null); RSAParameters rsaParams = rsa.ExportParameters(false); // Write Modulus this.WriteInt24(rsaParams.Modulus.Length); this.Write(rsaParams.Modulus, 0, rsaParams.Modulus.Length); // Write exponent this.WriteInt24(rsaParams.Exponent.Length); this.Write(rsaParams.Exponent, 0, rsaParams.Exponent.Length); // Write signed params byte[] signature = this.createSignature(rsa, this.ToArray()); this.WriteInt24(signature.Length); this.Write(signature); }
public override void AnnounceServer(string serverId, ServerContext context) { if (serverId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serverId)); } if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context)); } Documents.Server server = new Documents.Server { Id = $"{serverId}:{DocumentTypes.Server}".GenerateHash(), ServerId = serverId, Workers = context.WorkerCount, Queues = context.Queues, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, LastHeartbeat = DateTime.UtcNow }; Task <ItemResponse <Documents.Server> > task = Storage.Container.UpsertItemWithRetriesAsync(server, new PartitionKey((int)DocumentTypes.Server)); task.Wait(); }
private void LoadSkillScript(string skillscriptstr, bool primary = false) { try { if (ServerContext.GlobalSkillTemplateCache.ContainsKey(skillscriptstr)) { var script = ScriptManager.Load <SkillScript>(skillscriptstr, Skill.Create(1, ServerContext.GlobalSkillTemplateCache[skillscriptstr])); if (script != null) { script.Skill.NextAvailableUse = DateTime.UtcNow; script.IsScriptDefault = primary; SkillScripts.Add(script); } } } catch (Exception e) { ServerContext.Report(e); //ignore } }
/// <summary> /// Login Client - Save Character Template. /// </summary> protected override void Format04Handler(LoginClient client, ClientFormat04 format) { //make sure the first step was done first. if (client.CreateInfo == null) { ClientDisconnected(client); return; } //create aisling from default template. var template = Aisling.Create(); template.Display = (BodySprite)(format.Gender * 16); template.Username = client.CreateInfo.AislingUsername; template.Password = client.CreateInfo.AislingPassword; template.Gender = (Gender)format.Gender; template.HairColor = format.HairColor; template.HairStyle = format.HairStyle; ServerContext.Log("New character Created: " + template.Username); StorageManager.AislingBucket.Save(template); client.SendMessageBox(0x00, "\0"); }
/// <summary> /// Get user account name by searching user profile by user display name /// </summary> /// <param name="displayName"></param> /// <param name="currentWeb"></param> /// <param name="site"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string getUserAccountName(string displayName, SPWeb currentWeb, SPSite site) { string acctName = ""; try { //SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Site; ServerContext ospServerContext = ServerContext.GetContext(site); UserProfileManager ospUserProfileManager = new UserProfileManager(ospServerContext); if (ospUserProfileManager != null) { upFieldName = new List <string>(); upFieldValue = new List <string>(); //Search through all user profile property fields foreach (UserProfile user in ospUserProfileManager) { if (user.DisplayName.ToLower() == displayName.ToLower()) { return(user.MultiloginAccounts[0]); //Search user has been found } } } } catch (Exception err) { LogErrorHelper objErr = new LogErrorHelper(LIST_SETTING_NAME, currentWeb); objErr.logSysErrorEmail(APP_NAME, err, "Error at getUserAccountName function"); objErr = null; SPDiagnosticsService.Local.WriteTrace(0, new SPDiagnosticsCategory(APP_NAME, TraceSeverity.Unexpected, EventSeverity.Error), TraceSeverity.Unexpected, err.Message.ToString(), err.StackTrace); } return(acctName); }
/// <summary> /// Call checkpoint handler /// </summary> /// <param name="checkpoint">Checkpoint item</param> /// <returns>Success or fail code based on handler result</returns> private int PassCheckpoint(CheckpointMenuItem checkpoint) { // find handler if (_checkpointHandlers.ContainsKey(checkpoint.Text) == false) { ServerContext.Log("No Callback for checkpoint: {0}", checkpoint.Text); return(Constants.CheckpointOnFail); } var handler = _checkpointHandlers[checkpoint.Text]; var args = new CheckpointHandlerArgs { Value = checkpoint.Value, Amount = checkpoint.Amount, Result = false }; // call handler handler(Client, args); return(args.Result ? Constants.CheckpointOnSuccess : Constants.CheckpointOnFail); }
private void CreateAllTvServerConnections() { MPExtendedProviderSettings setting = _settings.Settings; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(setting.TvServerHost)) { return; } // Needed for checking setting changes _serverNames = setting.TvServerHost; string[] serverNames = setting.TvServerHost.Split(';'); _tvServers = new ServerContext[serverNames.Length]; for (int serverIndex = 0; serverIndex < serverNames.Length; serverIndex++) { try { string serverName = serverNames[serverIndex].Trim(); ServerContext tvServer = new ServerContext { ServerName = serverName, ConnectionOk = false, Username = setting.Username, Password = setting.Password }; _tvServers[serverIndex] = tvServer; tvServer.CreateChannel(); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyException(ex, RES_TV_CONNECTION_ERROR_TEXT, serverIndex); } } }
public override void AnnounceServer(string serverId, ServerContext context) { var transaction = Redis.CreateTransaction(); transaction.SetAddAsync(RedisStorage.Prefix + "servers", serverId); transaction.HashSetAsync( string.Format(RedisStorage.Prefix + "server:{0}", serverId), new Dictionary <string, string> { { "WorkerCount", context.WorkerCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, { "StartedAt", JobHelper.SerializeDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow) }, }.ToHashEntries()); foreach (var queue in context.Queues) { var queue1 = queue; transaction.ListRightPushAsync( string.Format(RedisStorage.Prefix + "server:{0}:queues", serverId), queue1); } transaction.Execute(); }
public override void AnnounceServer(string serverId, ServerContext context) { if (serverId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serverId)); } if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context)); } var set = new BsonDocument("$set", new BsonDocument { [nameof(ServerDto.WorkerCount)] = context.WorkerCount, [nameof(ServerDto.Queues)] = new BsonArray(context.Queues), [nameof(ServerDto.StartedAt)] = DateTime.UtcNow, [nameof(ServerDto.LastHeartbeat)] = DateTime.UtcNow }); _dbContext.Server.UpdateOne(new BsonDocument("_id", serverId), set, new UpdateOptions { IsUpsert = true }); }
public static void DefaultHandler_Version_1_0 (ServerContext ctx) { var request = ctx.Request; ctx.Expect (request.AcceptTypes, Is.Null, "#1"); ctx.Expect (request.ContentLength64, Is.EqualTo (0), "#2"); ctx.Expect (request.ContentType, Is.Null, "#3"); ctx.Expect (request.Cookies.Count, Is.EqualTo (0), "#4"); ctx.Expect (request.HasEntityBody, Is.False, "#5"); /* * CFNetwork seems to always send 'Connection' and 'User-Agent'. */ foreach (var obj in request.Headers) { if (obj.Equals ("Host")) continue; else if (obj.Equals ("Connection")) continue; else if (obj.Equals ("User-Agent")) continue; ctx.Expect (false, "#6"); } ctx.Expect (request.Headers ["Host"], Is.EqualTo (Server.Host), "#6a"); ctx.Expect (request.HttpMethod, Is.EqualTo ("GET"), "#7"); ctx.Expect (request.IsAuthenticated, Is.False, "#8"); ctx.Expect (request.IsLocal, Is.EqualTo (Server.IsLocal), "#9"); ctx.Expect (request.IsSecureConnection, Is.False, "#10"); ctx.Expect (request.IsWebSocketRequest, Is.False, "#11"); ctx.Expect (request.KeepAlive, Is.False, "#12"); ctx.Expect (request.ProtocolVersion, Is.EqualTo (HttpVersion.Version10), "#13"); ctx.Expect (request.ServiceName, Is.Null, "#14"); ctx.Expect (request.UrlReferrer, Is.Null, "#15"); // FIXME: CFNetwork seems to set the UserAgent automatically. // Assert.IsNull (request.UserAgent, "#16"); ctx.Expect (request.UserLanguages, Is.Null, "#17"); ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200; }
public CommandsService(ServerContext context = null) { _context = context ?? new ServerContext(); _resolver = new CommandResolver(_context); _runner = new CommandRunner(_context); }
private void CreateAllTvServerConnections() { MPExtendedProviderSettings setting = ServiceRegistration.Get<ISettingsManager>().Load<MPExtendedProviderSettings>(); if (setting.TvServerHost == null) return; string[] serverNames = setting.TvServerHost.Split(';'); _tvServers = new ServerContext[serverNames.Length]; for (int serverIndex = 0; serverIndex < serverNames.Length; serverIndex++) { try { string serverName = serverNames[serverIndex]; ServerContext tvServer = new ServerContext { ServerName = serverName, ConnectionOk = false, Username = setting.Username, Password = setting.Password }; _tvServers[serverIndex] = tvServer; tvServer.CreateChannel(); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyException(ex, RES_TV_CONNECTION_ERROR_TEXT, serverIndex); } } }
/// <summary> /// Removes <paramref name="serverContext" /> from the list of servers. /// </summary> /// <param name="serverContext">ServerContext</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Illegal server context.</exception> public void RemoveServerContext(ServerContext serverContext) { if (serverContext == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("serverContext", "Illegal server context."); if (serverContextService.ServerContexts.Contains(serverContext)) { serverContextService.ServerContexts.Remove(serverContext); // ServerContext is removed eventAggregator.GetEvent<ServerContextRemovedEvent>().Publish(serverContext); } if (serverContextService.ServerContexts.Count == 0) { serverContextService.CurrentServerContext = null; eventAggregator.GetEvent<ServerContextClearedEvent>().Publish(null); // Load DefaultModule eventAggregator.GetEvent<ModuleChangeEvent>().Publish(ModuleNames.DefaultModule); } }
private void InitializeTestEnv() { ServerContext sc = new ServerContext("Server 1"); sc.Modules = new List<string>() { ModuleNames.Documents, ModuleNames.Security, ModuleNames.Users }; eventAggregator.GetEvent<ServerContextAddEvent>().Publish(sc); sc = new ServerContext("Server 2"); sc.Modules = new List<string>() { ModuleNames.Documents, ModuleNames.Security, ModuleNames.Users }; eventAggregator.GetEvent<ServerContextAddEvent>().Publish(sc); sc = new ServerContext("Server 3"); sc.Modules = new List<string>() { ModuleNames.Documents, ModuleNames.Security }; eventAggregator.GetEvent<ServerContextAddEvent>().Publish(sc); sc = new ServerContext("Server 4"); sc.Modules = new List<string>() { ModuleNames.Documents }; eventAggregator.GetEvent<ServerContextAddEvent>().Publish(sc); }
/// <summary> /// Removes a tab for the specified ServerContext. /// </summary> /// <param name="serverContext">ServerContext.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Illegal server context.</exception> public void RemoveServer(ServerContext serverContext) { if (serverContext == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("serverContext", "Illegal server context."); foreach (TabItem tabItem in tabServers.Items) { if (tabItem.Tag != null && (ServerContext)tabItem.Tag == serverContext) { tabServers.Items.Remove(tabItem); break; } } // All tabs were removed if (tabServers.Items.Count == 0) { AddDefaultTab(); } }
public static void SimpleHtml_Handler (ServerContext ctx) { ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200; using (var writer = new StreamWriter (ctx.Response.OutputStream)) writer.Write (Text); }
public void SendFile(ServerContext serverContext, HttpContext httpContext) { SDCardManager.SendFile(httpContext.Response.FileFullName, httpContext.Socket); }
public bool TryGetDirectoryResultIfDirectoryExists(ServerContext serverContext, HttpContext httpContext) { var directoryPath = serverContext.FileServerBasePath + httpContext.Request.Uri.LocalPath; Debug.Print(directoryPath); DirectoryInfo rootDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath); if (rootDirectory.Exists) { DirectoryInfo[] directories = rootDirectory.GetDirectories(); FileInfo[] files = rootDirectory.GetFiles(); httpContext.Response.Data = new DirectoryListBuilder().GenerateSimpleDirectoryList(httpContext.Request.Uri.RawPath, directories, files, serverContext.HostName); httpContext.Response.ContentType = new ContentType { MainContentType = EnumMainContentType.Text, SubContentType = EnumSubContentType.Html }; return true; } return false; }
public static void RandomData_Handler (ServerContext ctx) { ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200; ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write (Data, 0, Data.Length); ctx.Response.Close (); }