コード例 #1
        public ConfirmDeleteEntryGump(Mobile mobile, ArrayList argsList) : base(0, 0)
            gumpMobile = mobile;

            ArgsList = argsList;


            AddPage(0);             // Page 0

            MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 180, 180, 330, 90);

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 200, 290, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 230, 290, 20);

            AddHtml(221, 181, 270, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, "Confirmation Of Deleting Entry"), false, false);
            AddHtml(201, 201, 290, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Are you sure you want to delete the entry?"), false, false);

            AddHtml(441, 231, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Cancel"), false, false);
            AddButton(400, 230, 4017, 4019, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddHtml(241, 231, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Ok"), false, false);
            AddButton(200, 230, 4023, 4025, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
コード例 #2
        private void AddPages()

            totalPages = (int)((MenuAccessList.Count - 1) / amtPerPg) + 1;

            string pageNum = String.Format("{0}/{1}", pg, totalPages);

            AddLabel(540, 80, PageNumberTextColor, "Page:");
            AddTextEntry(580, 80, 90, 20, PageNumberTextColor, 0, pageNum);

            if (Help)
                AddButton(529, 85, 2104, 2103, -100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (MenuAccessList.Count == 0)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 560, 330);

                AddHtml(100, 100, 560, 330, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "You do not have access to any menu commands."), false, false);

コード例 #3
        private void AddPages()

            totalPages = (int)((SearchResultsList.Count - 1) / amtPerPg) + 1;

            string pageNum = String.Format("{0}/{1}", pg, totalPages);

            AddLabel(540, 80, PageNumberTextColor, "Page:");
            AddTextEntry(580, 80, 90, 20, PageNumberTextColor, 0, pageNum);

            if (Help)
                AddButton(529, 85, 2104, 2103, -100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (SearchResultsList.Count == 0)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 560, 330);

                AddHtml(100, 100, 560, 330, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "No search results to display."), false, false);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 560, 20);

                AddHtml(101, 101, 560, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>Search Result List</center>"), false, false);

コード例 #4
        public SetSpawnerNameGump(Mobile mobile, ArrayList argsList) : base(0, 0)
            gumpMobile = mobile;

            ArgsList = argsList;


            AddPage(0);             // Page 0

            MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 180, 180, 330, 90);

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 200, 290, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 230, 290, 20);

            AddHtml(221, 181, 270, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, "Set Spawner Name"), false, false);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, ActiveTEBGTypeConfig, 200, 200, 290, 20);
            AddTextEntry(200, 200, 280, 20, ActiveTextEntryTextColor, 0, megaSpawner.Name);

            AddHtml(441, 231, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Cancel"), false, false);
            AddButton(400, 230, 4017, 4019, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddHtml(241, 231, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Ok"), false, false);
            AddButton(200, 230, 4023, 4025, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
コード例 #5
        public RemoveBadEntriesGump(Mobile mobile, ArrayList argsList) : base(0, 0)
            gumpMobile = mobile;

            ArgsList = argsList;


            AddPage(0);             // Page 0

            MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 180, 180, 380, 110);

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 200, 340, 40);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 250, 340, 20);

            AddHtml(221, 181, 320, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, "Confirmation Of Deleting Bad Entries"), false, false);

            AddHtml(201, 201, 340, 40, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Are you sure you want to delete all bad entries on selected spawners?"), false, false);

            AddHtml(491, 251, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Cancel"), false, false);
            AddButton(450, 250, 4017, 4019, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddHtml(241, 251, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Ok"), false, false);
            AddButton(200, 250, 4023, 4025, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
        public FixEntryAmountGump(Mobile mobile, ArrayList argsList) : base(0, 0)
            gumpMobile = mobile;

            ArgsList = argsList;


            AddPage(0);             // Page 0

            MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 180, 180, 380, 110);

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 200, 340, 40);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 250, 340, 20);

            AddHtml(221, 181, 320, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, "Confirmation Of Fixing Entry Amount"), false, false);

            AddHtml(201, 201, 340, 40, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Are you sure you want to fix the entry amount for overridden spawners?"), false, false);

            AddHtml(491, 251, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Cancel"), false, false);
            AddButton(450, 250, 4017, 4019, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddHtml(241, 251, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Ok"), false, false);
            AddButton(200, 250, 4023, 4025, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
コード例 #7
        public LoadFileGump(Mobile mobile, ArrayList argsList, LoadType loadtype, string filename) : base(0, 0)
            gumpMobile = mobile;

            ArgsList = argsList;


            loadType = loadtype;
            FileName = filename;

            AddPage(0);             // Page 0

            MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 180, 180, 340, 120);

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 200, 300, 40);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 260, 300, 20);

            AddHtml(221, 181, 280, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, "Load File"), false, false);

            switch (loadType)
            case LoadType.Manual:
                AddHtml(201, 201, 280, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Type in the filename to load:"), false, false);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, ActiveTEBGTypeConfig, 200, 220, 300, 18);
                AddTextEntry(200, 220, 300, 15, ActiveTextEntryTextColor, 0, "");


            case LoadType.FileBrowserMsf:
                AddHtml(201, 201, 280, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Are you sure you want to load file:"), false, false);
                AddHtml(201, 221, 280, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, MC.CropDirectory(FileName)), false, false);


            case LoadType.FileBrowserMbk:
                MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 180, 160, 340, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 181, 161, 338, 18);

                AddHtml(201, 161, 280, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Warning: All Mega Spawners will be removed."), false, false);
                AddHtml(201, 201, 280, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Are you sure you want to load backup file:"), false, false);
                AddHtml(201, 221, 280, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, MC.CropDirectory(FileName)), false, false);


            AddHtml(441, 261, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Cancel"), false, false);
            AddButton(400, 260, 4017, 4019, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddHtml(241, 261, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Ok"), false, false);
            AddButton(200, 260, 4023, 4025, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
コード例 #8
        private void SetPage()
            int listY     = 122;
            int spaceLeft = listSpace;

            if (totalPages > pg)
                AddHtml(431, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg + 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(380, 430, 4005, 4007, -3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (pg > 1)
                int length = ((pg - 1).ToString().Length - 1) * 10;

                int pageX = 280 - length;

                AddHtml(pageX + 1, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg - 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(340, 430, 4014, 4016, -4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);


            for (int i = offsetMin; i <= offsetMax; i++)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 198, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 300, listY, 53, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 355, listY, 113, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 470, listY, 168, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 640, listY, 20, 20);

                Item spawner = (Item)SpawnerList[i];

                if (spawner is Spawner)
                    spawner = (Spawner)spawner;

                AddButton(100, listY, 9904, 9905, i + numOffset, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtml(141, listY + 1, 200, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, spawner.Name), false, false);
                AddHtml(301, listY + 1, 55, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("<center>{0}</center>", spawner.Map.ToString())), false, false);
                AddHtml(356, listY + 1, 115, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("<center>{0}</center>", spawner.Location.ToString())), false, false);

                if (spawner is Spawner)
                    AddHtml(471, listY + 1, 170, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>Distro Spawner</center>"), false, false);

                AddCheck(640, listY, 210, 211, (bool)CUGCheckBoxesList[i], i);

                listY     += 21;
                spaceLeft -= 21;

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 560, spaceLeft);
コード例 #9
        private void SetPage()
            int listY     = 122;
            int spaceLeft = listSpace;

            if (totalPages > pg)
                AddHtml(431, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg + 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(380, 430, 4005, 4007, -3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (pg > 1)
                int length = ((pg - 1).ToString().Length - 1) * 10;

                int pageX = 280 - length;

                AddHtml(pageX + 1, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg - 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(340, 430, 4014, 4016, -4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);


            for (int i = offsetMin; i <= offsetMax; i++)
                ArrayList List = (ArrayList)InsideItemList[i];
                itemToAdd      = (string)List[0];
                minStackAmount = (int)List[1];
                maxStackAmount = (int)List[2];

                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 228, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 330, listY, 118, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 450, listY, 118, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 570, listY, 68, 20);

                AddButton(100, listY, 9904, 9905, i + numOffset, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, ActiveTEBGTypeConfig, 140, listY + 1, 188, 18);
                AddTextEntry(140, listY + 1, 188, 15, ActiveTextEntryTextColor, (i * 3) + 1, itemToAdd);

                MC.DisplayBackground(this, ActiveTEBGTypeConfig, 330, listY + 1, 118, 18);
                AddTextEntry(330, listY + 1, 118, 15, ActiveTextEntryTextColor, (i * 3) + 2, minStackAmount.ToString());

                MC.DisplayBackground(this, ActiveTEBGTypeConfig, 450, listY + 1, 118, 18);
                AddTextEntry(450, listY + 1, 118, 15, ActiveTextEntryTextColor, (i * 3) + 3, maxStackAmount.ToString());

                AddHtml(571, listY + 1, 68, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("<center>{0}</center>", i)), false, false);

                AddCheck(640, listY, 210, 211, (bool)AITCCheckBoxesList[i], i);

                listY     += 21;
                spaceLeft -= 21;

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 560, spaceLeft);
コード例 #10
        private void SetPage()
            int listY     = 100;
            int spaceLeft = listSpace;

            if (totalPages > pg)
                AddHtml(431, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg + 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(380, 430, 4005, 4007, -3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (pg > 1)
                int length = ((pg - 1).ToString().Length - 1) * 10;

                int pageX = 280 - length;

                AddHtml(pageX + 1, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg - 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(340, 430, 4014, 4016, -4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);


            for (int i = offsetMin; i <= offsetMax; i++)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 560, 20);

                int option = (int)MenuSwitchList[i];

                switch (option)
                case 0:
                    AddHtml(141, listY + 1, 520, 20, MC.ColorText(commandButtonsTextColor, "Accounts Management Menu"), false, false);
                    AddButton(100, listY, 9904, 9905, 101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);


                case 1:
                    AddHtml(141, listY + 1, 520, 20, MC.ColorText(commandButtonsTextColor, "Edit System Configuration"), false, false);
                    AddButton(100, listY, 9904, 9905, 102, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);


                listY     += 21;
                spaceLeft -= 21;

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 560, spaceLeft);
コード例 #11
        public SaveFileGump(Mobile mobile, ArrayList argsList, SaveType savetype, string filename) : base(0, 0)
            gumpMobile = mobile;

            ArgsList = argsList;


            saveType = savetype;
            FileName = filename;

            AddPage(0);             // Page 0

            MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 180, 180, 340, 120);

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 200, 300, 40);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 260, 300, 20);

            AddHtml(221, 181, 280, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, "Save File"), false, false);

            switch (saveType)
            case SaveType.FileEdit:
                AddHtml(201, 201, 280, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Are you sure you want to save file:"), false, false);
                AddHtml(201, 221, 280, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, FileName), false, false);


                AddHtml(201, 201, 280, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Type in a filename without an extension:"), false, false);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, ActiveTEBGTypeConfig, 200, 220, 300, 18);
                AddTextEntry(200, 220, 300, 15, ActiveTextEntryTextColor, 0, "");


            AddHtml(441, 261, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Cancel"), false, false);
            AddButton(400, 260, 4017, 4019, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddHtml(241, 261, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Ok"), false, false);
            AddButton(200, 260, 4023, 4025, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

コード例 #12
        private void SetPage()
            int listY     = 122;
            int spaceLeft = listSpace;

            if (totalPages > pg)
                AddHtml(431, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg + 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(380, 430, 4005, 4007, -3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (pg > 1)
                int length = ((pg - 1).ToString().Length - 1) * 10;

                int pageX = 280 - length;

                AddHtml(pageX + 1, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg - 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(340, 430, 4014, 4016, -4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);


            for (int i = offsetMin; i <= offsetMax; i++)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 438, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 540, listY, 98, 20);

                string fileName    = (string)MC.FileImportList[i];
                string fileVersion = (string)MC.FileImportVersionList[i];

                if (fileName == "" || fileName == null)
                    fileName = "Bad FileName";

                AddButton(100, listY, 9904, 9905, i + numOffset, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtml(141, listY + 1, 440, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, fileName), false, false);
                AddHtml(541, listY + 1, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("<center>{0}</center>", fileVersion)), false, false);

                AddCheck(640, listY, 210, 211, (bool)FMCheckBoxesList[i], i);

                listY     += 21;
                spaceLeft -= 21;

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 560, spaceLeft);
コード例 #13
        private void AddPages()

            totalPages = (int)((SpawnerList.Count - 1) / amtPerPg) + 1;

            string pageNum = String.Format("{0}/{1}", pg, totalPages);

            AddLabel(540, 80, PageNumberTextColor, "Page:");
            AddTextEntry(580, 80, 90, 20, PageNumberTextColor, 0, pageNum);

            if (Help)
                AddButton(529, 85, 2104, 2103, -100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (SpawnerList.Count == 0)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 560, 330);

                AddHtml(100, 100, 560, 330, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "There are no spawners on the entire server that are not Mega Spawners."), false, false);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 198, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 300, 100, 53, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 355, 100, 113, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 470, 100, 168, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 640, 100, 20, 20);

                AddButton(640, 100, 211, 210, -9, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                if (Help)
                    AddButton(193, 100, 2104, 2103, -101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddButton(321, 100, 2104, 2103, -102, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddButton(406, 100, 2104, 2103, -103, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddButton(548, 100, 2104, 2103, -104, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                AddHtml(100, 100, 200, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>Name</center>"), false, false);
                AddHtml(300, 100, 55, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>Facet</center>"), false, false);
                AddHtml(355, 100, 115, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>Location</center>"), false, false);
                AddHtml(470, 100, 170, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>Spawner Type</center>"), false, false);

コード例 #14
        private void SetPage()
            int listY     = 122;
            int spaceLeft = listSpace;

            if (totalPages > pg)
                AddHtml(431, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg + 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(380, 430, 4005, 4007, -3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (pg > 1)
                int length = ((pg - 1).ToString().Length - 1) * 10;

                int pageX = 280 - length;

                AddHtml(pageX + 1, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg - 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(340, 430, 4014, 4016, -4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);


            for (int i = offsetMin; i <= offsetMax; i++)
                string textColor = defaultTextColor;

                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 560, 20);

                ArrayList setting = (ArrayList)megaSpawner.SettingsList[i];

                if (!MC.VerifySetting(setting))
                    textColor = flagTextColor;

                AddButton(100, listY, 9904, 9905, i + numOffset, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtml(141, listY + 1, 520, 20, MC.ColorText(textColor, MC.GetSettingInfo(megaSpawner, setting)), false, false);

                AddCheck(640, listY, 210, 211, (bool)SettingsCheckBoxesList[i], i);

                listY     += 21;
                spaceLeft -= 21;

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 560, spaceLeft);
コード例 #15
        private void AddPages()

            totalPages = (int)((InsideItemList.Count - 1) / amtPerPg) + 1;

            string pageNum = String.Format("{0}/{1}", pg, totalPages);

            AddLabel(540, 80, PageNumberTextColor, "Page:");
            AddTextEntry(580, 80, 90, 20, PageNumberTextColor, 0, pageNum);

            if (Help)
                AddButton(529, 85, 2104, 2103, -100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (InsideItemList.Count == 0)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 560, 330);

                AddHtml(100, 100, 560, 330, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "There are no items on the item list."), false, false);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 228, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 330, 100, 118, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 450, 100, 118, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 570, 100, 68, 20);

                AddButton(640, 100, 211, 210, -9, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                if (Help)
                    AddButton(209, 100, 2104, 2103, -101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddButton(384, 100, 2104, 2103, -102, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddButton(504, 100, 2104, 2103, -103, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddButton(599, 100, 2104, 2103, -104, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                AddHtml(101, 101, 230, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>Item</center>"), false, false);
                AddHtml(331, 101, 120, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>Min Stack Amount</center>"), false, false);
                AddHtml(451, 101, 120, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>Max Stack Amount</center>"), false, false);
                AddHtml(571, 101, 70, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>Entry #</center>"), false, false);

コード例 #16
        private void AddPages()

            totalPages = (int)((MC.AccountsList.Count - 1) / amtPerPg) + 1;

            if (pg > totalPages)
                pg = totalPages;

            string pageNum = String.Format("{0}/{1}", pg, totalPages);

            AddLabel(540, 80, PageNumberTextColor, "Page:");
            AddTextEntry(580, 80, 90, 20, PageNumberTextColor, 0, pageNum);

            if (Help)
                AddButton(529, 85, 2104, 2103, -100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (MC.AccountsList.Count == 0)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 560, 330);

                AddHtml(100, 100, 560, 330, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "There are no accounts to display."), false, false);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 338, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 440, 100, 200, 20);

                AddButton(640, 100, 211, 210, -9, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                if (Help)
//					AddButton( 193, 100, 2104, 2103, -101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

                AddHtml(101, 101, 340, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>Account Name</center>"), false, false);
                AddHtml(441, 101, 200, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>Access Level</center>"), false, false);

コード例 #17
        public ConfirmDeleteSpawnersGump(Mobile mobile, ArrayList argsList, int select) : base(0, 0)
            gumpMobile = mobile;

            Select   = select;
            ArgsList = argsList;


            AddPage(0);             // Page 0

            MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 180, 180, 380, 90);

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 200, 340, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 230, 340, 20);

            switch (Select)
            case 1: { AddHtml(221, 181, 320, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, "Confirmation Of Deleting All Spawners"), false, false); break; }

            case 2: { AddHtml(221, 181, 320, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, "Confirmation Of Deleting Selected Spawners"), false, false); break; }

            case 3: { AddHtml(221, 181, 320, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, "Confirmation Of Deleting Imported Spawners"), false, false); break; }

            switch (Select)
            case 1: { AddHtml(201, 201, 340, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Are you sure you want to delete all spawners?"), false, false); break; }

            case 2: { AddHtml(201, 201, 340, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Are you sure you want to delete selected spawners?"), false, false); break; }

            case 3: { AddHtml(201, 201, 340, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Are you sure you want to delete imported spawners?"), false, false); break; }

            AddHtml(491, 231, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Cancel"), false, false);
            AddButton(450, 230, 4017, 4019, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddHtml(241, 231, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Ok"), false, false);
            AddButton(200, 230, 4023, 4025, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
コード例 #18
        private void AddPages()

            totalPages = (int)((MC.FileImportList.Count - 1) / amtPerPg) + 1;

            string pageNum = String.Format("{0}/{1}", pg, totalPages);

            AddLabel(540, 80, PageNumberTextColor, "Page:");
            AddTextEntry(580, 80, 90, 20, PageNumberTextColor, 0, pageNum);

            if (Help)
                AddButton(529, 85, 2104, 2103, -100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (MC.FileImportList.Count == 0)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 560, 330);

                AddHtml(100, 100, 560, 330, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "There are no files on the import file list."), false, false);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 438, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 540, 100, 98, 20);

                AddButton(640, 100, 211, 210, -9, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                if (Help)
                    AddButton(364, 100, 2104, 2103, -101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                AddHtml(101, 101, 440, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>File Name</center>"), false, false);
                AddHtml(541, 101, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "<center>File Version</center>"), false, false);

コード例 #19
        private void SetPage()
            int listY     = 122;
            int spaceLeft = listSpace;

            if (totalPages > pg)
                AddHtml(431, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg + 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(380, 430, 4005, 4007, -3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (pg > 1)
                int length = ((pg - 1).ToString().Length - 1) * 10;

                int pageX = 280 - length;

                AddHtml(pageX + 1, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg - 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(340, 430, 4014, 4016, -4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);


            for (int i = offsetMin; i <= offsetMax; i++)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 560, 20);

                string searchResult = (string)SearchResultsList[i];

                AddButton(100, listY, 9904, 9905, i + numOffset, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtml(141, listY + 1, 520, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, searchResult), false, false);

                listY     += 21;
                spaceLeft -= 21;

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 560, spaceLeft);
コード例 #20
        public ConfirmAbandonChangesGump(Mobile mobile, ArrayList argsList, ArrayList spawnerList, int select) : base(0, 0)
            gumpMobile  = mobile;
            SpawnerList = spawnerList;

            Select   = select;
            ArgsList = argsList;


            AddPage(0);             // Page 0

            MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 180, 180, 380, 90);

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 200, 340, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 200, 230, 340, 20);

            switch (Select)
            case 1: { AddHtml(221, 181, 320, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, "Confirmation Of Abandon Spawner Workspace"), false, false); break; }

            case 2: { AddHtml(221, 181, 320, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, String.Format("Confirmation Of Abandon Changes To File: {0}", FileName)), false, false); break; }

            switch (Select)
            case 1: { AddHtml(201, 201, 340, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Are you sure you want to abandon Spawner Workspace?"), false, false); break; }

            case 2: { AddHtml(201, 201, 340, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Are you sure you want to abandon changes to file?"), false, false); break; }

            AddHtml(491, 231, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Cancel"), false, false);
            AddButton(450, 230, 4017, 4019, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddHtml(241, 231, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Ok"), false, false);
            AddButton(200, 230, 4023, 4025, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
コード例 #21
        private void AddPages()

            totalPages = (int)((megaSpawner.SettingsList.Count - 1) / amtPerPg) + 1;

            string pageNum = String.Format("{0}/{1}", pg, totalPages);

            AddLabel(540, 80, PageNumberTextColor, "Page:");
            AddTextEntry(580, 80, 90, 20, PageNumberTextColor, 0, pageNum);

            if (Help)
                AddButton(529, 85, 2104, 2103, -100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (megaSpawner.SettingsList.Count == 0)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 560, 330);

                AddHtml(100, 100, 560, 330, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "There are no settings."), false, false);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 560, 20);

                AddButton(640, 100, 211, 210, -9, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                if (Help)
                    AddButton(130, 100, 2104, 2103, -101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                AddHtml(141, 101, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Setting"), false, false);
コード例 #22
        private void AddPages()

            totalPages = (int)((TotalEntries.Count - 2) / amtPerPg) + 1;

            string pageNum = String.Format("{0}/{1}", pg, totalPages);

            AddLabel(540, 80, PageNumberTextColor, "Page:");
            AddTextEntry(580, 80, 90, 20, PageNumberTextColor, 0, pageNum);

            if (Help)
                AddButton(529, 85, 2104, 2103, -100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (TotalEntries.Count == 0)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 560, 330);

                AddHtml(100, 100, 560, 330, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "There are no files or directories to display."), false, false);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 560, 20);

                if (Help)
                    AddButton(130, 100, 2104, 2103, -101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                AddHtml(140, 101, 520, 20, MC.ColorTextDir(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Directory: {0}", CropCoreDirectory(DirectoryPath))), false, false);

コード例 #23
        public FileMenuGump(Mobile mobile, ArrayList argsList) : base(0, 0)
            gumpMobile = mobile;

            ArgsList = argsList;

            ArgsList[34] = (bool)true;                          // RefreshSpawnerLists


            AddPage(0);             // Page 0

            MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 80, 80, 600, 452);

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 450, 249, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 350, 450, 279, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 630, 450, 30, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 470, 249, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 350, 470, 279, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 630, 470, 30, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 490, 249, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 350, 490, 279, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 630, 490, 30, 20);

            MC.DisplayImage(this, StyleTypeConfig);

            AddButton(630, 490, 4017, 4019, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtml(121, 81, 560, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, "File Menu"), false, false);

            if (!Help)
                AddButton(597, 429, 2033, 2032, -5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddButton(597, 429, 2032, 2033, -5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (DisplayMessages)
                MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 80, 540, 600, 122);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 560, 560, 80);

                AddHtml(121, 541, 540, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, MessagesTitle), false, false);
                AddHtml(100, 560, 560, 80, MC.ColorText(messagesTextColor, Messages), false, true);
                AddHtml(531, 641, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Clear Messages"), false, false);

                AddButton(630, 640, 4017, 4019, -6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddButton(371, 645, 2436, 2435, -8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 80, 530, 600, 20);

                AddButton(371, 535, 2438, 2437, -8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            OldMessagesTitle = MessagesTitle;
            OldMessages      = Messages;

            AddHtml(151, 431, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Refresh"), false, false);
            AddButton(120, 433, 2118, 2117, -7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);


コード例 #24
        private void SetPage()
            if (totalPages > pgNum)
                AddHtml(431, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pgNum + 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(380, 430, 4005, 4007, -3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (pgNum > 1)
                int length = ((pg - 1).ToString().Length - 1) * 10;

                int pageX = 280 - length;

                AddHtml(pageX + 1, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pgNum - 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(340, 430, 4014, 4016, -4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            switch (pg)
            case 1:
                AddHtml(100, 100, 560, 330, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Select a configuration from the command window below."), false, false);


            case 2:
                AddHtml(100, 100, 560, 330, MC.ColorText(messagesTextColor, "<center>Misc Configuration</center>\nThis is where you can configure misc settings.\n\nGo to page 2 to continue."), false, false);


            case 3:
                AddHtml(141, 101, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Staff Can Trigger Events"), false, false);
                AddCheck(100, 100, 210, 211, staffTriggerEventSwitch, 1);


            case 4:
                string pageInfo = "<center>Timer Configuration</center>\nThis is where you can adjust the timer in which the Mega Spawner System uses for spawning.";
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0} You may choose to use the master timer or personal timer. There are many different options to choose from for timer settings.", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0}\n<center>Information</center>\nMaster Timer:\nThe master timer is designed to run all of the Mega Spawners with one timer. This option may use a little bit more CPU usage than", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0} the personal timer. You can select from many different delay settings.", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0}\n\nPersonal Timer:\nThe personal timer is designed to have each Mega Spawner use their own timer for spawn control. This option may use a little more system memory than the master timer.", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0} Like the master timer, you can select any of the delay options or choose your own.", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0}\n\nDelay Settings:\nYou can choose from any of the delay settings by clicking on the slider anywhere from \"Consistency\" to \"Save On CPU Usage\". The higher the delay setting you choose, the", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0} less CPU usage is used to control the Mega Spawners. However, the spawns will be less consistent and more likely to fall out of their minimum and maximum delay range.", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0} You can specify your own delay by choosing the \"Use Specified Delay\" option. There is also another personal timer option which is called \"Use Personal Timer(Random Entry Delay)\". With this option,", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0} the system will randomly choose one of the entries on each Mega Spawner to create a random delay based on their minimum and maximum delay range.", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0}\n\n<center>Recommendations</center>\nFast CPU and lots of ram:\nMaster Timer with a delay of 1.\n\nFast CPU and medium amount of ram:\nMaster Timer with delay of 12.\n\n", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0}Fast CPU and little amount of ram:\nMaster Timer with a delay of 40-48.\n\nMedium CPU and lots of ram:\nPersonal Timer with delay of 1-4.\n\n", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0}Medium CPU and medium amount of ram:\nPersonal Timer with a delay of 16-20.\n\nMedium CPU and little amount of ram:\nPersonal Timer with delay of 40-48.\n\n", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0}Slow CPU and lots of ram:\nPersonal Timer with a delay of 12-16.\n\nSlow CPU and medium amount of ram:\nPersonal Timer with delay of 40-48.\n\n", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0}Slow CPU and little amount of ram:\nPersonal Timer with a delay of 60+.", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0}\n\nThese recommendations can change at any time, as more benchmarking is done.", pageInfo);
                pageInfo = String.Format("{0}\n\nGo to page 2 to continue.", pageInfo);

                AddHtml(100, 100, 560, 330, MC.ColorText(messagesTextColor, pageInfo), false, true);


            case 5:
                AddHtml(101, 101, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Timer Setting:"), false, false);
                AddHtml(101, 121, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Consistency"), false, false);
                AddHtml(541, 121, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Save On CPU Usage"), false, false);

                AddImageTiled(100, 140, 560, 20, 2604);


                AddImage(119, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(100, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 1, 1);

                AddImage(160, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(141, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 2, 2);

                AddImage(201, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(182, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 4, 3);

                AddImage(243, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(224, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 8, 4);

                AddImage(284, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(265, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 12, 5);

                AddImage(325, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(306, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 16, 6);

                AddImage(367, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(348, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 20, 7);

                AddImage(408, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(389, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 24, 8);

                AddImage(449, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(430, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 28, 9);

                AddImage(491, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(472, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 32, 10);

                AddImage(532, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(513, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 36, 11);

                AddImage(573, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(554, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 40, 12);

                AddImage(615, 144, 9024);
                AddRadio(596, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 44, 13);

                AddRadio(637, 140, 9020, 9021, MC.Delay == 48, 14);

                AddHtml(101, 181, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Timer Delay In Seconds:"), false, false);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, ActiveTEBGTypeConfig, 300, 181, 60, 18);
                AddTextEntry(300, 181, 60, 15, ActiveTextEntryTextColor, 1, MC.Delay.ToString());

                AddHtml(430, 181, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Use Specified Delay"), false, false);
                AddRadio(389, 180, 210, 211, !TimerSettingType(MC.Delay), 15);


                AddHtml(141, 221, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Use Master Timer"), false, false);
                AddHtml(141, 241, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Use Personal Timer (Normal)"), false, false);

                AddHtml(141, 281, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Use Personal Timer (Random Entry Delay)"), false, false);

                AddRadio(100, 220, 210, 211, timerTypeSwitch == TimerType.Master, 16);
                AddRadio(100, 240, 210, 211, timerTypeSwitch == TimerType.Personal, 17);

                AddRadio(100, 280, 210, 211, timerTypeSwitch == TimerType.RandomEntryDelay, 18);

コード例 #25
        private void SetPage()
            if (totalPages > pg)
                AddHtml(431, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg + 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(380, 430, 4005, 4007, -3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (pg > 1)
                int length = ((pg - 1).ToString().Length - 1) * 10;

                int pageX = 280 - length;

                AddHtml(pageX + 1, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg - 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(340, 430, 4014, 4016, -4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            switch (pg)
            case 1:
                string textColor = null;

                AddHtml(101, 101, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Account Name:"), false, false);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, ActiveTEBGTypeConfig, 300, 101, 190, 18);
                AddTextEntry(300, 101, 190, 15, ActiveTextEntryTextColor, 1, accountName);

                AddHtml(101, 121, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Access Level:"), false, false);

                if (GetAccessLevel >= Access.HeadAdmin)
                    textColor = flagTextColor;
                    AddImage(100, 140, 9026);
                    textColor = defaultTextColor;
                    AddRadio(100, 140, 9026, 9027, accessSwitch == Access.HeadAdmin, 1);

                AddHtml(141, 141, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(textColor, "Head Admin"), false, false);

                if (GetAccessLevel >= Access.Admin)
                    textColor = flagTextColor;
                    AddImage(100, 160, 9026);
                    textColor = defaultTextColor;
                    AddRadio(100, 160, 9026, 9027, accessSwitch == Access.Admin, 2);

                AddHtml(141, 161, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(textColor, "Admin"), false, false);

                AddHtml(141, 181, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "User"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 180, 9026, 9027, accessSwitch == Access.User, 3);

                AddHtml(141, 201, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "None"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 200, 9026, 9027, accessSwitch == Access.None, 4);

                AddHtml(101, 241, 160, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Admin Menu Access:"), false, false);

                for (int i = 0; i < MenuAccessList.Count; i++)
                    bool access = (bool)MenuAccessList[i];

                    if (i == 0 && !access)
                        textColor = flagTextColor;
                        AddImage(100, 260, 9026);
                    else if (i == 0)
                        textColor = defaultTextColor;
                        AddCheck(100, 260, 9026, 9027, accountsMgmtSwitch, 5);

                    if (i == 0)
                        AddHtml(141, 261, 160, 20, MC.ColorText(textColor, "Accounts Management"), false, false);

                    if (i == 1 && !access)
                        textColor = flagTextColor;
                        AddImage(100, 280, 9026);
                    else if (i == 1)
                        textColor = defaultTextColor;
                        AddCheck(100, 280, 9026, 9027, systemConfigSwitch, 6);

                    if (i == 1)
                        AddHtml(141, 281, 160, 20, MC.ColorText(textColor, "System Configuration"), false, false);

コード例 #26
        public EditAccountGump(Mobile mobile, ArrayList argsList) : base(0, 0)
            gumpMobile = mobile;

            ArgsList = argsList;


            AddPage(0);             // Page 0

            MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 80, 80, 600, 452);

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 450, 249, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 350, 450, 279, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 630, 450, 30, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 470, 249, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 350, 470, 279, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 630, 470, 30, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 490, 249, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 350, 490, 279, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 630, 490, 30, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 100, 560, 330);

            MC.DisplayImage(this, StyleTypeConfig);

            AddButton(630, 490, 4017, 4019, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (AddAccount)
                AddHtml(121, 81, 540, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, "Add Account"), false, false);
                AddHtml(121, 81, 540, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, String.Format("Editting Account: \"{0}\"", accountName)), false, false);

            if (!Help)
                AddButton(597, 429, 2033, 2032, -5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddButton(597, 429, 2032, 2033, -5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (DisplayMessages)
                MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 80, 540, 600, 122);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 560, 560, 80);

                AddHtml(121, 541, 540, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, MessagesTitle), false, false);
                AddHtml(100, 560, 560, 80, MC.ColorText(messagesTextColor, Messages), false, true);
                AddHtml(531, 641, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Clear Messages"), false, false);

                AddButton(630, 640, 4017, 4019, -6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddButton(371, 645, 2436, 2435, -8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 80, 530, 600, 20);

                AddButton(371, 535, 2438, 2437, -8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            OldMessagesTitle = MessagesTitle;
            OldMessages      = Messages;

            AddHtml(151, 431, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Refresh"), false, false);
            AddButton(120, 433, 2118, 2117, -7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            MenuAccessList = MC.GetMenuAccess(gumpMobile);

コード例 #27
        public AddItemsToContainerGump(Mobile mobile, ArrayList argsList) : base(0, 0)
            gumpMobile = mobile;

            ArgsList = argsList;


            AddPage(0);             // Page 0

            MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 80, 80, 600, 452);

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 450, 249, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 350, 450, 279, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 630, 450, 30, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 470, 249, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 350, 470, 279, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 630, 470, 30, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 490, 249, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 350, 490, 279, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 630, 490, 30, 20);

            MC.DisplayImage(this, StyleTypeConfig);

            AddButton(630, 490, 4017, 4019, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddHtml(121, 81, 560, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, String.Format("Add {0} Item{1} To \"{2}\"", InsideItemList.Count, InsideItemList.Count == 1 ? "" : "s", addItem)), false, false);

            if (!Help)
                AddButton(597, 429, 2033, 2032, -5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddButton(597, 429, 2032, 2033, -5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (DisplayMessages)
                MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 80, 540, 600, 122);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 560, 560, 80);

                AddHtml(121, 541, 540, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, MessagesTitle), false, false);
                AddHtml(100, 560, 560, 80, MC.ColorText(messagesTextColor, Messages), false, true);
                AddHtml(531, 641, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Clear Messages"), false, false);

                AddButton(630, 640, 4017, 4019, -6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddButton(371, 645, 2436, 2435, -8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 80, 530, 600, 20);

                AddButton(371, 535, 2438, 2437, -8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            OldMessagesTitle = MessagesTitle;
            OldMessages      = Messages;

            AddHtml(151, 431, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Refresh"), false, false);
            AddButton(120, 433, 2118, 2117, -7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);


コード例 #28
        public SearchEntryGump(Mobile mobile, ArrayList argsList) : base(0, 0)
            gumpMobile = mobile;

            ArgsList = argsList;


            AddPage(0);             // Page 0

            MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 80, 80, 600, 452);

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 450, 249, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 350, 450, 279, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 630, 450, 30, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 470, 249, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 350, 470, 279, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 630, 470, 30, 19);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 490, 249, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 350, 490, 279, 20);
            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 630, 490, 30, 20);

            MC.DisplayImage(this, StyleTypeConfig);

            AddButton(630, 490, 4017, 4019, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            string searchtype = "";

            switch (searchType)
            case SearchType.MobileType: { searchtype = " Mobile"; break; }

            case SearchType.ItemType: { searchtype = " Item"; break; }

            if (SearchFor == "")
                AddHtml(121, 81, 560, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, String.Format("Entire Listing Of Valid{0} Types", searchtype)), false, false);
                AddHtml(121, 81, 560, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, String.Format("Search Results For \"{0}\"", SearchFor)), false, false);

            if (!Help)
                AddButton(597, 429, 2033, 2032, -5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddButton(597, 429, 2032, 2033, -5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (DisplayMessages)
                MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 80, 540, 600, 122);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, 560, 560, 80);

                AddHtml(121, 541, 540, 20, MC.ColorText(titleTextColor, MessagesTitle), false, false);
                AddHtml(100, 560, 560, 80, MC.ColorText(messagesTextColor, Messages), false, true);
                AddHtml(531, 641, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Clear Messages"), false, false);

                AddButton(630, 640, 4017, 4019, -6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddButton(371, 645, 2436, 2435, -8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                MC.DisplayStyle(this, StyleTypeConfig, 80, 530, 600, 20);

                AddButton(371, 535, 2438, 2437, -8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            OldMessagesTitle = MessagesTitle;
            OldMessages      = Messages;

            AddHtml(151, 431, 60, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Refresh"), false, false);
            AddButton(120, 433, 2118, 2117, -7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            SearchResultsList = GetSearchResults();

コード例 #29
        private void SetPage()
            if (totalPages > pg)
                AddHtml(431, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg + 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(380, 430, 4005, 4007, -3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (pg > 1)
                int length = ((pg - 1).ToString().Length - 1) * 10;

                int pageX = 280 - length;

                AddHtml(pageX + 1, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg - 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(340, 430, 4014, 4016, -4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            switch (pg)
            case 1:
                AddHtml(101, 101, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Search:"), false, false);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, ActiveTEBGTypeConfig, 200, 101, 320, 18);
                AddTextEntry(200, 101, 320, 15, ActiveTextEntryTextColor, 1, sortSearchFor);

                AddHtml(101, 141, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Search Terms:"), false, false);

                AddHtml(141, 161, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "None"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 160, 9026, 9027, sortSearchType == SortSearchType.None, 1);

                AddHtml(141, 181, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Spawner Name"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 180, 9026, 9027, sortSearchType == SortSearchType.Name, 2);

                AddHtml(141, 201, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Facet"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 200, 9026, 9027, sortSearchType == SortSearchType.Facet, 3);

                AddHtml(141, 221, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Location"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 220, 9026, 9027, sortSearchType == SortSearchType.Location, 4);

                AddHtml(141, 241, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Location X-axis"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 240, 9026, 9027, sortSearchType == SortSearchType.LocationX, 5);

                AddHtml(141, 261, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Location Y-axis"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 260, 9026, 9027, sortSearchType == SortSearchType.LocationY, 6);

                AddHtml(141, 281, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Location Z-axis"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 280, 9026, 9027, sortSearchType == SortSearchType.LocationZ, 7);

                AddHtml(141, 301, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Entry Name"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 300, 9026, 9027, sortSearchType == SortSearchType.EntryName, 8);

                AddHtml(401, 141, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Search Options:"), false, false);

                AddHtml(441, 161, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Case Sensitive"), false, false);
                AddCheck(400, 160, 9026, 9027, sortSearchCaseSensitive, 9);

                AddHtml(441, 181, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Flagged Spawners"), false, false);
                AddCheck(400, 180, 9026, 9027, sortSearchFlagged, 10);

                AddHtml(441, 201, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Spawners In Bad Location"), false, false);
                AddCheck(400, 200, 9026, 9027, sortSearchBadLocation, 11);

                AddHtml(441, 221, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Duped Spawners"), false, false);
                AddCheck(400, 220, 9026, 9027, sortSearchDupeSpawners, 12);


            case 2:

                AddHtml(101, 101, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Sort Terms:"), false, false);

                AddHtml(141, 121, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "None"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 120, 9026, 9027, sortType == SortSearchType.None, 1);

                AddHtml(141, 141, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Spawner Name"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 140, 9026, 9027, sortType == SortSearchType.Name, 2);

                AddHtml(141, 161, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Facet"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 160, 9026, 9027, sortType == SortSearchType.Facet, 3);

                AddHtml(141, 181, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Location"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 180, 9026, 9027, sortType == SortSearchType.Location, 4);

                AddHtml(141, 201, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Location X-axis"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 200, 9026, 9027, sortType == SortSearchType.LocationX, 5);

                AddHtml(141, 221, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Location Y-axis"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 220, 9026, 9027, sortType == SortSearchType.LocationY, 6);

                AddHtml(141, 241, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Location Z-axis"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 240, 9026, 9027, sortType == SortSearchType.LocationZ, 7);


                AddHtml(101, 281, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Sort Order:"), false, false);

                AddHtml(141, 301, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Ascending"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 300, 9026, 9027, sortOrder == SortOrder.Ascending, 8);

                AddHtml(141, 321, 300, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, "Descending"), false, false);
                AddRadio(100, 320, 9026, 9027, sortOrder == SortOrder.Descending, 9);

コード例 #30
        private void SetPage()
            int listY     = 122;
            int spaceLeft = listSpace;

            if (totalPages > pg)
                AddHtml(431, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg + 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(380, 430, 4005, 4007, -3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (pg > 1)
                int length = ((pg - 1).ToString().Length - 1) * 10;

                int pageX = 280 - length;

                AddHtml(pageX + 1, 431, 100, 20, MC.ColorText(defaultTextColor, String.Format("Page {0}", (pg - 1))), false, false);
                AddButton(340, 430, 4014, 4016, -4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);


            for (int i = offsetMin; i <= offsetMax; i++)
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 338, 20);
                MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 440, listY, 200, 20);

                string accountName = (string)MC.AccountsList[i];
                string textColor   = defaultTextColor;

                if (MC.AccountNotExist(accountName) || MC.AccountBanned(accountName))
                    textColor = flagTextColor;

                AddButton(100, listY, 9904, 9905, i + numOffset, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtml(141, listY + 1, 520, 20, MC.ColorText(textColor, accountName), false, false);

                string AccessLevel = null;
                Access accessLevel = (Access)MC.AccessList[i];

                switch (accessLevel)
                case Access.MasterAdmin: { AccessLevel = "Master Admin"; break; }

                case Access.HeadAdmin: { AccessLevel = "Head Admin"; break; }

                case Access.Admin: { AccessLevel = "Admin"; break; }

                case Access.User: { AccessLevel = "User"; break; }

                case Access.None: { AccessLevel = "None"; break; }

                AddHtml(441, listY + 1, 200, 20, MC.ColorText(textColor, String.Format("<center>{0}</center>", AccessLevel)), false, false);

                if (i > 1)
                    AddCheck(640, listY, 210, 211, (bool)AMGCheckBoxesList[i], i);
                    AddImage(640, listY, 210);

                listY     += 21;
                spaceLeft -= 21;

            MC.DisplayBackground(this, BackgroundTypeConfig, 100, listY, 560, spaceLeft);